Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 283: University City Civilization Code


When one thing occurs repeatedly, it becomes habitual, and it is mistaken for a rule.

But thinking about it again, although they will lose consciousness for a short time every time they enter the instance, most of them start with a fixed "waking up from the desk". But in fact the rules of the game have never said that entering the exam must be accompanied by this situation.

Entering silently, isn't it a way of loading

"But didn't it say it would remind us five minutes in advance?"

Guo Guo also gasped when he saw the test interface.

"It does remind me."

Tang Xinjue clicked on the screen, and a message popped up on the page.

"It's just a silent reminder."


Yeah, the rules of the game never say that all reminders are mechanical sounds that descend from the sky... at least literally, it complies with the rules.

Fortunately, there was not much time wasted. For the 10,000th time, they silently raised their middle finger to the game, and then immediately checked the exam details.

[Through unremitting efforts, you finally successfully entered the university town and became happy college students. Today is the first day of your journal entry, but on this beautiful day, an accident happened...]

[You found out that the student ID card was lost!]

[Without a student ID card, there is no way to [successfully register], and there is no way to [load enrollment status]. However, the registration deadline for freshmen will be before the sun goes down. If you miss it, you will lose your chance to enroll! What should we do?]

[Examination Tip: Maybe ask the teacher at the registration office, there will be new clues.]

That’s all for the background information of the exam, and scrolling down, there is only one special reminder:

[University City Civilization Code:]

[1. The university city belongs to the students]

[2. Students belong to the future]

[3. Please don't litter anywhere]

"That's about all the information we know so far." Tang Xinjue quickly made an analysis: "Sure enough, the scope of this dungeon should be the University City. And our temporary main task is to find our student ID card in the University City."

[Registration Office Teacher] seems to be a good NPC with a neutral bias, but in order to find it, they have to leave the dormitory first.

Opening the bedroom door, a brand new and spacious corridor came into view.

Bright sunlight poured into the corridor from one side of the window, and several pots of flowers were placed on the window sill. The fragrance of the flowers and the faint smell of disinfectant water entered the nostrils together, instantly evoking their memories.

"I miss you so much..." Guo Guo sniffed, "It would be great if the university town was really like this."

It's a pity that as early as they changed the community, they had a glimpse of the "appearance" of the university city from another perspective: countless malicious, cruel and painful souls were suppressed by some kind of force-in terms of danger, no copy can compare with this place Worse.

Leaving the corridor without any relaxation, they walked down the stairs to the sixth floor, and walked out through the door of the empty and quiet bedroom building.

Very similar to the real world, the door is facing a lawn path. Through the lush small trees and bushes, you can walk directly to the main road of the dormitory area, and there are red banners of "Welcome Freshmen" hanging on the bulletin boards on both sides.

At the door of the dormitory area, they saw a large, unsmiling gray eyeball crowding behind the small check-in desk, crowding the parasol like a hat.

—It seems that this is the teacher at the reporting office.

Just as they were about to walk over, a strong wind suddenly came from behind, and the four of them flew to avoid the sides, and a ball flew between them:

"Don't hit me, don't hit me!"

I saw the ball bouncing and screaming at the same time. When I looked closely, it was clearly a round human head!

Behind the head, figures of several boys and girls chased up, shouting equally angrily: "Catch the thief! Catch him—"

It was too late to say it, Guo Guo felt his palm suddenly sink, and the human head turned back without knowing when, and jumped straight into her hand, tearfully said:

"Help me, I'm not a thief!"

Guo Guo:? ! !

She was so frightened that she was about to throw it out, but when the head bounced from the ground, it persevered and jumped onto her shoulder, begging in her ear: "Please, as long as you can help me, I can give you a lot of rewards. Whatever you want, I can help you achieve—”

At the same time, the chaser also came to 606. They looked at the four of them suspiciously, and immediately said: "The candidates are right, then go to your own tasks quickly and don't get involved in our affairs, or it will be too late to regret it after you die."

606 The four looked at each other.

These ghosts directly pointed out their identities as candidates, indicating that the other party's position at the moment is not an "NPC", but the most primitive identity - a ghost student in a university town.

There is no doubt that this time they have come to the ghost's "lair" in a real sense.

As soon as the ghost student threatened, the shivering head quickly retorted:

"I was slandered! They lost things by themselves and turned the blame on me. My body and limbs were taken away by them. If they even grabbed my head, I would have no proof of innocence at all." Here's the chance... Can you send it to the teacher in the Academic Affairs Office for me? I can ask the teacher to verify it!"

"You fart."

The leading girl interrupted him viciously. The girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, but her voice was very rough and mature, and said viciously: "Don't believe him, he just wants to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. If you dare to let him go, I will Even you, a group of rookie candidates who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, will clean up together."

[Ding! The side mission "Suspicion of Stealing" has been triggered, do you accept it?]

The sudden system prompt sounded, and the four of them knew that it was time to let this matter go.

Tang Xinjue said, "Why don't you worry, we don't know yet, what did you lose?"

The eyes of the pursuers fell on her in unison, the natural cold feeling in their eyes seemed to be real, and even the air temperature seemed to drop several degrees.

The leading girl looked at her coldly for a few seconds, then replied:

"He stole our lives."

606: "..."

It does sound a lot more serious than a student ID card.

Then, through the simple narration of the chasing students, they roughly understood the cause and effect of the incident:

It turns out that these students are all members of the same elective course, and the course is nearing its end, and the way of graduation is also very simple: if you don't die, you pass.

Of course, since the ghost students themselves are not truly "alive", Tang Xinjue and his party can only temporarily understand their "death" as being completely annihilated or returning to the ground.

As for the way to determine whether a class student is dead or not is simpler: look at the battery level of the mobile phone at the end of the class.

If there is still power remaining, it is considered alive. On the contrary, once the power is cleared, the death of the student is declared.

"It's him who stole our electricity by illegal means."

The pursuers sneered and said, "Only by eating him completely can our power be restored. You say, shouldn't we catch him?"

"Understood." Guo Guo nodded again and again: "If it happened to me, I would definitely only consider whether to eat it steamed or braised in brown sauce—but now the two sides have different opinions. Do you want to listen to the defendant's appeal?"

"I don't!"

As soon as the voice fell, the head screamed:

"I earned my electricity by finding teachers to do odd jobs. Why do you say that I stole your electricity? Don't believe what they say, they are the kind who usually don't take classes well and eat other students to pass the level. , I'm going to the Academic Affairs Office to uphold justice!"


The girl ignored him, and turned her attention to 606: "It seems that you are really stupid freshmen who came to the university city for the first time, remember one sentence, don't think that you can communicate with us on an equal footing, of course, you don't next time—"

As soon as the voice came out, the girl's figure flashed in front of Tang Xinjue like a ghost, and the palms of both hands split open instantly, revealing two huge mouths full of fangs, one left and one right bit down on Tang Xinjue!

"That makes sense. But I also have a word."

The horrible biting and chewing didn't sound, an orange-red pole was placed under the two giant mouths at some point, Tang Xinjue slowly twisted his wrist, and with the rotation of the toilet lever, the two mouths had to rotate as well Ninety degrees, but aimed at the ghost himself.

"Don't be in a hurry to eat, or you will easily break your teeth."

The toilet was turned vigorously, and the girl was kicked flying amidst the whimpering of the two giant mouths, but the first time she landed, she only looked at her hands anxiously:

I saw the densely packed fangs inside, at least half of which collapsed!

The speed of flushing the toilet was faster than her, and before she finished her mouthful of white teeth, another cold and dangerous feeling came down from the top of her head:

"One thing to say, these two mouths are good."

The rubber head was buckled on the ghost's head, and a strong desire to eat came from the upgraded toilet. Tang Xinjue clapped his hands:

"It will be ours in a moment."

Ghost: "..."

The ghost rolled its eyes, and the chasing teammates who were still behind had joined up with the other three from 606 at some point in a melee—no, it’s not accurate to say it was a melee, it should be said that they were pressed and rubbed on the ground, in a literal sense. A steel fist bigger than a locomotive was pressed to the ground.

"Wait!" The girl said urgently: "I think we can discuss the matter of the thief again."

"What?" Tang Xinjue smiled, "Are we qualified to communicate on an equal footing now?"