Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 288: University City Civilization Code


Guo Guo opened his eyes wide: "How can you say such cold words in the high temperature close to 0 degrees in the university city?"

—Can the friendly interaction between students and teachers be called pitfalls

Bai Yanball snorted indifferently: "Compared to the last time we met, you are much bolder."

Guo Guo replied modestly: "Actually, I'm still very timid."

It's just that she has a very clear perception of malice, and she can tell at a glance whether the other party is neutral or not.

The last time we met, Bai Yanball was still the invigilator of the entrance exam, although he was not as biased towards candidates as the counselor, at least he was reasonable. Seeing that the Inspectorate was in charge of it, the four of them also breathed a sigh of relief to another extent.

As expected, Bai Yanball didn't continue to talk nonsense, and only asked concisely: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"A replacement student ID card?"

After listening to 606's statement, I thought about it for two seconds: "If you came a few days earlier, things would be easy, but now it's not that easy. Recently, the Ministry of Education said that there are a large number of students who challenge a book to enter a higher school, and they need to issue admission tickets, etc. Materials, take away the custom paper."

Tang Xinjue: "Then do we need to find paper?"

There are always various troubles on the way to complete the main task, and they are not surprised by this.

But Bai Yan rolled his pupils lightly, and said with a smile: "It's not so troublesome, didn't you just bring the raw materials?"


606 was stunned, and followed the other party's line of sight to look at the earthy-faced Xiao Ming and the human-headed ghost, only to realize the meaning of the white eyeballs—

The source of paper materials for customized student ID cards is ghost students? !

"No, I don't want to be made into paper!"

The head burst into tears: "Please inspect the inspector's office clearly, I was coerced! These candidates robbed us as soon as they entered the university town, and threatened us to guide them and escort them. If they don't obey, we will do it. It is an act that seriously affects the peaceful and friendly atmosphere in the university town!"

Zheng Wanqing frowned: "Didn't it be you who blocked our way at the beginning and rushed over to beg us to bring you here?"

If it's just because you're afraid of being messed with, it's not surprising that you turn your face like a book. But judging from the head's reaction when it saw the inspector's office, it obviously knew the source of the student ID materials, so why not only agreed to find the Academic Affairs Office with them before, but didn't say a word about it on the way

But Rentou categorically retorted: "Nonsense, who asked you for help? Why would we ask a few foreign candidates for help with small internal affairs among our local students? The teacher from the inspection office knew immediately that they were definitely lying! "

White Eyeball glanced at it: "But I see that you have a contract that stipulates that you will try your best to help them obtain student ID cards. From this point of view, they do have the right to obtain materials from you."

Xiao Ming sneered: "The freshmen have been in school for so long, I thought they were all rookies, dare to sign the contract casually?"

Head: "..."

"You, too, are all candidates and still look unfamiliar. Isn't it normal for a university town to behave like this?" Xiao Ming said arrogantly to 606 again: "Of course, university towns have always treated students very humanely. The raw material doesn't directly wipe us out, it just seriously degrades it."

606: "..."

Then I still hope that the real world will never be so "humanized" and let it only exist in the university town.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the head yelled: "But I only have three books, and if I downgrade again, I will become a wandering soul who would rather die than die. I beg you to save me!"

Perhaps realizing that it was useless to ask the Superintendent, the head changed at the speed of light and began to beg 606 for mercy, crying about how difficult it was for me.

But Tang Xinjue reminded it: "You don't want to prove your innocence about the theft of other students' mobile phones? There is still time."

After all, in the side task column of 606, the words [Suspected Theft] are still flashing indistinctly.

The head cried for a while, and his face changed subtly: "Ah, this, I didn't expect you to be willing to help me. You are really kind people. I'm so touched."

Seeing that it falters and talks about him, but refuses to get into the topic, what else do they not understand

Zheng Wanqing put it bluntly: "So, there is no slander at all, you are the culprit who stole the battery of other students' mobile phones!"

Human Head: "Actually, this is a misunderstanding, I can explain..."

Before it could continue to delay, the voice of Baiyan interrupted it with a sneer, and said to the four in 606:

"It's a good thing you didn't enter the Academic Affairs Office. There are some students in the university town who like to cooperate with certain [delinquents] in the Academic Affairs Office, specifically tricking candidates into it as their fertilizer. Oh, this is also the reason why the Academic Affairs Office is frozen now one."

It's just that this human head was extremely greedy, not only stealing the life points of other ghosts, but also hitting the examinee's attention and eating both ends together, so it overturned at 606.

—So it was a scam from beginning to end? !

As soon as Bai Yanball's words fell, the four of them heard a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind them, and saw that the head that was begging for mercy just now swelled to a height of four or five meters in an instant!

The completely debunked human head finally no longer concealed it. It lowered its head against the ceiling, and its two huge eyeballs covered with blood vessels protruded out of the eye sockets to look down at the four people. Its lips rolled to reveal a black mouth full of fangs and mucus. The speed of the ears bit Guo Guo who was the farthest away!

Guo Guo: "What—"

Before she could make a sound, she was swallowed by the head.

Amidst the sound of chewing and rubbing teeth, the human head grinned grimly: "It's the first time we met, I haven't introduced myself well yet, my ability is called [Swallowing Heaven and Earth], I don't have limbs in the first place, it's a body structure that was specially developed to devour you. "

After finishing speaking, the ghost's head shook vigorously and continued to grow, with the tendency to crack the door frame of the room.

"Ceiling... Another repair bill..."

"Don't rub off the paint... oops..."

"Students today don't know how to protect public property..."

Following the ghost's movements, whisper-like murmurs suddenly emerged from all directions. It wasn't until then that 606 realized that there were eyeballs sitting behind the mountains of documents on the desktop! It's just that they are smaller than the white eyeballs, and their color is basically gray or dark brown. Most of the time, they have no sense of existence, and they only observe them quietly from the gaps in countless files.

[What level is it now? ] Looking at the appearance of the head, Zhang You's voice sounded in the spiritual link.

There is no doubt that the three bottom-level states shown by the head at the beginning are all deceptive, and its real strength is absolutely impossible to only have three copies.

Tang Xinjue: [It's close to a book, but it's not enough. ]

No matter compared to Li Xiaoyu or Wu Shi, the power of this head is more superficially terrifying. Once it is caught, it will be easily defeated.

What's more, what it is facing now is the full version of 606 whose individual strength is at its peak.

The attack on the human head didn't last long, and when it tried to swallow Zhang You again, a sharp tearing pain suddenly appeared in its mouth, followed by a dizziness like being hit by a hammer from inside—the phantom of a silver fist It pierced through its upper jaw, breaking through the ground from the Tianling Gai!

Opening the head's mouth, Zheng Wanqing poked her head out in disgust: "Throw me two purification bombs."

Head: "Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh?"

Doesn't it eat Guo Guo

At the same time, "Zheng Wanqing" who was standing next to Tang Xinjue and Zhang You rubbed her face, and her appearance seemed to change into that of Guo Guo.

"Fortunately, I prepared early and bought the [identity replacement card] in advance."

Although Guo Guo's purification skills can also overcome ghosts, but in the case of being directly swallowed, her reaction may not be as fast as Zheng Wanqing. After suffering the losses of many dungeons before, this item can be regarded as a life-saving artifact.

Only two more loud explosions were heard, and the head was blown so that the forehead flew off. Zheng Wanqing also jumped out and asked directly: "Can we make raw materials now?"

"Wait a moment... Young people, don't be impatient..."

"Process... and process..."

Whispering sounded again, and then everyone saw documents flying around from various desks, and each eyeball had to sign it before passing it to the next one.

606: ...

No, you are all colleagues sitting in the same room, can't you go through the process a little faster