Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 304: University City Civilization Code


Along with the door being thrown out, there were also a few candidates who were sticking to the door to release their skills or rush out.

Candidates who caught off guard and met: "..."

What to do now, say hello? Or just fight in groups

Just when they were madly looking at each other, a cold female voice suddenly broke out:

"Is it you?"

Following the sound, he saw that behind a dormitory door that had been knocked down, an examinee was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

It's just that the person who made him fall was not Tang Xinjue, but another long-haired girl who was walking over him.

The girl raised her arm, and a shield radiating cold light flew into her hand.

"Li Jinhan?!"

The moment he saw the shield, Guo Guo immediately called out the girl's name without even looking at her face.

It's been a long time since I saw the shield girl, except for a few more scars on her body, she is no different from the Friendship League dungeon.

She nodded to the four of them: "I didn't expect that the target of this mission is actually you, no wonder the dungeon will give such a high reward."

606 didn't expect to see the shield girl again before leaving.

Tang Xinjue smiled: "It's a pity that we spent all the money before the graduation exam, and now we can't pay [the ransom]."

Hearing this sentence, Li Jinhan's eyes moved, and he looked at them seriously:

"You guys succeeded?"

Tang Xinjue looked at him, "Block 606, Building 31, University A, we are waiting for you in the real world."

Needless to say.

Li Jinhan also smiled rarely, and said cheerfully: "Okay, let's change to another meal, and don't forget to invite me then."

After all, she turned around without hesitation and was about to leave.

"You gave up on the mission? Are you out of your mind? You can exchange a thousand points for a meal?"

A boy who was forced out of a four-person dormitory couldn't understand, but he was dragged back by his roommate in the next second, and lowered his voice: "... I think there is something wrong with your brain."

A meal certainly doesn't matter. But what are they talking about? A "real world" meal.

This means that 606 will soon return to the real world!

— This is their last exam, graduation battle!

All the candidates who realized this changed their faces.

This is not a team battle dungeon at all, but a dungeon where they broke into several top candidates who are about to graduate;

Their task is not to fight normally, but to kill four people before the opponent completely clears the game.

Substituting themselves, if someone blocks the way home one step away at this time, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas is the minimum.

What's more, under the attack of strength reduction, will this allow them to encircle and suppress, or force the other party to carry out "legal" massacres, or will they lose both

For a while, no one made a sound, and no one shot again. Not long after, a short-haired girl held the undrawn weapon and asked suddenly:

"Are you the first bedroom to clear the game?"

Tang Xinjue: "From the existing information, it looks like this."

"Okay." The girl nodded, her expression a little excited: "If there is the first one, there will be the second one."

—If one person returns home successfully, there will be countless others.

If we say that before seeing 606, the endless exams, the successive dungeons and the confined living space have worn them out of hope, and the distant credit goal is more like a pie that is too high to reach. Seeing this piece of cake being picked off is undoubtedly equivalent to injecting an unprecedented motivation.

"I hope that when I pass the customs, no classmates will stop me."

The girl made a swipe on the app interface, "I also give up the task."

The dormitory with the ability to accept this kind of task is more aware of the special significance of "game clearance", not only for individuals, but also for all candidates.

Furthermore, it is only a bounty task rather than a compulsory encirclement and suppression, which shows that the right to choose is still in the hands of the candidates themselves.

There are not many fools present, if they really follow the mission to encircle and suppress 606 desperately, then even if they can miraculously win by a narrow margin, they will face exactly the same situation when it is their turn for the graduation exam—if no one can pass the exam, no matter how many What are rewards for

"...Well, if you come back to reality, can I trouble you and do me a favor?"

In the distance, a trembling voice sounded softly.

Two girls who had never had a sense of existence came out from the dark side by side. They had neither oppressive props nor used any skills. At first glance, they were out of place on the field.

But Tang Xinjue recognized it at a glance: "You are those two people with mental abilities."

In fact, when they first walked into this section full of ambushes, the only thing that threatened the four of them was the two complementary mental attacks. If Tang Xinjue hadn't found out and blocked him in time, the situation might really have become more difficult.

"Yes. Congratulations, it turns out that someone can go home." The two girls looked at each other and smiled wryly, "It's just that we probably don't have a chance."

They unzipped their clothes, and saw that from the neck down, the two of them had been replaced with torsos assembled from mechanical gears!

The psychic said bitterly: "It's been forty-five days, and we've done our best to survive until now. It's hard to even get into a university, and it's even more impossible to challenge such a dungeon difficulty like you. This may be fate. Well... we are students of Nanshi Medical University, my name is Hao Jing, and this is our ID card."

Zhang You: "I'm afraid I won't be able to take these things with me when I leave the university town."

"I know. I hope that if the country starts to investigate later, please let the country tell our family that we are doing well in the university town. Let... Let them not worry, and don't have to look for us again."

As soon as the two spoke, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. The real world is a lingering burden in everyone's heart. Although no one else has made a request yet, it can be seen from the changes in their expressions that many people already have the same idea.

But Tang Xinjue shook his head: "We can help convey the message, but it may not be in time. After all, we are probably only going back 46 minutes earlier than you at the fastest time."

Everyone: "?"

The girl with psychic powers suddenly raised her head: "You mean..."

"What we mean is that there is more than one way back to the real world. For everyone, it's just a matter of time."

After learning about the hidden rules from Wang Jiji, Tang Xinjue and the others were already thinking about how to notify the other candidates.

She originally wanted to find a way to contact Bai Zhi, but she didn't expect that the bad student camp would be so "tactful" and send a large number of high-level candidates in one go

Really dozing off and giving pillows, dozens of well-equipped candidates are only able to write "information transmission" on their bodies.

Sure enough, after hearing the news relayed by 606, all the candidates immediately boiled over.

As long as you can persist for 60 days, can you also "graduate" and leave the game? !

Even people who died in the game can return to reality as long as they meet certain conditions! !

What does this mean? It means that almost 90% of the candidates who were already desperate have the direction of "returning to life". And candidates with limited strength, especially those with uneven strength in the dormitory, don’t need to forcefully go to the dangerous dungeon to earn points. As long as they make proper plans and survive until 60 days, the probability of survival of all dormitory members will be greatly increased!

Surprised and surprised, only a few people remained calm. Li Jinhan asked: "Can you be sure that the person who told you the rules didn't lie?"

In order to prevent outliers, what Tang Xinjue said did not involve the secrets of the university city, and only part of the rules were hidden from the main body. Hearing that someone finally raised this question, she calmly pulled back everyone's thoughts:

"I'm not completely sure, even if it is a real rule, there is no guarantee that it will not change 100%."

They can't predict whether it is really safe or not, even if they pass the level that is only a short distance away from 606. In any case, they can only give a new hope and path, and the specific choice depends on each person.

They can only be sure that persistence is higher than giving up, bravery is higher than cowardice, and cooperation is higher than confrontation.

Courage and unity are the eternal themes of survival.

"thank you all."

The girls with psychic powers broke the silence. They bowed deeply to the four of 606, and then said, "We will try our best to tell as many students as possible. Although competition and confrontation are inevitable, we all know that who That's the real enemy."

Li Jinhan: "How long is your journey, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No need." The four declined the kindness of the candidates, and pointed to the depths of the corridor: "Our end is ahead."

I only saw the outline of the door in the shadow tens of meters away.


When they got closer and could see the scene clearly, there were three doors that came into view.

Three closed doors stood quietly at the end of the corridor, behind which was a cloud of chaotic black mist.

"The man said that there is only one chance to open the door." Guo Guo was silent for a few seconds: "So it's not okay to open the door one by one and stick out your head?"

But if you only watch the door, they don't have any, any, difference, or distinction.

"Is there no other hint? You can't choose blindly, right?"

The examinees who had all given up on the task were idle, and they followed up to watch and accumulate experience for the future.

Mentioning this, 606 became even more silent.

"...the prompt says that door number 1000 is the correct exit."

At the end of the field of vision, there is a number plate on top of each door, but it is empty, and no numbers can be seen.

How to choose this

Could it be that the last second of the graduation exam made them purely luck

Others couldn't find the difference between the three doors. They wanted to take a closer look, but they bumped into the air wall within two steps, and they could only stop at the same place in a daze.

The meaning of university town is also very clear.

The last section of the road is a journey that only belongs to the four people of 606.

Skills, props, mental power, and sixth sense... all don't work in front of the three doors.

No matter how they use external force to distinguish, they can't find the difference, and they can't make the house number show the number.

"Calm down." Zheng Wanqing comforted Guo Guo who was in a hurry and said, "The game must have given us other clues. Let's recall what Wang Jiji said carefully and see if there are any clues."

Zhang You noticed that Tang Xinjue began to search in the bag: "What are you looking for?"

"Look for some special student ID cards." Tang Xinjue looked up, but there were four more ID cards in his hand.

Although it looks the same as ordinary student ID cards, if you look closely, you can find that the photo positions of these student ID cards are covered, and there are only a few stickman-like stick figures on them.

... wait, stickman

"Remember the stickman I met in the archives? This is the wool they gathered from Mr. Bu."

Tang Xinjue saw the appearance of Wang Jiji when he said the last sentence:

[When you see a door with a house number of 1000, it was left by the founder himself. ]

She was sure that when she mentioned the words founder, Wang Jiji glanced at her backpack and stopped at the special student ID cards.

[… Open it, and outside the door is your destination. ]

Tang Xinjue and his roommate looked at each other: "Since it is the door left for us by the founder himself, let's take a look at it from the perspective of the founder."

Each person has a match student ID card, and the moment it is hung around the neck, there is the sound of other candidates gasping behind them.

The four of them felt nothing special until they lowered their heads and saw their own bodies.

—Stickman body in stick figure.

Guo Guo pinched his face subconsciously: "I've become a stick figure now?!"

Tang Xinjue: "We have all become stick figures."

"Zheng Wanqing, why did you turn into a stickman and still be taller than me!"

"Is there a possibility that you are too short?"

Zhang You interrupted them: "Look, the door has changed!"

From their current field of vision, they could only see the door in the middle, and four numbers suddenly appeared on the door plate: 1000.

This is the one!

The four of them ran forward, while Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing were arguing over whose stick figure was more robust, they held hands in disgust and sprinted together.

Finally, four stick figures holding hands opened the door and were engulfed by the light together.

"Why did the power go out suddenly? It's so dark!"

"Run, run, go back to the dormitory!"

After a flurry of footsteps, screams and noise, the corridor shrouded in black quieted down.

"Can you hear me? Wan Qing, are you outside?"

In the silence, several shouts drifted from the bedroom into the corridor.

Not long after, the door of the public bathroom was suddenly pushed open, and the long-haired girl in pajamas came out quickly, stopped in front of a dormitory door with the number 606 engraved on it, and knocked: "Open the door, open the door!"

The door opened, the girl's figure disappeared, and the corridor returned to silence.

Witnessing this scene with your own eyes is like watching a 5D movie staged in front of you. Of course, it would be better if the protagonist is not himself.

This is the first time that Zheng Wanqing saw the actions of "herself" from the third perspective, and it was the scene on the day when the game came, so it's hard not to feel strange.

Also feeling wonderful, there are three other people in 606.

"Is that the lady who ran over just now?"

Guo Guo poked his head curiously, only to find that after successfully rushing through the door just now, his body had returned to normal.

No, to be more precise, even their clothes were restored to the day when the game came and everything started.

At this time, they returned to that night from the perspective of bystanders

"According to the situation at the time, the next step should be..."

Several people looked at Zhang You at the same time.

If they remembered correctly, there were only three people in the dormitory at this time, and Zhang You was still outside.

Is it necessary for them to watch everything that happened when the game came to trigger the conditions for returning to reality

The four waited patiently, but this time, they waited in the corridor for a long time, but still did not see the figure of "Zhang You".

"No, it's past time for me to come back."

Zhang You raised his hand to check the time, and the screen of his mobile phone turned into the blood red color of that night, flowing down second by second.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand something.

This time, there was no response from his roommate behind him, and Zhang You didn't look back, but walked forward step by step until he stood in front of the door of dormitory 606 and knocked on the door.

The moment they knocked on the door, Tang Xinjue and the others opened their eyes. Under the faint light of the mobile phone, the familiar outline of the room and the sound outside the door are like a dream.

"I'm back, I'm Zhang You."

said the voice outside the door.


After a delay of two seconds, the sound of the door opening was very clear in the silence. At the same moment, the lights in the dormitory came on, piercing the darkness.

"Welcome back."

Under the light, the four looked at each other and smiled.

At eight o'clock in the evening, black mist fell, and the university dormitory building was plunged into darkness.

At 8:14, the light in dormitory 606 was restored.

At 8:15, the four of them walked to the balcony window and sat down together. While waiting for the mobile phone to recover the signal, while looking at the boundless darkness outside, waiting quietly.

Ten minutes later, a second lit window appeared from a dormitory building in the distance, adding another beam of light to the night.

Then, the third, the fourth...

The dots of light did not recover quickly, and the night was still dense, but the four of them no longer had any fear or anxiety in their hearts.

Because they know that when it is dawn, the sun will rise normally.

A new day will come as promised.


The author has something to say:


This is the end.

The next update is the episode.

There will not be many extra episodes in Jinjiang's update, because the University City series is not over, and this world view will continue in other articles.

In physical publishing, there will also be physical extras.

Readers have been asking, and at the end, I would like to share with everyone that the women's dormitories are currently signed by physical publishing, audio and comics, so stay tuned.

I have received everyone's support along the way, and you have given too much strength to "Female Sleeper".

Take a bow and thank you.

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