Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 289: University City Civilization Code


"Don't rush... it's speeding up..."

The little white eyeballs shook, and the speed of file transfer slowly increased by one tenth, and it seemed that they were working very hard.

606: "."


On the other side, Ren Tou saw that the game was over, so he resolutely gave up the attack on 606 and tried to escape again. But how could a few people let it go away successfully

Guo Guo still remembered the enemy who bore the brunt of the attack before, so he directly threw out the purification and netted the opponent back. The head frantically struggled and cursed: "You will regret it! Good students are on the wrong path, and you will go to hell forever for your choice—"

Amidst the screams of hatred, the document signing process was finally completed. As the last document fell in front of the white eye table in the center, a sharp white light descended from the ceiling, enveloping people's heads in it.

The strong light caused the four of them to squint their eyes slightly. In the blink of an eye, the head that almost burst the room disappeared without a trace, leaving only a pile of black and white powder floating in the air.

The white eyeballs took the black powder away, and the white powder was turned into three cards the size of student ID cards.

[Congratulations, you have successfully obtained your student ID cards! Now go back to the registration office and complete the registration for new students!]

A new task prompt appears: [Complete new student registration: 01]

Xiao Ming on the side was ecstatic: "Now that your student ID cards are complete, can you let me go?"

He has never done good deeds in his life, has God opened his eyes

"I'm afraid not."

But Bai Yanball vetoed it with one vote, and said ruthlessly: "The investigation of the remaining issues of the Academic Affairs Office has not been completed, and the information of the Student Union is needed. It just so happens that you are here, so stay and cooperate with the investigation."

Xiao Ming: "..."

No one knows exactly what the inspector's investigation is about, but judging by Xiao Ming's instant two battles, it may be worse than becoming "raw material".

606 had no intention of wasting time, and planned to leave immediately after getting the things. Bai Yanball and his pupils lowered his head slightly, and reminded them briefly: "The environment of the university city is very complicated, so be careful not to get lost."

"Good teacher, I hope your investigation goes well, goodbye!"

Guo Guo happily waved goodbye.

"If we can see each other again, it won't be a good thing for you guys." White Eyeball summoned a force to send them out: "I hope you and I will never see each other again."

The reminder from the white eyeballs is really not empty talk. As soon as 606 walked out of the teaching building, he found that the road outside did not look quite right.

Obviously, the appearance of each road is exactly the same as when it came, but it is uncomfortable to walk up. Not long after walking, the four of them stopped.

"The front is not a dormitory area."

Zheng Wanqing was sure that she was not mistaken.

There is a short road outside the dormitory area, and the teaching area can only be reached through the road, and there are no tall buildings in between. But at the end of their line of sight at this moment, there was clearly a two-story building standing tall.

Guo Guo's complexion was even worse. She has yin and yang eyes, and she can see how thick the black air condenses outside the building—this is a scene that doesn't even exist in the teaching buildings of the university town.

Combined with the previous warning from the teacher at the reporting office, a not-so-good guess emerged in their minds.

The building ahead... will it be the [Ministry of Education]

The rules have reminded them that it is best to turn around and run when they encounter the Ministry of Education. The four of them didn't hesitate at all, they returned the same way on the spot, and chose another way to start again.

But not long after, the same building still entered their field of vision, just like the end of the previous road, occupying the center as far as they could see, as if the route of 606 had never changed.

And this time, even though they spent the same amount of time on the road, the distance to the building when they stopped was significantly closer than last time.

The four chose their way for the third time, and this time they walked for less than two minutes before 606 stopped.

Looking at the building with three huge black characters "Ministry of Education" engraved on it, Guo Guo was silent for a few seconds: "Under normal circumstances, if you walk along two roads in diametrically opposite directions, you will end up at the same location ?"

Tang Xinjue: "If the lengths of these two roads add up to circle the earth, then it is theoretically possible."

And obviously, now they should just be pure ghosts hitting the wall.

I was thinking about how to crack it, but suddenly there were some episodes in my sight—a group of not-so-familiar figures gradually appeared from the other side of the lawn, they were the ghost students who were sent to find the student ID card!

"Why are you back?" Zheng Wanqing stood at the front.

These ghost students seemed very excited: "Our mobile phone's power is back! As soon as I think about it, I know that the thief must have been punished. You are really amazing. You have solved the problem that has troubled us for a long time so quickly. You deserve to be able to Come to challenge the candidates in the copy of University City!"

[Ding! The branch task of "The Stealing Doubtful Cloud" has been completed, and the branch reward has been obtained: [Student's Respect]]

Zheng Wanqing allowed them to approach after the ghosts repeatedly thanked them and the system prompted them. Seeing that the four of them were wearing new student ID cards on their chests, the ghost students immediately said courteously: "Dear new students, are you going to report back to the gate of the dormitory area again? The road conditions here are complicated, or let us show you the way." .”

Guided by local students, 606 re-chosen from the countless paths around the teaching building, this time finally did not see the Ministry of Education. It's just that the end of the road is still covered with a layer of mist, and the specific scenery behind cannot be seen clearly.

The ghost female student in the lead—the one with many teeth knocked out before—explained to the four of them: "It's already afternoon, the closer the time is to the [sunset] in the university town, the thicker the fog in the university town will be, it `s just normal."

Tang Xinjue nodded: "I see. But I saw some dark shadows in the mist. What are they?"

The ghost hurriedly continued to explain: "It's a wandering spirit, and it's also an accidental phenomenon that will appear near night, so don't worry about it."

But Tang Xinjue immediately asked again: "These wandering spirits seem to be looming around the same huge central point, why?"

"Ah, that's, that's normal. You'll know if you go a little further, yes, if you go further...why don't you leave?"

At some point, the ghost students noticed that the figure of 606 had disappeared from the side, and when they turned their heads, they saw four people stopping behind them, with no intention of moving forward.

"Let's go, classmate, the registration office is just ahead, you can complete the task and clear the dungeon right away!"

The ghosts quickly put on flattering smiles and tried their best to persuade the four of them.

"You know, just now I was thinking, what does the buff [Respect] mean to ghosts?"

Tang Xinjue said leisurely: "After all, we all know that even if it is the same word, there may be a big difference in worldview between humans and ghosts. If we always use our own understanding to interpret the vocabulary of the university town, it may lead to Some less than welcome consequences."

"Then now," she nodded, "I can probably confirm it."

"—That is to say, for you, the specific manifestation of respect is to be more dense and cautious when cheating the other party; the highest level of respect is to cheat the other party with the most serious attitude, right?"

The ghosts opened their mouths: "Ah, dear student Tang, we don't understand what you are talking about..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

Guo Guo interrupted them suddenly, and pointed to his eyes with the corner of his mouth pressed:

"I can see it."

In her other "vision", hidden behind the white mist that the ghost students are trying to guide, is it not the Ministry of Education building or something