Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 293: University City Civilization Code


Stepping out of the teaching building this time, the outline of the dormitory area in the distance came into view, and the four were slightly relieved.

Without the Ministry of Education standing in front of them, and without ghosts and students maliciously leading the way, they returned to the dormitory area smoothly. As far as the eye could see, Gray Eyeball and the Freshman Registration Office were still standing there, as if waiting for them to pass by.

"You are back."

Gray Eyeballs turned to them and made a voice: "Have you found your student ID card? Okay, hold it in your hand, come here and complete the registration."

Zheng Wanqing raised her leg and was about to go over, but her arm was suddenly pulled.

Tang Xinjue shook his head lightly.

Even have problems with gray eyeballs? !

"It's not true."

With Tang Xinjue's signal, the four of them not only did not continue to approach, but gradually retreated.

The moment he realized this, Gray Eyeball's pupils shrank rapidly: "You don't want to complete the task?"

"On the contrary." Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet and laughed, "We really want to complete the task."

Because of this, they are more cautious. When the vision of mental power revealed that the position of the gray eyeball was not the unique "blank" of the teacher, but a black air mass representing the ghost student, the identity and purpose of the other party had been clearly revealed.

Realizing that they had discovered something, the opposite party didn't even intend to continue to pretend, "Grey Eyeball" jumped up from the spot, and jumped in front of the four of them in an instant!

"Sometimes it's not a good thing to see too much."

As he approached, he chuckled as the gray smoke exploded, and Yue Qiong's figure appeared in the smoke. His upper body is still wearing a familiar black mask, but his lower body has turned into a condensed black mist. From time to time, countless small eyeball-like tumors burst out from it, and it seems that it is with the help of the energy inside that he can freely Change appearance.

The san value is outside, but it is also expected.

Tang Xinjue raised his hand and waved away the smoke: "Have you completely turned into a ghost?"

Unlike Li Qi, who was transformed into an NC after the death of an examinee, Yue Qiong is more like a living person transformed. Every time they met, the dark aura on the other person became stronger, and the human aura became weaker until it disappeared completely.

"Finding another life form that is more powerful and worth following is the real meaning of this game."

Yue Qiong didn't care about the black mist and sarcoid tumors that continued to spread on his body. With a wave of his hand, the registration office in the phantom disappeared, and A Wan and several other candidates walked out from it.

"You cleared the level very quickly, but it was a complete waste of time and this rare opportunity."

Compared with meeting in the online dating dungeon not long ago, Yue Qiong's strength has obviously increased a lot. Now he was no longer afraid of flushing the toilet, and aimed at Tang Xinjue, signaling Awan and others to deal with the other three people in 606.

Tang Xinjue ignored the other party's topic: "The breath behind you is quite unfamiliar, how many books of ghosts are there in the [bad students] camp?"

Li Xiaoyu is certain, but Wu Shi's position is not so clear. Judging from the frequency of a boss appearing in the dungeon, there are not many students in the entire university city, so the distribution ratio of their camps can basically represent the boss of the university. The town ghost students stand out.

"How many candidates are there in the game?"

Yue Qiong didn't answer the question.

Tang Xinjue: "No matter how many candidates there are, you can only meet a few hundred people in one exam." That was the result of her using the system background to fight against the generals and crashing the exam copy abruptly.

So in other words, under the check and balance of the rules, it is impossible for a large number of high-level ghosts to appear in the same instance. The appearance of Yue Qiong now proves this even more.

Sure enough, when it came to this step, Yue Qiong stopped talking. The black mist surged towards the four of them like a black snake spitting out letters, and the rest of the candidates also rushed forward. Their abilities were not very powerful, but they played self-destruction regardless of losses, constantly consuming 606's defensive items.

"While they are controlled by the University City, they want to fight against the University City at the same time, but they can't all end up in the real world, so they come up with the so-called faction confrontation, using candidates to fight candidates-you would rather be tools in a false world, or Don't want to go back to the real world?"

"False? Then what is real?"

A Wan suddenly opened his mouth and sneered: "The unknown loser, the incompatible psychopath, and the one who is bound by the so-called moral law... What is the importance of that kind of truth compared with the freedom in the university city?"

During the conversation, Awan had already approached Tang Xinjue from behind. Before she was blown away by the spiritual blade, she smiled with a sigh:

"That's your truth, I...we don't need it."

A big hole was opened in her chest by the embodied spiritual power, and blood flowed out, but immediately more black mist scrambled to get in, "repairing" her wound like eating away. In the phantom of the steel fist, Awan's body was thrown high into the air and then fell, finally turning into twisted pieces on the ground.

His teammates fell one after another, but Yue Qiong didn't even blink his eyes. All his skills bombarded Tang Xinjue, making her unable to analyze the situation. But Zhang You's reminder still quickly appeared in his mind: "These candidates' bodies are a bit strange."

Although the strength is far inferior to 606, the process of losing their mobility after being attacked is almost weird, as if they didn't use any defensive skills at all. Even when he fell to the ground, his eyes were wide open, as if... waiting for something

In an instant, Tang Xinjue withdrew his hand and made a decisive decision: "Let's go first!"

"They didn't lose their combat effectiveness, they did it on purpose. This is a sacrifice."

If they hadn't been pushed so hard by Yue Qiong, they should have seen that behind the black mist that filled their vision, the places where these candidates from the [bad students] camp fell twisted and fell, just connected into a disc, one circle at a time. The circle shrinks around, and finally condenses on the central point where A Wan is, like a huge sunflower without petals, spreading out strange black and red lines.

It is exactly the same as the sacrificial scene that Guo Guo saw with his celestial eyes in the copy of Zombie Campus.

As soon as the judgment was made, crisp giggles slowly rose from the black mist. An indescribable sense of heaviness suddenly enveloped the limbs, until Guo Guo held the pendant with difficulty and released [Purification], this sudden gravitational suppression dissipated a little.

A petite figure with a huge head slowly walked out from the candidates' bodies.

"It's the first time we met, the environment is so dirty, it's really not decent." The girl who walked out smiled, showing two dimples on her face: "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Xu Meng, this is my sister , her name is Xu Zhen."

Speaking of the last sentence, her bright facial features suddenly shrank into a ball of pain, and then her neck creaked and turned, and the other half of her head turned like this—behind the ugly tumor connecting the two halves of the brain, there was another picture with a very similar appearance. girl's face:

"I'm sorry, my sister is too naive. She came here to bother you even though she knew you were taking the exam. I hope I won't leave a bad impression on you."

Under 606's vigilant eyes, Xu Zhen and Xu Meng smiled at the same time:

"After all, we are classmates who will work together in the future."

Although the other party's meaning is almost the same as that of Li Xiaoyu, the sisters in the same body in front of him are even more chilling.

Guo Guo felt that the pendant was so hot that it was going to burn through his chest: "Who wants to work with you?"

Their destination is the real world, not to mention that even if she dies in the game, she will never become such a ghost—they are well-informed now, and they know that not all ghosts in the university city are so insane.

Many ghosts still retain a considerable part of their humanity. Although the game has never stated it clearly, various clues show that the local ghosts in the university town evolved from humans entering the "underground" and climbing up from the "underground".

But why they gather in the university city, and what role and purpose they assume in this huge system are things that have not been clarified so far.

Of course, if possible, it's best that they don't need to know this until they clear the last copy.

Just like the counselor warned. The more you know, the more danger you have.

Fortunately, like their Riddler companions, the Xu Meng sisters did not have the habit of speaking clearly. Before turning 606 into "the same kind", they were obviously more interested in how to turn the four into corpses.

The black mist originally controlled by Yue Qiong was drained almost instantly by the two sisters, and behind them condensed into a giant two-headed python, following the movements of the ghosts and chasing the four of them!

The oppressive force of a book of ghosts is particularly obvious at this time. The four even suspected that this was the full strength of high-level ghosts when they were not restricted by dungeons. Due to the poor information on inequality, they have no intention of going head-on with strange enemies as soon as they come up. Zhang You threw four acceleration skill cards, Guanghua fell into the hands of the four and crushed them at the same time, instantly boosting their speed to more than double, widening the distance from the Ghost Sisters.

Tang Xinjue: "Run away!"

Ghosts are two in one, and so is the black mist they congeal. Without stripping the main body, at most they can only be divided into two groups to chase people at the same time. If the four groups are dispersed, their strength will be greatly reduced, which will give them more room for mediation.

The four of them immediately separated and stepped onto four different paths at the same time. This move really worked, and the ghost side obviously reacted for a moment, and then quickly assigned the pursuit target:

The heads of the ghost sisters were torn apart on both sides, Xu Zhen's head floated out from the sister's body, and the black mist python was also split into two behind him. In an instant, the four black shadows scattered high, and in the next second they flew into a small road at the same time, chasing after Guo Guo!

Guo Guo: "..."

Are you serious about picking my look at the same time after you separated