Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 34: Appreciation of classic movies


The flames spread in the classroom. Dozens of corpses that had been dry and charred seemed to come back to life again, struggling and howling in the flames.

If the scene of hell, it should be creepy.

But just after reading the title of Tang Xinjue's post-viewing impressions, and looking at the scene in front of him, the first thought that came to Zhang You's mind was:

Does this argument really make sense

If there are sufficient fire extinguishing equipment and escape tools in the classroom, or if there is an alarm to automatically extinguish the fire at the first time, perhaps the tragedy of the whole class being wiped out will not happen.

Of course, if the reality really goes like this, the movie can also be transferred directly from the horror film to the security legal channel. At the end of the depraved and violent plot, there is a trace of soul-shocking positive energy.

All the ghosts: "..."

After seeing what Tang Xinjue wrote, their already distorted facial features became even more distorted, and they even forgot to move when they interfered outside the venue.

Of course, the ghosts are not here just to watch... As long as candidates write their impressions from any angle of the plot, they will be mentally polluted by them for reasons. Candidate's ability.

But now, even Feng Wan, who was already hanging over several people's heads, moved her lips twice, but didn't think about how to speak.

Zhao Mingtao, who was burned to death, withdrew his hand silently, and a pile of black scum fell from his arm.

... No, they were the ones who died tragically and turned into ghosts, so why did they behave like they were wronged

In the strange stalemate, the temperature in the classroom continued to rise. Even if the flames did not reach a few living people, the burning pain and chapped skin became more and more obvious.

"If this continues, we may not wait for the countdown to end, and we will all be roasted to death here."

Zhang You took off his clothes, tied the clothes of the four people together, and stood in front of them.

Guo Guo's eyes were accidentally burned by the fire just now, and now the tears are flowing and he can't open them, but he has no sense of security after hiding away, so he can only hide next to Tang Xinjue and remind: "Be careful not to let the clothes be burned by the fire!"

Tang Xinjue was writing furiously, but the 800-character request could not be completed in an instant, so the few of them could only stand up, not to mention the ghosts and monsters staring at them, which made people even more breathless.

As soon as the sound of writing brushes stopped, Tang Xinjue wiped off the sweat from his eyelashes, and raised his head: "This won't work, the words on the paper will be roasted."

Moreover, the thinner and thinner air and excessive heat will also affect people's thinking.

"Hee hee, then don't write..." Sun Qian's sharp laughter sounded immediately, she was lying on the wall with her head down, half of her body stretched out her neck, and her bright red lips opened wide: " Stay here forever, go to death, you will never feel pain, become our classmate!"

A few people: ... I had no conscience in my previous life, so I am so unlucky to be classmates with you in this life!

Tang Xinjue was silent for two seconds, but turned her head to look back, and her eyes fell on these ghosts.

Then she said suddenly: "Aren't you hot?"

All the ghosts: "???"

They slowly stare at you with a look that you have finally been roasted stupidly, but they see the girl nodding, saying to themselves: "You are ghosts, the air-conditioning lingers on your body for a long time, of course you don't feel hot."

nonsense. The ghost didn't understand what she was talking about, but saw that after Tang Xinjue finished speaking, the other roommates also turned their heads slowly with strange eyes.

Tang Xinjue gathered his clothes and got up, facing the ghosts and asked again: "During the time I am writing my impressions, the rules should not allow you to directly attack me, right?"

Feng Wan twisted her body and sneered, "We didn't attack you, it's just... wait, what are you doing?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang Xinjue plunged into the pile of ghosts in two steps at a time, and let out a long sigh of relief: "It's really cold."

Then she sat down again, using Sun Qian's drooping hair as a barrier to isolate the scene of the fire, and continued to write her impressions. By the way, she yelled at Zhao Mingtao who was next to her: "Go away, you block the light."

A ghost who is directly used as a tool: …


Feng Wan and Zhao Mingtao screamed, stretched out their hands to grab Tang Xinjue irrationally.

The toilet lever was swung out heavily, blocking the four pale arms, Tang Xinjue looked up, with a faint smile: "Has anyone ever told you that you are easily irritated?"

Ghosts are born of resentment and hatred, and most of their instincts are greater than reason, not to mention that these ghost NPCs have just "experienced" their own death scene, and it is time for resentment.

The faces of the two ghosts changed, and the female ghost took the first step to stop in time, but Zhao Mingtao was too fast to catch up. The toilet tool suddenly disappeared from Tang Xinjue's hand, and the sharp knife in Zhao Mingtao's hand was inserted into her arm without hindrance. Blood gushed out.

The attack is implemented and determined to be successful.

Before the rule punishment came down, a golden light burst out from Tang Xinjue's body, covering Zhao Mingtao in it.

A shrill scream burst out from the golden light, and Zhao Mingtao's ghost form melted at a speed visible to the naked eye!

From the body, neck, hair, and face, the ghost struggled violently and turned into a blurred figure, and the screams were more real and miserable than the "classmates" in the fire.

The other ghosts retreated instinctively, and at this moment, the environment of the classroom changed again, the walls turned into scorched earth, dreamy whispers sounded, the wooden door shook slightly, and the burning fire became more intense.

The "student"'s complexion suddenly changed, and his already white face turned even bluer. They drifted and scattered in fear, clinging to the wall, and no one came to help Zhao Mingtao.

The screams gradually disappeared, and as the golden light weakened and dissipated, "Zhao Mingtao" also completely turned into a phantom, and his head was held back by the toilet blow a second before it collapsed.

Tang Xinjue spat out a word: "Eat."

A suction force came out from the rubber head, and the phantom was sucked into the toilet pan bit by bit, from fast to slow until it disappeared completely, and the toilet pan only spit out a few hairs.

The brilliance flashed, and the skull logo on the handle changed from one to two.

[Swallowed successfully, has inherited the attribute "scream". ]

Tang Xinjue: "Cover your ears!"

The next moment, the rubber head retracted, then shook violently again, and the deafening, inhuman screams erupted from the rubber head, spreading like a trumpet, lingering in the classroom for a long time.

Fortunately, Guo Guo and the others were reminded and covered their ears in advance. Even so, they also felt the buzzing in their heads.

[Scream of ghosts: indiscriminate sonic attack on all creatures, with mental pollution effect]

[The sharp blade of the ghost: the sharpness is greatly increased, and it can be compared with the front of the knife]

Under the burst of screams, the raging fire that was facing the toilet was also shrunk back by the impact, then flickered a few times, and calmed down strangely.

The student ghosts remained motionless, as if they wanted to disappear on the spot.

Tang Xinjue, who continued to write his impressions, stopped again and raised his eyes to look forward.

A figure walked out of the flames, and the scorched skin quickly closed in the flames, turning into a young girl with intact short hair.

It was Li Xiaoyu who had never appeared.

It didn't matter to anyone else, Li Xiaoyu walked straight towards Tang Xinjue with a very bright smile on his face, completely opposite to the shy and gloomy look in the movie.

"Does my laptop work?" she asked briskly.

After only one glance, Tang Xinjue continued to write with his head down, "It's okay."

Li Xiaoyu came over, leaned against her and sat down intimately, looking at the notebook with eyes full of curiosity, not like a murderous ghost full of malice, but like two ordinary people.

After watching for a while, she asked, "What does an advanced automatic alarm look like?"

Tang Xinjue said concisely: "Call the police, spray water, and open the door."

Li Xiaoyu: "Then if I cut off the electricity in the classroom, will the alarm still work?"

Tang Xinjue: "Built-in lithium battery."

"Oh—" Li Xiaoyu dragged out a long tail, and asked with a smile: "Then what if I destroy the alarm in advance?"

Tang Xinjue didn't even raise her head: "Special circumstances are not considered in the general circumstances, and the 800-word content can't fit so much. If you want to discuss additionally, you can write an after-view postscript and submit it with me.

After finishing speaking, she tore a page of paper thoughtfully: "Either?"

Li Xiaoyu: "..."

Li Xiaoyu finally stopped talking, she sat quietly against the wall, and with a light wave of her hand, other student ghosts immediately jumped into the fire as if they were pardoned.

"What a pity. If only I had known you when I was human."

Li Xiaoyu said softly: "We must be very suitable to be classmates, don't you think?"

Seeing that Tang Xinjue didn't respond, she laughed again, approached and whispered: "You are very suitable for our world... don't you think?"

"What's so good about the human world? Old-fashioned, boring, and only a set of rigid rules to evaluate everything. You won't be rewarded for your efforts, no matter how hard you try... In the eyes of others, you are just a lunatic with mental problems. Isn't it?"

When he spoke the last few words, his voice was as cold as ice, sending chills down the spine.

Tang Xinjue finally stopped writing, turned his head, his calm eyes met the ghost who was close at hand, and his voice was very soft:

"I have seen your world countless times."

The same whispers, brainwashing, coercion and temptation made her give up reality and fall into darkness, and she had heard it countless times.

"But after opening my eyes every day, I just want to say one thing." She nodded to Li Xiaoyu, her lips curled up:

"none of your business."

What she wants to do, what kind of life she wants to live, it is not up to others to comment.

Likewise, other people's lives, whether they fall or become ghosts—

"None of my business."

Of course, if it hurts her friends and relatives, then it's none of her business—this point, Zhao Mingtao's imprint on the toilet bowl indicates that he has something to say.

Under the cold gaze of the other party, Tang Xinjue put away his pen and stood up, holding up his notebook: "I've finished writing my review."

Eight hundred characters, word for word.

[Ding dong, the feedback has been submitted and is under evaluation...]

The ghost in the flames stopped screaming and struggling, and at the same time made a "turning head" movement, looking at everyone without moving.

[Candidates' impressions will be scored by all members of class three! ]