Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 261: Online dating scam documentary


Guo Guo: "..."

Something that sounded very outrageous, but because Zheng Wanqing did it, it turned out to be reasonable.

She tried to reopen the chat box with the fraudulent customer service, and the network signal was restored. A new message pops up in the chat interface soon:

[Hi, dear customer, I am Xiaowang, customer service, and it is an honor to serve you.]

Customer service Xiao Wang

For some reason, Guo Guo felt that the tone on the other side seemed to have changed compared to the awkward and helpless attitude before.

[Guo Guo: Are you finished fighting the fire?]

[Customer Service No. 1: Hello, I am Customer Service Xiaowang. Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Can you resend it?]

Zhang You also discovered this. She frowned slightly, and also tapped the other party on her own account.

The other side also replied in seconds: [Hello, I am Xiaowang, customer service, and it is an honor to serve you.]

Zhang You went straight to the point: [Did you switch under the skin?]

[Customer Service No. 1: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about, you can try again... ]

Zhang You looked up: "Okay, it's definitely changed."

Guo Guo worried: "If the subcutaneous is really changed, can we still get words from it?"

Zhang You: "You didn't change the previous one, are you confident that you can get the words out?"

Guo Guo: "..."

That being said, there doesn't seem to be much difference.

But I heard Zhang You go on to say, "It's just more convenient for us to change to this new one."

After finishing speaking, she typed a line in the chat box:

[I want to continue to order the virtual lover service.]

"Miss You!"

Guo Guo was startled, and stopped him aloud: "What are you going to do?"

Zhang You was very calm: "Anyway, I already have a layer of trading buff on me, no matter whether I look for them again, there is a high probability that I will not be able to escape tonight."

Rather than sit and wait, take advantage of this.

Furthermore, she changed to a more relaxed tone: "There is a price to pay for dealing with them. The price for one person is only enough for one exchange. Even if I want to order again, they will not agree."

[Customer Service No. 1: Hello, after the balance check, you are eligible to order again, and we will serve you soon—]

Zhang You: "..."

Guo Guo: "..."

A little miscalculation, but not a big problem.

Zhang You: "It should be because of the identity of the examinee."

After all, from the perspective of dungeons, student NPCs can only be regarded as ordinary "people", while candidates have various abilities and thicker blood bars, so they have "value" to make fraudulent platforms cheat a second time.

But that being said, Zhang You has not yet reached the point where he would directly seek death. She decisively stopped the customer service, saying that she just wanted to know about the service.

Guo Guo, who has never tried it before, is inevitably a little curious: "[Virtual lover] can really fulfill all wishes? What if I make a wish to restore Wanqing's health and return true love?"

[Customer Service No. 1: Dear customer, the virtual lover also has a heart, please don't hurt him maliciously.]

Guo Guo: "..."

Guo Guo: "If I remember correctly, I should have just said it with my mouth, didn't I type it and send it to you?"

[Customer Service No. 1: Dear customer, we will be with you from the first transaction you made with our store. As long as you wake up the shop from your mobile phone, we will be as close as soul mates.]

How scary these words sounded, goosebumps appeared on the back of Guo Guo's neck.

The customer service continued: [The more transactions you have, the more intimate we will be. until…]

"Until what?" Guo Guo asked sensitively.

The customer service stopped explaining, and returned to the original topic, repeating mechanically: [Dear customer, do you want to order the virtual lover service?]

Guo Guo sat down dully, but suddenly had an idea and jumped up from the chair: "Wait, if we don't order it ourselves, can we order it for others?"

At the same time, she pointed to Tang Xinjue who was busy cooking in the corner of the room: "Can I buy a service for my dear roommate? Just deduct the money from her own account!"

"Tang Xin Jue":

She has already ran to the corner to eat quietly, can't she

Even the customer service seemed to be hearing this kind of request for the first time, and was stunned for a few seconds before answering:

[Hello, please wait a moment, I am inquiring for you... Sorry, no information about this classmate was found in the background. Please choose between you and your two roommates to subscribe to the service.]

"Can't I add it on the spot without information?" Guo Guo tried to correct it: "Me and my three roommates."

[Sorry, the background shows that you only have two roommates.]

The customer service still retorted softly:

[There are only three students in dormitory 404.]


Guo Guo wanted to continue reasoning with the other party, but Zhang You quickly pulled her back: "Be careful, the curfew has begun."


Guo Guo looked down and saw that the time had quietly slipped back from 7 o'clock for several minutes.

But tonight, why is there no curfew bell

Everything was eerily quiet. The noisy girls crying, muttering, scratching the door and footsteps of demons dancing wildly did not reappear. She touched the pendant, her chest was cold.

Zhang You frowned deeply.

In the silence, Guo Guo whispered: "I suddenly remembered that I heard a ghost story before: If you hear crying when haunted, it means that your life is not in danger and you can pass. But if you hear laughter..."

Before the words fell, a strange and clear laughter came from above their heads.

Before raising their heads, Zhang You and Guo Guo retreated quickly in tacit understanding, leaving the central area of the ceiling where the sound came from.

When I looked up again, two long blood columns shot straight down from the ceiling, and the blood at the top solidified into two arcs on the snow-white wall paint, like a pair of smiling eyes.

Obviously, the curfew this time is completely different from last night.

The blood corroded huge cracks on the ceiling and the ground, and soon turned into black pus, no longer showing the ability to continue attacking. A few people did not take it lightly.

The muffled sound hides the thunder, the quieter it is without any warning, the more dangerous it is.

Suddenly there was a soft splash, and Guo Guo, who was facing the door, groaned in pain—a puddle of blood squeezed in from the closed bedroom door at some point, a few drops of which splashed on Guo Guo's arm, and immediately blew out. The sizzle of burning.

"Guoguo!" Zhang You immediately pulled her to the sink. However, as soon as the faucet was turned on, thicker blood gushed out, filling the entire pool in an instant.

Without clean water, Zhang You could only take the hemostatic agent and recovery medicine from the medical bag, and then use the skill card to turn water out to clean the wound, and finally stopped the burns that were spreading wildly on Guo Guo's body.

In just a few seconds, the wound had already extended from the arm to the shoulder, and almost went straight to the carotid artery.

Guo Guo gritted his teeth and performed a purification, the bloody water that was frantically trying to pour in from the doors, windows and walls was suppressed.

And for this silent night, everything seems to have just begun.

The second wave of changes occurred in the beds of four people. Guo Guo was the first to discover the problem. She noticed that the frost tendrils on Zheng Wanqing's body were covered with a thin layer of dark red. Quickly lifted it up and took a look, only to see a large dense eyeball-shaped tumor growing on the bed!

Physical attacks could not remove these tumors, but Zhang You quickly thought of using fire to shrink them within the range of the bed. At the same time, the burning flames also frightened a girl who had just climbed onto the balcony. Just hearing "Oh my god", a pale face backed away from the balcony railing in horror, and then her head snapped open along her neck. The center of gravity was unstable and fell backwards.

Although the head and body were separated, the head fell off, and the body subconsciously jumped down to pick it up. With a scream, both disappeared from the sight of several people.

Guo Guo and Zhang You:

But before falling, the girl's last move was to throw two things on the balcony. Looking close to the balcony window, there are a square yellow paper package and a small black bottle.

There is also a pink heart shape drawn on the yellow paper bag, and several cute stickers are pasted on the side, as if trying to reduce the danger of the appearance of the item, and the word "pick me" is almost missing.


The two looked at each other speechlessly.

As long as you have experienced the dungeon of the headless ghost, it is impossible not to recognize what this yellow paper bag is, and how many student NPCs have been killed. Could it be that if you draw it cute, they will lose their memory?