Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 268: Online dating scam documentary


The door opened, and Li Zeya's cold face appeared behind the door. Her expression still looked like everyone was not happy, but her face seemed paler than when she met yesterday.

"What's up?"

Li Zeya spoke.

Guo Guo took a look inside the room and asked first, "Can I go in?"

The girl on the opposite side was silent for two seconds, and stepped aside: "Come in."

Entering bedroom 303 again, it was obviously much more empty inside. There are few pieces of furniture visible to the naked eye, and empty snack bags are piled up in the corners. The balcony window was open, and the bitter wind was blowing straight in. Li Zeya was wearing thin clothes and sitting on the only chair, seemingly indifferent to the environment.

The smell of death in the air was even heavier.

Guo Guo saw that there was nothing in front of the other party: "You have nothing to eat?"

Li Zeya: "It's gone."

What should I do if I have nothing to eat? The girl didn't seem to care too much, letting her stomach grumble with hunger.

She didn't turn her head to look at Guo Guo, nor did she ask about the food, she just looked out the window quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Guo Guo was also silent for a few seconds, and then broke the silence of the air: "How is your leg?"

She didn't forget that Li Zeya's legs had been limping since the first time they met beside the vending machine in the lobby on the first floor. Judging from the two steps of opening the door just now, the injury has deteriorated to the point of staggering.

When asked a question, Li Zeya replied succinctly: "It's an old problem, I'm used to it."

"Hmm..." Guo Guo opened his mouth. I don't know why those wordings and definite guesses that I have already thought about, but when I actually arrive in front of the other party, I don't know how to speak.

—Stop pretending, I know you're the Punisher

—It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, let’s fight first

—By the way, let me clarify before you start the fight. Is the information you told us before true? If true, why tell us? …

But in fact, there is no need to say these. What she should do most is to directly take out weapons and props to end the source of danger in front of her.

Just as he was about to draw his sword, he suddenly heard a voice from the opposite side:

"Is this the first time you came out alone?"

Guo Guo: "Really...??"

She froze for a moment, but saw that Li Zeya was the first to raise the topic.

"I was also confused and lonely when I left the group for the first time, but I got used to it slowly. You will get used to it in the future."

Guo Guo subconsciously said: "Why are you lonely? Could it be that you were excluded from the University City because of your transformed status as a ghoul?"

Li Zeya: "..."

Li Zeya raised her head in surprise for the first time: "I thought you only guessed the identity of the punisher, but I didn't expect more than I predicted."

"But it's true," she smiled: "You are in the same dormitory, so of course you are all very strong. And you have been tricked by a ghoul once, and our characteristics are very obvious, and it is very easy to guess my identity. normal."

Guo Guo pursed his lips: "It seems that you already know what I am here for."

Li Zeya was also straightforward: "If you still remember the method I said yesterday."

— Killing the Punisher during the day will take it out for good.

Guo Guo drew out his dagger.

She actually has a lot of questions she wants to ask, and a lot of curiosity that needs to be answered—if the other three roommates are all right by her side, she will definitely ask.

But it's a pity that she is alone now, and no one will give her a complete picture of her actions and choices. From the moment she stepped into dormitory 303, she only had two minutes for herself, and now it's time to deal with it.

Li Zeya was still sitting on the chair, and her legs had already started to ooze blood, which was exactly where Guo Guo planned to set up the trap last night. The same gluttony as a ghoul, the severe lameness and bloody footprints exposed after being attacked, and the few remaining complaint forms all clearly show a fact:

The few girls in this dungeon who have provided positive information to them are the Punishers.

It's just that the punisher himself was not surprised by the exposure of his identity, and he didn't even react when he saw Guo Guo draw a knife.

Just when Guo Guo almost thought that the other party didn't care about life and death at all, seeing the knife light approaching, Li Zeya not only dodged away from the chair, but also grabbed Guo Guo's wrist with his backhand.

Guo Guo: "?"

She was surprised: "So you still want to resist?"

Li Zeya: "... After all, I am also a student with hands and feet. Do I just watch myself being chopped off by you?"

That being said, "The Punisher" fights in the opposite direction during the day as it does at night. Guo Guo didn't even use much force, Li Zeya's arm made the sound of broken bones, and was pushed out like a piece of cloth.

Seeing the girl coughing up blood, Guo Guo looked at his hands, unable to judge for a moment whether he was too strong or the other party released water again.

"Why, are you surprised by your own strength?"

Li Zeya wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth: "Don't doubt, this is normal. Now I am just an ordinary person, but you have evolved countless times in the game. If you maintain this power and return to the real world, Even if you slap someone casually, you may be directly charged with criminal responsibility."

... bring this power back to the real world

Subconsciously thinking about the scene, Guo Guo couldn't help but smile: "Then the whole world is in chaos?"

I don’t know how many universities have been brought into this game. Imagine the picture of all the college students all over the world suddenly becoming “super-evolved people” with one power and one prop. Compared with all being pulled into the game, I really don’t know which one is more outrageous. a little.

"But for many people, no matter where the power comes from or what attribute it is, as long as they can bring this power to break the balance of the real world and obtain convenience and influence beyond imagination, that's what they dream of, isn't it?"

Li Zeya shook her head: "Just because you don't want to, doesn't mean others don't want to."

Guo Guo heard a hint of implication, and frowned: "You mean..."

"Be careful what you say, I didn't say anything."

Li Zeya coughed a few more times: "It's because of your luck that you survived at night; it's because of my bad luck that you found me during the day. This game is meant to bet and admit defeat. I have nothing to say. But no matter how lucky you are, you won't be able to pass the level." This morning, the school will come to ask for the appeal form. The fewer the number, the higher the danger. You'd better hide in the dormitory and don't go out, otherwise... "

Her voice gradually weakened, and before she was exhausted, she climbed onto the balcony railing and looked at the thin mist outside:

"Do you know, why am I lonely? Because only those who live like you will not be lonely. In the dark, loneliness and pain are like gangrene... Only in the university town, can there be a moment of respite. However, people still can't be too greedy , maybe that's enough, you say, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Guo Guo didn't wait for an answer. The girl's body folded and flew into the mist like a paper butterfly.

This is the time that Li Zeya talked the most, as if she hadn't said anything, but at the same time she seemed to have said everything. It's just that she didn't have time to think about it.

Hot in the pockets, yet another complaint form destroyed. Guo Guo counted the remaining ones. Including her, there were only three complete appeal forms left, which obviously could not meet the requirements of the school.

But if you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime

According to the plan made last night, she first checked the situation around the dormitory building. Sure enough, I saw the school teacher approaching aggressively at the window. Perhaps it was the reason why I suffered a loss yesterday. This time, a different group of people came, and there were a total of five people. Just taking a closer look, Guo Guo felt a little dizzy Disgusted.

However, before the school had time to enter the dormitory building, they were stopped at the door. it Anya

Guo Guo remembered this girl. After winning the bet, she fulfilled her promise to help him escape a night study session. However, Anya's temper seemed even worse, and she never had a good face when they met, so she only had a general impression.

But at this moment, Anya stood in front of the five school leaders by herself, preventing them from entering with a loud voice:

"What are you going to do? This is a crime scene, do you want to destroy the corpse? Let me tell you..."

Guo Guo took a deep breath. She knew that it was basically impossible for Anya alone to block the five school NPCs. She had to seize this buffer time and find a way to break the situation.

It should be the last one.

She adjusted all the props on her body to the ready state, and then clicked on the customer service account of the virtual lover platform:

[Hello, I want to buy a business.]

[Customer Service No. 1: Dear customer, hello, I am very sorry. Due to the unexplained fire at the host location yesterday, the system was temporarily in chaos. Customer service Xiao Wang is temporarily unable to order services for you~ Please forgive me.]

Guo Guo: […]

After all the calculations, I didn't expect to be placed on it temporarily.

money back! ! !

[Customer Service No. 1: I'm very sorry, the money refund service is not within the business scope of Customer Service Xiao Wang. You can wait for the mainframe to be repaired, and the previous customer service Xiao Tang will answer your questions.]

[Sorry, the refund service is not available...]

[terribly sorry…]

The customer service suddenly repeated the templated answer several times in a row, as if the machine was stuck, and then stopped abruptly.

[Customer Service No. 1: Hello, I am Customer Service Xiao Tang. Just took care of something, and now I'm back. I've been waiting for a long time, how can I help you, dear?]