Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 295: University City Civilization Code


"As for our specific stance... Who says you can only be a good student or a bad student?"

Tang Xinjue changed the subject and shrugged.

They don't belong to any faction, and faction doesn't mean anything to them.

Of course, if it is a clear-cut [good student] label, you may see a different scene in places like the Ministry of Education. But "neutrals" are by no means a family in the university town. Whether following the rules or breaking them, their sole purpose is to clear the game and return to reality. In the face of too excellent progress, the choice of camp naturally becomes dispensable.

Zhang You: "I think there should be a lot of dormitory progress that hasn't reached the book, so the ghosts and ghosts value this matter so much."

5 or 10 candidates may not affect much, but what about 50 candidates, 500 candidates, or even 55 million? As most of the surviving people's game progress is pushed to the later stage, the confrontation between the camps is bound to become more and more intense.

This is the case with long nights and many dreams. The longer the delay, the greater the variables. That's why they rushed to this graduation exam regardless of everything, even if it was just to gain the most critical time advantage, it was worth a try.

After a few conversations, the sense of deviation on the road gradually returned to normal. The scenery in the distance came into view, and it turned out to be the familiar gate of the dormitory area.

"We got lucky this time."

Zhang You compared the map with a hint of a smile.

By mistake, they just returned to their original place.

The location of the reporting desk inside the gate, Gray Eyeball still stood solemnly on the spot. With the last ptsd, several people repeatedly confirmed that it was not a ghost student in disguise, but a real teacher at the report office, and then walked forward cautiously. Sure enough, he got a blank stare:

"The sun is about to set, are you still hesitating?"

Guo Guo chuckled, "We got our student ID cards!"

Gray Eyeball snorted coldly: "Don't be too happy, I can only speed up your registration as much as possible."

Although the tone was not good, Gray Eyeball's movements were unambiguous at all. Four student ID cards flew in front of him in a blink of an eye, and began to shuttle and stamp among a group of materials that fell out of thin air.

"...It's almost done, your new students will just...wait."

The gray eyeball paused suddenly. Although it was just a big, bald eyeball, they seemed to be able to feel that it was frowning.


The hearts of the four sank.

The gray eyeball looked at somewhere in the void and shook his eyeball: "The rules have changed."

"Just now, the updated registration regulations show that in addition to the student ID card and basic materials, new students need to attach a small two-inch photo to the file."

Sure enough, the pit dug by the copy may be late, but it will never be absent.

"There are photos in the dormitory, I can go back and get them." Zhang You immediately added.

As a contemporary college student who often needs to fill in various forms, the ID number engraved in the DNA and a bag of small two-inch photos prepared in the drawer are already commonplace, but it is not a difficult requirement.

Gray Eyes vetoed:

"Only materials that have been specially certified by the University City will have the effect of notarization. This kind of photo can only be obtained through a special photo printer in the University City. Let me think about its storage location..."

… photo

Familiar scenes came to my mind, and a guess emerged from my heart. Tang Xinjue raised his eyes: "You mean, the projection room in the University City library?"

The gray eyeballs, which were thinking hard, were aroused, and they nodded:

"Yes, that's right, it's there!"

Here comes the problem.

They had just come out of the building and had a hard time finding their dormitory area—and now they had to go back into the building, try to find the library inside again, find the projection room there, take printouts, and come out again to repeat the process. a journey

How long is it before the sun goes down, can it stand such a toss

Gray Eyeball replied seriously: "There are no clocks in the university town, if you want to check the time, you can go back to your dormitory to check."

606: "...Thank you, forget it."

There was no time to waste anymore, they got the specific requirements of the photo and the location of the machine from Gray Eyeball, and immediately set off again, rushing to the teaching building.

Before leaving, Gray Eyeball hesitated for a moment, but still said to them:

"Maybe the process is difficult and troublesome, cough, but don't give up. When you get the successful result, you will find that what you get is much more than you imagined."

"Really?" Tang Xinjue turned to look at it: "Thank you teacher."

Gray Eyeball turned his head: "Hmph, I hate freshmen the most, let's go!"


During the journey, Bai Tuanzi lay on Tang Xinjue's schoolbag in high spirits, like a little captain directing the direction.

Guo Guo didn't like it: "It's not you who worked so hard together, you're quite happy? You can't be a mount or fight, and you eat more than anyone else, you little prodigal son!"

Tang Xinjue agreed: "You're right. It's too much, you can take it away and punish."

Bai Tuanzi raised his fat body: "Jiu Jiu!"

"..." Guo Guo glanced at the ball elf weighing more than ten kilograms, and said seriously on the spot: "But it looks very polite, how can I bear to make such a cute little guy sad, or God of God, you carry it on your back." Bar."

While speaking, the four of them had stepped into the teaching area again. As soon as they entered here, they were keenly aware that something was wrong—compared with the first time they came, the teaching area at this moment obviously had a layer of white mist, and while the visual visibility in the air was reduced by half, it also contained a strong sense of mist. Dangerous and bleak.

Zheng Wanqing: [There are at least three people around the same strength as me. ]

Guo Guosong breathed a sigh of relief: [There are only three, that's okay, don't be afraid. ]

Zheng Wanqing: [four, six, nine...],

Guo Guo: […]

Excuse me, it turned out to be an instant count.

Tang Xinjue: [It is a summoned ghost student, our advanced teaching building. ]

Even with mental vision, fighting against an unknown number of ghosts in the fog will inevitably lead to disadvantages. They quickly rushed towards the skyscraper in the middle of the fog, but a familiar voice suddenly came from ahead:

"Long time no see, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

The more you don't want to see something, the easier it is to see.

This is probably what should come or not, and what shouldn't come comes one after another.

The moment they heard the voice, 606 and the others recognized each other's identity.

Li Xiaoyu!

In the middle of the gate of the teaching building, a short-haired girl in school uniform was sitting on the ground, her bloodstained legs dangling in the air, as if she was seriously counting the stones on the ground. Although the face and eyes are lowered to the ground, the neck has been twisted to the direction of 606 strangely, smiling endlessly:

"Are you happy to see me? Don't people say you're happy to see your friends? Why don't you smile?"

Several people could clearly feel that if Li Xiaoyu in the test dungeon was considered normal and perverted, then the level of weirdness suddenly increased ten times. Although it has a human body and face, it doesn't look like a human at all in terms of senses.

Seeing that the four did not answer, Li Xiaoyu's body movements did not change, but her voice became higher and higher:

"Why don't you laugh? Are you looking down on me? Are you also secretly talking bad about me? Aren't we classmates? Why!"

With the sound, a strong burnt smell hits the face. Guo Guo felt pain on his face, and subconsciously dodged, but found that there was nowhere to hide.

The air seemed to have turned into countless transparent and sharp knives. Even though the defensive cover had been triggered, the traces of the airflow still made blood ooze from the body.

Hearing two strange laughs in front of him, Li Xiaoyu's distorted figure suddenly disappeared in place. Immediately afterwards, this laughter overlapped and resounded around her continuously, as if countless Li Xiaoyu were surrounding her, but no one could be seen in the air.

Guo Guo opened his yin and yang eyes without hesitation, and his vision clearly reflected that there were indeed densely packed "Li Xiaoyu" standing around.

Some of them tilted their heads nervously and sneered, some were covered with whip blood, some were carrying medicine bottles and sharp knives, and their bodies were so scorched that they could not be seen as human beings, and they were slowly crawling towards her feet. As if responding to Guo Guo's gaze, his scorched body raised his head, and he grinned at her, a few pieces of flesh fell off his apple muscles.

Guo Guo: Thank you, it's better not to watch it.

When she recovered from the severe cold, the purification skills had already enveloped the four of 606 in the center like silkworm chrysalis. The moment Li Xiaoyu's avatar was stopped by the white light, the four broke into the teaching building together.

The gasp was only momentary, and the sense of danger around him still did not disappear. As a local ghost in the university town, the existence outside is naturally not subject to any restrictions. Tang Xinjue closed the door of the teaching building with his backhand, and was about to lock it with props, but the other hand was faster than her:

"I come."

As soon as the words fell, those hands took out a brass lock and locked the two doors of the gate firmly together, then clapped their hands with satisfaction, and said in a slightly weird tone: "At least five minutes, you come with me. "

After all, the hands floated towards the stairs, but after two steps, they found that the four of 606 had not followed: "Why are you not moving? Don't I look like a good person?"

Zhang You said euphemistically, "It's not that he doesn't look like a good person."

But not at all like a person.

"If it's convenient, can I bother to show you?"

After all, there is only one pair of hands floating in the air, which is indeed a bit weird.