Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 5: Dorm rules


At this moment, Tang Xinjue finally understood why when she hit the monster, she would be sucked back and couldn't break free.

—Because she smashed it with a toilet! The leather was pressed to dry the air, and the rubber mouth naturally sucked the opponent firmly. If it was equipped with a flush toilet at that time, the monster would almost be flushed out directly.

etc? Where did the toilet pan come from

Searching through the thin memories, Tang Xinjue finally remembered that this was a supermarket event, and they bought laundry detergent as a gift.

Then by chance, Tang Xinjue took it out of the shopping bag and used it as a tool. By the way, he knocked over a monster, and now it turned into her innate ability.

"..." After being speechless for a while, Tang Xinjue braced himself to check the introduction of the ability.

[Object type ability: toilet smacking soldiers]

[You have a handy toilet, and it's happy with its owner. Using it, your action efficiency will be greatly improved. ]

... What kind of weird ability is this

Tang Xinjue still couldn't accept the reality, the fact that she was bound to the toilet had an impact on her that even surpassed the game itself.

At this time, the other three roommates had also finished checking the content on their mobile phones, and raised their heads with different expressions.

"Anyway," Guo Guo said dryly, "Fortunately, all four of us managed to enter the game alive. Are we temporarily safe now?"

Is it safe? No one is sure. Although the light in the dormitory has been restored, it is still dark outside the balcony, the door cannot be opened, and the mobile phone still has no signal... No, now they don't even have a real mobile phone. Now this can only be regarded as a game-specific machine bound to [Dorm Survival Game].

"By the way, have you seen these?" Guo Guo turned on the screen and pointed to the personal information on it: "The name dormitory is correct, but why does it show that the school has three universities? Isn't our A university one? The bottom What do credits mean?"

"The above information probably has nothing to do with our real situation." Tang Xinjue speculated: "It should show our identity and attributes in the game."

The three immediately understood, and Guo Guo slapped his thigh: "That is to say, now we are players in the game? No wonder I saw some other abilities below... Hey, what is this?"

Guo Guo stared at the message box that popped up, and read word by word: "Good children who were waiting in the dormitory when the game came, the educator gave you a random gift package to show his appreciation... I won a novice shield !"

Tang Xinjue saw the introduction displayed over there: [The novice shield, which appears passively, can resist a ghost attack. When it makes a crisp sound of glass breaking, it is recommended that you run away. ]

It is a very practical buff, especially for the timid Guo Guo, it is definitely a life-saving medicine.

When the power went out at 8 o'clock, Zhang You didn't come back, and Zheng Wanqing happened to go out to take a shower. Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo were the only ones in the dormitory, so they were the only ones to get this gift package.

At the same time, Tang Xinjue opened his message reminder, and a prompt box popped up:

[Congratulations, you have obtained a random food package. ]

There was the sound of plastic bags falling, and a bottle of water and two bags of bread appeared out of thin air on the table in front of her.

Guo Guo was very disappointed: "It's a skill, what's the use of food?"

Tang Xinjue was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and his expression became serious. She turned her head and saw Zhang You showing the same thoughtful expression. The two met their gazes. Tang Xinjue took a deep breath: " might be useful."

"Think about it, if we can't leave the dormitory all the time, how can we solve the three meals a day?"

Zheng Wanqing and Guo Guo faced this question directly, their faces were stunned like being struck by lightning. After a few seconds of silence, they came up with a painful answer: "Then we may starve to death in the dormitory."

None of them had the habit of hoarding food, even though they had just finished shopping, the combination of snacks and water would not last for a few days.

Tang Xinjue's temples twitched even more: "I should have realized this when I saw the bathroom."

It is impossible for the game to give them warmth for no reason. If the students are locked in the space, at least the ecological cycle problem must be solved. The sudden extra bathroom is a clear indication.

Everyone suddenly thought carefully and terrified. Guo Guo slumped on the table, with despair written all over his face: "If I don't want to be killed by ghosts, and I don't want to be starved to death, is there any way I can live my life till the end?"

Zhang You: "Then we must first analyze the purpose of this game..."

Guo Guo: "It wants me to die!"

Zhang You: "..."

"Zhang You is right." Tang Xinjue took advantage of this time to quickly browse through the phone, extracted a few key information, and slightly stretched his brows: "For a game, it includes the player's upgrade system and reward mechanism , which means that it is not specially designed to kill them all, but to let us pass the customs."

She considered for a moment, then continued: "If I'm not wrong, [credit] is a crucial value, perhaps equivalent to our customs clearance certificate, and [school] represents our current game level, like bronze, silver, gold And so on."

In fact, when the game officially "starts", the few words chanted by the child's voice are probably a hint to the rules of the game. It's just that they can't fully analyze it yet, and need a little verification.

Zheng Wanqing was taken aback when she heard that, "If that's the case, what level are we at now?"

Corresponding to the three universities, Tang Xinjue thought for a while: "Novice Bronze?"

"After all, there are two books on top of the three books, one, and even one university will be divided into double first-class, 211, 985..."


Seeing his roommate's suspicious expression, Tang Xinjue smiled, "Of course, this is just a preliminary guess, the game shouldn't be so perverted."

"Then," she clicked on [Dormitory Situation] under her personal information, "this should be equivalent to our taskbar, do you see it?"

I saw a sentence lined up on the phone screen:

[Dorm room civilization rules: 1. Solidarity and friendship 2. Mutual help]

Tang Xinjue lightly tapped the "Code" with his finger, and an unfamiliar female voice appeared out of nowhere: "Do you want to conduct the Civilization Code test?"

Guo Guo was so frightened by the sudden voice that she almost fell down. She covered her head for a while and was afraid. Fortunately, she didn't look at the phone just now, otherwise she might not know how she died now.

Tang Xinjue said softly, "Can I get information about the test?"

A second later, the female voice actually replied: "Civilization Code Test Rules: There is no time limit for this test. After passing the test, you will become a full-time student, obtain exam qualifications, and more dormitory-related functions."

"What if you don't pass?"

The female voice just repeated what she just said mechanically, without revealing any more information.

Tang Xinjue put down his phone and looked at his roommate: "This is the taskbar."

"Civilization test..." Zheng Wanqing said to herself: "How to test? With pen and paper? Is there a question bank?"

Guo Guo couldn't explain it all: "Are you stupid? If you think about it with your heels, you will know that it must not be as simple as it sounds!" She turned to Tang Xinjue: "God Jue, can we not do this task?"

Tang Xinjue answered very simply: "Yes, we can wait in the dormitory without doing anything. As long as there are no accidents, we shouldn't die within a few days."

It's just... how many days? Everyone is silent.

Guo Guo weighed his snack reserves, covered his face and gave up: "I won't choose, I leave it to you, I will do whatever you want me to do."

At least she still has a shield. Zheng Wanqing and Zhang You are the worst, with nothing in their hands. But maybe because of Tang Xinjue's presence, after listening to the analysis, he was not so afraid anymore.

Zhang You said cautiously: "I think that if you hide for a while, you won't be able to hide for a lifetime. Avoiding will only consume everyone's energy and make us very passive."

Zheng Wanqing also agreed: "I still have three papers waiting for an opening topic and a competition. I'd rather go to hell with ghost fish if I'm wasted here."

With unanimous opinions, Tang Xinjue nodded: "That's the decision. Do you need to rest for a night and start the test tomorrow?"

Guo Guo cried: "I don't know, but anyway, I won't be able to sleep tonight."

When she closes her eyes now, her head is either knocking on the door, or the yellow eyeballs that covered the balcony window before, and only when she is close to her roommate can she feel a little safe.

"Or... start right away?" Zhang You tentatively asked Tang Xinjue, "The voice said just now that one must pass the test to become an official student, that is to say, we are not an official student yet. Will this affect some of us? Permissions, such as not being able to open all functions?"

Seeing Tang Xinjue's nod, Zheng Wanqing clapped her hands heavily: "Then what are you waiting for, if you cut your head, it's a cut, let's go!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Zheng Wanqing, only to realize that she had found the broom and mop in the dormitory at some point, and her tall body stood in the middle, like a murderous door god: "Come on!"

Guo Guo: "Miss, your image! You have been the campus beauty of University A for three consecutive years!"

The school belle sneered: "I'm going to lose everyone, why do I still care about my image? I feel ashamed when I think about it. As the oldest one, I not only failed to take good care of you, but also let the youngest Xin Jue take the risk. It's really irresponsible. There will never be a next time, go ahead!"


Guo Guo stopped dealing with the sick roommate, and took out all the utility knives, nail clippers, hair dryers, plus snacks, divided them into four parts, and stuffed them into the arms of the three: "UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of How long can you live, everyone protect yourselves..."

Tang Xinjue watched them making trouble, dumbfounded. This was also a way to vent his emotions. In the face of such huge changes and shocks, not breaking down is considered a strong heart.

Zhang You sighed, she was tired and hungry from hearing the child's voice to rushing back to the dormitory, but she had no appetite or sleepiness at all. More importantly, if you don't work hard now, when you wake up tomorrow morning, no one will have the courage anymore except Tang Xinjue.

Everyone digested their emotions in their own way. After a long while, when Zheng Wanqing and Guo Guo calmed down, and Zhang You regained some strength, Tang Xinjue pressed the phone screen and tapped on the table.

"Actually, there are two more things I think should be said. First, I got a power."

She pondered over her vocabulary for a few seconds, "A... quite special ability."


Guo Guo opened his mouth wide: "Brother Wucao, you didn't say it earlier! What—"

Her mouth was suddenly covered, Tang Xinjue put her index finger on her mouth, turned her head to look at the door solemnly: "Shh."

There are voices outside the door!

In the next second, everyone heard the sound clearly. It was as if something was dragging a heavy object, rubbing against the ground in the hallway.

Is someone walking? This possibility was quickly ruled out. Because that sound sounds extremely heavy. When they walked outside their dormitory, the dormitory door seemed to be scraped by inadvertently, and the ear-piercing sizzling sound made the hair stand on end.

Several people did not dare to move, and after an unknown amount of time, the voice finally disappeared. Tang Xinjue touched his forehead and found that a layer of cold sweat had unknowingly seeped out of it.

It's a sense of danger. Even though she hadn't met, she was already sure that the "thing" walking outside this time was much more terrifying than the monster knocking on the door before the game started.

The game is urging progress, or warning - staying in the dormitory is not absolutely safe.

"Get ready, we'll go into the test right away." Her voice sank.

To enter the test, four people need to click and confirm on the mobile phone at the same time. After ordering, the anxious roommates looked around for the first time, but did not find any changes.

Waiting silently was a bit difficult, and Guo Guo suddenly remembered the unfinished topic: "By the way, you haven't said anything yet, what is your ability?"

Just as Tang Xinjue was about to speak, a mechanical female voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

[The civilized test in the dormitory has begun, and it is detected that the number of people in the dormitory is complete, and an extra 10 basic points will be awarded... The test paper has been opened, please keep in mind the code of civility, and work hard to pass the test! ]

In the dark, Tang Xinjue slowly opened his eyes.

Her brain was a little drowsy, as if she was awakened by something in her sleep. After a vague glance, the quilt was well covered and the surroundings were quiet, so he planned to turn over and continue to sleep.

Suddenly, she frowned and noticed a voice beside the bed.

It was the sound of footsteps, as if someone was pacing by her bedside. A dark shadow could be seen faintly from the corner of the eye, and the hair occasionally rubbed against the top of the bed curtain, making a rustling sound.

Roommate still up? Tang Xinjue wanted to turn his head to ask, but suddenly realized something and stopped.

——Her bed is on top of the desk, at a distance of more than 1.5 meters from the ground. How tall is the person next to the bed so that their heads can reach the top of her bed

In an instant, Tang Xinjue was extremely sober.

Memories come back, dormitory survival games, boundless darkness, monsters knocking on the door... The memory stops at the moment when the test starts, and it is here again when I wake up.

Lying on the bed, her drowsiness was gone.

There are only two possibilities now, either everything is a dream and she can continue to sleep, or she is in the middle of a test and must be careful.

Tang Xinjue chose the latter without hesitation. She slowed down her breathing, squinted her eyes and fell asleep, observing the movement of the figure beside the bed.

About ten seconds later, the "person" beside the bed stopped moving, and a hoarse girl's voice sounded from the top of the bed: "Xin Jue, are you awake? Can you do me a favor?"

The voice was very strange and did not belong to any roommate. Tang Xinjue pretended to be asleep and did not answer.

The girl asked several times, was silent for a while, giggled strangely, and walked away along the bed. Listening to the sound, she seemed to be walking to the right.

Tang Xinjue judged the bed position. She had bed No. 4 near the door, and bed No. 1 was on the right, which belonged to Guo Guo.

The footsteps stopped again. Tang Xinjue couldn't hear what the girl said, but a few seconds later, she heard the sound of glass breaking.

Guo Guo's protective shield is broken!