Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 29: Appreciation of classic movies


"Li Xiaoyu? Li Xiaoyu?"

Zhao Mingtao had curly hair and stared at a pair of big dark eyes. Seeing that Tang Xinjue didn't answer for a while, his face immediately turned ugly, "I asked you something, did you hear me?"

Tang Xinjue raised his eyes and stared back, but Zhao Mingtao was frightened by his expressionless gaze, and then he asked, "Why do you ask me this?"

Zhao Mingtao rubbed his nose, not knowing why he didn't dare to keep his face down. Because it was a self-study class, he could only lower his voice: "Don't you like Wang Peng, don't you know what happened to Wang Peng?"

"Li Xiaoyu" likes "Wang Peng"

After writing down this information, Tang Xinjue looked around.

In the movie, "Wang Peng" and "Feng Wan" are at the same table, one is the male protagonist and the other is the female protagonist.

But now, the person with the face of "Wang Peng" said he was Zhao Mingtao, and the seat next to him was empty.

Obviously, a person cannot be both Wang Peng and Zhao Mingtao.

Is the dream in the movie false, or is the "reality" at this moment false

Two seconds later, Tang Xinjue did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Why did Feng Wan go?"

Zhao Mingtao subconsciously glanced at the empty seat at the same table, curled his lips and said, "I must have played with Sun Qian again, they must know why Wang Peng was taken away by the head teacher, but they just refused to say, I am most annoying you girls are hypocritical This point. Li Xiaoyu, don't be hypocritical like them, you have a bit of a bum in your heart."

Hearing this domineering tone, the girl was slightly startled at first, and then a faint smile floated up:

"So, you're teaching me how to do things?"

Zhao Mingtao: "..."

Hearing the soft voice, he was stunned for two seconds before reacting, and he became angry from embarrassment: "What do you mean? I shouldn't talk to you. I can't even understand human words. No wonder Feng Wan and the others never get along with each other. you play."

As soon as he finished speaking, the get out of class bell rang, and the originally quiet classroom was suddenly full of voices. When someone came to ask him to play basketball, Zhao Mingtao couldn't wait to get up immediately, and before he left, he still glared at Tang Xinjue: "Put the Chinese homework on my desk, I have to copy it in the next class, you understand?"

The door was slammed shut, and in the lively classroom, the girl's expression sank alone, and a sense of indifference rose around her.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tang Xinjue began to observe his position—or the position belonging to "Li Xiaoyu". There is a storage space under the student's desk, which is full of things in a mess. Take out the books and test papers on the outer layer, and roll out a bunch of small glass bottles from the innermost side.

Tang Xinjue took out the glass bottles, and saw that some bottles were filled with paper strips, some were filled with various pills and capsules, and some were filled with red rope, red liquid, gravel, and indistinguishable substances.

Take out the note in the bottle, each note is marked with time, and there is a small print below:

"On September 5th, Wang Peng was taken away by the class teacher and lectured. I heard it at the door because the love letter he wrote to Feng Wan was reported."

— This is probably what Zhao Mingtao asked. Tang Xinjue closed the note after reading it, and opened the next one:

"On the evening of September 4th, I followed Wang Peng out of the school, and was discovered by Feng Wan and the others. They laughed at me for looking like a dog."

"On the morning of September 3, I found out that Feng Wan brought her aunt's towel to school. Her period this time is later than last month, and it seems to be more painful."

"At noon on September 2, Zhao Mingtao's gums were bleeding after eating braised pork rice, and he went to the toilet to rinse his mouth. Unfortunately, I couldn't enter the men's toilet, so I couldn't see the severity of the bleeding..."

After reading more than ten notes, an image belonging to "Li Xiaoyu" was gradually built up in Tang Xinjue's mind:

An out-and-out voyeur.

Judging from the note records, Li Xiaoyu not only likes to stalk people and secretly observe other people's privacy, but also likes to record other people's unlucky or injured status, write them into notes and hide them in glass bottles.

In addition, two password books were found on the desk. Without knowing the password, there is no way to get the information inside. Tang Xinjue temporarily put it down and reviewed the existing information.

Judging from what is happening now, the so-called "movie replay" actually pulls candidates into the movie. Experience it first-hand through the eyes of the film's characters.

Now, she has become "Li Xiaoyu".

Pushing the table to get up, Tang Xinjue paced around the classroom, checking the environment here.

The horror movie "Death in Class Three Years" only has five minutes to go through the plot, and only three characters are involved—Wang Peng, Feng Wan, and the teaching director.

And the four people who appeared in the options, including Li Xiaoyu, are also students of this class. Coincidentally, they all appeared in Li Xiaoyu's note one after another. From the note, it could be seen that Li Xiaoyu harbored malice towards them.

So, could the ending of almost all the members turning into evil spirits in the movie be Li Xiaoyu's dream

Tang Xinjue stopped in front of the first row of tables and chairs near the podium, right next to the door.

The passing wind blew away the textbooks on the table, and a name was marked on the title page: Wang Peng.

It seems that this is the real Wang Peng's position.

Opening the book on his desk, the name was also engraved: "Sun Qian".

Then there is one last person left... Tang Xinjue cast his eyes on Sun Qian's back table.

"Hands down! What are you doing?"

Unceremonious reprimands suddenly sounded from behind, and a straight-inch boy rushed up, stopped at the table behind Sun Qian, checked the table vigilantly, and raised his head after confirming that there was nothing missing, and frowned at Tang Xinjue. snapped:

"I warn you, if you dare to steal from me, I will break your legs, strip you naked and throw you to the dogs in the playground!"

Tang Xinjue sized him up: "Are you Qian Zhi?"

"Nonsense. I'm not Qian Zhi, but your father?" The boy put everything into his schoolbag cursingly, and then came to push her, "I'm annoyed when I see you, fuck off."

Before he could reach his shoulder, Qian Zhi's arm suddenly sank, and the girl grabbed him with his backhand. He sneered: "Do you still dare to do it? I think you want to die... Fuck it hurts!"

Half of the words stopped on his lips, Qian Zhi opened his eyes wide in amazement, struggled with his arms several times, but remained motionless as if he was being clamped by iron clamps, on the contrary, the severe pain from his bones distorted his facial features, and he had to grin his teeth and shout to stop, and then After being lightly relieved, he fell into the seat.

Tang Xinjue withdrew his hands as if nothing had happened, and said lightly, "Do you know where Wang Peng and Sun Qian are now?"

Qian Zhi rubbed his arms and looked at her as if he had seen a ghost: "How do I know... Wait, don't come here! I know, I know!"

The boy spoke quickly: "Wang Peng is the class monitor. He must be waiting in the teacher's office to pick up the homework and send it back. Sun Qian and Sun Qian must be staying with Feng Wan. I don't know where they are."

After speaking, as if afraid that Tang Xinjue would make another move, he picked up his schoolbag and was about to run, but his steps froze, and the strap of his schoolbag was caught.

Qian Zhi: "..."

Tang Xinjue continued to ask, "Have I ever stolen something before? When?"

Qian Zhi: "Uh, the whole class said that..."

Tang Xinjue exerted force on his hand: "Who said that?"

Qian Zhi swallowed his saliva and quickly changed his words: "It's Feng Wan and Sun Qian! They always tell others that you steal things, and if you want to settle accounts and go to them, I don't know anything!"

After speaking, taking advantage of Tang Xinjue's slight relaxation of strength, he ran away in a hurry.

The boy disappeared outside the door, Tang Xinjue followed, but looking in the direction Qian Zhi was running, the corridor was empty.

The students chatting and chatting, the voices of the crowd, and the shadows of people passing by, all disappeared.

Feeling the abnormal silence, Tang Xinjue narrowed his eyes slightly,

She realized one thing: if what the movie is about is a "dream", is what she is in now the reality before the dream happened, or another dream with a different version

Without hesitation, I used [Appraisal] on myself and the air respectively, and the information appeared in my mind:

[An ordinary human high school girl]

[A mediocre school, maybe there is a hidden story in it]

Not surprised by this result, Tang Xinjue closed his eyes to capture the perception in the sea of consciousness.

[Mind Control (Level 1): The first step in control is self-control. You have a fairly adept understanding of your own psyche. ]

If this is a dream, then the spiritual power must be aware of it... After a while, Tang Xinjue opened his eyes and confirmed that this is reality.

Since it is reality, and there is a space fault, there is only one possibility - the setting of the movie itself.

As her thoughts turned, Tang Xinjue walked deep into the corridor, and she didn't stop until there was singing in the silent corridor.

There is a toilet at the corner in front of you, and the music, singing and laughter are coming from it.

Walking in, Tang Xinjue saw two long-haired girls chatting by the window sill with their backs to the sink.

"No, Wang Peng really wrote you a love letter?"

One of the ball-headed girls asked another long-haired girl.

The long-haired girl giggled: "Of course, I saw the love letter in the office. It's a pity that my deskmate Zhao Mingtao reported it to the teacher, and I can't see the content. Tell me, do they both like me?"

The ball-headed girl also laughed: "How do you know that Zhao Mingtao reported it?"

"The love letter is placed on my desk, and I'm not here, who else knows besides him?"

The two chatted quietly, not even noticing that someone came in. Tang Xinjue walked to the sink, and found a mobile phone on the sink, a song was playing, and a young girl's voice sang in it:

"If You See What I See"

"You will understand me"

"If You Be Me"

"You will do the same"

"we are the same"

"Everyone is the same"

"Welcome to our world"

"Learn about everything we do—"

The chattering chatter disappeared, Tang Xinjue took a sudden step back, and the toilet holder appeared in his hand to block a falling object.

The object fell to the ground, a piece of peeling wall skin.

One piece, two pieces, and more and more pieces of wall skin fell off. From the top to the surrounding areas, the white wall quickly aged and fell off, turning dark yellow and full of stains. At the same time, the two girls on the edge of the window sill disappeared.

The mirror in front of the sink reflects the appearance of "Li Xiaoyu".

Pieces of skin peeled off from the short-haired girl's withered body like a wall, and there were dark red bloodstains vertically and horizontally. She grinned and looked at Tang Xinjue outside the mirror, showing a smiling face.