Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 28: Appreciation of classic movies


In the dim movie screen, the headless ghost slowly crawled towards the screen while holding his head.

"Mist Grass Fog Grass! It's coming out!"

Guo Guo pushed the table and quickly jumped to Tang Xinjue's side, pointing at the movie and trembling: "A must-have part of a horror movie! It will definitely crawl out and kill us! God of Jue! Hurry up! Squeeze the toilet!"

"Guo Guo, what are you calling?"

Hearing the screams, Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing turned their heads with puzzled faces.

Guo Guo patted his thigh: "Ghost movie! You watch it on the computer... Hey, why don't you have a computer?"

Looking closely, there is no headless ghost on the computer screens of Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing. On Zhang You's side was an old lady who was cutting minced meat, and on Zheng Wanqing's computer was a classroom where all the students were studying with their heads down.

Only Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo are playing the same movie. Seeing the headless ghost crawling closer and closer, the smile on the head's face is also getting bigger and bigger. The camera suddenly changes to a few shivering teenagers. on the girl.

Four teenagers and girls about seventeen or eighteen years old were leaning against a huge glass window. The headless ghost was gradually approaching them, and dark red blood was spreading on the ground.

Tang Xinjue held the mouse, moved to the bottom of the screen, and found that there was no progress bar to be pulled, nor could it be paused, only the close option.

[Do you want to close this movie? The browsing progress will be cleared after exiting. ]

If No is selected, the screen continues. The young girl screamed heart-piercingly, without saying any meaningful lines. The lens is also very single, with only a bird's-eye view.

Compared to a movie, it looks more like a videotape or a live broadcast

Tang Xinjue used a [identification] on the screen:

[A classic movie, the effect is real and original, and everyone who has seen it says it is good. ]

Guo Guo didn't dare to go back to his side to watch it alone, the other two also hugged the computer and moved over, playing the four images together at the same time, dispelling the sense of weirdness and making it look a bit ghostly.

Open the APP, the test requirements have popped up:

"There are eight movies in this exam, please choose at least four to watch."

"When the viewing progress reaches 100%, there will be a question-and-answer test for watching the movie. If the answer is correct, you can write the after-view of the scene, and if the answer is wrong, you need to re-watch it."

"Examination clearance requirements: take the dormitory as a unit, complete four or more film reviews."

Seeing that the exam rules were clear and clear, and they didn't hide their secrets, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Being psychologically shadowed by the last A-level difficulty, and now entering the C-level examination room, there is still... an inexplicable sense of security

Tang Xinjue reminded: "No matter what, don't take it lightly."

The A-level may not necessarily be wiped out, and the C-level may not necessarily survive.

After entering the dungeon, you can only do your best to strive for the highest possibility of survival.

After carefully reading the exam rules, Tang Xinjue clicked close on the screen, and the screen returned to a folder immediately.

There are a total of eight movie videos in the folder, the names are: "Headless Ghost Story 1", "Headless Ghost Story 2", "Death Record of Class Three Years", "Ghost in the Bedroom", "Ghost in the Mirror", " Mountain Village Ghost 1", "Mountain Village Ghost 2", "Don't Open the Door at Midnight".

... I didn't see the classics, but it looked like a bad movie.

Tang Xinjue looked at it one by one, and it corresponded to what was played on the four people's computers at the beginning of the exam. What she and Guo Guo watched was "Headless Strange Story 1", what Zheng Wanqing watched was "Death Record of Class Three Years", Zhang What I watched was "Evil in the Mountain Village 1".

Zhang You raised a question: "Do we all have to watch four movies, or do we have to watch four movies in total?"

Tang Xinjue: "Since it's based on the dormitory, it's enough to read all four volumes together. And there is no time limit for this exam."

There is no time limit, illustrating that the main danger comes from film appreciation itself.

"Of course, restrictions still exist." Tang Xinjue added: "When the movie progress bar reaches 100%, the movie viewing test will start, and it cannot be paused. In other words, we must make preparations before the test begins."

In short, you must never finish watching a movie rashly-who knows if the murder condition will be triggered because of this

Guo Guo shook his hand and turned off his computer: "Then the four of us can watch it together!"

It is not only safer for four people to answer the questions together, but also has a higher accuracy rate, so it will be settled immediately.

In view of the fact that "Headless Ghost Story" hurt Guo Guo a little bit at the beginning, they decided to screen the remaining six ones one by one. If they felt wrong, they would close it, and finally choose the easiest one for the follow-up examination. Although this takes a long time, it is better to be cautious.

Before making a choice, Guo Guo stopped: "Wait!"

She pulled out a red drop pendant from under her neck and held it in her hand, aiming at the screen and sweeping them one by one.

At this time, the item "Eye of Premonition" that she exchanged for 30 points yesterday, combined with her own perception, can be used to judge good or bad.

Soon, Guo Guo exclaimed, pointing to a movie: "I can't watch this!"

She was referring to "Don't Open the Door at Midnight."

If the pendant is hot, it represents great evil.

"Then there are only...five."

Tang Xinjue spoke softly, very calmly: "It's okay, let's take a look at them one by one."

After selecting the sequence, the computer will start playing "Death Records in Class Three Years".

The movie starts with a simple title, with white characters on a black background, and red blood dripping slowly from between the characters. Then everything on the screen became the scene that Zheng Wanqing had just watched:

In an ordinary high school classroom, more than forty students are studying by themselves. From the perspective of the camera, it looks a bit like a surveillance camera.

Five minutes later, the students were still studying quietly.

Fifteen minutes later, I was still studying by myself.

Thirty minutes later, Zheng Wanqing couldn't help it anymore: "What kind of shit is this movie about? I'm going to fall asleep watching it again!"

If this kind of movie can be named a "classic movie", even domestic horror movies can dream of Oscars!

Several people looked drowsy, Tang Xinjue frowned suddenly: "Someone got up."

The picture changed, it was a pair of boys and girls at the same table in the back row, I saw them quietly raised their heads, confirmed that no one around them noticed, whispered a few words to each other, and then started to be intimate like that.

Guo Guo: "Damn!"

Single No. 2 Zheng Wanqing: "Damn!"

Single No. 3 Zhang You: "Damn!"

Single No. 4 Tang Xinjue didn't say anything, she noticed a detail: "The girl's hands have changed."

Even if there is only a small corner, it can still be seen that the girl's arm has changed from white to blue, and her nails have turned black and become longer. The boy didn't notice it until the girl raised her head from her arms, and the two looked at each other, with two tears of blood in the girl's eyes.

"Ah!!!" The boy screamed and fell to the ground, trying to open the door to escape, but was caught by the head teacher at the door.

"Wang Peng, what are you doing?"

The boy named Wang Peng spoke incoherently: "Feng Wan, her face..."

The dean didn't listen to his explanation, and after a few words of severe reprimand, he shut him back into the classroom without any explanation.

The boy beat on the door desperately to no avail, turned back trembling, and saw the whole class who had just been studying at their desks slowly raised their heads, with blood and tears streaming down their faces.

Amidst his desperate and terrified screams, the classmates got up and rushed up, surrounding him...

Seeing this, Tang Xinjue suddenly sensed something was wrong, and immediately grabbed the mouse to close the page, but the moment before the mouse was clicked, the computer screen went dark.

[This movie has been watched! Start the movie-watching quiz now! ]

Four people: "..."

A movie in your family only lasts more than 30 minutes? What are you kidding

No wonder you have to show the progress bar, it's a pit than the exam!

It was too late to quit now, and a multiple-choice question soon appeared on the screen:

[Excuse me, whose dream is this movie about? ]

[A, Zhao Mingtao]

[B, Qian Zhi]

[C, Sun Qian]

[D, Li Xiaoyu]

Four people: "..."

"If I didn't suddenly lose my memory," Zhang You frowned, "it seems that none of these four names appeared in the movie."

Tang Xinjue was expressionless: "You don't have amnesia, and I didn't see it either."

Not only that, but nothing related to dreams was mentioned.

In the more than 30 minutes of content, except for the self-study from the monitoring point of view, only the two characters "Wang Peng" and "Feng Wan" appeared in the last few minutes, but these two names did not appear in the options.

This is really Sima Guang playing the piano while smashing the vat - outrageous!

[19, 18, 17... ]

The question-and-answer interface has entered a countdown, and they are not allowed to think about it.

Neither Tang Xinjue's identification skill nor Guo Guo's pendant worked, so there was no other way but to rely on it.

"According to the rules of puzzles, if you don't know all four, choose C—"

Pa, the mouse falls on option C.

The countdown stopped, the question-and-answer interface disappeared, and the pop-up words were bright red and dazzling:

[wrong answer! The viewing progress has been reset, and the movie is being restarted... ]

With a bad premonition, Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet in an instant, and at the same moment, the surrounding environment changed drastically.

The desk becomes a desk full of books, and the roommates gathered next to each other disappear and become neatly arranged desks.

Looking around, the environment she was in had suddenly turned into a high school classroom, everyone was immersed in their studies, and the only sound in the room was the rustling of the tip of the pen falling on the paper.

At this time, someone poked her on the back. Tang Xinjue looked back and saw that it was the male protagonist "Wang Peng" in the movie just now. Do you know what happened to Wang Peng yesterday? Why was he taken away by the head teacher?"

Tang Xinjue was silent for two seconds, and asked, "Who are you?"

The boy opened his eyes wide: "No, you lost your memory? I'm Zhao Mingtao!"