Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 54: Crazy Wednesday


The roommate was taken aback.

Immediately, several people realized that what Tang Xinjue said was not unreasonable.

In their habitual thinking, the image of a salesman is always bound to door-to-door sales, so they also subconsciously preconceived that the other party needs their "permission" to enter the dormitory.

But what if, "salesman" is not needed at all

Thinking along Tang Xinjue's train of thought, if the salesman was already in the dormitory... the atmosphere suddenly felt a little creepy.

Guo Guo quickly grabbed his water drop jade pendant, "Could they be able to hide? Could it be possession?"

The wandering spirits in "Four Seasons Protection Guide" are the representatives of being able to enter the house quietly and disguise themselves as human beings.

The atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly became solemn, Liang Jing's hand delivering the ointment froze in the air, her eyes widened: "Ah, what are you talking about?"

Aren't you talking about the salesman in the mall? Why did the topic suddenly become—

Seeing that the dormitory was beginning to develop into a horror dungeon atmosphere, Tang Xinjue snapped his fingers to bring everyone back to their thoughts:

"Don't worry, Guo Guo, have you forgotten your ability?"

Guo Guo woke up like a dream: "That's right!"

She has yin and yang eyes, even if the salesman really sneaks in in the form of a ghost, he will be discovered in all likelihood.

"So, the other party should probably be an entity. If so, why can't we detect it..."

As Tang Xinjue said, he turned to the interior of the dormitory, his gaze wandered around the entire space, and finally settled on a corner.

"'s much, much smaller than we thought."

Tables and chairs moved on the ground, making a loud friction sound.

In dormitory 606, several people quickly searched the entire dormitory, especially the small corners that were blocked by various facilities.

Liang Jing moved the desk—she didn't know why, but somehow joined the search team of four people in this dormitory.

The point is, she didn't know what she was looking for at all, she was in a fog, and Tang Xinjue's guess was still replaying in her mind, she still didn't quite believe it: it shouldn't be so weird... right

The girl who had just lifted the desk suddenly stopped, her pupils constricted and she looked towards the corner of the wall.

Liang Jing: "Damn it!!"

Hearing the shout, the others rushed up immediately, their eyes fell on the corner of the wall at the same time, and they took a deep breath:

"Lie down!"

In the corner, a little man in red clothes about the size of a palm was struggling under the legs of the table, with a red unicorn dangling on his head, looking very helpless. Shivering from the crowd's voice, he raised his small head, which was no bigger than a thumb, and his eyes were like two dazed grapes.

When Tang Xinjue sucked it out with the toilet, the little man in red hugged the rubber head tightly and sat inside. Several people noticed that it had a small colorful backpack on its chest.

Tang Xinjue put it on the table and said in a gentle voice, "Are you the salesman sent by the mall?"

The villain nodded vigorously, and straightened his backpack on his chest, only to see a big "Hui" character sewn on the cloth.

Everyone:? ?

Offers come to your door... So the so-called "salesman" turned out to be a puppet? !

The puppet straightened its hat nervously, revealing its round white wooden head. If it doesn't move, at first glance it might even be a doll that just fell off the shelf.

Liang Jing came back to her senses, "So that's the case, I'll go back first!"

Another "salesman" may be hiding in a corner of their bedroom at the moment, maybe it's too late to find it now!

The balcony window was hastily opened and closed, and there were still fifteen minutes left in the session. Tang Xinjue didn't waste time, and asked directly: "Since you are a salesman delivering discounts to your door, it should be your task to make deals with customers, so how can we get [discounts]?"

In other words, how to get the "super prize"

The little puppet seemed to understand, nodded and began to gesture: "Yeah, yip, yip!"


Tang Xinjue raised her eyebrows: "You, can't speak human language?"

The little puppet nodded, shook its head again, and patted itself on the head with both hands: "Yeeeeeeeeee!"


Guo Guo said quietly: "I knew that the game would never stop digging holes."

No wonder the rules of the event say that "you have a chance to win prizes if you communicate with him." How can a salesman who can't speak human language communicate with him!

Hei Putao stared at the four of them blankly. The little puppet seemed to be a little anxious. He patted himself on the head vigorously, and then pointed to his backpack: "Yeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Tang Xinjue carefully watched the puppet's every move, and said, "Although you can't speak, can you understand us?"

The puppet nodded: "Yeah."

"Then, if we ask you to give feedback, you can nod if you want to, or shake your head if you don't, is that okay?"

Wood thought for a while and nodded.

"The merchandise is in your backpack, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Yes.

"Can we get the merchandise inside?"

"Yeah." The little puppet continued to nod.

But soon, it shook its head again, bent its legs and squatted down, patted the table in front of it, and patted itself.

Tang Xinjue understood: "We have to exchange things with you before you can give us what's in the bag?"

"Yeah!" The little puppet applauded.

It turned out to be engaged in second-hand recycling

After the simple communication, the four of them confirmed their gazes, and immediately started to act: dig out a lot of items, no matter what type they are, just take them out.

What if in the value judgment of the salesman, it is very valuable!

Tang Xinjue used a marker pen to write several symbols on the paper, which were ticks, crosses, and numbers from 1 to 10.

"Mr. Salesman, how many items are in your bag?"

The little puppet hesitated for a few seconds, wavering between the numbers 5-10.

It seems that it is not very clear how many goods it has brought over.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think the items in your bag are worth?"

The little puppet jumped from 1 to 10, arms crossed enigmatically.

Although he didn't speak, Tang Xinjue was inexplicably able to read the meaning inside: the value of the things it brings varies, and how much you can get depends on the abilities of the four of them.

A few minutes later, lipsticks, thermos cups, vanity mirrors, and skin creams were kicked to the ground one after another.

The puppet put its hands behind its back, and looked like it was patrolling out of the street. When it saw something it didn't like, it shook its head and kicked it away. After a while, the table was empty, and all kinds of things fell all over the floor.

Guo Guo wailed: "This lipstick is my birthday present! I haven't used it once! There is still an unopened cover film, worth a full four figures!"

The puppet was also annoyed, clenched the strap of its schoolbag tightly, and turned to the corner to refuse to communicate.

Obviously, it felt that this dormitory was not sincere in its transactions, and it always fooled it with things it didn't like.

Everyone was also a little bit at a loss. They had already tried the props bought from the mall, the radio in the dungeon, and various expensive treasures they bought in the real world, all of which were rejected.

Tang Xinjue changed direction: "Then, do you think there is anything in this dormitory that you are interested in and that you think is of good value? You can look for it yourself."

The puppet raised its head, its small eyes showed a "suddenly enlightened" expression, and immediately sat on the toilet, and with Tang Xinjue's help, began to tour the dormitory.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" After a full circle, the puppet suddenly shouted to stop, jumped down and ran to Guo Guo's desk, dragging a book with all its might.

It is Guo Guo's "Book of Changes".

Seeing this, several people tentatively asked: "Do you think this book can be exchanged for your things?"

The little puppet babbled and nodded, then Meizizi lowered her head and was about to open her backpack, but was unexpectedly stopped by Tang Xinjue.

The girl looked gentle and easy-going, but her questioning was quicker than a bullet: "How many items can we exchange from you in total?"

The little puppet was stunned for a moment, its mouth shrunk into a line, and it reluctantly moved its body to stand on "1".

"If I take your stuff, can I return it and trade it again?"


The puppet walked slowly to the "cross" position.

Zhang You reacted: "We were almost caught by it just now!"

The salesman has a lot of products, but he can only exchange one with the student. Once the salesman takes out the item and the deal is concluded, no one can exchange it for other items.

If the value of "Book of Changes" is not high, then they undoubtedly missed out on better products.

Unexpectedly, this salesman didn't look very smart, but he was tricking people a lot.

The puppet hummed angrily and pointed to the clock, babbling non-stop.

There are only five minutes left, do you still want to make a deal

Tang Xinjue also responded decisively: "Look for books, all the books!"

In less than a minute, a pile of books almost drowned the little puppet. From classics to street literature, from ancient documents to advanced mathematics teaching aids, Guo Guo even contributed his private collection of little yellow books, waiting eagerly for the salesman determination.

The little puppet struggled to find several books from it: "Book of Changes", "Zhuangzi", "Three Kingdoms", "Zizhi Tongjian"... There is also a "Five Hundred Poems of Tang and Song Dynasties".

It's all about ancient literature.

Adding these up, the little puppet barely gave a 6-point rating.

Zheng Wanqing held a pile of literature and materials, and made a face-to-face Amway to the puppet: "Look, this is the original English version of the literature that I bought online for my thesis, and this is the printed material that I stayed up all night to review. Look at the curve on it. , how beautiful..."

The other party was overwhelmed and hurriedly opened the backpack, shaking out a black pocket card.

Then, as the countdown to zero, the puppet and several selected books disappeared into the air with a bang.

It was a pity that they couldn't get any more wool, but they immediately focused on the card.

"This card is..."

Guo Guo stretched out his hand out of curiosity, and retracted before touching it with a cry of surprise: "Wait, why did it get bigger?!"

Under the gaze of four pairs of eyes, the "small black card" on the table quickly grew in size. In less than a few tens of seconds, it expanded dozens of times, and its shape became clearer—

When it finally stopped changing and quietly stayed on the table, several people opened their eyes at the same time:

In front of them is a 32-inch LCD TV about 60 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide