Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 269: Online dating scam documentary


Guo Guo finally understood why Zhang You stopped talking when he mentioned ordering a virtual lover service.

Zhang You should have discovered something at that time, but he was not completely sure, worrying that it was a trap; or maybe he had other plans... In short, all these feelings have come to her now, after seeing this customer service message when.

... Yeah, why didn't she realize it before? !

She had only seen that familiar tone that could kill people, but this time, the object of anger was changed to them.

In an instant, countless thoughts rushed through his mind, Guo Guo restrained his divergent thinking and mood, and replied in the chat box:

[Hi, I'm Guo Guo. I want to order a virtual lover service, the kind that can help me avoid school supervision and enter the teaching building, is that possible?]

Even with a guess, Guo Guo was not so excited that he planned to "recognize relatives". After all, the opposite was a strange object that existed in the state of "customer service", so it is still unclear whether the guess is correct. She only vaguely emphasized her name, and then immediately turned to the topic.

[Customer Service No. 1: Of course, students have a legitimate and reasonable right to study in the teaching building. The order has been generated, enjoy a happy college life.]

With a soft "ding", Guo Guo's vision suddenly blurred.

Because of the support of her own yin and yang eyes, she did not have a black eye, but quickly grasped the change of vision at that moment: another transparent world floated up from the ground, overlapping with the real picture for a short time. At the same time, a transparent boy's body emerged from that "world", stepped into the real world step by step, and came before him.

[… follow me… ]

Inexplicably, this sentence quietly appeared in my mind. Guo Guo followed the boy's position in the "sight" and walked over like a ghost.

Corridors, stairs, first-floor lobby—

Neither Anya, who was confronting the school, nor the five menacing school leaders seemed to have completely ignored Guo Guo's existence. She just walked out of the door of the dormitory building silently and entered the vast mist.

[… here…]

The shadow of the "virtual lover" flashed from time to time in the fog, guiding her.

Guo Guo held the pendant and the short knife tightly, and focused his attention on his surroundings.

There is no doubt that the teaching area is dangerous, but from another perspective, the most dangerous place is the safest place—even if it is not, it is the place with the most information and the most likely to break the situation.

Although the dormitory building seems to be relatively "safe", it is actually a large cage. Some rules are used to make candidates and student NPCs kill each other, and then they are all imprisoned inside to wait for death from the outside. The operation of the dungeon cannot be called Not vicious.

In fact, after two days of review, they have already realized that if there are a total of 100 paths in this exam, they may have to collect all the appeal forms on the first day, and when the school comes on the second day Opening another different branch line may be the only line that can open a good start. The other ninety-nine roads are all desperate situations.

But whether it was due to time or poor information, coupled with Tang Xinjue's lack of focus, it was impossible for them to complete that step on the first day, so the glimmer of hope was actually fake, and the dungeon had already blocked all roads!

Please enter the urn, this dungeon is the "urn" that invites 606 in. Since they came in, they can no longer pass the level in the normal way.

A piece of information flashed through his brain quickly, and Guo Guo felt that his mind was calmer than ever.

In the layers of mist, the outline of the teaching building gradually appeared. This time there was no camouflage, a silver-black sky-high building stood quietly in the fog.

After experiencing so many copies, 606 has not really seen the whole picture of the university town so far. There are only two glimpses, one is the recent change of community, and the other is at the end of the copy of "Road Trip Tips" a long time ago, they once looked back on the road outside the city and saw three magnificent tall buildings.

Although there is only one glance, Guo Guo feels that he will never forget the impression left in his mind for the rest of his life.

So seeing this building again, especially now facing it very clearly, Guo Guo can almost be sure that it is not the "No. 1 Teaching Building" at all, but one of the three tall buildings in the University City!

Since the dungeon is so close to the core of the university town, why not go directly to the core to make trouble... for a sightseeing

The shadow of the virtual lover floated into the teaching building along a narrow door frame, and disappeared together with the transparent "inner world". As Guo Guo stepped into it, his vision suddenly returned to normal.

A sense of coldness suddenly hit from all directions, and she turned her head to see clearly. After breaking away from the overlap of the transparent world, the teaching building in a normal state has no doors at all.

Compared with yesterday's evening self-study, the layout of the building is obviously quite different.

The lobby on the first floor became a vast platform of hundreds of square meters, surrounded by white-painted walls. There are 12 corridors connected on all sides, and a black metal plate is engraved above the entrance of each corridor, with words that Guo Guo cannot understand.

In the center of the hall is a huge and straight staircase. Countless staircases can be seen criss-crossing upwards, with no end in sight at the highest.

Guo Guo didn't leave in a hurry, she used the pendant and yin and yang eyes to sense the surroundings, and finally chose a direction where the sense of danger was the weakest. Although I can't read the handwriting on it, but according to the change in the length of the symbols and the position of the number of doors, this should be Corridor 7.

Entering the corridor, there are countless doors on both sides. Guo Guo stood on tiptoe and glanced at the window at the top of a door, and his heart stopped beating for a moment:

The classroom behind the door is full of people!

Just when she thought she was going to be discovered, the overcrowded classroom suddenly became empty again, and those students seemed to disappear out of thin air. She blinked, and after a few seconds of emptiness, figures appeared from the air one by one... To be precise, part of them appeared.

The "students" who reappeared at this moment, some have no hands, some have lost half of their chests, and some have only one head floating on the chair!

Even though their bodies were stained with blood, they still focused on the books on the table without any extra movement.


In the extremely silent space, the only sound came from Guo Guo's own cell phone.

[Customer Service No. 1: Hello, Classmate Guo. It is detected that you still have one subscription service authority, do you want to subscribe?]

Seeing the message, Guo Guo was startled by the sound and her heart suddenly calmed down. After thinking for two seconds, she decisively changed her original plan and replied:


[Okay, your virtual lovers 1, 2... oh, 3 is already online, please enjoy your college life happily.]

Guo Guo immediately raised his head and looked around, looking for a new boy. But the surroundings have not changed, and the transparent world has not come. She was about to ask, another conversation message popped up from the phone screen:

[Virtual lover 211: Hello, I'm your chat companion, oh no, virtual lover, what's the matter?]

Guo Guo: "..."

The tone is so bad

And this name, this chat box... She swiped up the chat history twice, wait, isn't this the same as in the background plot of the dungeon, she cheated her out of a total of one hundred and twenty-eight yuan, and even disliked her for paying in installments? Can you chat with the person who refunded the order

After thinking about it, she took a picture of the previous chat history and sent it first:

[You won't delete me again this time, will you? Then I want to say (picture) (picture)]

[Money back! !]

Virtual lover: "…"