Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 272: Online dating scam documentary


No, it's not just that.

Guo Guo immediately remembered another thing: each of these cards requires high points to use, and they can only be used alone.

Among the three types of cards, the examination coupons can only enter the exams of other candidates, but cannot interfere; the tutoring coupons can allow candidates to intervene, but the number of times is limited; The relationship, at best, is a free meal.

As for the "Examination Watch Counseling Welcome Copy Experience Card", it is unheard of and unseen—from the name, isn't this a combination of three kinds of coupons, and they are randomly pieced together

But if it's really a heart formula... it doesn't seem impossible.

Although he didn't know what happened to Tang Xinjue, Guo Guo still had great trust in his roommate.

What's more, this is indeed Tang Xinjue's style - instead of just sitting around waiting to die in the dungeon, it's better to break down the barriers and pull everyone in together!

Don't dungeons like to target students? It's boring to bully a few, is a hundred enough

When the idea was cleared up, Guo Guo even felt that he could already imagine Tang Xinjue's tone and voice in his mind.

When the girl did this, there should be a smile on the corner of her mouth, but the sharpness can be seen in her eyes: half of it is worry and anger about the roommate who doesn't know whether to live or die, and the other half is calm and excited when she encounters a strong one.

And Guo Guo, who was able to confirm Tang Xinjue's safety in a disguised form through this, couldn't help but have a sore nose and wiped his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry."

The girl who was closer to her noticed her mood change, and quickly comforted her: "Although the resurrection items in this game are hard to find, it is not impossible to get them. As long as there is one person in your dormitory, it is not impossible to have a chance."

"That's right, we were hiding in the closet in the dormitory at the time, and seeing that ghost was about to open the closet door, we didn't expect to be able to pop up this card at the last second. It's really a way out of heaven."

A boy also said fortunately, recalling the thrill of the original dungeon, he still couldn't help shaking his skin.

In fact, after being taken to the jump copy by the card, the first thing they came to was an empty classroom with a locked door, and they also communicated with each other, and their emotions have basically stabilized—anyway, no matter where they came, Both are better than the escape from death in the original copy. It's just because I can't go out all the time, so I don't know anything about the new copy.

In addition, as time went by, more and more candidates parachuted into this classroom, and gradually there was not enough room to stand up. They could only use props to climb on the walls and light tubes... just some of them were already in the classroom. When he was thinking about how to defy gravity and stand upside down on the ceiling, he was accidentally hit and released by the school NPC.

"Is such that… "

Guo Guo was thinking about how to explain the experience card of the study committee to them, when a bunch of familiar voices and a cold breath came from outside the corridor. She immediately took out her weapon reflexively: "The ghosts are back!"

As soon as the voice fell, five middle-aged men who looked like teaching staff came in aggressively from the stairs, and when they met each other, they showed a fierce look:

"I heard that there are disobedient students here?"

Looking at the endless number of candidates in the corridor, they fell silent.

Three of the teachers turned to look at the bald man leading the way: "You only said that there are students here."

But it didn't say there were so many.

The bald man scratched his neck: "Am I wrong? There are some students here who don't obey."

If you make it clear, can you still come

"Yes." The female teacher echoed and emphasized with a look of hatred: "They even tried to beat the teacher just now, and they absolutely need to be punished and managed with school rules!"

"Yeah." A teacher in the middle who looked like he weighed more than three hundred catties and was so fat that he could squeeze out the space for three people nodded: "School rules must not be violated, and students who violate the rules should be managed well. But I remember, it seems that now During the special period of school holidays, the total number of students in the whole school can't be more than 100, right?"

With some difficulty, he raised his thick chin and pointed at the examinee:

"The number of people is abnormal now. I think the security booth should be held accountable first."

The other teachers nodded solemnly: "It makes sense."

"I think so."


"Excuse me, interrupt me." A candidate at the front suddenly smiled: "If I heard correctly, what do you mean, are you scared?"

The people present have been in the game for a long time. They have experienced many dungeons, and there are countless candidates who have been frightened by ghosts. But on the other hand, it is the first time to see ghosts who are frightened by the candidates.

Is this what it feels like for a serf to become a master

The words were pointed out, and the atmosphere in the air suddenly became subtle. Many candidates exchanged glances with each other, with unpredictable smiles on their faces.

"Let me tell you, since we're here." A candidate cleared his throat and said loudly, "Didn't the game always emphasize that we should pass the exam? Then let's pass it!"

"That's right, isn't it a group dungeon? It's not the first time I've encountered it. But the game is so stupid that it tried to squeeze us to death with the number of candidates. Fortunately, we have passed the difficult first level. Let me See what's next... oh, fight scams, huh?"

Most people showed their approval.

That's right, the copy of one hundred candidates is also a group copy, which is very reasonable!

It was too late when the five school NPCs wanted to run away again, and the candidates who had fully recovered from their memories had already blocked their way with their skills.

The first to bear the brunt were the bald male and female teachers who were released. The two were surrounded by the first batch of dormitories they offended, and even the unhealed wounds on their bodies were distorted and blue:

"Cough cough, we are all teachers and students in the same school, we should get along with each other in a friendly way, if you have something to say, don't do it casually... Hey, do you remember, I let you out!"

The bald candidate whose neck was almost pinched by the bald male teacher smiled: "Sorry, my school is Guanzhou Institute of Physical Education. There are hundreds of teachers in our institute, but you are not there. What kind of teachers and students are we?"

After finishing speaking, continuous skills and bombing sounds exploded in the corridor!

Caught in the crowd with high emotions, Guo Guo didn't even have a chance to make a move. A pile of skills flew over her head, she shrank her neck with a cold scalp, first found a corner, turned on her phone and sent a message to Tang Xinjue:

[Guo Guo: Hello, I want to order the virtual lover service again.]

The account of the previous virtual lover has already disappeared with the "lover" himself hiccupping. Guo Guo originally wanted to report the situation to Tang Xinjue, but was afraid that if he told the customer service account that he would be detected by the enemy, he temporarily changed his words to an order.

However, this time [Customer Service Xiaotang] did not reply to her immediately, the phone was silent, and there was no news.

Guo Guo's heart couldn't help hanging up again.

After a short wait, the group fight outside also came to an end. The crowd dispersed again, and those bald-headed boys walked back with the bald-headed male teacher, complaining:

"They ran so fast that we couldn't catch up with them. We accidentally ran off four more, and only this bald man remained."

Guo Guo put his mind away, and immediately walked up to the bald teacher who had been knocked out of his original shape, and pulled out the pen and the red thread. Sure enough, he saw the other party tremble, with obvious fear in his eyes.

She said: "I won't talk nonsense, if you don't want to be wiped out, just tell me how to pass the level."

The bald teacher tremblingly said, "I, I don't understand what you are saying, I passed the test. I am just an ordinary teacher..."

Guo Guo changed the angle: "Then you should know about the fraud case, why did you cover up the investigation of the fraud gang?"

The bald man muttered: "Investigation, investigation is of course possible, but according to the regulations, you need enough appeal forms, and you didn't give enough complaint forms yesterday, so the school leaders certainly have the right to refuse."

"Appeal form?" Other candidates who had a brief understanding of the dungeon's plot raised their eyebrows: "How many appeal forms do you need? We have so many people, at least we can gather more than a hundred."

Bald teacher: "...enough, enough."

Three consecutive complaints are enough!

"Damn, hate, hate..."

In the narrow corridor of the floor, several humanoid monsters with wounded faces quickly climbed along the wall, still whispering bitterly, thinking about how to torture the damned candidates after they were captured.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. If there is a problem with the dungeon, it should be reported as an error!"

One of the monsters slapped the other, then ran quickly to a small door at the end of the hallway, and slipped through the window.

The other monsters froze for a moment: "Reporting an error, not only candidates can..."

"That's right, but candidates can, why can't we? I've found a way—" The monster sneered, went through the first door, and went through the corridor to the second, smaller door, and that's it It was only when he got to the point where he could not be underestimated that he began to slam the door crazily.

"Is the customer service here, we need to give feedback!"

The little stickman who was diligently typing on the keyboard inside was so frightened that he jumped up and hugged each other: "Earthquake! It's the end!!"

No, how could there be an earthquake in the university town

After they reacted, they realized that a pair of big eyes belonging to monsters were staring fiercely at the door, shouting in a rough voice: "Customer service customer service, quickly open a channel for me to give feedback, or I will..."

Little stickman: "..."

Not long after, the NPCs outside had gradually recovered their human form when they heard a scream coming from the door, and the companions inside had turned into a pool of black water.

In the innermost small room, the little stick figure has returned to normal working condition, and said softly and coldly:

"Congratulations, your complaint has been successfully received, and it will be investigated after the copy is over, please wait."

NPC:? ?

What, you have to wait until the copy is over before you can process it? Then what's the matter with them

And if you complain, you complain, why did your companion suddenly disappear

Facing the ghost's question, the little stickman answered very confidently: "Candidates' complaints cost credits, and you don't have any credits. Of course, you can only pay for it with your life, hee hee~"

Candidates who are still on the sixth floor have no way of knowing what happened on other floors. They tried their best to get a batch of appeal forms, filled them out randomly based on the newly generated chat records in the mobile phone, and then forced the bald teacher to start the next stage of the plot.

"You need to find a floor that doesn't exist in the teaching building first, oh, you are already there." The bald man twitched his lips twice, and said reluctantly: "Next, you only need to find a teacher named Zhu .She will send you the school's investigation results, and then, you need to go through three more procedures, wait seven working days, and cooperate with four investigations... "

Candidates:? ?

A person said quietly: "Now I suddenly feel that the dungeon I was going through just now is not too difficult."

In just a short period of time, they have already seen that the difficulty of this dungeon is simply anti-human. They really can't imagine how Guo Guo's dormitory would be able to pass the level alone without the accident of suddenly parachuting a large group of candidates.

Guo Guo also felt her scalp numb. She didn't expect that after more than two full days, the plot of the dungeon would only stop at the beginning. Only relying on the long and endless appeal process behind, she almost suspected that the dungeon could consume herself to death just by using it.

"By the way, you don't have to think about finding the fraudsters directly. Hehehe, you won't be able to see them until the school completes the investigation process."

The bald man looked at the expression on the examinee's face, and finally smiled gloatingly: "Hahahaha, the students are naive, and the society is more dangerous than you can imagine..."


Suddenly, two messages popped up from the phone that had been silent for a long time.

[Customer service Xiaotang: When the deviation is too large, the dungeon will automatically correct part of it, and the number of monsters will gradually increase. You are ready to fight.]

The second message is:

[Walk up the stairs, don't care if there is a road on it, don't care what you see, just pretend there is a road ahead, and keep going up. Stop when you see a light and come to me.]

Guo Guo felt that all his mind was focused on the last three words.

— come to me.

The first teaching building, the highest is only the fifth floor.

But for the buildings in the university town, the top floor has no end in sight.

Guo Guo ran to the sixth floor before the ghosts invaded, and then stayed at the position of "exceeding the copy". But looking up, there is only a vast expanse of whiteness on the stairs, and the solid and thick walls block half of the stairs, and there is no way out.

But Guo Guo believed that since Xin Jue told her the method, if she followed it, she would definitely be able to do it.

She quickly explained what she knew about the dungeon to other candidates, and rejected other people's suggestions for helping. She didn't want to drag others to face dangers that were too unknown.

After explaining, she set foot on the stairs and walked up step by step.

There is a road ahead, a road ahead...

Using all the methods used to train the brain, Guo Guo kept chanting the same idea silently, trying to ignore the wall in front of him, and sketched an unimpeded upward staircase in his mind.

Even though she was about to hit the wall, she was still immersed in her own world, and kept walking at a constant and steady pace.

…there is a way ahead!

When her field of vision changed, she had climbed to the end of the stairs without hindrance, and when she went up, a staircase leading to the seventh floor appeared in front of her eyes.

From the seventh floor, a thin layer of white mist began to spread in the air. Guo Guo didn't look back, and walked calmly into the fog. The surrounding light became very dim, and I could only vaguely see the scenery. There was no light in front of me, so I couldn't stop.

Keep going, Xin Jue is waiting for her on a certain floor.

With this idea firmly established, Guo Guo felt more relaxed on his feet. After climbing dozens of steps, figures suddenly appeared in the white mist, one, two... The shadows of several young students appeared above.

They seemed to be having a heated conversation, and their expressions were full of determination and enthusiasm. They walked from top to bottom while chatting, and seemed to lose sight of Guo Guo at all when they passed by. Guo Guo couldn't see their faces clearly either. After passing by, she didn't turn her head to look, but just kept walking.

— Never mind what you see.

The more she went up, the more she saw such figures. Some were a few girls, some were a few boys, and there were also a bunch of boys and girls standing together, holding computers, blueprints, and various tools that Guo Guo couldn't understand.

When you reach the eighth floor, there are two stairs on the left and right. Although it seems that they all lead to the ninth floor, Guo Guo somehow feels a little dangerous.

Intuition told her that only one of the two was correct, and she could not choose the wrong one.

At the corner of the stairs, there were also three figures whose faces could not be seen clearly. Out of the corner of her eye, Guo Guo caught a glimpse of one of them, a tall guy with an inch head and wearing a black letter T-shirt. For some reason, he gave her a vague sense of familiarity.

The short-haired boy also seemed to glance at her subtly, and then stretched out his finger.

Guo Guo was taken aback, did she read it wrong? Although it was only for a moment, the boy clearly pointed to the stairs on the left.

She hesitated for a moment, but followed the guidance and walked to the left. After successfully climbing up to the ninth floor, the environment became even darker, almost to the point where you couldn't see your fingers. But as soon as she reached the junction of the stairs and the corridor, a gleam of light quickly attracted her attention.

It was a small lantern.

The lantern fell obliquely in the middle of the corridor. The pale white light flickered on and off, and it seemed that it was about to go out. For Guo Guo at this moment, although the light is poor, it can illuminate the path under his feet, which is enough.

In the dark, more serious than the unknown danger is the psychological pressure. After holding the lantern, Guo Guo felt that the tense feeling that she couldn't breathe was much less, so she carried the faint light like this and walked towards the depths of the corridor on the ninth floor.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but she felt like she was floating on the sea, without the concept of space and time, and she didn't even know whether she was following the original path or hitting a wall. The cold air enveloped her for a long time, and even her eyes felt a little stiff. She tried to blink, and then blinked again.

A scene that she hadn't seen for a long time unfolded before her eyes.

Familiar lighting, familiar tables and chairs, familiar beds, furnishings...

Guo Guo walked straight forward under inertia, and didn't subconsciously stop until he had already walked in.

She stared at all this in a daze, then turned her head, and on the table she was familiar with, a "Guide to the Pen Fairy" she just bought was still crookedly placed on it. not bad.

This is the dormitory in her memory, no, it should be said, the dormitory she is most familiar with in her memory.

She walked back to 606 in reality

Guo Guo felt that either she was falling into hallucinations, or she was dying and returning to the light, or how could she see that Tang Xinjue, who was still the same as before the game came, was sitting quietly reading a book in her seat in the dormitory. How about greeting her