Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 33: Appreciation of classic movies


Zhang You, dead

This fact is right in front of our eyes, but it is difficult for people in front of the mirror to accept it.

Guo Guo was stunned for two seconds, tears bursting out of his eyes, "Who killed you! We are going to take revenge!"

Tang Xinjue grabbed the two excited roommates, told them to calm down, and carefully watched what Zhang You said.

Zhang You shook his head and mouthed the cause of death: "Zhao Mingtao."

After gesticulating and mouthing, several people understood the reason: Zhang You was stabbed to death by Zhao Mingtao after he became the perspective of the teaching director and prevented Zhao Mingtao and Wang Peng from fighting.

In fact, with Zhang You's strengthened physical fitness, he might not be able to defeat the berserk Zhao Mingtao, but he didn't expect that the opponent would suddenly attack from behind, and he was sent away without even having time to resist.

Zhang You was also very depressed, but she was generally calm. She pointed to herself, then to the mirror, and then to Tang Xinjue.

Tang Xinjue understood: "You are the one who made the knocking sound, and you led me here."

Zhang You nodded.

It turns out that being killed by other students in the "reality" of the movie will not completely die, but continue to exist in the state of "ghost", and can also travel into the inner world.

It's just that she has no physical body, and she can't communicate with Tang Xinjue and the others normally. She can only attract attention by making knocking sounds, and can only appear with the help of a mirror.

Zhang You pointed to Li Xiaoyu's notebook outside again, and Fei Libi drew a meaning:

She knows more about the plot.

Tang Xinjue's eyes moved slightly: "From the perspective of a ghost, can I see the trajectory of more characters without being restricted by the perspective?"

Zhang You nodded vigorously.

It is too difficult to describe the plot based on Zhang You's current state. Tang Xinjue directly dipped in the blood-mixed water, wrote six names on the mirror of the sink, and asked Zhang You, "Can you draw the order of their death?"

Zhang You raised her hand, erased Sun Qian and Feng Wan first, and shook her head. She didn't know the plot of their deaths, but she also agreed with Tang Xinjue's guess.

Then, her fingers formed a line on the mirror and crossed out Qian Zhi and Wang Peng at the same time.

The two killed each other in the brawl.

In the end, there were only two names left on the mirror: Li Xiaoyu and Zhao Mingtao.

An arc leads from the latter to the former, plus traces of the chase.

Zhao Mingtao was the one who killed Zhang You, the teaching director. Judging from what Zhang You meant, after he killed someone, he found Li Xiaoyu was peeping nearby, so he chased after him with a knife and wanted to kill Li Xiaoyu too.

Tang Xinjue asked: "And then?"

Zhang You opened his mouth, as if he didn't know how to describe it. She suddenly turned her head to look outside the door, frowned anxiously, and knocked hard on the mirror. Outside the mirror, the blood stains were also quickly fading away.

The other world is going to disappear!

Seeing that time was running out, Tang Xinjue could only hurry up and ask the last question: "Do you know who dreamed the movie?"

Zhang You shook his head.

She used the last time to utter a silent mouth shape:

Be careful Li Xiaoyu.

The other world disappears again, accompanied by a momentary sense of weightlessness and detachment. Tang Xinjue calmed down, and found that she was standing in the bathroom this time, holding the opened notebook in her hand.

The moment she turned around and walked out, her movements suddenly froze.

... not right.

It is no longer the other world, it is clearly the "reality" beyond the dream of the movie, but the burning smell in the air has not disappeared, but has become more and more intense.

Pausing for two seconds, Tang Xinjue's flickering eyes froze... She suddenly understood.

I understood the meaning of the oath of curse and killing in Li Xiaoyu's notebook, understood why the three-year class was wiped out, and understood the source of Li Xiaoyu's ghost image.

— is burning.

In the next moment, she stepped forward without hesitation, and ran at full speed in the direction of Class Three!

If her guess is correct, Li Xiaoyu and Zhao Mingtao should have died in the same way—by a fire.

The distance to class one every three years was getting closer and closer, and the pungent burning smell became stronger and stronger. At the door of the classroom with the sign of "Class one every three years", Tang Xinjue stopped suddenly.

Only black ashes remained in the classroom.

All the tables and chairs were burned, dozens of charred bodies fell in the room in painful and strange postures, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Li Xiaoyu's silent smiling face seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and there were faint wailing and moaning in his ears, overlapping and pressing down from all directions.

Tang Xinjue did not turn off his perception, but let his mind think wildly. She knew it was too late. According to the routine in the movie feature film, it should be approaching now...

"Ding! The movie viewing progress has reached 100%, and the replay is over. Now start the movie viewing quiz!"


She didn't forget that during the "replay" time of the movie, all the dangers in the real world and the other world just made it more difficult for them to "watch the movie". The key to the final pass or not still lies in this test question.

If the answer is still wrong this time, the best possibility is that they will enter the replay of the movie again.

But the worst possibility...

Thinking of Zhang You who was already in a ghost state, Tang Xinjue's expression became more and more cold and solemn.

[Excuse me, whose dream is this movie about? ]

[A, Zhao Mingtao]

[B, Qian Zhi]

[C, Sun Qian]

[D, Li Xiaoyu]

The question appeared in the air, and the countdown was only 60 seconds.

There was no one around, Tang Xinjue wondered if his roommate was also facing this multiple-choice question at this time. She spoke quickly:

"If someone chooses the wrong one and someone chooses the right one, how will the result be judged?"

The rules also quickly gave the answer: [The question-and-answer test is based on the dormitory, and the right to choose is made by the dormitory member to choose an individual, and the result is only affected by the member's choice]

In other words, before the movie test, other people handed over the choice to Tang Xinjue.

Her choice is the final result of this movie.

The girl looked slightly relaxed, and the countdown numbers were falling rapidly in her eyes, showing the urgency of the options.

"Choose A."

Tang Xinjue finally spoke.

[Are you sure about your choice? ]

"Sure." Tang Xinjue repeated again, with a clear and firm voice, "This is Zhao Mingtao's dream."

There is a high probability that the dreamer needs to meet two conditions at the same time: 1. Do not die prematurely in the plot, otherwise the whole class will not be known. 2. Subconsciously thinks that Wang Peng likes Feng Wan, and doesn't know the truth about the love letter.

The only person who can satisfy these two points at the same time is Zhao Mingtao.

There is one last point that makes Zhao Mingtao suitable as a dreamer: he also has a crush on Feng Wan. This is not only used by Qian Zhi to frame, but also reflected in the movie. The boy who is obviously in a relationship with Feng Wan is named "Wang Peng", but Zhao Mingtao's face is shown.

"At the end of reality, Zhao Mingtao chased and killed Li Xiaoyu, and chased him all the way back to the class."

Tang Xinjue's tone was calm, and he completed the speculation like a statement.

"But after returning to the class, Zhao Mingtao saw Feng Wan who was killed by Wang Peng in the class. At this time, it happened to be the class time, and all the students flocked back to the classroom, not knowing what happened."

"Only Li Xiaoyu closed the door of the classroom at this moment, ignited the inflammables that had been prepared, set a fire in the classroom, and burned everyone to death."

"Before he was burned to death by the flames, Zhao Mingtao had this dream in a vague way, and then disappeared together with the dream."

After finishing the last sentence, Tang Xinjue raised her eyes: "This is the real content of the movie."

[Answer submitted, checking... ]

[Congratulations, you answered correctly! ]

[Candidates can now proceed to the next link: Live Appreciation. Candidates are required to write their impressions about the film within 60 minutes, with no less than 800 words]

When the reminder sounded, three figures appeared beside Tang Xinjue.

Guo Guo, Zheng Wanqing, and even the "dead" Zhang You appeared here intact.

The roommates looked at each other in blank dismay, and before they could show surprise, the front and rear doors of the classroom suddenly closed, and clusters of flames ignited in front of the four of them!

[Countdown for after-view: 60 minutes]

A few people: "...grass."

It turns out that the after-view of the scene is literally "on-site".

They want to write a review at the scene of the fire and murder!

Blood seeped in from the classroom door, and a pale girl crawled down from the ceiling. It was Feng Wan in ghost form. Immediately behind her, Qian Zhi, Sun Qian, Wang Peng, and Zhao Mingtao appeared in turn, giggling and surrounding the audience.


What the hell is the off-site invigilation live broadcast?

After regaining consciousness from the brief blank mind, Guo Guo and the others suddenly discovered that Tang Xinjue had quickly opened Li Xiaoyu's notebook and began to scribble and write on it.

To be able to write the afterthought without changing the color under this situation, there is nothing to express except awe.


Guo Guo cried out in emotion, and ran to Tang Xinjue's side to read the post-viewing content written by her, propping up his legs that were almost frightened.

I saw a line of titles on the paper:

On the Importance of Keeping Fire Extinguishing Equipment and Escape Equipment in the Classroom——Thinking of "Death Record of Class Three Years"