Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 303: University City Civilization Code


It is also false to say that there is no worry about returning to reality.

If possible, they certainly hope that everything can be like a dream. As the nightmare came to an end, there was no trace left.

But intellectually, they also know that this possibility is not high—

How many students were pulled into the game by the black mist

How long has it been in the real world since the game started

What impact will the disappearance of countless college students have on the real world

And... After they return to reality, what about the other candidates

Although in the narration from University City's own perspective, this procedurally built creation seemed a bit bleak and pitiful, but 606 didn't believe all of it.

If a dinosaur eats less than 100 kilograms of food every day, it will look "very poor". But it doesn't notice how many ants and weeds it crushes every time it takes a step.

They can naturally sympathize with the university town, but who will sympathize with the countless innocent students who were dragged into this escape

Wang Jiji heard the question they were implying, and answered without any surprise:

"As of now, you are the first and only dormitory that has opened the graduation exam. If you choose to leave the university town, then naturally you will also be the first dormitory to return. If you had instant food or instant food that was being heated before you entered the game, Instant noodles, hurry up when you go back, you should still have time to eat hot ones."

Hearing this answer, the four of them were slightly startled at first, and then their eyes lit up immediately: "You mean..."

Is the time flow in the real world different from that in the game? !

"Otherwise?" Wang Jiji seemed even more baffled: "Do you know how difficult it is to control the flow of time to be consistent with the main world?"

"Don't you think that the game will continue forever?"

The four exchanged glances, and Guo Guo said softly, "Isn't that so?"

Wang Jiji: "Do we look a lot like a money-burning scammer?"

"The upper limit of the game's time is 60 days. As long as anyone successfully survives for 60 days, regardless of whether they pass the graduation exam or not, they will be considered as the end of the screening and forced to leave."

From Wang Jiji's mouth, the four finally learned another way to "pass" the game.

Guo Guo opened his eyes and said, "Wait, so even if we didn't complete the graduation exam, as long as one persists until the 60th day, we can still go back??"

Then they worked so hard to compress it to the limit of two weeks to pass the customs, why

Zheng Wanqing: "This is not mentioned in the game rule book."

Wang Jiji: "If you receive an advance notice telling you that you can graduate even without a thesis and credits, will you still attend classes?"


Unable to refute.

"What about those who didn't survive to the 60th day?" Tang Xinjue said suddenly, "Those students who died during the exam, and even turned into ghosts, will they stay here forever?"

Wang Jiji: "That depends on how strong their desire to go back is."

"...the eliminated ones will not leave any memory, and when they return to reality, they will not even realize where the disappearing hour went."

Zhang You frowned, feeling that there seemed to be some trap in this sentence, but before continuing to ask, Wang Jiji had already blinked and waved his gloves:

"It's time, I should go too. The exit from University City is at the end of the corridor. When you see a door with the number 1000, it was left by the founder himself. Open it, and the door is your goal But pay attention, you only have one chance, don't open the wrong door."

Suddenly, the air was like a transparent wave, with layers of ripples coming from all sides, gathering Wang Jiji in the middle, and then the whole space was flickered with light and shadow, and everything returned to the way it was when 606 just entered the door, only the twisted braids in the claw machine One doll is missing.


"Let's go."

Tang Xinjue took a last look at the dormitory. The room after several renovations and expansions was full of traces of their lives. The escape route connected to the bed, the small nest specially built for Baituanzi next to the sink, the well-organized storage corner and refrigerator, the unexperienced office...

Turning their heads, Zhang You and the three had already walked out of the dormitory, looking back at her in the corridor.

After closing the bedroom door, she stepped forward to catch up.

The corridor was so deep that there was no end in sight, but without that oppressive and sinister atmosphere, it was not difficult to walk.

"Should there be no more ghosts to harass us?" Guo Guo looked around.

In fact, after "inheriting" the power of the University City, she really wanted to meet the ghosts again and feel the changes.

Although they were no longer afraid of individual ghosts before they cleared the level, the reason why they avoided confrontation was because they didn't want to waste time receiving group fights and sneak attacks from each other. But for some reason, thinking that I haven't been able to beat a book of ghosts until now, I still feel a little regretful.

"Theoretically, if we agree to become administrators, our authority should be higher than that of the teachers in the university town. There is no reason for the ghosts to come over and make trouble."

Tang Xinjue rubbed her head, jokingly said: "If it's a pity, it's not impossible to go back and look for them now."

Guo Guo: "Thank you, forget it."

She touched her neck, walked leisurely at the end after a long absence, and stretched herself.

The danger suddenly disappeared, still a little unaccustomed to it

Guo Guo opened his eyes suddenly, and when his wrist was entangled by an extremely sticky object, he subconsciously counterattacked, and the light of [Purification] pierced towards the attacking direction like a lightsaber:

"??? Why are there still ghosts!"

"No, not ghosts."

Tang Xinjue also received an attack. She raised her eyes to see that the bedroom door on one side of the corridor was closed tightly, hiding the figure and breath of the attacker.

But even so, the moment the opponent attacked, the leaked existence was captured by the mental power, and their position and identity were clearly seen.

"It's not a's an examinee."

And more than one.

Inside a closed bedroom door, the boy nervously glanced at the information on the mobile app, cursed secretly and asked his roommate:

"The mission is to let us ambush this dormitory?"

Behind him, the three roommates looked at each other in dismay: "Yes. The numbers and appearances match, it's them."

On their test interface, several lines of bright red eye-catching information are displayed:

[Dungeon bounty task: prevent 606 from completing the task]

[Reward: 500 points and 20 credits]

[Completion progress: 0/1]

These few lines are at the top of the interface and have been dimmed. The writing below is more vivid:

[New mission: kill all members of 606]

[Reward: 1000 points and 40 credits]

[Completion progress: 0/1]

"Why did the system send out such two ghost missions?" The boy scolded again: "They are at least a book of strength, or even higher! My props didn't even hit the first wave of damage, how can this be a sneak attack? Let's go Self-destruct?"

In fact, there was only the first task at the beginning, but 606 moved too fast. They started looking for the way when they entered the university town, but they have been searching until now, and they didn't even catch up with the exhaust.

They were not airdropped here until the second mission appeared. Otherwise, it is estimated that 606 will not be seen until the end of the mission time limit.

"It is said that this time is a group dungeon, and we are not the only candidates who have accepted the task. Maybe other people are quite strong... Even if they don't, they should be able to win the group fight, right?"

A roommate said uncertainly.

In any case, there is no turning back when opening the bow. Now that they have received the task, they can only go one way to the dark.

During the period just now, all the ambushers launched a surprise attack by coincidence, but the four girls in the center of the gunpowder were safe and sound.

Zhang You patted the ashes on his body: "These people are all candidates? Why do they attack us?"

"The bad student camp can interfere with the difficulty of the exam, and of course they can take advantage of the candidates." Tang Xinjue exhausted his patience and closed his eyes: "After all, this is not the first time [group battle dungeon] has appeared."

Before she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and turned her head lightly, an invisible wave suddenly appeared in the direction she was facing, and all the doors connected by a wall were blown away!

"Student, come from afar, don't you come out and meet?"