Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 287: University City Civilization Code



Looking at this notice, Guo Guo suddenly remembered something: "Well, after the zombie dungeon, that experiment record!"

She remembered that in the [Experiment Records] she saw with her spiritual sense, there were two passages that recorded the experimenter's failure to apply for a "restart" in the University City. , partial authority freeze", and the whistleblower is—

The air became quiet, and the four of them looked at each other.

The people who reported to the Academic Affairs Office seemed to be themselves.

Speaking of their grievances with the Academic Affairs Office of the University City, it can be traced back to the copy of "Health Inspection Assault". Through some implied clues, Tang Xinjue suspected that the difficulty of the dungeon had something to do with the fact that the Academic Affairs Office of the University City secretly tricked them, so he reported it to the Academic Affairs Office without hesitation as soon as the dungeon was over.

... It's just that I didn't expect that the impact of that report would continue until now.

Looking at the big seal on the door, Zhang You said after a moment of silence: "In fact, it may be a good thing not to be able to enter the Academic Affairs Office."

Otherwise, the old grievances and grievances will accumulate, not to mention reissuing the student ID card, it is unknown whether they can walk out of it peacefully.

"Hey, it's all because we have reported too many ghosts, and we didn't even think about it at first."

Guo Guo sighed, a little vicissitudes appeared on his young face.

Head: "..."

Its eyes that had just calmed down could not stop widening, and asked with a slightly trembling voice: "Well, can I ask, there was a legend in the university town that there was a very cruel and perverted dormitory for candidates who liked to report exams..."

Guo Guo: "Huh? Who is it? I've never heard of it."

Human head: "Eating and drinking for free, oppressing the elderly, abusing local students..."

Zhang You: "It's just a coincidence. There must be many dormitories doing this."

Human head: "It also forced a local dormitory of a three-year university to change careers three times in a row..."

Tang Xinjue: "The classmates in that dormitory also happen to be four girls, right?"

Rentou gasped: "It really is you!!!"

Zheng Wanqing interrupted it directly: "Yes, we did it, what's wrong?"

Human head: "No, nothing."

It immediately stopped, and according to 606's request, racked its brains to recall the location of the inspector's office:

"Oh, I remembered! The inspector's office is on the floor with the fewest classrooms. Because the teachers in the inspector's office are scary, most of the students dare not approach them, so you can only find their doors when the number of students on a floor is the least. .”

After going through the logic, Tang Xinjue said, "So, this office doesn't even have a definite floor, and it all depends on a little bit of screening?"

Human head: "Uh, it seems to be the case."

It shook its head, and flattered it: "Hey, because I'm a Sanben University, of course I should stay away from these teachers, or I'll be caught accidentally and take a random exam..."

Xiao Ming snorted coldly, very disdainful:

"You are already lucky enough to enter the university town, so you should work hard to climb up. Judging from the student ID card, you have been here for a long time. Normally, you have already enrolled in the second class. Either try to join the student union, or do various things. Part-time jobs are the right way to upgrade. But you still have three copies, which means that you have nothing to do, and if you continue like this, you will fall back to the bottom sooner or later!"

The corner of Rentou's mouth stiffened, and he immediately smiled apologetically: "Yes, yes, the hosts are all outstanding students from the student union, how dare we compare."

Tang Xinjue glanced at it, and interrupted: "So on the 36th floor of the teaching building, besides avoiding the classrooms that are in class during the break time and avoiding the teachers of the Ministry of Education, what other dangers are there?"

Xiao Ming raised his head proudly: "We are the danger!"

606: "."

Stared at by the four eyes without emotion, Xiao Ming's face quickly collapsed, and he reluctantly said:

"Of course, for you, there are only a few perverts and some teachers who can cause danger. But even if you encounter it, it's nothing. Anyway, if you die in the university town, you will be transformed successfully. At that time, the student union can Think about taking you in..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and soon he couldn't bear the pressure and changed his face instantly:

"This situation is absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Ming and Ren Tou smiled and "opened the way" ahead, guiding them to other floors to check one by one, but 606 just looked at each other and didn't move.

Tang Xinjue: "If the prerequisite for the Academic Affairs Office is the floor, that is, as long as the floor is on the 18th floor, the Education Office must exist, then is the prerequisite for the Inspector's Office the number of students?"

"Conversely, as long as the number of students on the first floor is the least in the entire building, there will definitely be an inspector's office?"

Xiao Ming was slightly taken aback: "It seems true to say so, but unless there are special props, how do you judge whether the number of students is the least?"

Tang Xinjue smiled: "Actually, there is a method that does not require judgment or investigation. We just need to ensure that the number of students on the selected floor will be the least in the end. For example—"

She stretched out her hand to grab the cap of the human head, and then threw it from the stairs to the corner of the stairs.

"Now, the number of students on this floor has been reduced by one."

Who said that the number of people cannot be controlled by force

Faced with 606's methods, the ghosts were unable to refute. I can only watch them turn on the string of student union mobile phones, and then record the audio and play it in a loop:

"Lost and found on the 18th floor—Recently lost mobile phones in the university town unified collection—Looking for owners of multiple mobile phones—Direct recycling of those that have not been taken away—"

The loudspeaker was transmitting in the quiet corridor. Not long after, many shadowy silhouettes suddenly appeared in the originally empty corridor, and they came straight to the phone:

"My mine, I lost it!"

"The model looks really expensive, and it looks like my mobile phone."

"Let me go, let me grab it first... let me claim the lost property first!"

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth: "A bunch of idiots!"

I saw ghosts one after another changing from virtual to real. Some fell from the ceiling, some came out of the lights, and some crawled on the wall like pieces of paper, but none of them came out of the classroom door normally.

— No wonder they saw that every corridor was empty.

In fact, before discovering Xiao Ming, several people had already started to suspect. According to the normal probability, no matter how you say it, the teaching building should not be so empty.

Even if you search from classroom to classroom in the normal way, you may not be able to find all the ghost students. It is better to use their greed to lure them out first.

Now it seems that the appeal of mobile phones is indeed great.

606 wasn't mad enough to kill dozens of them. Zhang You directly threw down the bag containing the mobile phone, and led all the students down.

Being unable to speak due to mental power, Xiao Ming hinted frantically: "Ahem!"

A few students turned their heads to look at the four of them, then glanced at Xiao Ming's injury and the flattering head, and went downstairs as if they didn't see anything.

Xiao Ming: "..."

What about unity? What about backbone? What about the dignity of being a ghost

Obviously the ghosts don't care, there are only interests and no relatives in the non-working state. They quickly formed a scuffle on the stairs, and Xiao Ming, who also wanted to join the fight to grab his mobile phone, was picked up and dragged away.

In front of them, the door of the Academic Affairs Office quietly changed its color.

There is no seal on the door that has changed from vermilion to dark green, and the lettering on the door plate on the top is still clear:

[Inspection Office]

He seemed to know that someone was going in, and before Tang Xinjue could knock on the door, the door opened automatically with a creak, and a scent of mixed ink and paper came over his face.

The smell was very good, but Tang Xinjue noticed that Xiao Ming and Rentou's expressions changed almost instantly, as if it was some extremely unpleasant stench and began to twitch their noses.

"Come in."

A male voice came from inside the door, drawing her attention back.

Tang Xinjue raised his leg and stepped in, and Guo Guo gently pulled off his sleeve behind him: "This voice..."

"I know."

She nodded slightly, then put on a smile, and greeted politely as soon as she entered the door: "Hello, teacher, long time no see."

"... Hehe, it's very polite when you ask for something."

The room is wide open, and the height of nearly four or five meters makes the whole space extremely large. Several tables with a height of more than two meters are arranged around the four walls. Thick documents and papers are piled up on the table, and only the most central table can be seen. Sitting behind them was a huge cold white eyeball, with gray pupils looking at them lightly.

"We've always been polite!"

Guo Guo immediately took over the conversation and began to talk about Rainbow Fart: "I guessed it during the entrance exam. Such a fair, selfless and strict invigilator must be an important manager of the university town, and he must handle student affairs impartially and meticulously..."

"To put it simply." Bai Yanball nodded: "It's just to trick me again, right?"