Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 300: University City Civilization Code


When this strong negative cognition arose, a sharp pain suddenly swept through Guo Guo's brain.

Somehow, she felt a terrifyingly strong suction force, pulling her towards the direction of the projection screen.

... It was impossible in the past, it was impossible to kill him!

Guo Guo tried his best to calm himself down, closed his eyes and meditated that everything was false, and fought against this attraction.

I don't know how long it took, the entire back was soaked in sweat, and the power slowly disappeared. Guo Guo opened his sore eyes, and saw that the projection room had returned to darkness, and the projector that had been touched by mistake was also quietly sitting on the shelf, and the light source showing that it was turned on could not be seen.

Guo Guo lowered his eyes to look at the place she touched by mistake just now—there was still a thick layer of dust on it, and there were no traces of being rubbed.

Could it be her hallucination just now

She panted and thought for two seconds, then pressed on her temple, and a contact lens appeared on the bridge of her nose, and a few lines of small data appeared on the lens:

[[Dimension-reducing glasses] are continuing to reduce the negative impact of the ability [Sky Eye] for you. Currently, the remaining energy is 12%, please charge it in time.]

Before the graduation exam starts, the power of these props is full. Now suddenly descending to the center of the earth, it is only possible that the [Sky Eye] was triggered.

Realizing this, Guo Guo felt his head start to ache again. But now she is no longer the novice who fainted when she saw the illusion, and she will no longer blindly believe the pictures instilled into her eyes.

She believes in herself, 606, and the future they are creating.

After sorting out his thoughts, Guo Guo continued to check the projection room, and soon found a machine that seemed to be able to print photos. There are two rows of small two-inch photos on the side of the machine. The portraits on the photos are almost blank. Before Guo Guo can take a second look, a voice rang in his mind:

"Xinjue, Guoguo, can you hear us?"

When Zhang You found out that his roommate had disappeared, Zhang You was taking out healing medicine from his backpack, but all the bottles had to be stuffed into Zheng Wanqing's hands.

Zheng Wanqing: "... I drink ten bottles?"

Since there were only two people left, they guessed that 606 should be divided into two teams, and the other team was naturally Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo. Comparing the map and the characteristics of the room in front of them, the two quickly identified their location:

"This should be between the third and sixth districts of the archives room, mainly storing historical files."

Zhang Xun walked among the bookshelves, observing the books and materials on them.

They knew that the official language of the University City was a string of gibberish symbols that only ghosts could understand, and most of the materials in the library were also composed of these gibberish characters.

But in the most core archive area, the existence of Chinese has gradually increased, and the information they can understand is also increasing.

"Experiment records... 077... 084... 097... Zhang You, come and take a look."

Zheng Wanqing saw a few brand new black booklets with many experiment-related words written in them, which looked more like a diary than a book.

[Today is the start of all anchor points, and it is also the day when the first experiment in the world is started. Although the concept of dates has been abandoned in University City for a long time, I still want to record all this, hoping that after my death, someone will inherit my will and goals and successfully disintegrate University City. ]

[To this day, I still think of the University City as a product of a mistake. Its development is destined to run counter to our original intention when we created it. We can only create a semi-finished product. We cannot control the number and method of containment. Their ambition and greed will definitely eat back at the University City. If they can be destroyed and returned to the ground with the university city, this record will not be repeated. But when college towns start to fix themselves, we no longer exist, and they're still here... ]

[To this end, I and... and others designed the last program to pull in new companions from the main world, and transfer the energy of the university city according to the rules we left behind, and hand over its fate. ]

[I don't want one person to name the program, its name will be randomly generated by the 1000th bit of code. Although I can't see the day when it works, I hope that it is a name full of poetry and power, just like us in the beginning. ]

Turning to the next page, the handwriting turned into scrawling:

[001] Experimental record. First time: success; Second time: failure; Third time: success... ]

After that, there are repeated records and terms, and there is no new information or text. After a moment of silence, Zheng Wanqing turned to look at Zhang You: "Is the name [Dorm Survival Game] very poetic?"

Zhang You: "...Maybe it's like this in the aesthetics of the program."

Now it's too late for them to lose their memory. Although the counselor warned them not to take the initiative to contact the "origin of the university city" in the dungeon, but now it should belong to...passive contact

The two couldn't figure it out for a moment. However, I don’t know whether it’s the self-consolation that guessed right, or the reason for the special space in which they live—even though they have memorized a secret story about the university town in their minds, after several minutes, they still stood in place without any punishment. .

"Then it's all right." Zhang You breathed a sigh of relief, and said decisively: "In this case, let's watch more."

She has a feeling that the appearance of this information is inseparable from the end of the graduation exam. Now that they know more about it, it may be helpful to pass the customs.

The second document that I can understand is on another bookshelf. The inside pages are garbled and mixed with Chinese. It seems to be about issues related to "underground miasma".

Zhang You is not good at studying this kind of complex language and intermittent content, so he simply handed it over to Zheng Wanqing, the paper madman, who only read it once and accurately extracted the above information:

"It records the dispute between the two parties. There should be a total of 12 of them. The opinions of the 6 people are to block all the exits that may leak the miasma, so as to prevent future troubles; but the opinions of the other 6 people are the opposite. They think that it is better to block it than to loosen it. University The foundation of the city is still unstable, and forcible suppression can easily lead to collapse, and it is easy to cause... an earthquake."

Zheng Wanqing noticed that the word "earthquake" appeared several times in the materials: "The discussion about earthquakes follows. They predict that an earthquake will occur in the university town in the near future, which will lead to the connection between the underground space and the university town. Ghosts can come in without screening. In order to prevent them from surviving to manage at that time, a more complete backup system needs to be created in advance to control the situation."

Zhang You was thoughtful: "What about the back?"

Zheng Wanqing frowned to distinguish: "We are still arguing later... I feel that they are more like distributing inheritance."

According to various information, if these 12 people are the founders of the first generation of University City, then in this record, they have already determined that they will disappear soon, and after death, University City is their "inheritance" ".

The creators have been slow to agree on how to deal with the college town. Some people say that a dignified supervision system should be established, and only the existence more terrifying than ghosts can suppress them and prevent chaos; others say that a rich ecological and internal circulation space should be created so that ghosts can also live normally in it, and then completely block it University town, make it an island that will never be discovered.

"...Some people say that you can try to throw the university city back to the main world, and leave its fate to the real human beings to decide."

Zheng Wanqing read another person's rebuttal:

"But how to ensure that when thrown into the main world, the anchor point on the time axis is both after the 21st century and before their timeline... If the main world is not prepared, the university city is just a nightmare that humans cannot understand. "

[There's bound to be a more neutral approach, and until then, I'd suggest pausing time at University City...until the preparations are complete. ]

"What about the back?"



"Yes." Zheng Wanqing turned the pages behind, but it was blank.

After that sentence, the writing on the back of the entire document seemed to be erased collectively, leaving no information left.

"The part you don't want us to know?" Zhang You nodded.

In fact, even if they don't look at the records behind, they can roughly deduce what happened later: the Ministry of Education, the eyeball teacher, the world of exams, the advent of games...

Everything is already programmed.

Zhang You frowned: "Let's find out if there is any other information."

They were trapped in these archives and reference rooms. They could neither retreat nor move forward. They could only wait except to search for materials.

Wait for the time to connect with teammates and leave.

Zheng Wanqing didn't move: "I heard a voice."

Zhang You's eyebrows twitched, and he was about to defend himself when he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the Sea of Consciousness.

It's a spiritual connection!

The last time they entered the library, although the four of them were also separated into four different spaces, they could still communicate normally through spiritual connection.

But this time, as soon as the other three disappeared, Tang Xinjue found that the mental power connected to 606 was also disconnected.

She immediately understood that this was the result of interference from external forces.

Combined with the encounter with an "outside NPC" in the library last time, the external cause this time also has a high probability of appearing near her.

Sure enough, Tang Xinjue saw the source of the "magnetic field interference" as soon as he walked through a few dilapidated bookshelves: in front of the round table in the corner of the room, sat three... stick figures

The two-dimensional stickmen in the three-dimensional space didn't seem to see Tang Xinjue's approach. They were having a heated conversation, and the stick-shaped arms were swaying and waving in the air.

When Tang Xinjue approached, mixed voices of boys and girls came into his ears:

"Have you forgotten one of the most basic rules of the university town? The university city belongs to the students! If programs such as teachers and directors are added, the rules will contradict themselves, and the probability of bugs will be multiplied several times!"

A boy asked fiercely.

"That's right, so we're not just bringing in teachers and educational programs, but we're opening up the whole system to include normal community and city life, to attract more like creations, to get them clustered around the University City—the University City has to be a A city in the true sense of the word so that it can create the energy needed to sustain it."

A girl said calmly.

"With all due respect, why not just destroy the university city? Rather than expecting the semi-finished product to automatically evolve into a finished product, wouldn't it be much easier to destroy it directly from the timeline?"

Another girl interjected in a stern tone.

"What are you talking about?" The stickman who made the first question shook his head in disbelief. He obviously felt that the suggestions of the other two stickmen were more outrageous than the other:

"Are you crazy?"

"We're not crazy, we're just dead, Abu."

"... Everyone is looking for the most suitable home for the university town, this is our final responsibility, no matter in those prosperous timelines, we exist or not..."

When he walked to the round table, Tang Xinjue only heard the last two sad sighs from the girl.

Tang Xinjue noticed that there were three ID cards the size of student ID cards on the table. But unlike their student ID cards, the small two-inch photos of these student ID cards are all covered with a stick figure stick figure, blocking the original photo.

Could it be that this has something to do with the formation of the stickman state

She raised her eyes again, but there were two less stick figures beside the round table, only the depressed male stick figure at the beginning was left staring at the narrow window on the wall in a daze.

Tang Xinjue: "There is nothing outside the window."

"I know." The stickman made a self-deprecating voice, and he was actually talking to Tang Xinjue: "A lot of white mist has accumulated here all the year round, do you know why it happens?"

Tang Xinjue answered truthfully: "I don't know, why?"

Stickman: "Because there is no budget."

Tang Xinjue: "..."

The stickman added: "Because facing the white fog all year round will lead to depression, we have held more than a dozen plenary meetings, and finally decided to overcome difficulties and ensure that the fog cannot be seen for eight hours a day. It was handed over to me and it was done perfectly."

Tang Xinjue realized something, raised her eyebrows slightly: "How did you do it?"

Stickman: "I set the time for the fog to disperse at night. When it gets dark, everyone can't see the fog outside the window."


As expected, beyond reason. Tang Xinjue didn't plan to communicate with it for too long: "Excuse me, but I want to find my friend, staying near you will affect our communication signal, can you show me a way to leave?"

"Oh, sorry to delay you."

The stickman was also very polite, apologized again and again, picked up his black hat and stood up to leave. But just before leaving, it suddenly turned around. Tang Xinjue seemed to be able to see a pair of eyes staring at him on its big head with no facial features:

"Sorry, but I wanted to take one last minute of your time and ask a question."

Tang Xinjue naturally withdrew the hand that was going to get the student ID card on the table: "Say it."

"As you can see, I am struggling with one thing right now. This is a dilemma. There are two paths before me: one is to accept fate and disappear with my companions; the other is to use my tiny ability , to be a lonely coward. Classmate, which path do you think I should choose?"