Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 57: Road trip tips



In the face of blessings, the few people in the dormitory can't feel the joy of the holiday, and more of it is myocardial infarction.

what is this? Stage accident? Surprise attack? Flying head outside the sky

Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet silently, and raised a gentle and harmless smile: "Hello, is there anything I need help with?"

Looking at the toilet flushing that exudes an ominous aura against ghosts, Little Red Riding Hood felt a chill on the top of her head: "..."

She squinted her mouth, held back the water in her eye sockets, and tried her best to spin her head. The head quickly took off, drilled into the TV screen again, and returned to the dazed body.

The little girl on the stage straightened her head and apologized with tears in her eyes: "I'm sorry, it's my first time performing on stage, and I accidentally made a mistake."

Crying and crying and getting excited, the head that had just recovered fell off again, whimpering on the ground.

A non-mainstream girl with fiery red hair and smoky makeup ran onto the stage, picked up Little Red Riding Hood's head with one hand, supported Little Red Riding Hood's body with the other, and bowed and apologized to the audience:

"Hahaha everyone, please forgive me, this is the first performance of our company's artist Little Red Riding Hood. If you like this performance, please pay attention to the first 101 talent show held in the university city in a while, and cast a valuable vote for Little Red Riding Hood!"

Before the two pitch-black ghosts came up to chase people away, the non-mainstream girl quickly grabbed a handful of colorful papers from her pocket and threw them out: "You must come and support us!! It's best to come to the scene! When Little Red Riding Hood becomes popular, you will be the best!" Old fans... invite you to dinner!"

Following their backs being pushed away, the piece of paper also penetrated the TV screen and fell into Tang Xinjue's hands leisurely.

—Suichao Entertainment, welcome your attention!

The handwriting on the piece of paper is wild and unrestrained, it looks like it was written impromptu with colored pens, full of cheap and unreliable texture. It is like a business card and an invitation ticket.

As for the specific competition address, when it came out of the screen, it became a column of fuzzy gibberish, which was hard to see.

Looking up at the TV again, the stage was empty, and the two murlocs walked onto the stage with ease: "This concludes today's celebration, thank you for watching!"


The whole celebration with just one dodgy performance

The black curtain fell, and the channel program list popped up—it turned out that there was only this one program throughout the day.

Briefly shedding a handful of tears of sympathy for the barren spiritual entertainment life of the "university town residents", the few people quickly turned their attention back to the current information they had obtained.

The rustling stopped after a few minutes. Tang Xinjue shook the tip of his pen and tore off a map from the table.

"If the world we live in now, and all the information at our disposal, were condensed into one picture, this is how it should be."

Following Tang Xinjue's pen, the structure radiates outward from "Dorm Survival Game", which is divided into one, two and three colleges.

Four heads gathered in front of the paper, watching intently.

"Limited by our current level, we can only access a part of the exam."

After the first and second books, there were two question marks, and the structure was concentrated in the [Three University] section.

Tang Xinjue continued; "Currently, the only way to upgrade is through exams and competitions. The exam subjects belong to the university's internal courses, and the content consists of dungeons and ghost NPCs."

"There are some exams. When we enter, we will find that our dormitory has also become part of the copy. At this time, the exam background is generally inside [Sanben University], which can also be said to be the realistic background in the game."

For example, in the "Code of Civilization in the Dorm" and "Guidelines for Four Seasons Protection", most of the ghost NPCs they come into contact with are from the school. For example, Xiaohong should have been a student of Sanben University. But later transferred to "Classic Movie Appreciation", and became a bathroom mirror ghost.

"Movies like "Classic Movie Appreciation" are like the other world in the game world. The ghost NPCs in it are more ferocious and lethal."

After a pause, Tang Xinjue murmured: "According to this difference, it can also be temporarily compared to private companies and civil servants."

Private companies generally have serious involution in 996, and their employees are highly aggressive. Compared with the Buddhist family, civil servants can work stably as long as there are no major mistakes, while the NPCs under them are more restricted by the rules.

Guo Guo and the others: "..."

Can it be compared like this

Zhang You thought for a while, and tried: "The higher the difficulty of the exam, the stronger the strength of the ghost NPC, can it be regarded as a higher job level?"

Speaking of which, the first time they had a vague understanding of the school in the game was in the "Four Seasons Protection Guide", an A-level exam that they mistakenly entered, when they first came into contact with the student union, heating workers... and even the reaper.

In Tang Xinjue's map, the three branches finally converged and connected to a name: University City.

"From the existing information, the [University City] in the game is a concept that is somewhat similar to reality, but even more paradoxical."

It has three universities, countless NPC residents, a shopping mall, and even a dedicated TV station and entertainment company.

The students are forced to enter it, subtly become a part of it, but face the perilous crisis here.

If you want to live forever, the exam will inevitably become more and more difficult. So the information they have at this moment, whether it comes from the A-level dungeon or TV, is of inestimable value.

After reading the map, Guo Guo sighed faintly: "I don't know why, I know more now, but I feel even more confused. Oops, could it be that I was infected by the young lady?"

Zheng Wanqing: "?? Look at the gap between our grades in professional courses, do you think your IQ is higher than mine?"

She is reckless, but not mentally handicapped!

Guo Guo refused to accept it: "A hero doesn't mention his bravery. Besides, I didn't study hard at the beginning, so I can't judge IQ because of it."

Zheng Wanqing: "Oh, then why don't you study hard?"

Guo Guo: "I am..."

Seeing that the two of them were about to disagree and deviate from the topic, Zhang You looked at Tang Xinjue helplessly.

Tang Xinjue pasted the information map on the door, and said flatly: "People who are noisy will not have spicy chicken feet at night."

The world is quiet.

Organize your current situation and state of mind. The four began to conduct physical and reaction training in the limited dormitory space.

Zheng Wanqing used to love fitness and bought dumbbells, elastic bands, small sandbags and other tools. Now that she has lost her right forearm, she can only practice life activities with one hand first, and by the way, give Guo Guo all the tools to urge her to practice physical strength.

Guo Guo started wailing in less than an hour, "Help, Miss, I really have no strength!"

Zheng Wanqing strictly corrected: "According to the data on the Survival APP, your four-dimensional attribute is about twice that of ordinary people, and you can fully afford this level of physical exertion. The reason why it feels difficult is because you haven't correctly understood your own body." Strength, you can't fully display your attributes, understand?"

"Believe it or not, I can accompany you in a sparring test," Zheng Wanqing said seriously, "I'll let you have one hand."

Guo Guo: "..."

They continued to train hard here, and Tang Xinjue and Zhang You were not idle either.

Tang Xinjue was helping Zhang You to study the weapon in his hand, but when it came time to set a price, the latter rejected it all with a heartbroken expression.

Tang Xinjue: "If you continue to play wild in the future, the environment you will be in will only become more and more dangerous. How can you live without weapons?"

Zhang You pondered seriously: "...can I run?"

Although she lacks weapons in attack, she is quite confident in her ability to roam and escape.


In the end, Tang Xinjue bought a [Danger Summoner] priced at 30 with the two people's points. Once the danger around Zhang You was too high, Tang Xinjue would immediately receive a reminder.

"However, if we think about the bright side, maybe after we start this [Partial Science Assistance Program], we will change our position next time."

Tang Xinjue joked, "Think about the output position?"

Zhang You: "...Thank you, I'll play wild."

After a whole day of practice, at night, several people cut a piece of fresh bread for dinner, and began to make final preparations after a full meal.

Tang Xinjue took out a few strands of red hair from the end of the last exam.

Although the black hair was a pile of dead things, she could still feel the ghostly and cold aura lingering above it.

Throwing the hair into the rubber head, the toilet bowl ate it quickly.

After a while, Tang Xinjue frowned slightly.

This time seems to be different. Although the toilet bowl ate something, it didn't give any response—neither spit out the hair, nor appeared a new skull logo.

She shook the leather stick and pressed the water spray button. It took a long time for the rubber head to spit out a small stream of water slowly.

The sense of abnormality became more apparent.

In the end, Tang Xinjue asked his roommate to cover his ears and stay away, and slashed down on the toilet with his hand, using [ghost scream].

Accompanied by the shrieking scream that went straight to the ceiling, a strong gust of wind suddenly burst out from the rubber head, and after overturning the chair, it suddenly disappeared together with the scream.


The toilet flushed slowly and spit out a stream of water.

It wasn't just Tang Xinjue, the others also realized that something was wrong.

Several people approached slowly, with shock written all over their faces: "What's going on, is there something wrong with the toilet?"

Tang Xinjue pursed her lips tightly and nodded.

Until the next morning, Tang Xinjue couldn't find out the specific problem of the toilet flushing. It can only be determined that it should be an abnormal condition that appeared because of eating Xiaohong's hair.

Fortunately, most of its abilities can still be used, but there will be problems such as short-term delays or short-term effects.

Putting down this part of doubt temporarily, Tang Xinjue looked at the phone screen. They have to choose a new test.

[Please choose one of the following test content, countdown: 15 minutes]

Volume A: Road Trip Essentials

Volume B: "Dormitory Survival Experiment of Zombie Siege"

Volume C: "Archaeology Begins with Tomb Digging"

Three C-level exams, none of which looked like good stubble.

"The siege of the dead is an exam that has appeared before?"

Zhang You recognized the familiar options, "It has already appeared before, if we don't have a choice, it can appear a second time."

It's a pity that there is no doubt that they will still pass directly this time.

Sure enough, after a round of voting, zombies and grave diggers were all eliminated, leaving only "Road Travel Tips".

"Think of the good." Zheng Wanqing boosted morale as usual: "Maybe we can take a free road trip during the exam!"

They had fantasized about taking a road trip after graduation, but they didn't expect to wait for the game instead of graduation.

"Then let's go."

Tang Xinjue pressed the confirmation button, and the four of them held each other's hands.

"After the exam, I'll make spicy chicken feet mixed with yogurt for everyone."

No matter what happens, no matter what goes through, nothing is more important than that they can sit here whole after the exam.

Guo Guo suddenly realized: "Wait, wouldn't this cause diarrhea..."

The voice was drowned in the surging darkness.

When Tang Xinjue opened his eyes, a faint stabbing pain entered his mind almost immediately.

Enduring the pain in his head, after looking around, Tang Xinjue found himself sitting in the driver's seat of a convertible car with a map on the steering wheel.

Other than that, it was empty, and there was no sign of any roommates.

Picking up the map, a message note fell out, which read:

[Please send this box of special products to Grandma Mayas’s house. As a reward, this car can be lent to you for a day. The car has plenty of fuel, but the navigation system is slightly broken, so I can only trouble you to use the map to find the way. Remember to get things delivered before dark, it's very important to Grandma Mayas! ]

The exclamation mark is drawn heavily, emphasizing the significance of this sentence.

There is a purple gift box on the co-pilot's seat, with a red seal crossed at the joint: [It should not be opened by anyone except Grandma Mayas]

Tang Xinjue put the note on the gift box, opened the map, and it showed that it was a ring road.

After reading it carefully, Tang Xinjue's eyes darkened slightly.

On this map, there is no mark about "Grandma Mayas' house".