Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 280: Pre-exam preview


Whether he is special or not is not important to Tang Xinjue. But what effect this particularity will have is something she needs to figure out.

Forgotten "part-time jobs", recurring nightmares, eyeballs that appeared before the advent of the game, special attention and marks of ghosts... If all these came from a pre-set "solicitation", then she is quite unfortunate, it is One of the few who turned down an offer.

From the opposite point of view, a future partner who was destined to win not only rejected the invitation to join the partnership many times, but also quickly joined the "good student" camp and devoted himself to the reporting cause of fighting against the evil forces in the university town - it is too unwilling to be reconciled. Normal.

With her joining, it may not be very important.

But it's important not to let her join other people.

With the Chaos God's vengeful and extremely cautious personality, maybe he could really do something like chasing the game's arrival node to the dormitory to mark because of a small bump.

"But in any case, it's all just speculation."

Tang Xinjue changed the subject again, bringing 606 out of conjecture: "Until there is no solid evidence, these thoughts can only be kept in our hearts, and we must never tell anyone."

"Don't worry." Guo Guo vowed, "I've already forgotten more than half of it."

After a good night's sleep, she can still remember a few key words, which is not bad. Don't talk about retelling at that time, even if you search her mind with mental power, it may be difficult to find the complete one.

"It's okay, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Zheng Wanqing also said with a big grin: "Those who want us to know, even if we close our eyes and cover our ears, they will send them over for us to see. Those who don't want us to know, even if We eavesdropped on their windows in the middle of the night, but we couldn’t hear the results.”

Zhang You nodded: "I also think what Wan Qing said makes sense. The TV show should start soon, you guys prepare first, I'll go to the office."

Unexpectedly, this clean-up really made her discover something unusual.

"What is this... map?"

On the unfolded white paper, a bunch of lines were simply and casually drawn with a black pen, but the buildings and routes can still be vaguely seen.

Guo Guo rushed over and reacted first: "Could it be left by those three people?"

She originally thought that she had walked around the teaching area of the university city, but when she saw this map, she quickly fell into confusion: "What is this?"

She can distinguish each line, but she can't read the combination.

Even Tang Xinjue had to look at it from the perspective of the spiritual realm for a long time before deciding: "It should indeed be a map of the university town, but it is not the spatial perspective we usually perceive."

"When we usually walk, we judge the location, which is nothing more than the angles of up, down, left, right, south, east, north. But on this map, many buildings are divided and overlapped."

Tang Xinjue pointed to the circle in the center of the map: "It is marked on it that there are three teaching buildings in the university town. But you see, the positions of the three buildings overlap. Not only that, here, here, and here—"

She pointed to the four corners of the map one by one: "The remaining lines in these places are actually part of the middle teaching building."

What is this equivalent to

This is equivalent to them trying to find a milk tea shop on a street. The map clearly shows that the milk tea shop is next to them, but it is very likely that there is only one telephone pole within a radius of 20 meters, and there is no manhole cover.

And just when they started to look for a manhole cover, they found the name of the milk tea shop at the end of the street fifty meters away. They were about to go there, but when they turned around, they found that there was another milk tea shop that was exactly the same in the opposite direction!

It is known that there is only one milk tea shop on this street, so how do they go to determine their location and reach the correct destination

"Help, help. I've never been so desperate when I was doing the big question in the final exam." Guo Guo was in agony: "I can only pray now, and hope that the copy of the graduation exam will never have anything to do with the main body of the university city. "

After sighing twice, Guo Guo suddenly found that the expressions of the other three people were not quite right, as if there was a trace of seriousness, and also a trace of... sympathy

etc! She was immediately alert:

"Don't tell me that the next exam is really related to the university town! No, didn't you mean that you can't pass the questions in advance?"

There are so many dungeons to choose from, and not all of them will be in the university town. It shouldn't be such a coincidence!

"It's impossible to penetrate the questions, but the range of knowledge points drawn must have its meaning." Tang Xinjue said: "Don't forget, the counselors are all around the university city to remind us."

They have to prepare for the worst.


It's eight o'clock.

The TV screen flickering with snowflakes suddenly lit up, and the Noseless Ghost sat in the studio, broadcasting one by one:

"Time flies, time flies. In the blink of an eye, the freshmen who have entered the university have spent many happy learning days and nights with the university city. Here, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, we would like to congratulate you and wish you all the best! More colorful university life... ”

"Hehe, it's really [colorful]."

Deep in the thick white mist, in a dilapidated and small male dormitory. The three boys took turns brewing and applying the medicine, while frowning at the old mini TV set on the table.

"What the hell is this game doing?" One of the boys spat: "We have been working hard for a month, and we finally got a book that is the threshold for college admission. The game won't suddenly cause trouble again, right?"

"Who knows, we can only suffer anyway." Another boy shook his head: "Even if the game suddenly said that we would destroy our group tomorrow, wouldn't we just sit and wait for death? Sigh, just wait a little longer. One book, and the dormitory ranking will rise to the top 100... maybe it will be close to [graduation]."


As if he heard some ridiculous words, the corner of the boy's mouth twitched: "Fart this dog game, what about graduation, it was fabricated to deceive people! C-level copy only adds a little credit once, B-level and A-level The death rate is high. In the past four weeks, I have taken the exam at least 20 times, and the credits have only been half saved, so I have to wait until the year of the monkey?"

"The customs clearance game is a big cake. We are indeed far away from this cake, but it doesn't mean that other dormitories are also far away."

The third boy stopped the other two from complaining and motioned them to watch TV.

"Those dormitories in the top five hundred, one hundred, or even the top ten, who knows how far they have been upgraded... What if?"

On the TV, the camera has switched from the studio to an open and huge stage.

"To celebrate this auspicious day, the TV station will present a documentary performance program for everyone: "College Life is Wonderful", applaud and welcome!"

"Papa papa!"

In a small clean dormitory, a girl with a ball head rushed out of the bathroom and clapped along with the voice of the host. She quickly washed her hands and face, opened the instant noodle box, brought it to the desk, and stared at the phone while eating.

She was the only one in the empty bedroom, without TV or radio. But she used some special props to connect the TV signal to the mobile phone, and experienced the enjoyment of a "video website" in the entire university city in advance.

After eating the instant noodles, she wiped her mouth and picked up a pink and blue notebook next to her phone, and wrote down:

[Ou Ruofei's diary on the 60th day: Today is also the day I successfully escaped the exam. I ate two boxes of instant noodles. Good thing: TV is back on the air! There is something to watch again in a boring night, I hope my signal will not be cut off halfway through the broadcast, otherwise I will risk going over the wall... Wow, the show has started! ]

On the big stage on the screen, a girl in a red dress ran up with the hem of her skirt and bowed to the screen:

"Hello everyone! I, I am Little Red Riding Hood, and I will perform dances and dance dramas for everyone."

little Red Riding Hood

In dormitory 606, the four of Tang Xinjue looked at each other, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in their hearts.

The entertainment industry in the university city does seem to be developing in a bleak way: After so long, there is still only one artist, Little Red Riding Hood

This time she won't be jumping and jumping and throwing her head out again, will she

With a piece of melodious music, Little Red Riding Hood clasped her hands on her chest and began to chant emotionally:

"Ah, this is the first day I came to the university town to report for admission, what a wonderful day!"

"There are kind and kind teachers, friendly and gentle classmates, rich and colorful courses, and my favorite - exams!"

The music turned to excitement, and Little Red Riding Hood trotted all the way to the other side of the stage. As she walked, the set changed from black to streets and buildings. At the end of the building, there are three towering buildings that reach into the clouds and can't see the top.

"Ah! What a lovely teaching building! Look, the teacher is guiding me at the door!"

Little Red Riding Hood opened her legs happily, and walked towards a small gray eyeball about a person's height at the door of the building, and was punched flying by the eyeball.

audience:"… "

Wait, why does the eyeball have a fist

The eyeballs said coldly, "You don't have a student ID card."

Little Red Riding Hood picked up her flying head, and took out a bunch of IDs from her pocket with the other hand: "I have this white student ID card, this golden student ID card, this silver student ID card, and this black student ID card." ID card and this red student ID card, which one do you want?"

The eyeballs are still indifferent: "Old students are black, freshmen are white; one is gold, the other is silver; the sign of bad students is red—you can take whatever color you are."

Little Red Riding Hood took out her white student ID card, and finally got into the teaching building without being hammered away this time.

She sang cheerfully again:

"Ah! What a beautiful school~ Look, the kind teacher is teaching me!"

Strolling into a classroom, the other white eyeball was handing out test papers in front of the podium, and one of them was thrown at Little Red Riding Hood's face: "It's the exam! Answer the questions quickly, and the papers will be collected in an hour!"

Little Red Riding Hood sang affectionately: "Ah! I can't even do it~"

She was about to pick up the paper and read the questions carefully, when the bell rang suddenly, white eyeballs jumped down and took away her paper: "It's time, close the paper."

little Red Riding Hood:"… "

"But teacher~ the time is less than a minute—"

The teacher snorted coldly: "I have the final say on my class, the time here is two hundred times faster, you fail!"

After finishing speaking, a large millstone suddenly fell from the ceiling, crushing Little Red Riding Hood into a flat puddle. Fortunately, the head ran faster than the body, and rushed out of the screen and fell into the 606 dormitory.

606 four people: "..."

Tang Xinjue reminded her: "Go back quickly, the kind teacher is waiting for you inside."

little Red Riding Hood:"… "