Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 294: University City Civilization Code


A small action, but so much damage.

Fortunately, the ghost side also realized this immediately, and the "weakest" one in front of him had a few tricky auxiliary power shields on his body, which was not so easy to catch.

After a brief hesitation, they immediately dispersed into four groups, chasing the four of 606 respectively.

"Don't be fooled! Even if they are separated, one person is as difficult to fight as four people." Yue Qiong's cold voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

"It's enough to catch one of them, and they will definitely turn around and help that person, and they won't leave their companions and go away by themselves."

The reminder was immediate.

The ghost sisters reacted immediately, so they gathered together again and chased after Tang Xinjue, the most important person in their judgment.

Yue Qiong: "?"

"Your surname is Tang, right? We've heard about you... Your ability is a support, right? I don't know how much strength your roommates will have left after capturing you?"

Behind them, Xu Meng grinned expectantly.

Yue Qiong: "..."

I asked you to arrest people, not to choose the most difficult one.

The face under the mask twitched, and he could only continue to remind: "Tang Xinjue is not an auxiliary ability user."

"Oh." Xu Meng suddenly realized, and said to Tang Xinjue, "Are you that famous healer?"

Yue Qiong: "The healer's surname is Bai!"

Seeing the four of 606 running farther and farther, black air filled his head: "She is a psychic power user, and she also has an object-like power that is extremely difficult to fight against, that thing looks like a toilet... don't reach out to catch it!! "

Faced with Tang Xinjue's sudden turn and attack, the ghost sisters thought that the other party would throw some kind of bomb or skill halo, but they didn't expect that it was just a plastic toilet stick. When it is in your hand.

Xu Meng turned a deaf ear to the reminder, and looked at it curiously: "Huh?"

At the same second, a huge suction suddenly came from the toilet, like a mouth that was hungry for a long time and was finally ready to cook, biting towards Xu Meng's face!

Although the attack speed of the toilet is fast, the reaction of ghosts is difficult for ordinary people to see clearly. I saw Xu Meng turned his head easily, and then changed places with Xu Zhen's face, and said to himself: "This little trick, dare to use it!" On my body?"

Oh, there was no injury at all.

Xu Zhen: "..."

Caught off guard, half of her face was swallowed by the toilet, which just interrupted her from preventing 606 from casting spells, and brought a strong sense of discomfort and danger. She angrily seized control of both hands, trying to pull the weapon off her face, but she didn't expect that the toilet handle, which seemed to have strong adsorption force, would fall off at the touch of a finger, and it was easily separated as soon as she got started—

Even her head was easily separated together.

"Sister, I'm light!"

"Because your sister is gone."


The distance in front was further increased, and the annoying things behind were chattering again. The ghost sisters seemed to realize the seriousness of the situation and began to take this chase seriously.

I don't know what ability they used, those examinees who were crushed by the priests were put together again from the black mist, their faces were floating towards the four of them with stiff faces, and by the way, they helped Xu Zhen pull the toilet, and the method was to use their bodies to replace them. Xu Zhen's head was swallowed.

Gritting teeth came from the back: "That's my puppet, you can't use it past me."

"Really? From the moment you summoned us with them, these people are not yours."

Xu Meng giggled, waved her hand casually, crushed a candidate's stiff neck, and stuffed it into her own cracked jaw. The speed suddenly increased by a few points.

"It seems that they are not monolithic inside."

The ghost's conversation was also heard by several people in 606. Although Yue Qiong has transformed into a ghost, he still doesn't have the strength to rival Li Xiaoyu and other ghosts. And there is no trust and mutual assistance between ghosts and ghosts. What can tie them together must be a great benefit.

Sure enough, as the chase failed to make any progress, internal strife broke out again on the side of the ghosts. But compared to Yue Qiong's exasperation, Xu Meng's attitude was more relaxed: "It's okay, this kind of summoning will not stop once it starts, the best show is yet to come."

As they said, at least at this moment, they didn't have the expectation of being able to wipe out 606 in one fell swoop, but they can undoubtedly successfully interfere with the progress of the four people's missions.

After a lot of effort, Xu Zhen finally pulled out the remaining half of his head before being completely swallowed by the toilet, and slowly rubbed his face: "The speed of your strength evolution is indeed unexpected, but the test Strength is not everything, whether you can complete the task and pass the level is the only criterion. It's a pity that the student ID card you have worked so hard to get is probably useless."

He kept spitting water, and was very reluctant to eat the examinee's toilet, and suddenly stopped entangled with the ghost. Just when Xu Zhen was about to destroy it, the toilet turned his head lightly, and was called back by Tang Xinjue.

"Not necessarily. The student ID card is not only useful at the registration office. I think it is necessary to show it again in front of the teachers of the Ministry of Education."

When the words fell to the ground, the faces of the ghost sisters changed for the first time.

—Wait, how long have they been chasing them

Only then did the ghosts realize that in the process of chasing them, although they deviated the 606 belt from the original dormitory area, they also embarked on a completely different space route.

But now, right in front of 606, a looming tall building appeared at some point.

Whether candidates or ghosts, the first time they see it, they have to face an oppressive aura of indiscriminate attack, like a pair of serious eyes, examining everyone.

— Ministry of Education!

Xu Meng immediately reacted: "You blinded us with supernatural powers?"

Xu Zhen was also shocked and laughed back: "Using the Ministry of Education to borrow a knife to kill people, you are really brave enough."

Although mental power cannot control a book of ghosts, it is more than enough to slightly affect the opponent's perception.

Tang Xinjue smiled: "Your own university, if you get lost, you still blame us?"

The moment the mental shield was removed and the Ministry of Education was revealed, even Yue Qiong, who was several feet away, slammed to a halt, with a gloomy expression on his face: "... what is that?"

"A place that might not be very friendly to bad student camps."

Seeing the expressions and reactions of the ghosts, Tang Xinjue knew that he had guessed right.

With a map and a mental shield, they initially dispersed not only to hold back the ghosts, but also to try to move in the direction of the Ministry of Education.

[But the Ministry of Education...] Guo Guo was also worried for a moment.

[If the rules say we should be afraid of the Ministry of Education, then they must be more afraid than we are. ]

Tang Xinjue replied.

It can be judged from all kinds of information that the Ministry of Education is the department with the highest authority and level in the entire university town. Compared with the management of specific students and copy affairs, they can vaguely perceive that the Ministry of Education's control over the university town is more macroscopic and core.

In other words, the position of the Ministry of Education is the position of the university town.

And the camp of "bad students" who repeatedly violated the dungeon rules and even killed a few candidates secretly dare not speak out, no matter what their purpose is, it is obviously not in line with the interests of the University City.

Tang Xinjue was betting that these ghosts would not dare to face the Ministry of Education.

—And, the other party doesn't know that this also applies to 606.

Zhang You was the first to understand the twists and turns of her plan. With limited time, she just asked implicitly:

[We are not good students, are we? ]

Guo Guo: [? ? ]

If she remembered correctly, Bai Zhi had asked exactly the same thing before. But if they're not [good students], what is? Is it the same bad student camp as Yue Qiong

If this is the case, then why does the opposite side repeatedly woo or even chase after him

[That depends on how they are judged. ]

Tang Xinjue stopped.

The Ministry of Education is still some way off, but her plan has been achieved.

The ghost sisters carried out the four characters of being able to stretch and bend to the extreme, and after confirming that the Ministry of Education was in front, they turned their heads and left without hesitation. Yue Qiong saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to slip along with him, but the black mist around him suddenly rose against the water, and he was firmly fixed in place!

Yue Qiong was startled, and reacted in an instant, and the veins in his temples bulged: "Xu Meng Xu Zhen! You crossed the river and demolished the bridge?!"

"Don't speak so harshly, is it your first day in University City?"

Xu Meng put her sister's head back on her neck, and at the same time she ran away, she didn't forget to throw Yueqiong towards the Ministry of Education: "The teachers there are hard to deal with, so instead of everyone being arrested, why don't you come to the tank. "

"Oh, I forgot to mention it." She laughed wildly in mid-air: "Welcome to the university city, congratulations on entering the eternal and painful post-life era, our dear new classmates!"

The people in 606 could no longer hear the clamor behind the ghost, because another indescribable sense of oppression had descended, gripping their hearts.

—When you meet a teacher from the Ministry of Education, turn your head and run away.

Guo Guo thought, fortunately, the four of them turned their backs to the direction of the Ministry of Education building at the moment, and wondered if there would be enough time to run now.

But before they made a decision, the invisible force first changed: the four of them felt a sudden lightness on their bodies, as if the main weight of that line of sight had shifted and concentrated in one place. Immediately, Yue Qiong opened his eyes wide, roared in shock and anger, and struggled with all his strength.

"No, you have no right to do this, I'm a student in the university town! You are just a tool to maintain the rules of the university city, you can't..."

As his voice and body disappeared inch by inch under an invisible force. Tang Xinjue made a decisive decision:

[Right now! ]


Taking advantage of the priority of the Ministry of Education's attention to deal with Yueqiong, the four of 606 quickly evacuated in the opposite direction. The compelling sense of gaze followed behind them, and no one stopped. I don't know how long it took, until I couldn't hear any sound at all, and the surrounding scene became empty again, and this oppressive feeling completely disappeared.

Guo Guo gasped heavily and supported his knees: "Huh, this is us, have we managed to escape?"

"At that time, the distance was too close. If they chased us like they did to Yue Qiong, I wouldn't be able to run away." Zheng Wanqing calmly analyzed her own strength: "They didn't make up their minds to deal with us."

At least, the priority and necessity of this judgment were not so strong, so they were able to leave successfully twice in a row.

"Sure enough..."

Zhang You also confirmed something, she looked at Tang Xinjue, and the two of them reached an agreement in the meeting of eyes: "So, we are also [bad students]."

This time, she used a firm tone.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Wanqing frowned: "We are in the same camp as those ghosts??"

"Of course not, Zhang You is not referring to this."

Tang Xinjue shook his head lightly.

"The so-called good students and bad students are judged by others according to their own standards. Is there a possibility that this set of standards is not uniform?"

"In the real rules of the university town, there are only grades without good and evil, and there is no so-called camp. The ghost students in the university town think we are [good students] because we have never accepted their solicitation; Teachers can also think we are [bad students], can't they?"

After all, from the perspective of teachers of various courses, Tang Xinjue and his party have done all kinds of bad things. If there are also reports to the candidates in the reverse direction, then the report letters about 606 may be piled up in a certain cabinet at the entrance of the education department. I firmly believe that the four are well-behaved, weak and good students, and I am afraid that there is only one counselor.

With their style of handling things during the exam, they are still able to swagger in the university town, maybe it is all thanks to their peers to bring out the miracle.