Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 282: University City Civilization Code



Bai Tuanzi finally made a cheerful voice, which meant that he answered in the affirmative.

"...Since that's the case, why not bring it in?" Zhang You thought.

Anyway, theoretically elves are immortal, even if they are all wiped out, it is estimated that Bai Tuanzi will be fine.

Guo Guo: "Okay, okay! To fatten up for a thousand days, butcher it and eat it raw...ah no, use fat for a while."

She squeezed the white dumpling, and then pulled up the big elastic dumpling with all her strength: "But you have to take a bath first!!!"

I ate so many stinky gifts and nutrient solutions today, the backpacks they bought with so much money were stinky!

After tossing and tossing until midnight, 606 finally fell asleep in the silence.

But unfortunately, the sweet dream didn't last long, and was woken up by another piercing voice:

"Dear guest, we have received your application for insurance compensation, please cooperate with us to check the situation—"

"Dear guests, we have received..."

"stop fighting!"

Guo Guo covered her ears and got up with a headache. When she opened her eyes, she was almost taken aback: a golden insurance figure in a black suit was floating right above her face, with two black eyeballs staring straight at her. A very polite smile:

"Respect Di Tang Xinjue, you are awake! Don't worry, our company adheres to the principle of humanity. Because you are the main customer who signed the contract, I only called you quietly, and did not wake up other students!"

Guo Guo: "..."

I thank you, but you have the wrong person.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I got you four mixed up."

The villain slapped his head hard, apologized repeatedly in horror, and then quickly flew to another bed: "Respect student Tang Xinjue, we have received your request for..."

Guo Guo: "...that's Zhang You!"

"That's Zheng Wanqing!"

"This is still me! You are going in the wrong direction!"

In the end, she had no choice but to carry the insurance villain to Tang Xinjue who had already woken up, and only then did the two sides successfully connect.

Tang Xinjue cut to the chase: "The specific amount of compensation can be calculated according to the highest level. Are the points enough?"

The insurance villain did it wrong: "Well... um... But the guest, after our company's investigation, we finally came to the conclusion that the friendship between the four students in your dormitory is currently going well and is very strong, and there is no sign of rupture, so no compensation will be made according to the regulations. …”

Tang Xinjue said lightly: "It's okay, we have evidence."

She unhurriedly opened the phone's photo album and called up the pictures and videos. The first one was Zheng Wanqing's skinny body covered with frost lying on the bed dying.

Tang Xinjue: "Did you see it? This was done by my power alliance at the time."

In the second picture, there is a long and terrifying scar on Zhang You's neck, and he is also lying on the bed with no life or death.

Tang Xinjue: "Did you see that? I sent out the monster myself."

In the third picture, Guo Guo is lying on the thick table of the desk, his face is pale and his eyes are closed.

Tang Xinjue: "Did you see it? I did it myself."

The insurance villain scratched his head: "But in the last picture, there doesn't seem to be any obvious wounds on Guo's body."

Tang Xinjue said righteously: "Is mental trauma not considered trauma? Friendship in the dormitory is also spiritual wealth, isn't it still covered by insurance?"

Insurance villain: ... Well, it seems to make sense.

"All the evidence above supports your company's detailed investigation, and we can guarantee the authenticity. So in summary, the friendship wealth of the four of us in the dormitory was severely damaged and destroyed due to force majeure in the last copy. It took a lot of money and hard work on our own to get it repaired before we applied for compensation."

Tang Xinjue also pointed out the most crucial point: "But after my study of the insurance regulations, the insurance in the university city supports the retrospective - that is, as long as the objective facts that meet the compensation occur, then even after a hundred years, We can apply too."

The insurance villain was stunned when he heard it, and when he finished receiving the message, he looked up and saw four smiling girls standing side by side in front of it, each with a mobile phone:

"So, scan code or transfer money?"

The insurance villain finally left crying.

It wasn't because it paid 606 too much money, but because it accidentally touched the claw machine in the dormitory before it left, and as a result, the dormant machine suddenly "woke up" and grabbed it.

606 finally concluded a rule: In addition to the emotion corresponding to the color of the button, the contact from the ghost in the university town seems to trigger the claw machine instantly.

Even counselors can be caught... What is there that this claw machine can't catch

Tang Xinjue even began to think: "If I use the marker to summon the God of Chaos now, and then stick the claw machine on the balcony window, can I successfully capture it?"

She thought for a while: "It's still a little risky, how about changing to a safer one, Li Xiaoyu?"


Of course, this idea still failed to come true in the end, because the activity of the two remaining ghost marks in her sea of consciousness has been very weak under long-term suppression, and it is unknown whether they can still contact the main body.

Moreover, Tang Xinjue could feel that since the last dungeon, the main body of the ghosts had begun to withdraw the scattered power. The Chaos God was the same, and so was Li Xiaoyu.

She had a hunch that in the final copy, they would meet again.

Taking advantage of the high points paid by the wool, 606 had another wave of happy shopping. Guo Guo has always been worried about his lack of healing skills, and this time he finally has enough points to upgrade his purification skills and get a [Soul Summoning].

"Even if our heads are gone, as long as the soul is still there, I can bring you back!"

Guo Guo was brimming with joy.

Zheng Wanqing: "The graduation exam is about to start, can you say something auspicious?"

Zhang You pointed out rigorously: "This skill can only keep our soul from dissipating. In essence, it is somewhat similar to frost freezing. If you want to truly [resurrect from the dead], you need to repair your physical body first."

Tang Xinjue comforted the depressed Guo Guo: "It's okay, the soul is in good condition, if possible, I really want to try it once."

She has tried the nightmare state, the hallucination state, the customer service state after being digitized by the system... but she has never seen what she looks like after she dies.

Guo Guo: "... Xin Jue, thank you for your comfort, but forget it!"

Time flowed peacefully until the afternoon, and 24 hours had passed since they released the last dungeon. Anxiety is inevitable. Apart from replaying and exercising, the most they can do is wait for the customer service to respond to the last report, and see when their dormitory ranking will return to normal.

"Random, random, random..."

Guo Guo reviewed the graduation exam instructions several times, and grabbed his hair: "When will it appear randomly? I don't even dare to go to the toilet now."

"That can't be helped, we can only wait."

Zheng Wanqing was more calm, the expanded dormitory gave her more space to exercise, the huge phantom of the steel fist swept from the ceiling to the ground, and held up the chirping white ball to play with.

"But, I always feel that something is wrong."

Guo Guo walked back and forth anxiously: "It's as if something has come, but I ignored it... Do you feel this peeping feeling?"

Neither Zhang You nor Zheng Wanqing felt it, but Tang Xinjue nodded, "Me too."

This feeling was different from normal pre-exam anxiety and more like some kind of gut feeling that reminded her that something was missing.

But what is it

"By the way, voice!"

Guo Guo stood up suddenly, rushed to the door of the dormitory and listened carefully: "Listen, the sound of walking outside is gone!"

For so long, the sound of chains dragging and the heavy patrol pace have accompanied them through every day's rest. Obviously, they could still hear familiar voices when they had dinner in the morning, but now, the footsteps disappeared without knowing when.

what does that mean

Tang Xinjue frowned, turned on the phone without hesitation in the next second, and switched to the exam information interface.

"It's true that we were negligent... Who said that when the exam is loaded, there must be a reminder?"

She held up the screen, and there was a line of big characters written on it:

— "Code of Civilization in University City"

"The exam has already begun."