Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 267: Online dating scam documentary


"Right now!"

Before Shi Qingqing could remind her, Guo Guo's skills had arrived silently.

[Purification] Although it seems to be a somewhat tasteless auxiliary skill at first, it can be used both offensively and defensively in practice. With continuous proficiency and upgrading, it can be called an invincible accident killer for ghosts.

The white light turned into a net, blocking the exposed ghoul in front of the balcony window. Burned by diametrically opposed energies, its camouflaged human skin fell off faster.

As if knowing that he couldn't run away like this, he heard another scream, and the impostor's body suddenly turned from swelling to shrinking. After a few puffs, it collapsed from an adult male to a short female less than 1.5 meters , and try to drill out from the gap in the optical network.

Guo Guo: "You think beautifully."

The optical network immediately spread out into a large area, bringing the ghouls back directly. The opponent was bounced to the ground, shook the burnt skin fragments on his body, and looked at Guo Guo with fierce eyes.

"Do you think you can beat me by yourself?"

The ghoul's voice was sharp and hoarse, and its gender could not be identified, but it was more like a baby crying.

Shi Qingqing: "I really can't help you, but I can tell you where its weakness is."

Ghoul: "..."

"You *&#%, why do you know everything!"

It was so angry that its face was distorted, and it gave up entanglement with Guo Guo directly, turned its head and rushed towards Shi Qingqing.

Shi Qingqing didn't show any fear, she just stood there motionless, letting the ghoul bite her face, blood and flesh flew all over the place.

"Shi Qingqing!"

Seeing this, Guo Guo hurriedly threw the defensive item over, but Shi Qingqing didn't reach out to catch it at all, and just said calmly:

"It's all trivial. You hurry up and attack. The weak point of ghouls is the mouth. This is the only thing they can reconnect with the human world. If it cannot open its mouth in its original state, its body will also be It's gone."

As soon as she finished speaking, her mouth was torn open by the ghoul's slap, and the entire lower jaw was split in two.

Guo Guo: ... Are you sure this is a trivial matter

But in the next second, her eyes froze.

Because Shi Qingqing's throat was cut, the skin also began to peel off quickly, revealing the blue texture underneath, which was exactly the same as that of a ghoul.

The girl's blood-soaked eyeballs still looked at Guo Guo calmly, and she nodded slightly, as if to say: That's it.

Let's do it.

"So you are also...?"

It was not only Guo Guo who was stunned, but also the counterfeit in a state of rage.

It was stunned for two seconds, turned from surprise to silence, and then opened the corners of its mouth, laughing wildly with unknown meaning:

"Yeah, I almost forgot. At the beginning, a lot of them were transformed into students according to the new regulations of the university town. Well, being a student is good, and you are also doing well, at least better than we are now..."

The counterfeit muttered again and didn't know what to say, but the strong attack and anger on his body suddenly dissipated a lot, and he looked a little dazed and aggrieved instead.

Shi Qingqing couldn't open her mouth anymore, and could only utter the remaining syllables from her throat:

"You should also be transformed. If you continue like this, it will only become more and more painful... It's still too late."

The girl raised her hand, and the moment she completely recovered her original shape, she tore off the last piece of her mouth with her own hands. The figure suddenly disappeared into the blurred light and shadow like flying dust through which the light penetrated.

She used herself as an example to demonstrate to Guo Guo how to complete this blow.

Guo Guo didn't understand the relationship and changes within the ghouls, nor did he know what happened in the university town. But at this moment, she felt an indescribable sadness. Maybe Shi Qingqing didn't die, and for the students in the university town, it was just a dungeon, but her intuition told her that they might never see each other again.

In the rush of kindness and malice, at the end of every short intersection, there is no time to think or miss, because she has to go her own way and complete the task she has to do.

Taking a last look at the place where Shi Qingqing disappeared, Guo Guo took out the dagger that Li Qi had put in her pocket.

The blade penetrated the impostor's head, and the opponent's claws came at the same time. Guo Guo was ready to be photographed flying, but the expected pain did not come—

Was it a counterfeit that was ejected

A silver light unfolded in front of her eyes, covering her body the moment she blocked the attack. Guo Guo felt that his body sank, and his angle of view was raised by 20 cm in the blink of an eye, and where he came into view, there was a layer of silver-white metal armor on his limbs!

Guo Guo:? !

The counterfeit still wants to get up and attack again, but firstly, the killing intent has been wiped out a lot, and secondly, the short knife has already hit its vitals. So it was only a few wobbles, and it gave up the attack in the last few seconds of being hit, turned around and rushed to the door of the dormitory, and dissipated at the door as the body became transparent.

Guo Guo wanted to catch up—she hadn't had time to press questions related to Tang Xinjue—but just as she started her legs, she stumbled and fell to the ground.


What is this full-body armor that suddenly appeared!

Guo Guo searched for a long time before finding the source of this piece of equipment: the little pill that Zheng Wanqing handed her this morning.

She remembered that this set of "steel armor" was the equipment that Zheng Wanqing spent a lot of time thinking about before this dungeon, and bought it because she cherished it so much that she never really used it once.

Guo Guo never expected that the first time it was actually used, it would appear on him.

As if sensing the disappearance of the external danger, the steel armor also automatically detached from her body and disappeared, turning into a nimble phantom that penetrated into the pill, and stayed quietly in her palm.

She remembered that Zheng Wanqing didn't say a word when she stuffed the things over, she only told her that she would understand later.

Now she seems to understand.

After quietly wiping his eyes twice, Guo Guo regrouped and began to study the situation.

The attack during the curfew period should have ended. Although the real roommates did not come back, at least the fake counterfeit products were dismantled and expelled, and there was one less source of risk around them.

Therefore, until tomorrow morning, the most dangerous thing is...


Ordinary copy ghosts and even school teachers, they can fight against, use skills and props, or cooperate with NPCs to reverse the situation. Only the existence of [The Punisher], apart from the only weakness, there is no way to face it or even avoid it.

However, the "solution" given by the dungeon is very outrageous: find out the punisher during the day and send it away directly, so as to avoid triggering a 0-point attack.

But what's even more outrageous is that there is also no way to find out the Punisher's identity directly during the day, and even if there is, they don't have time to find out.

The best situation is that the punisher is also one of the students who have to pay the "price" tonight, and has disappeared with the destruction of the pile of appeal forms just now, and was sent away directly by the dungeon rules.

And worst case... it's still on time tonight.

There were three people in the dormitory, Zheng Wanqing and Zhang You were critically injured, so who else would be attacked this time besides herself

After thinking for a moment, Guo Guo began to look for tools in the dormitory. Since the examinee's own abilities and props are likely to be useless in front of the punisher, they can only use local materials to see if they have any effect.

Fortunately, she has experience in zombie dungeons. Although her production ability is not outstanding, she still has some experience in how to make people outside feel disgusted as soon as they open the door.

I don't know if it was an illusion or because she was too tired, but the time seemed to pass so fast tonight that she didn't even notice when she lost consciousness.

When she regained her senses, she was already lying on the cold bed.

After a while, there were rustling footsteps outside the door.

The Punisher is still here!

Guo Guo's heart sank, and then he heard a girl's muffled groan.

Oh, I should have tripped over an obstacle outside the door... It turns out that the ghost state can indeed be blocked.


It was hit by the sink hanging on the door.


The big pendulum chair at the door.


in front of the bed...

When the Punisher finally walked to the side of the bed with difficulty, he could already feel the anger from his limping footsteps and the sound of breathing.

Guo Guo quietly closed his eyes, calculating the percentage of his health and how much health he would have left when he opened his eyes again tomorrow morning.

Worst case she'll be very close to death and need to use... huh

Guo Guo suddenly felt something strange, but before he felt it carefully, sleepiness swept over her first, bringing her into a long sleep.

Guo Guo felt that he had not had such a peaceful and stable dream for a long time. She wasn't sure if it was because of the emergency dose of energy potions before going to bed, but she was sure that after waking up, her body was refreshed with no scars, and it was definitely not the reason for the props.

—The Punisher's attack last night did not fall on her!

She hurriedly turned over and went down to check the situation of the two roommates. Zhang You was in normal condition, but the thin ice covering Zheng Wanqing's body was shattered into pieces by some kind of force.

Guo Guo's heart trembled, but Zheng Wanqing was still breathing weakly through her mouth and nose. After re-sealing it with ice, I opened the roommate information interface in the APP, and saw that after so much experience, there was still a little invisible blood at the end of the health value belonging to Zheng Wanqing, and she stubbornly maintained the final survival judgment .

… Thank the ghosts, thank God, and thank the young lady for her powerful vitality.

Resisting the heat in his eyes, Guo Guo wiped off his cold sweat and stood up, only to find that the room was covered with dark blood spots. Last night's ghost precisely stepped on all the "meeting gifts" left by her, and left footprints of different shades.

Following the footprints and walking out the door, an extraordinarily quiet silence spread in the dormitory building.

It wasn't the weirdness when they first entered the dungeon, nor the turbulent undercurrent under the quiet appearance, but a kind of complete silence.

There was no smell in the corridor, but Guo Guo felt that he smelled an unusually weird and gloomy, indescribable...the smell of death.

The last time I felt this way was in the health inspection copy. At that time, she had just opened her spiritual sense, and standing in the dormitory building where countless students' souls were piled up, she still had a faint subtle feeling.

This time, the feeling was more obvious.

She could feel, and was even sure, that the students who had been buried in this building at this moment were not limited to the dozens of people in the complaint form and the victims of the headless copies.

Lock the doors and windows, follow the bloody footprints to the stairs, and the blood disappears at the top of the stairs. But Guo Guo just looked around, and continued to walk down without hesitation. When he reached the third floor, he turned around and came to the door of bedroom 303.

She held the short knife and knocked on the bedroom door.