Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 296: University City Civilization Code


"Oh, sorry, I forgot."

After 606's euphemistic but straightforward reminder, the other party realized that he only showed his hands. In the next second, the color spread along the hands, and a tall blonde girl appeared in front of the four of them.

Seeing the girl's face, how many people noticed the reason why she spoke strangely before: the other party is a foreigner? !

The girls could see the slight surprise of the four of them, and it was no surprise:

"I have been a student in a university town for a long time, but maybe my Chinese pronunciation was not very good before my death, and now my learning ability has declined, so I still don't understand it. Can you understand me?"

Tang Xinjue nodded: "Yes."

"That's good." The other party was not angry because of 606's scruples, and explained kindly: "Don't worry, I'm not those anti-social elements, you can just call me Qiu."

Guo Guo seemed to understand: "Are you from the good student camp?"

This is not surprising, as can be seen from the performance of the dungeon NPC, not the entire university town is controlled by Li Xiaoyu and his ilk. Since there are local students in the bad student camp, naturally there are also those in the opposite camp. It's just that it's the first time for them to encounter a ghost with such a small malicious intent in the dungeon, which is indeed a bit novel.

Qiu: "You can say yes, or you can say no."

She led the four of them up the stairs, skillfully turned into an aisle from the corner of the second floor, and opened another door: "We are just ordinary students and do not participate in any camp's plan. But now the situation is special, even if we are neutral, we still need to participate." ... this way."

"The current situation is special?" Tang Xinjue heard something in the words: "Is it related to us?"

Although they hesitated for a moment, they walked into the classroom door. According to the rules of the university town, the "classroom" in the teaching building seems to be a taboo place only for ghost students. Although curious, they never took the initiative to go in and explore. But the classroom in the autumn election is obviously a little different: there are no ghosts in the "class", but there is a student with a dull expression, sitting on the podium blankly, as if watching something.

The girl Qiu Chao nodded, and then led the four of them to the last row, answering Tang Xinjue's question at the same time: "Of course."

"As soon as the graduation exam was activated, the whole university city knew about it." She said in a very friendly tone, "You are more famous than I thought. All of you The forces are all looking for information about a girl’s dormitory numbered 606, to see how many they are on the ranking list. As a result, guess what, they can’t find it at all.”

As if thinking of the funny looks of some acquaintances, Qiu laughed loudly: "They even searched through the top 1,000! If I hadn't seen you with my own eyes now, I might have thought it was a lie woven by the Ministry of Education. Or maybe they misremembered their gender and nationality. But I have to say, this is really a wonderful operation—use props to hide your position on the leaderboard, you guys are really smart."

606: "..."

Do they still have to thank the game bugs for treating them equally

It seems meaningless to explain the bug of the ranking now, not to mention that there are chasing soldiers behind. Across the classroom and corridor, several people could even feel the cold aura of a group of ghosts approaching constantly. In the entire classroom, only Qiu Zai was cheerful: "It's okay, wait a minute."

She called the girl on the podium down, muttered something, the girl walked to the door of the classroom silently, stood upright in the same place like a door god.

Looking at this strange girl who behaved dull and obviously abnormal, Guo Guo wrinkled her cheeks and whispered in the spiritual link: "This girl... I can't tell whether she is a human or a ghost."

In the world of yin and yang eyes, ghosts can still retain their personal appearance, which is considered pretty. But in fact, the biggest difference from normal people is that the body of ghosts presents a distorted translucent state, like some kind of glue squeezed like plasticine; people are ordinary entities.

However, this girl is very weird. Since entering the game, she has seen many people and ghosts, but this is the first time Guo Guo has seen something like this: half of her body is transparent, and the other half is solid. The two different substances were floating in her body, which reminded her of a bottle in which a chemical reaction was taking place.

Tang Xinjue also glanced at the girl, from the perspective of mental power, the "flame" in the other's brain was already extremely thin, and the black mist entangled with almost invisible flames, bit by bit eating away and destroying it.

Tang Xinjue understood: "She is an examinee."

To be precise, the opponent should be the candidate who "died" in the game.

Candidates have a chance of transforming into ghosts. Except for the very few like Yue Qiong who transformed while still alive, most of the rest are people who failed to pass the exam. For example, the No. 7 girl in the copy of the health inspection transformed into "Li Qi", and Zhou Ao, who changed the community, has a high probability of ending in the same way.

"Yes, that's right." Qiu nodded proudly: "It's very difficult to get seconded. It takes time to transform, from body to soul. For a period of time they will be in a state of chaos. It is not easy to communicate with them. , that’s why I’m here to do it.”

Facing the "helper" that fell from the sky, Guo Guo was still a little confused, and tried to ask:

"So you're really here to help us? Help us pass the graduation exam?"

Qiu said cheerfully, "No."

Guo Guo: "?"

Qiu: "The exam is your own business. Any interference outside the exam rules is a violation. What we can do is to eliminate these illegal interference factors as much as possible, so that you can go through the end of your life relatively fairly... the end of the exam. "

To show her friendliness, she smiled and showed two rows of white teeth: "Candidates of your level should be able to easily judge whether others are telling the truth."

She said sternly again: "In short, our intersection is so short that you don't need to remember it. In about two minutes, we will never see each other again. Before that..."

606 looked serious and focused: "Do you have any information to tell us?"

Qiu took out his mobile phone: "Let's take a group photo!"


As it turns out, the market may still need competition. The university town monopolized by two companies is obviously not well developed in electronic products. Qiu hadn't adjusted her small golden elderly phone from the stuck state to the camera mode, when the ghosts chased after her.

Li Xiaoyu obviously didn't plan to communicate with the people inside through the door panel, but just as they were about to force their way in, the girl guarding the door quietly pressed the button next to it, and the top of the door instantly lit up with a red light.

[The classroom has entered class mode. ]

A mechanical sound suddenly sounded from the air.

The faces of the ghosts outside the door changed, but they had to stop in place, and then disappeared without hesitation.

"Wait, the classroom where the class is held?"

Guo Guo suddenly remembered something and turned his head suddenly:

"What did the teacher at the report office say?"

Zhang You calmly and firmly repeated the original words: "—If you encounter a classroom where classes are in progress, you will die."

The air seemed to quiet down in an instant. Just as Qiu gave up fighting with the phone, he found that the faces of the four were not right, and quickly explained:

"The rule is right, but not quite right."

She stretched out her finger and pointed to the ground: "I mean, if you encounter a classroom outside the illegal time, all students must leave immediately. But when we are students in the classroom, there is no need to be so anxious."

"At least we still have two hours before we are swallowed by the underground miasma. Come on, boy!"

Qiu clenched her fists in front of her chest and said optimistically.

In any case, for 606, it was still a little difficult to immediately cheer up when he found that there was one more restriction on the "death deadline" that was not much left.

Especially after they realized that this so-called [subterranean miasma] was probably the weird black air that quickly swallowed up a whole layer of ghost students in yesterday's stage play.

But their acceptance was also very fast—it took about five seconds, and they were almost relieved.

After all, if they fail to complete the registration procedures before the sun goes down, and when the day and night of the university town really enters the "study time", the things that welcome them may not be much better than [Underground Miasma].

The two-hour countdown really meant nothing to them now.

"What about you?" Tang Xinjue asked Qiu: "Can you solve the miasma?"

"Not necessarily." Qiu shook his head, but his expression didn't care much: "But accepting the possibility of destruction at any time is our daily life. Besides, as long as the university city is still there, we are not really destroyed—that's why I will Come here to help you."

Tang Xinjue looked at her: "You are not helping candidates, but maintaining the University City."

At first, they thought that the University City was a strange and eerie world. Later, they thought that the University City was a huge weird container. But with more and more information, she realized that the university town is more like a program system, and the [Dorm Survival Game] is part of it, but ghosts and candidates are not.

Like candidates, ghosts have their own judgments, interests and positions.

Qiu is noncommittal: "We believe that coexistence with the University City is the best direction, but there are always some friends who greedily want more. For us, the University City is a shelter; for them, the University City is a bondage. Of course, You can’t ask everyone to love learning, can you?”

She blinked and changed the subject briskly: "Oh, the new floor is here!"

Just after the girl changed the status of the classroom to [In Class], within two minutes, the scene outside the door changed silently.

Guo Guo felt that he was almost numb: "The space in the teaching building is also fluid?"

In this huge university town, isn't there a piece of land that won't run away

"That's right." Qiu nodded: "So if you want to get back to the library, you won't be able to follow the original route, you need to take a vehicle."

606 was startled: "Transportation?" Where is it

Qiu smiled and lowered his head to signal:

"It's here!"