Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 292: University City Civilization Code


"Heart formula? Can you hear us?"

After waiting for a while, there was still no response in the spiritual link, Guo Guo and the three could only communicate with each other first.

Compared with Guo Guo in the small study and Zhang You on the spiral staircase, Zheng Wanqing who came in first was in the most "normal" situation. There are about dozens of bookshelves around her, most of the books on them are incomprehensible gibberish symbols, but there is also some useful information. For example, in one of the reference books, she even found a more detailed map of the [library].

"If everything on this map is true, there should be a total of 1,000 partitions in the library."

The location where she is located, between the 100th and 150th districts, is the storage place for the historical materials of the library. Zhang You's location is almost in the 500 area, which is the center of the library.

Although there is no sound from Xin Jue now, it was also said at the beginning that she entered a place similar to a projection room, and there were many machines and disks in the room.

Zheng Wanqing compared them one by one: "I found it. Area 950 is called the projection room. The projection room only occupies one area, but it is surrounded by 9 areas of archives, and outside the archives is a blank area occupying 40 areas." …it doesn’t say where the blank space is.”

[It is the defense zone. ]

The sudden answer made Zheng Wanqing subconsciously raise her guard, but she soon realized that it was the registrar's voice: "Can you monitor us at any time?"

[I am also a part-time librarian. You are officially registered tourists. It is also my job to observe the situation and answer your questions. ]

The administrator's voice was tired and numb, and he obviously didn't have any enthusiasm for the job content. But she still dutifully said:

[In order to prevent people from breaking into the archives in violation of regulations, hundreds of dangerous creatures are sealed in the defensive area, please do not approach. ]

"What about those who have already entered?"

[University City will automatically conduct identity verification, and pass the judgment to enter and exit through the security door. ]

The administrator's voice seemed to be heard only by Zheng Wanqing, but after she relayed it, Guo Guo immediately let out a surprise:

"Wait, what does the security door look like... Is it me?"

From Guo Guo's perspective, a narrow door appeared on the wall of the small study at some point.

It just so happened that she couldn't find any information in this room—does it mean that she can leave

Zhang You reminded rigorously: "Are you sure that all the nearby information has been found? Do you need to search for the missing places?"

"Well... really no more."

Guo Guo glanced over from the beginning to the end again, and even picked up a book casually to read: "Only this one—"The Escape from the Female Dorm"? The taste of the university town is so strange."

If she was watching this, she might as well read 606's memoirs of her own survival.

There is a line of small characters under the title page of the book, marking the creation time as 1,000 University Days—how long did it take to write such a thin book? Guo Guo deeply condemned this. She disliked it for a while, then opened her spiritual vision:

"Check it out, too."

"... It seems that there is really nothing worth noting."

Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing also got nothing.

At this time, a bigger gap was exposed in the door of the small study, Guo Guo put the books back one by one, and then used the advantage of his figure to slip out lightly.

"Wait for me, I'll come to you right away!"

"Is the signal still not working?"

On the ceiling, the female ghost said regretfully: "Then I'll finish the matter first. When I leave, your signal should be restored."

Tang Xinjue has nothing to do with it.

As soon as she entered the room just now, she happened to see the girl who was looking for the machine. Strangely, although the other party is not human, his aura is different from that of the student ghosts in the university town. The girl called herself a foreign ghost, and she came to the university town to apply for household registration, and she also called Tang Xinjue a "player" very affectionately.


Tang Xinjue's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, I'm used to it, I'm sorry, are you calling candidates here?" The girl jumped down and found a machine, took out a crumpled manual from her pocket, and turned on the machine according to the instructions. While operating, he explained: "Our place is called Happy Island, have you heard of it? Probably not, we are far away from the University City, but since the University City became open source, all the anchors began to approach it, and we will become neighbors in a short time .”

"Of course, the university city has the highest priority. After the anchor points are merged, the centers of small systems like Happy Island will be taken over by it. So we have to hurry up and get the household registration, otherwise we will become unemployed refugees and have to live in Wandering around in the cracks of the dungeon, even a wandering soul can't compare to being miserable... It's done!"

The girl pulled out a shiny ID card from the machine, and Tang Xinjue saw the name on it:

"Qing Lian?"

The girl smiled: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I see that you should be advanced players in the high-level middle school. I'm just a first-level crispy nc. It's better to stay away from you. Otherwise, if you accidentally raise your hand, I'll be bloody!" The bar is gone. Bye bye, come to Happy Island when you have time to play.”

She hastily stuffed a business card into Tang Xinjue's pocket, then she hung up to the ceiling and disappeared.

"Heart formula... Heart formula? You're back!"

The voice in the spiritual link finally recovered. Tang Xinjue briefly explained the situation, and the others were relieved. Zheng Wanqing said: "Guoguo and I have already met, and it seems that a door will open after staying here for a while. We are now looking for Zhang You, but there may be some troubles on your side..."

"Okay, I understand."

While speaking, Tang Xinjue also walked to a machine.

This machine is in the most inconspicuous corner of the projection room, with only two interactive ports, one for scanning and the other for ejecting. The screen flashed an unintelligent blue light, and there was no specific description of its use, but she noticed three rows of small two-inch photos pasted next to it.

There are a total of 12 photos, each with a vague outline, either a boy or a girl. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they were all dressed as young students. Judging by how faded the photos are, it seems like a long, long time has passed.

There are only two brighter ones, the ones pasted at the far corners, one male and one female. Seeing them, an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to mind.

The longer I look at them, the deeper the sense of familiarity, as if I can touch them through the blurred photos, and even walk in...

Tang Xinjue frowned and stared at the photo, until suddenly there was a howl like a gunshot, accompanied by a sudden jump in the depths of her mind like an early warning, she turned around suddenly.

Turning around, I saw Bai Tuanzi also entered the projection room at some point, lying beside her and calling:


Tang Xinjue paused, and asked it: "You were the one calling just now?"

Bai Tuanzi: "Chirp, chirp, chirp!"

The elf's voice was crisp and elastic, completely incompatible with the loud hissing noise she "heard" just now. But when she recalled it again, it seemed that it was really just the voice of the elf, and it became a little different only when it fell into her mind.

Tang Xinjue took a breath, threw all the thoughts out of his mind just now, picked up the white dumpling and rubbed it twice:

"Are you here to find me?"


"Exactly, it's time."

Tang Xinjue opened the map, and saw the location of the four people in 606. At some point, they shifted from the corner of the map back to the center.

Guo Guo asked in the spiritual connection: "Are we leaving the library?"

"Yes." Tang Xinjue opened the door of the projection room and stepped out. The scene changed, and she returned to the entrance of the library. The administrator sat aside and watched her quietly. After meeting her eyes, she swiped twice on the registration form, and the library door opened in due time.

"Now, it's time for us to complete the main mission."