Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 290: University City Civilization Code


The ghost students didn't realize that 606 had the yin and yang eyes and mental power, the two major observation weapons. After their real purpose was exposed, they stopped acting. Sensen quickly scattered and rushed over, trying to force 606 to the Ministry of Education!

"Don't say that we don't know how to get the Entubao, just walk into the Ministry of Education and you can end your painful exam career directly, isn't it a good thing?"

The students spoke high-soundingly, but their actions were full of malicious intent.

For some reason, after regaining their "life points", their appearance and stature have increased a lot from fifteen or sixteen years old, and they have become normal college students in their twenties.

Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet, and said calmly, "Is it your common characteristic to remember to eat but not to beat?"

— That is, knowing that you can't beat him, but you still have to persevere in catching up to die.

In front is the Ministry of Education, 606 didn't want to get close, so he didn't even do anything to deal with it, and directly cast fire crushing: the phantom of the steel fist and the rain of swords, lights and swords from the skill card fell at the same time, Guo Guo used purification as a protective cover, and the ghosts wanted to avoid the skill , but all of a sudden they froze and stopped in place uncontrollably.

This, this is...

In front of them, Tang Xinjue slightly spread his fingers in the air, and an invisible invisible force seemed to cover the air, forcibly changing the ghost's movements.

Mental power control!

This was the first time Tang Xinjue used large-scale mind control skills on the ghost party. Ghosts don't have the same brains as humans—or rather, they don't have brains at all. Under the power of the university city, they are almost completely another life form, which cannot be judged by human conscious thinking.

If in the vision of mental power, the human brain is full of clusters of small flames of different colors, then the brain of the ghost NPC is only a cluster of black air that does not disperse.

The eyeballs in the University City are even more special. Looking at them with the same field of vision, there is only a blank space where they are located, as if there is no matter or energy at all.

Therefore, the higher the level of Tang Xinjue's spiritual power, the more he knows about them, the more he intends to control the use of his abilities. Because she knows that no matter how powerful the ability is, there are limits.

In the face of things you don't understand, if you can't be cautious, it's best to kill with one blow.

In the short moment of controlling the ghost's movements, she had already put on a pair of white-rimmed glasses, and the moment the frames touched the bridge of her nose, they melted and disappeared in front of her eyes.

[Spiritual Eye: It can realize mental power within a certain range.]

[Spiritual Blade: Spiritual power itself is a sharp blade. When you are strong enough, don't forget to ensure that it will always stab the enemy.]

After handing over two skills in a row, dozens of palm-sized black daggers floated above the ghost students' heads out of thin air, and then fell together with the attacks of the other three!

The light exploded, and the ghost flew all over the place. Only a few of them are still trying to struggle: "Persist for the last time, as long as you succeed, you can leapfrog and improve by joining their camp..."

"Join what? Who ordered you?" Zhang You asked immediately.

They remembered that not long ago, the head also said something similar in meaning at the inspection office. Obviously, they are not only aware of the different camps of good students and bad students, but also accepted the solicitation of the bad students behind the one behind the sky.

And at the moment when 606 asked the question, the last two ghost students suddenly bit off their tongues and blew themselves up in the direction of the Ministry of Education—

In the next second, a sea-like sense of danger suddenly appeared from the front, attacking the four of 606!

Goblins failed, but not completely.

With their self-detonation, the movement here seems to have finally attracted the attention of "over there". Although no specific figure appeared, the strong sense of oppression of "being watched" firmly reminded them.


The four fled on the spot without hesitation. Because they knew that no matter which way they ran, they would most likely return to the Ministry of Education in the end, so they ran directly into the teaching building, trying to get rid of the latter's attention.

The only good news is that they succeeded.

Entering the teaching building, the terrifying "line of sight" gradually faded away. But at the same time, another problem also appeared in front of them:

"Did the color of the building be different when we came in just now?"

Guo Guo scratched his head: "If I remember correctly, this building originally seemed to be silver and black?"

But just before they stepped into the door, she glanced at the outer wall from the corner of her eye, and it suddenly turned into a black golden red

Tang Xinjue was not surprised: "Don't forget, there are three tall buildings in University City."

If these three buildings are all teaching buildings, then there is a high probability that they correspond to three books, two books and one book.

Judging from the strength of the ghosts they observed last time when they entered here, the silver-black building should belong to Sanben University, so the building they are in at the moment...

Zheng Wanqing's brows were tightly frowned, and she had already entered the state of mental tension before the battle: "Be careful, there are many dangerous auras in it, some of which are on par with me, and some are stronger than me."

On the bracelet that foretells danger, the color that lights up is also as red as a drop of blood.

There is no doubt that this is a university.

Opening the map of the university city they had obtained before, Zhang You followed the previous route and marked a few chaotic lines: "The dormitory area should be here, the teaching area is here, and part of the teaching building is in the center , should be the place where we first came in. But after we went out just now, the road ahead no longer leads to the dormitory area. If we don’t consider that the Ministry of Education will move by itself, it is likely to be transferred to the four corners of the map The location of the teaching building... Wait, look at the heart formula, are these four points our own?"

If you don't stare carefully, it's really easy to miss the four tiny, tiny black dots on the paper, not to mention that they are still connected together.

According to the position of the black dot, they are now at the upper left corner of the map. Even if they go out now, they cannot directly reach the dormitory area.

"Wait before leaving."

Tang Xinjue raised his head and made a general assessment of the danger in this building.

Some triggers may or may not be required to switch positions. But in any case, it is necessary to find more clues.

Although the atmosphere in the building was not good, the four of them walked cautiously and did not trigger any confrontation rashly.

The layout of the building is the same as before, and the corridors on each floor are filled with densely packed classrooms. In addition to the possibility of special doors appearing at the end of the corridor, there are also occasionally one or two small blue doors nearby. Combining Guo Guo's previous experience, we can know that there is a high probability that the small blue door is the "workplace" of the customer service in the university town, and when passing by, you can faintly hear the sound of rapid keyboard tapping inside.

"Customer service is really busy." Guo Guo sighed.

"It's okay, I'm very busy at work, and I'm busy doing my job."

A voice fell into his ears, but Guo Guo suddenly took a step back: "Who is talking??"

"it's me."

At the end of the corridor not far away, a quaint brown door silently opened a gap, and a strange and calm female voice came from inside.

"Shoe covers and gloves are at the door, remember to put them on before entering."

606 glanced at each other: "Who are you? What's inside?"

"I am the front desk here, a part-time registration and management staff." The voice replied calmly: "This is the University City Library."

After confirming that there was no malicious aura of ghosts inside, 606 walked in with vigilance and suspicion.

At the first moment of seeing, the four people's adjectives for the room are only strange.

The left and right sides are extremely long, but the width is extremely narrow. If you take a few steps forward, you will easily bump into the dusty wall. In this gray rectangular room that looks like a corridor, there are countless long chandeliers hanging like a small prison.

Before entering, the four of them thought it was the door opened by the owner of the female voice, but after entering, they looked around for a full circle, and only saw a small wooden table about ten meters away on the left hand side, and the person sitting behind the table. young woman.

They took a few glances before confirming that the person sitting there was indeed a person, a normal and living person, not some disguised form of eyeballs and ghosts.

Woman: "I didn't open the door. It opens because you will come in, and it won't open if you don't come in."

After saying this, she pushed the pen and paper on the table forward:

"Register first when entering the museum."

"Is there a charge here?" Out of caution, Zhang You asked the precautions in advance.

The woman blinked calmly: "1. The library is open to all students for free. 2. All books and materials in the library must not be damaged, thrown away or taken away at will. 3. The time for visiting and browsing is determined by the library."

"Determined by the library?"

Tang Xinjue repeated this rule.

In other words, the time they can stay in the library is completely uncertain, and they may be asked to leave at any time.

But at least, the inside seems to be a more "peaceful" boundary.

Zheng Wanqing had already taken a step inside and asked, "Why didn't I see the bookshelf?"

For a library, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t have several floors of buildings and a vast space, but now there are no bookshelves as far as the eye can see, so where are the “books” placed

The registrar raised his hand and pointed to the wall in front of them: "Go ahead."

Go to the wall

Zheng Wanqing tried to take a step forward, but just as she moved her legs, she disappeared in place under the eyes of everyone.

Guo Guo: "??? Where are you, miss?"

At this time, Zheng Wanqing's voice came from the spiritual link that had been kept open all the time: "I'm still here."

Where the other three could not see, Zheng Wanqing looked at the bookshelves in front of her. She went back the same way, but there were also rows of bookshelves behind, and there was no sign of the entrance or anyone else from 606.

"I'm stuck here."

Zheng Wanqing accurately described what she saw: "Now I am in a room with dozens of shelves of books. There is no exit from the room, and I can't see you."

"The library will not trap anyone." The registrar interjected to clarify: "When the time comes for you to leave, the exit door will naturally appear."

Tang Xinjue had a guess: "After all of us pass through this wall, we will enter different library areas, right?"

This time the registrar did not refute.

After a quick discussion, the three decided to go in together. Before leaving, he was suddenly stopped by the registrar:

"Wait, you can't all go in, there is still one who hasn't registered!"

606: "?"

The four of them have just finished registering, so why are they still missing

The registrar was very sure: "There is still one missing, it's in your bag."

Looking at her pointing, Zhang You took down his backpack and suddenly understood something: "You"

The backpack was opened, and a snoring Baituanzi came into everyone's sight.

The registrar nodded: "Yes, come and register."

After being woken up, Bai Tuanzi chirped twice sleepily, looked left and right, and then jumped onto the registrar's desk full of curiosity.

"Paji", the pen and paper were kicked off by its buttocks.

Registrar: " I hate work."

She silently picked up the registration paper, pressed the little elf face down on the paper, and a bunch of unfamiliar characters automatically filled in the blanks.

"You can go in now."

After speaking, the registrar forcibly drove away the elf who was trying to get on her head.

As soon as Bai Tuanzi was in his hand, when Zhang You turned around, he found that the other two people in 606 had disappeared. When she turned her head again, the scenery around her also changed.

The long and narrow entrance space becomes a spacious and towering library with an unknown number of floors. Looking from the huge spiral staircase in the center of the museum to both sides, you can see the dazzling array of bookshelves behind countless layers of glass. The upper and lower sides seem to be connected with a layer of tumbling clouds, with no end in sight.

Undoubtedly, if trapped in one of the floors, or even a library room, Zhang You believes that even if 10,000 people are scattered and thrown in, they may not be able to find each other.

But she is quite special, because she is not in any of the layers.

…she was stuck on the stairs.

This one hangs in the middle of the library, with no front to the village or back to the store, it is so transparent that you can see clearly that there is no one on the spiral staircase up and down two hundred meters!

Fortunately, the spiritual link still exists. After seeing the scene where Zhang You is in from the chat room in 606's brain, Guo Guo couldn't help being silent for a moment: "...Thank you, sister You, I now feel that the place I came in is not a big deal. Too strange."

The eyes of others looked over, either the vast skyline library, or the large reading room lined with bookshelves—only her, in front of her was a study room that couldn't be smaller.

In the middle of the study is a wooden table. On the table is an old computer, keyboard and mouse that seem to have been used for a long time. There is nothing special about it. A row of small bookshelves scattered behind the desk, compared with the other three, looked even more shabby.

Tang Xinjue said in the sea of knowledge: "Let's observe the surrounding environment first to see if we can find some useful information. Our position on the map is slowly shifting. I will look for the pattern first, and you should also pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." Guo Guo patted the pendant to ensure that he was absolutely fine.

Although the university town is full of dangers, the library obviously has a different atmosphere. Especially in this small room, Guo Guo even had an inexplicable feeling that even if the sky outside fell, she might be fine staying here.

It shouldn't be an illusion, right

She touched her nose and walked carefully to the bookshelf. To Guo Guo's surprise, it was not weird books such as "It's so beautiful in the university town" and "One Hundred Ways of Eating Candidates", but very normal books—at least ordinary books with very normal names.

The Four Great Classics, Tang Poetry and Song Ci, Xinhua Dictionary... His eyes flicked over one by one, and finally a special title attracted Guo Guo's attention:

"I found a book here, I think it might be useful, it's called "One Hundred Ways to Get Rich"!"

Zheng Wanqing: "...Are you sure it will work?"

"If you want to practice magical skills, you must first leave the palace. The method of getting rich is the criminal law... Well, it seems that the maneuverability is a little bit worse."

Guo Guo sighed and stuffed the book back regretfully.

After this book, there are a few mediocre storybooks that make people have no desire to read them at first glance. Guo Guo glanced at the title of the book. One was called "Great Escape from Women's Dorm", with four stick figures on the cover; another cover looked like a painful social animal "Escape from Overtime"; 30 days"... At the end of the bookshelf is a reference book called "Happy Island Tour Guide", but the pages of the book are a bit worn out, and it seems to have been old for a long time.

Guo Guo didn't find anything new, so he told the other three people about the situation. However, after Zhang You and Wan Qing responded one after another, Tang Xinjue did not make any sound for a long time.

"Heart formula?"

Guo Guo asked keenly.

A few seconds passed, and there was still no response.

"What happened to Xin Jue?"

Zheng Wanqing had immediately put down the book in her hand and held the positioning dragonfly in her hand.

Zhang You stopped: "It should be fine, the information bar and health value of Xin Jue are normal, and the spiritual link is still open."

If Tang Xinjue really had an accident, then the spiritual link would definitely be broken first. On the contrary, as long as there is no response from the mental power, it means that there is almost no problem in all likelihood.

So right now, it's more like...

Zhang You frowned, unable to find a suitable adjective for a moment. Guo Guo added in time: "Looks like the wheat is turned off?"

"Hey, I'm sorry."

Tang Xinjue was adjusting his spiritual power in a space not far away from Guo Guo and the others.

In front of her, a girl scratched her head and suddenly realized:

"I'm sorry, I just remembered that I'm a foreign ghost, and I may have interfered with your magnetic field. How about this, I'll stay away first, so as not to disturb your chat."

After finishing speaking, the girl straightened her blood-stained collar and hair, then jumped up to the ceiling in a strange posture, and climbed several meters in the opposite direction from Tang Xinjue: "Is this distance enough? The signal is ready." ?"

Tang Xinjue: "..."