Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 286: University City Civilization Code


Hearing the boy's threat, Zheng Wanqing paused.

In the cold snort that he thought the deterrence was successful, the people in 606 next to him also looked at each other:

"Wow... that's really surprising."

Several ice picks shot at the boy's tongue, and the tongues immediately dodged like a group of demons, and Zheng Wanqing threw him to the ground. Zhang You stepped forward:

"do you remember me?"

The boy looked up and glanced suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Zhang You smiled: "There was once a dungeon where you caught me."

The boy looked slightly flustered, but he still said harshly: "The student union radio station often hosts extracurricular activities. We have caught too many unruly candidates. Who can remember who you are?"

Indeed, it was the extremely cold weather in the Four Seasons dungeon at that time. She was caught playing in the wild outside the dormitory, and she was "humanized" with a layer of protective clothing. It was normal if the other party didn't remember.

Zhang You glanced back, Tang Xinjue said:

"what about me?"

The moment the clear female voice entered his ears, the boy froze for a moment. A trace of familiar heart palpitations slowly emerged, mixed with some extremely bad premonitions.

wait, this voice—

Immediately, a girl with an unfamiliar face picked up the phone and put it to her ear: "Hello, is this the Student Union Radio Station?"

Boy: "It's you!!!"

The familiar voice and sentence patterns completely awakened painful memories, and the past of the dungeon tortured by 606 was vivid in his mind, and he was about to get up and run away in a jerk.

Then Zheng Wanqing ruthlessly pressed him to the ground again.

The girl raised her eyebrows: "Now do you remember who we are?"

The boy gritted his teeth: "Tang—Tang Xinjue! Even if I turn into ashes, I won't forget you—"

In the middle of the speech, he suddenly fell silent. After all, if it was 606, it is really possible to turn him into ashes and raise him.

Facing the terrified ghost, Tang Xinjue smiled and said hello: "Long time no see, classmate Xiao Ming."

The student council candidates' voices might not be that familiar, but on the other hand, it is absolutely impossible for 606 to forget the tones of those radio hosts, and it only takes two seconds to distinguish the specific identities.

During several days and nights of fighting wits and courage with the dungeon, the yin and yang voice of the student union accompanied them through countless high blood pressure moments—it is probably one of the wishes of all candidates to be able to beat the student union face to face one day.

It's just that they didn't expect that the graduation exam would satisfy this wish so "intimately".

Although there is the name [Student Union] which sounds quite scary, the four of them soon discovered that Xiao Ming's real strength is actually not much stronger than the three ghost students. They were completely knocked down to the ground after three times, five times and two times, and they vomited blood bitterly:

"If I hadn't been alone, how could I have been caught so easily by you..."

Tang Xinjue quickly concluded: "So the great thing about the student union is that you always go together as a group?"

Indeed, if they encounter higher-level ones, they will swarm up and fight in groups. It is indeed difficult for ordinary people and ghosts to fight.

Xiao Ming: "... This, this is called strategy, no, this is the superiority of the student union! How can group cooperation be called group fighting?"

After a few powerless excuses, he became angry from embarrassment: "Don't be too proud! You are just lucky, just in time to report the loss of my mobile phone. If my mobile phone is still there, you are already on the most wanted list in the university town, and you still want to be here. Doing tasks? Well, you guys better hope you don't run into anyone else from the student council..."

Unexpectedly, after finishing this sentence, he saw the girl in 606 look at each other, and then his expression became a little subtle, and he asked him in an incomprehensible tone:

"Which phone did you lose?"

Xiao Ming: "? Which mobile phone? What else? Do you think mobile phones are cheap??"

Obviously the other party only asked one question, but he felt inexplicably ridiculed, and his face turned purple with anger.


Zhang You nodded: "If that's the case, then you don't have to fantasize about it. Even if all the students come here, there is a high probability that there will be no way to issue a wanted list."

Following her casual tone, a long list of various mobile phones came out of the backpack.

"Look, is this the phone you lost?"


Xiao Ming's eyes widened into a huge circle, as if he thought he was having a dream again after decades: "—this, you all stole it?!"

They said how suddenly the mobile phone evaporated!

In front of Xiao Ming, Zhang You put away his cell phones one by one in an orderly manner: "No, garbage recycling, how can it be called stealing."

Then, they picked up the stunned ghost host from the ground, stuffed his head in front of the backpack, and pressed the toilet to his neck.

"Give you one last chance, tell us what floor it is, or it goes into recycled [garbage] as well."

The pure white staircase is always winding upwards. If you can't guarantee enough sense of direction, you will easily have the illusion of falling into the Mobius ring.

"I feel like we have climbed at least 30 floors, but we were actually on the negative 2 floor just now?"

While complaining, Guo Guo poured nutrient solution into his mouth.

Although the taste of the nutrient solution is not very good, it can indeed restore a lot of physical strength and energy. From this point of view, it is worth the money.

They prepared props for this exam, which can be said to be bankrupt, in order not to waste time on this kind of physical exertion.

I don't know if it's because of the rules of the university town, but the ghosts also feel tired when climbing the stairs. After climbing more than ten floors, Xiao Ming, who was forced to follow the team, was already sweating profusely, and his calves started to spin, so he could only beg for mercy:

"Don't go, don't go, it takes at least a hundred more floors to get there. Me, I have a quick way to get to the top floor!"

He took out his student ID card, twisted his neck a hundred and eighty degrees, and slowly protruded another face with green and fangs from the back of his head. This "face" opened its mouth with a whimper, biting his wrist , The jet of black blood soon soaked through the entire student ID card.

The student ID card that absorbed the blood automatically floated in the air. Seeing this, the head, who had not dared to speak out, quickly explained: "This is the exclusive guide method of the student union. As long as the student ID card falls on the ground, it means that there is a teacher's office nearby."

Speaking of it, he couldn't help showing envy, but after seeing Xiao Ming's miserable situation, this envy was quickly withdrawn.

As soon as the words fell, the student ID card suddenly shook violently in the air, and then fell to the ground with a bang, splashing several drops of blood.

606 immediately turned his head to look into the depths of the corridor, Tang Xinjue walked a dozen steps in, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and knocked on the others mentally.

[right here. ]

This is the eighteenth floor!

If the previous gray-eyed teacher was not lying, the Academic Affairs Office is on the 18th floor, so as long as they keep walking inside—

Suddenly, Tang Xinjue, who was walking in the front, stopped.

"Don't go."

The girl's voice sounded from the front.

Everyone's heart sank: what happened

With the help of Tang Xinjue's spiritual power, the other three immediately "looked" into the depths of the corridor.

Then they saw, on a vermilion door, hung a clearly written notice:

[The Academic Affairs Office has been temporarily frozen due to violations of regulations. For all affairs, turn right to the Supervision Office.]

606: "..."

The author has something to say: ---------

Zhang You: Did you lose this gold phone or this silver phone

Zheng Wanqing: Or my boxing