Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 279: Pre-exam preview


When they saw four spacious and magnificent desks with leather chairs appearing in front of them, everyone fell silent.

They entered the university campus for the first time more than two years ago, and they never imagined that one day in the future, their ordinary dormitory would be upgraded to this scale.

And Guo Guo's first reaction was to immediately observe whether there was a shadow of the big stickman—fortunately, there was no one, she was almost ptsd about this scene.

But this is also just right, when everyone was observing the new part of the dormitory, Guo Guo also talked about the special experience in the dungeon.

It is true that the counselor has said that some parts of the university town cannot be actively explored in the exam. She could guess that the three "big stickmen" she met, the history of the ghouls and even the various hallucinations in the teaching building probably belonged to this category.

But it's not an exam now, and she's just repeating the content, so it shouldn't be a problem, right

"Stickman? Chat group? University town?"

Zheng Wanqing had the words "I didn't understand" written all over her face.

Guo Guo quickly gave an example: "The Jue God has also become a stick figure! Xin Jue Xin Jue, you should be able to understand."

Tang Xinjue pondered for a moment. It was also the first time she heard Guo Guo's complete experience, but it happened to fill in some gaps in her information sources.

Everything seems to be getting clearer.

"You should remember that in the last dungeon, I was switched to be an NPC customer service, right?" she said.

The other three nodded.

Tang Xinjue continued: "This is also the first time I really understand that the game system, or certain departments of the University City, exist in a different form from the normal world in our eyes."

When her cognition is distorted and she truly feels that she is one of them, and her mental power is not strong enough, she will not only be unable to realize the existence of "abnormality", but will automatically rationalize it in her brain.

That's why, she had already come into contact with these existences back then, but she completely lost her memory, and only remembered that it was a part-time customer service job.

It wasn't until the mid-stage of the dungeon that the backhand left in advance took effect, and she recovered from her confusion, and finally saw another form of "world".

"When you see [stickman], it means that you have entered the operation scope of the game system. It may be customer service, or it may be other workers. In fact, we are not real stickman, only when we are seen by you Only when it is time, we will produce this shape to respond to the observations of the outside world—similarly, those huge eyeballs in the university town should also be explained by the same reason.”

Guo Guo: "... I thought I understood, but after listening to you, I feel that I don't understand."

Tang Xinjue smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, this kind of feeling is hard to describe. However, the three people you saw in the teaching building, they should be neither customer service, nor people from any department in the university city. .”

"Accurately, if I'm not mistaken, they should be just a residual consciousness."

"The mobile phone takes pictures of people, and the photos will be saved in the album. Even if the person is no longer in the original time and space, her image will still remain. Therefore, the remaining consciousness can be regarded as another form of photos and videos. .”

Facing the three people who obviously didn't understand, Tang Xinjue explained in this way.

Theoretically, if the mental power is strong enough, such "remnants of consciousness" can indeed be formed. They can still think and communicate, but they just stay in a fixed scene, repeating their previous actions meaninglessly, and most of them are unaware that they are not real.

"From their conversations and actions, it can be judged that the high probability is related to the construction of the university city, that is, the [initial]. But in terms of specific information, they seem to know nothing about the current university city. So is it possible, What they say and what we see is true—just not in the same university town?"

Following Tang Xinjue's words, some special information leaked by the ghoul flashed through Guo Guo's mind: "...the university city has two different stages?!"

In the old stage, ghouls were rampant, but in the new stage, "rules" were formulated to prohibit ghouls, and at the same time, a large number of ghouls were transformed into ghost students like Shi Qingqing and Li Zeya.

But if so, where did the other ghosts come from

"The same ghosts, some are NPCs trapped in the dungeon, some are students in the university town who have entered the dungeon to work and complete tasks, some are local residents living in other communities in the university town, and there are teachers like counselors, invigilators, Special types of ghosts such as elves, ghouls, spliced hallucinations, and chaos gods... ”

After counting, Guo Guo felt that he was one head and two big: "If the university city was really created by man, then what is it used for, where did the people who created it go, and why did we ordinary college students come in? ?”

After passing so many exams, their primary goal has always been to survive hard, and then clear the game to return to reality. They never want to have any deep relationship with the university city. Because they know very well that even if they figure it out, they have no obligation or ability to change anything, let alone they don't belong here.

But as the level and difficulty continue to increase, more and more information is exposed to them, even if they can't avoid it.

Zhang You frowned: "How do I feel, as if there is something there, deliberately wanting us to know?"

Tang Xinjue nodded: "You don't feel wrong, this is someone doing it on purpose."

"If they really don't want us to know about university towns at all, there's no need to set up one test after another to force us to evolve and screen."

The most obvious evidence is the division of the student camp.

"In terms of numbers, there are many good students who stick to the bottom line, and few bad students who succumb to ghosts... But is it really that simple?" Tang Xinjue sneered: "Awan, Yue Qiong... They have all experienced nightmares people."

This is also what she saw from the perspective of "customer service" among the vast list of candidates.

"—The candidate who has experienced the nightmare, the name is red."

The names in red make up only a drop in the ocean of the list, and are hard to find without careful attention. And the vast majority of ordinary candidates who have not experienced nightmares have normal white names.

In other words, from the very beginning, the existence of nightmares divided all candidates into two categories. One type has faced the darkness head-on and is more prone to corruption; while the other type is not so much adamant about its principles as it has not been chosen as the main target by the ghosts.

"Let's make a hypothesis." Tang Xinjue called Guo Guo who was thinking hard: "Guoguo, if a project is about to start in front of you, a large number of new resources will flood in, and you need to choose the right one from them as quickly as possible. Incorporate your own power, what will you do?"

Guo Guo: "Uh, I will, choose carefully? No, I will..."

She scratched her head, momentarily at a loss for words.

But Zheng Wanqing hurriedly replied: "I will investigate in advance."

She firmly said: "Before the project officially starts, I will first investigate and screen all the resources, and lock in advance the ones that meet my requirements. It is best to dig them directly."

"That's right."

Tang Xinjue snapped his fingers.

"Thinking of the nightmare as a kind of pre-solicitation, then my doubts can basically be explained."