Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 299: University City Civilization Code


For the eyeball in front of him, 606 can only use four words to describe it, but he is not unprepared.

From the moment they saw the first ghost from the bad student camp appear, they knew that the Chaos God would most likely not miss this last chance to kill them.

The moment it showed its original shape and attacked, Zhang You and Wanqing also arrived at the same time. Guo Guo retreated while holding Bai Tuanzi, while freeing his hands to prevent Zheng Wanqing from attacking with heavy punches—the group of elves is still around, if the iron fist's super-wide-range attack hits hard, dozens of elf cakes and hatred points will be inevitable .

"Didn't they discuss an ambush?"

Zheng Wanqing frowned.

Zhang You glanced at it: "Probably not."

The originally calm group of elves also became panicked and confused by the appearance of the yellow eyeballs, and the little monsters with thin limbs fled out quickly, trying to stay away from the Chaos God.

Tang Xinjue had already got the remaining two keys on the left, and his spiritual power was like a shield that spread out from dozens of meters away, fighting against the power of yellow eyes polluting people's mind.

[Retreat one after another, the farther away from it the better! ]

Leaving aside the danger of the Chaos God, the strangest thing about it is that it cannot find the manifestation of power. Every time it appears, it pretends to be someone else's body or illusion, and the only time it actually hurts it is the laser punishment imposed by the rules of the game.

Tang Xinjue: "The last time the laser shot through you has healed?"

The mark in the sea of consciousness is still like a dead fish, she guessed that the current strength of Chaos God is not much left, but he is too revengeful.

Sure enough, the yellow eyeballs shrank their pupils as if they had been poked into a pain point, and the cold energy turned from Guo Guo and attacked Tang Xinjue overwhelmingly!

Tang Xinjue didn't even move. She didn't believe that the Chaos God would attack her desperately at this time. If it was so dazed, it wouldn't have chosen to pretend to approach Guo Guo in the first place.

Sure enough, as soon as the breath was in the air, it suddenly spread rapidly in all directions. In an instant, it seemed that countless malicious whispers came out from the ceiling and walls, densely entangled the panicked elves.

Catalyzed by this energy, the group of elves let out an extremely shrill howl, followed by a second, third, and crazily spread like a plague.


Even Bai Tuanzi rolled uncomfortably, even under Guo Guo's purification mask, it couldn't be blocked.

"The elves are going to mutate!"

Guo Guo immediately threw the last key into Tang Xinjue's hands from a distance: "Try to open the door first, let's go!"

Obviously, the purpose of Chaos God this time is not to attack them directly, but to kill them with a knife!

The first batch of elves catalyzed and mutated by the Chaos God had already grown ferocious scales and wings, and rushed towards the four of them irrationally. If all the hundreds of elves start to mutate, and the Chaos God continues to provide dark energy, even if the door of the archive room is successfully opened, it is unknown how many people will be able to enter alive.

Zheng Wanqing and Zhang You stopped a group of mutated elves. They had experience in Friendship League dungeons. They were well aware of the characteristics and weaknesses of elves in different stages of mutation.

"There are three keys, how long do you want to try?"

The Chaos God's voice was full of sarcasm, and because it was parasitic on the elf's body, his vocal cords were also tuned and hoarse just like the elves.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a crisp sound of the closed iron door.

Tang Xinjue pulled out the first key: "The door is open."

Chaos God: "..."


The three of Zhang You rushed towards the door of the archives room without hesitation. Chaos God of course refused to let them go easily, and rushed over with his huge eyeballs rolling his body.

A layer of dark red mucus was released from the eyeball membrane, and all elves that touched it were stuck to the eyeball, mutating wildly like parasites that were forced to parasitize.

Just by glancing at this scene from the corner of his eye, Guo Guo felt that yesterday's hot pot started to roll in his stomach. She covered Bai Tuanzi's eyes: "Children, don't watch this."


A tiny hard touch came from the fingertips, Guo Guo was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the pain in his hand

Refers to the teeth of Baituanzi.

Wait, Bai Tuanzi has teeth?


Under the two black bean eyes, Bai Tuanzi opened his small mouth, with two small white fangs side by side.

As soon as Guo Guo told others the news, she saw Bai Tuanzi bared her teeth at her, then suddenly arched her chubby buttocks, and the whole ball bounced out of her arms!

Something like a small white cannonball drew a parabola in the air, and landed on the yellow eyeball with a bang in the blink of an eye.

Chaos God was rarely distracted for a moment:

"... elf cub?"

For some reason, as soon as Baituanzi landed, the mutated elves that were attached to the yellow eyeballs stopped mutating and attacking, and returned to the calm state they had when they met 606.

Just listen to Chaos God furious: "You use the "Underage Elves Protection Law" to destroy my plan? Brazen!"

606: "..."

Knowing the existence of the "Law on the Protection of Minor Elves" and the Chaos God's outright scolding them for being shameless happened at the same time, I didn't know which was more outrageous.

Guo Guo was even angrier: "Are you embarrassed to scold us? Bring back the prodigal son!"

But this time, Bai Tuanzi didn't listen to 606. It lay on the top of the big eyeball and opened its mouth, which was bigger than a human in one breath, revealing countless sharp teeth behind the two small fangs:


It gave a crisp chirp at the end, and then took a bite!

The God of Chaos was in pain, and the speed of chasing 606 was significantly slower, and he was dropped by a certain distance in an instant. It condensed a black mist into anger and wanted to shake off the white dumpling, but the white dumpling didn't move at all, even biting off a piece!

Almost at the same time, a sudden change occurred. With this bite of meat, Bai Tuanzi's body swelled up tens of times from the size of a leather ball, like a huge brake pendant. push in the opposite direction—

"Go down! I'm going to sue the Ministry of Education... you guys are going to court... go down!"

In the unprecedented roar of the Chaos God, the huge yellow eyeball that had brought many nightmares began to shrink gradually, unable to resist, being pushed back with no dignity at all, and began to roll backwards. And those elves catalyzed by it also got out of control, and began to bite and attack Bai Tuanzi together, and the scene was once very chaotic.

"Bai Tuanzi!"

Tang Xinjue threw out the mental power rope, but the elf cub, who was no longer small, didn't pick it up. He just arched his butt twice in the direction of the four of them, wondering if he would respond.

Soon, it and the struggling Chaos God disappeared into the crowd of elves who came up.

"Come in, the door is closing!"

At this time, Zhang You, who stepped into the door, noticed the change of the iron door, and immediately pulled the people outside completely in.

As soon as Tang Xinjue, who was at the back of the hall, stepped in, the iron gate closed in response, isolating them from the outside space.

Taking a last look at the gate, Tang Xinjue turned his head:

"Zhang You, give me a bottle of healing medicine, let's make up for the condition first."

"... Zhang You?"

The person who had pulled her in just now was nowhere to be seen.

There is no Zhang You, nor Guo Guo and Wan Qing.

In the field of vision, except for the old bookcase, the room in front of her was empty, and she was the only one left.

"Heart formula? Wanqing? Sister You?"

Standing at the door and looking at the empty surroundings, Guo Guo tentatively called out. There was nothing in the space but the echo of herself.

Guo Guo was not surprised by this situation. She drank two bottles of healing medicine, adjusted her state and continued to walk forward, carefully observing her surroundings.

Looking at it, she found that the room she was in seemed to be a projection room

There are shelves full of discs, projectors and dusty monitor screens, and various machines that she can't understand are displayed in a mess. Guo Guo cautiously walked among them, but accidentally brushed his arm against the edge of a projector.

With a ding, the projector turned on.

Guo Guo: ... She is sure

I only touched a little dust, can this also be turned on? Touch porcelain

A projection had fallen on the opposite wall, illuminating the entire dimly lit room. Guo Guo turned his head to look, but saw the figures of the other three.

"Heart formula!"

She was just agitated, but saw herself from the projection.

The other one is exactly the same, with slightly thicker hair.

In the silent scene, the "606 four" were standing together and talking together as usual, which seemed to be just an ordinary segment, but Guo Guo's heart jumped suddenly, and he felt a strong sense of strangeness.

Before she could figure out where the source of the ailment was, a document floated into the screen, floating in front of the four of them.

Then she saw "myself" raise her hand casually, and the original normal arm suddenly compressed a dimension, turning into two minimalist two-dimensional lines, and scratched on the document.

In the next second, hundreds of eyeballs spewed out of the document, and a new document spit out from each eye, and quickly stacked up to a height of three meters, and evenly distributed it in front of the four people.

The four of them continued to chat normally while correcting the documents without turning their heads. Body parts change and change like a kaleidoscope of irregularities.

Occasionally, a puff of black mist sprang out from the document, and then she saw that "Guo Guo"'s head turned 180 degrees naturally, and opened his mouth to swallow the black mist. In the next second, her esophagus and internal organs The six internal organs have become transparent machines, and one can even clearly see the trajectory of the black mist being processed inside.

Guo Guo outside the screen:? ?

... This is definitely not her! ! !