Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 4: Games start


Crying and irritability will only consume attention and accelerate the collapse of reason, and will not solve any problems. This is the truth that Tang Xinjue knows very well.

But the reason why reason is only reason is because in extraordinary circumstances, people often find it difficult to control themselves, which is also instinct.

Three years ago, when the first strange disease of weakness came to her accompanied by nightmares, Tang Xinjue was forced to combine theory with practice and learn how to restrain her instincts and keep calm without being driven crazy.

"There is no unsolvable nightmare in the world, and there is no unsolvable reality."

She spoke softly, and the scenes of these nightmares appeared in her mind.

The nightmare that even the psychiatrist was helpless brought many negative effects to her life, but this time, it seemed to herald the unexpected arrival in advance, so it can be proved by the same reason, can other details in the dream also correspond to the current situation

Thoughts immersed in the suppressed memories, the thick darkness in the dream and the grotesque monsters hidden in the darkness rushed towards her face, but apart from that, Tang Xinjue vaguely remembered that there was another rule in the dream...

After a while, Tang Xinjue opened his eyes.

If this rule can also be applied to the "game" at this time, she should know how to solve the current situation.

From the perspective of an outsider, Tang Xinjue remained motionless, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "You can open the door."


Zheng Wanqing stopped shouting, Zhang You stopped talking, even Guo Guo stopped crying, no one could believe that Tang Xinjue was so reckless: "Are you sure?"

In the darkness, the girl's voice was calm and decisive: "Sure. Zhang You must come in, and the door must be opened."

Zhang You sniffed outside the door, trying not to sound too trembling: "What about the thing on my back...?"

She dare not look back now, let alone think about what will happen after the door is opened.

Tang Xinjue replied thoughtfully: "The things behind you will jump out, attack me who opened the door first, and then take the opportunity to sneak into the dormitory."

Guo Guo: "...How can you be so calm about such a terrible thing!"

Where Guo Guo couldn't see, Tang Xinjue tightly grasped the tool in his hand, and pressed his fingertips on the packaging bag wrapped around the object. Judging from these hours, the thing is about 50 cm long, with a hard handle and what appears to be a thick bowl-shaped tip. Think of it as a small hammer when you use it.

Signaling the two roommates to back off, Tang Xinjue stood in front of the door, staring at the crack of the door, and slowly dropped his left hand on the handle.

Guo Guo behind him swallowed his saliva: "Shen Jue, are you sure there is a way to let Zhang You in? If we fail, we will all be ruined."

Tang Xinjue shook his head: "No, if I fail, there is a high probability that I will be the only one who will die. You still have a chance. Do you remember what the boy's voice said? Failure to guard the dormitory will result in the elimination of roommates, but he did not say that the whole dormitory will be eliminated. Eliminate together."

Before she finished speaking, her palms sank, and the bedroom door was forced to open.

Zhang You's slightly trembling figure appeared outside the door, and his roommate gasped for breath and looked for help.

At the same time, sharp laughter burst out from the back of her neck, and Zhang You was about to turn his head reflexively, but Tang Xinjue quickly grabbed her.

"Don't turn around."

Unlike the vast night outside the balcony, the darkness in the corridor seemed to be covered with a layer of flowing and spreading fog, and there seemed to be countless things hiding in it.

With the faint light of the mobile phone screen, Tang Xinjue saw a pale and skinny hand sticking out from the back of Zhang You's neck, pulling out a larger, white object - the moment it rushed over, she had no idea what to do. Without hesitation, he raised his hand and smashed it down hard.

With an inhuman scream, the plastic rod and rubber tip collided with a sticky mass and hit!

A chill ran up his arm quickly, Tang Xinjue didn't have the energy to be distracted, so he swung his arm even harder and yelled at Zhang You who hadn't reacted yet: "Come in!"

The roommate rushed in as if waking up from a dream. The white thing screamed in the dark and was about to jump up. The packaging bag outside the long tool was torn. Amid the horrible noise, the rubber tip was still firmly pressed. On the mass of white creatures that were not human at first glance, they managed not to be overturned.

Even the white monster was taken aback for a moment: It's a ghost, and it's so hard to fight with human girls, but it hasn't fought yet?

Tang Xinjue was also stunned for a moment: She was about to pull back quickly as soon as she hit her hand, but just as soon as she pulled it out, the "little hammer" in her hand didn't move at all. She subconsciously pulled it hard again, and instead dragged the white monster out by two centimeters .

White monster: "..."

Tang Xinjue: "..."

She was about to throw the tool into the darkness without hesitation, but the irritated monster was even faster, and rushed up in an instant, with skinny limbs and a head protruding from the white twisted mass of flesh. There were no facial features on the head, only a mouth, Like a big black hole, it bit Tang Xinjue's head.

[Low-level ghosts that walk in the darkness cannot be touched or looked directly at, and will be swallowed into the darkness. ]

The head of the monster that was approaching rapidly was reflected in the shrinking pupils, surrounded by the sweeping cold and darkness, for a moment, Tang Xinjue felt as if he was still in a nightmare.

[—But once you touch it, you can also attack the opponent the moment you are attacked. ]

Just like in the dream, her body has already reacted instinctively. Since she can't get out, she won't stop doing anything, and slams down against the direction of her head!

Accompanied by the sharp surge of adrenaline, Tang Xinjue stared at the familiar monster. Tang Xinjue could no longer tell whether it was reality or a dream, and he acted entirely on the experience and instinct trained in the nightmare.

[Afraid of light, loud noise, can be torn apart with great force, thrown back into darkness...]

The white head was thrown off for a short while, and soon climbed onto Tang Xinjue's arm with the tools, the blood vessels on the wrist were bulging due to too much force.


The roommate's scream made Tang Xinjue startled: This is not her dream of being alone, this is reality!

Something flashed through her mind, and she blurted out: "Scream! Shout out! Quick!"

Maybe it's the moment of life and death that speeds up people's reactions. In less than half a second, Guo Guo's screams were enough to blow over the roof. Roar.

Although they didn't understand why Tang Xinjue made the request suddenly, they just howled in an emergency.

The white monster is afraid of light and loud noise. There is no light at this time, but there are three female college students in their early 20s in the room who have been beating ghosts for 4 hours.

If sound could transform weapons, they would have created a loud noise within three seconds that could level the entire dormitory area of A. Tang Xinjue clearly felt the monster's change, its power has weakened!

With a full thrust, the monster's body was torn apart, and it seemed to feel fear. Its limbs hung to the ground and wanted to retreat into the darkness, but just like Tang Xinjue before, it couldn't be pulled out no matter how hard it was.

monster;"… "

It was only then that Tang Xinjue discovered that the rubber end of this "little hammer" seemed to be able to suck things in. The harder she used, the stronger the end would be. Because the force was too much when she first smashed the monster, now neither side can pull it out. .

Before the mind can automatically figure out what it is, the monster has realized the problem, and began to change its body structure to try to swallow the rubber on it. How could Tang Xinjue let it succeed, and immediately stabbed down faster and harder, I don't know how many times I poked it in a row, the sticky feeling suddenly disappeared, and the rubber tip hit the ground directly.

The monster is broken!

The split white monster immediately split into countless arm-like objects. As soon as Tang Xinjue let go of his hand, he immediately shrank back into the door. The hand seemed to want to grab it, but was blocked by the slammed door the moment it came in. the outside world.


The collision left a dull sound on the bedroom door.

Then came the second, third, and the familiar knock on the door, and at the same time, Tang Xinjue's voice appeared outside the door:

"Open the door, it's so dark outside, I'm so scared."

The other three shivered. It was clear that Tang Xinjue had returned to the door, but the same voice knocked on the door at the same time as hers, which was so strange that it was hard to describe.

Tang Xinjue slowed down for a few seconds, stepped forward and raised his hand, and knocked on the door three times clearly, his voice was still gentle and gentle after the violent movement:

"Your father is inside, step back."

"..." The horror atmosphere was largely dispelled.


Guo Guo was the first to move, and she swooped and hugged Tang Xinjue's slender body, crying with snot and tears: "Sister Jue, Father Jue, God Jue, from now on you will be my half-father." !"

Zhang You squeezed her up helplessly: "I'm the one who was rescued by Xin Jue, let me cry first, okay?"

Zheng Wanqing couldn't get in, so she turned around in a hurry: "Don't push too hard, Tang Xinjue is not in good health, you have spoiled her!"

Guo Guo's eyes were blurred with tears: "Miss, open your titanium alloy eyelids to see, my father just tore up a ghost! I tore it up with my own hands!"

If this can be called infirmity, are they considered severely disabled

Tang Xinjue broke away from the roommate who had misidentified her relatives, a little dumbfounded: "Wan Qing is right, don't hug me, my hand hurts."

She had been stalemate for too long under the explosive force just now, and now her arms are sore and cold, and her whole body is a little weak. She needs a good rest.

Zhang You was delicate and sensitive, and immediately went to help her find the medical kit. The remaining two leaned against her, and after a little recovery from the over-frightened state, they asked the doubts in their hearts:

"How do you know how to deal with that monster outside?"

Tang Xinjue didn't answer in detail, but said briefly: "I only know that for many low-level ghosts, the moment they touch us is the moment we can attack them. In addition, we are protected by the bedroom door, as long as we catch them The timing is enough to hold it for two seconds."

It's just that she never expected that the attack weapon in her hand almost dragged her into the water.

Thinking of this, Tang Xinjue couldn't help raising the "little hammer" in his hand, trying to use the phone's light to see what kind of treasure it was, but the numbers on the phone screen came into view faster.

10, 9, 8, 7...

When zero came, the four-hour countdown went to zero, and the screen fell into darkness.

"Ding ding ding, ding ding ding~"

The melodious child's voice surrounds everyone's ears.

"Put your schoolbag on your back and come to the dormitory, the happy college life starts here"

"Unity and friendship, help each other, every student must abide by the dormitory rules"

"Play hard, test hard, good grades can make you survive longer"

"Credit system, clear rewards and punishments, educators are waiting for you in the best universities"

At the end of the song, the child's voice became farther and farther away, as if rising to a very high altitude, and the voice became hazy and melodious:

"Time is precious, cherish the present, [Dorm Survival Game] begins!"

The sound disappeared completely, the phone screen turned white, and the interface was still unfamiliar, Tang Xinjue saw his name on it.

Name: Tang Xinjue

Dormitory: 606 bedroom

School: Sanbon University

Credits: 0

Below the basic information column, there are several small information boxes, namely [dorm situation], [examination/competition records], [power props], and [body information].

Tang Xinjue was about to take a closer look, when he saw the column of [Power Items] suddenly flashed.

"Congratulations, you have received a reward for your good performance before the start of the game! The things in your hands at this moment will become your innate abilities~"

Things in hand

Tang Xinjue looked down. At this moment, the lights in the dormitory were suddenly brightened, and she could clearly see her "innate ability" through the daylight-like light.

A hard plastic rod, a bowl-shaped end of orange-red rubber leather, and a brand-new tool about 50 cm long. It presents a face that does not appear often, but is known to all men, women and children—

A real toilet lever.

Tang Xinjue: "..."

Is it too late for her to read the file and start again

The author has something to say:


Monster: I'm cracked!

Tang Xinjue: I also split