Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 56: Crazy Wednesday


The floor-to-ceiling windows were pushed open, and the bitter chill in the mist rushed over, forcing everyone to take a step back.

Each held a protective amulet, gritted their teeth and drilled out. Zhang You was at the front, between Wan Qing and Guo Guo, and Tang Xinjue was at the back. The four of them cling to the balcony wall and move forward as fast as possible.

Sensing someone, the mist suddenly rolled up, and the speed of infiltrating the balcony was significantly accelerated.

Even though they were careful, their bodies were still inevitably touched by the white mist, and there was only a soft sound, and the protective charms in the hands of the four of them ignited spontaneously without wind at the same time!

The moment of touch is the moment of being attacked.

Zhang You stepped up to the window of his dormitory, pulled it with one hand and found it wouldn't move, immediately switched to pushing it with both hands, his face turned pale: "I can't push it!"

Are the windows re-sealed

Guo Guo rushed forward to push with her, and with all his strength, the window was barely pushed open a small crack. It was not enough to stretch one leg in, she hurriedly shouted: "What should I do, this window seems to be retracted again!"

Zheng Wanqing's hands were inconvenient, Tang Xinjue immediately changed positions and rushed forward, the rubber head of the pinch went into the opening, almost jamming the glass window. Immediately, using the corner of the wall as a fulcrum, using the toughness of the toilet pan, the window was pushed open little by little. Zhang You and Guo Guo worked hard at the side, and finally pushed out a gap that could accommodate one person.

Tang Xinjue changed hands to fix the window: "You go ahead."

The three entered quickly, Tang Xinjue had just put away the toilet, when suddenly a shout came from the direction of the next bedroom, it was Xu Wei's voice: "Wait a minute, catch this!"

The short-haired girl with gauze wrapped around her hands exposed her head at a risk, and threw a bag of things into her arms: "Thank you for giving me the medicine..."

After catching the things, Tang Xinjue no longer hesitated to bend down and sneak into the bedroom. Just before the fog came up and the windows closed, Xu Wei's voice could still be heard from the next bedroom:

"Live forever! Live well!"

White mist enveloped the window, the outline of the balcony disappeared, and the world became chaotic and silent again.

Several people tentatively called to the next bedroom, but received no response. The short-term connection with the outside world seemed to be cut off again, and the dormitory returned to the previous state of isolation.

"Ding dong dong, ding dong ding—"

"Happy Wednesday, class time is up, exam papers have been distributed, everyone is ready~"

"Dear students, did you study hard today?"

The familiar ringtone came from outside the window, Tang Xinjue turned on the phone, and the time was eight o'clock in the morning.

It's been exactly two hours since the "Crazy Wednesday Sale" started at 6am. It seems that this is also the time limit for the whole event. When eight o'clock arrives, the exam will still start normally.

The intersection with the next bedroom is also limited to this short period of two hours. If the time they were busy with the activities was excluded, the real communication with Liang Jing and the others was only half an hour.

Guo Guo slumped on the chair and sighed: "It's too short, just give it another half an hour."

Zheng Wanqing waved her only hand and encouraged loudly: "At least this encounter proves that we are not the only ones who are struggling in the game, there are many, many compatriots! Although we cannot meet each other, I believe this is only temporary, as long as we live Given enough time, anything is possible!"

Zhang You nodded, "Wan Qing is right. I think since there will be this event, it means that the game should not lock us here forever, and maybe there will be more opportunities in the future."

Listening quietly to his roommate's exchange, Tang Xinjue looked down at his palm, the protective talisman had been burned to ashes.

After only touching a little bit of white mist, four protective charms were directly consumed. If they were directly exposed to the white mist, all the protective equipment on the four of them might not even last for five seconds.

The dormitory is not only a kind of prison for them now, but also a kind of protection.

She gently poured the ashes into the trash can and said, "The premise of everything is that we must survive."

Just like what Xiaohong said in the ghost in the mirror copy, they have to pass the level, become stronger, and grow faster than the danger comes, so that they can survive to the end.

"But before that," Tang Xinjue smiled, "To celebrate today's rest, shall we open a can?"

After the approval of Zhang You, the Minister of Logistics, several people finally opened a can of salted fish from the dormitory supplies, divided the two cans of Wangzai milk into four, and regarded it as a rare celebration meal.

"And this." Tang Xinjue took out the bag that Xu Wei threw over, which contained two packs of spicy chicken feet.

Guo Guo couldn't help but suck: "My saliva has already started to secrete."

The food they originally stored has long been eaten up, and now the food storage is all based on the accumulation of the lottery in the mall. And he was reluctant to spend a lot of points to buy, so he could only eat biscuits and drink mineral water, with no choice.

A pack of snacks is already a rare delicacy for the four of them.

After preparing the food, several people sat around and started to make breakfast, while turning on the new TV with curiosity.

Snowflakes flashed twice on the black screen, and then a big smiley face popped out:

[Home Appliances Look for Wang Jiji, I have a good mood every day! ]

The next second the screen switched, a pale and noseless face covered the entire screen, two streams of blood flowed from the corners of the eyes, and the protruding eyeballs viciously pressed against the screen, as if they were staring at people outside the screen.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Guo Guo swallowed what was in his mouth and coughed violently.

Thank you, the good mood is gone.

The few people were about to jump up almost by conditioned reflex, and saw the pale grimace on the screen move slightly, and the two purple-black lips touched up and down, and spoke out:

"Please listen to today's broadcast next..."

Everyone: "..."

They watched as the noseless grimace indifferently wiped away the blood and tears on its face, and began to broadcast the news one by one:

"The day before yesterday, a teacher from Sanben University publicly stated that he received a malicious report on the compulsory course "Guidelines for Four Seasons Protection" he taught. This has seriously affected his declaration plan for promotion to the teacher of Erben University, and he has now lodged a complaint with the Education Center. He also declared that he must find the whistle-blower who has no law, and let the other party be punished by law."

After reading this sentence, the Noseless Ghost paused for a moment, his voice a little puzzled: "But as far as I know, our university city has never promulgated any laws. How can people be punished by law..."

There was a "ding" on the screen, as if to warn it. The Noseless Ghost really shut up, and read the next article honestly:

"The second university has been repaired the day before yesterday, and students are welcome to declare and come."

"One University's decoration team claimed that two universities copied their design elements, including but not limited to Hell, Meng Po Bridge, Nightmare Abyss and other attractions, and have lodged a strong protest with the Education Center."

"Supplement to the broadcast: The decoration teams of the two sides met at the gate of Sanben University an hour ago, and they fought hard."

"The broadcast added: Both parties have been detained."

"Add to the broadcast: Three universities have applied for compensation, claiming that their school gates were damaged, and the only heating worker was also affected when passing by and is being rescued."

"Received the notice that the rescue of the heating worker failed, and the three universities lost their balance again in four seasons. It is expected that many courses will be affected..."

The No-Bon's broadcast ended with the tragic loss of Sanben University. Move on to the next section:

"Today's livelihood sector: none."

"Today's student education section: None."

After reading it, the Noseless Ghost heaved a sigh of relief, and two lines of blood flowed down again:

"Everyone is welcome to contribute to this channel. Today's University Town news broadcast ends here, and the rebroadcast will begin soon."

The hoarse and unpleasant ending music played, and the screen jumped when the Noseless Ghost stretched out his eight hands to pack up the manuscript, and returned to the original state of grimacing on the screen.

Caught off guard after watching a news program, the dormitory fell into silence.

Zhang You opened his mouth, and seemed to have a thousand words, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only turn his head and look at Tang Xinjue.

At some point, Tang Xinjue tore up a piece of paper and wrote down all the news content, including the last channel hotline.

Seeing her pick up the phone, everyone said in horror: "Are you going to contribute to this program?"

Tang Xinjue shook his head: "Try the rules."

The dial was passed, and a hoarse voice sounded from the opposite side: "Hello, this is the news contribution hotline of University City. It only accepts contributions related to education, people's livelihood and students, and does not accept any complaints."

Tang Xinjue thought for a while: "Are there any requirements for submission?"

"Are you a student? You need to pay 50 credits to submit an article, and the phone fee is extra."

"Thank you for the trouble."

Hanging up the phone decisively, the four of them looked at each other.

Obviously, in just five minutes, they were exposed to a new world beyond their current cognition.

It is strange, but it seems to be closely related to their experience in the game.

Guo Guo whispered: "The report of the "Guidelines for Four Seasons Protection"? This seems to be... we did it?"

It seems that they offended a teacher-level NPC invisibly

Tang Xinjue nodded: "That's right. It also talked about one, two, and three colleges, which are the same rules as the APP shows. It's just..."

Just judging from the Noseless Ghost's reaction, these universities are not a "conceptual" existence, but real buildings

—If according to their level, then outside the window at this moment, hidden in the vast white mist, will it be the true face of "Sanben University"

Too many questions came up along with the information, and several people watched the replay again. It is found that after the rebroadcast, it is still a rebroadcast. This channel seems to have only this one program, and it has a tendency to repeat infinitely for one day.

So they tuned to the next channel.

black screen.

Another channel.

Still a black screen.

Further down, the screen jumped back to the first news program, and the Noseless Ghost bled while broadcasting indifferently.


Is this the "high-definition large-screen multi-channel" in the slogan of the mall

"There are only three channels in total, and the other two cannot be watched."

Zheng Wanqing was furious: "A profiteer!"

Fortunately, this is what they earned from the event, and they didn't spend money to buy it, otherwise they would be so distressed.

After they had finished their breakfast, they tuned to the second channel and found that the screen had changed.

A green screen stage appeared on the TV. On the stage stood two creatures with human bodies and fish heads. They were a man and a woman separated from the clothes, holding a microphone in their hands, and the gills moved:

"Happy holidays, dear audience, welcome to the festival-limited stage of the university town!"

"The annual Freshman Enrollment Festival has begun. I believe that the Freshmen Enrollment Ceremony three days ago still left everyone unsatisfied. But it doesn't matter, starting today, the party stage will continue to present wonderful performances for everyone every Wednesday!"

With the announcement of the two murlocs, the green screen turned into grass, and a little girl in a red dress ran onto the stage, pinching her hands together nervously: "Hi everyone, my name is Little Red Riding Hood. Next, I will perform a dance for everyone." .”

Then she raised one leg and began to spin on the spot. After a few laps, she turned faster and faster. She accidentally missed it and threw her whole head down excitedly.

I saw my head flying higher and higher in the air, getting closer and closer to the screen—


Little Red Riding Hood's head passed through the screen and fell into the dormitory.

The four people who are watching TV carefully: "..."

The little girl turned her head twice in a daze. After realizing that she had fallen into the audience's room, she opened her mouth at a loss, and subconsciously said, "Happy festival, happy festival!"