Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 58: Road trip tips


Compared with simplicity, it is more appropriate to evaluate this map with simplicity.

The outline of the road is simply outlined above, with a few signs such as "fast food restaurant", "coffee shop" and "gas station" added. Everything else is almost blank.

From the rough and random lines on the paper at first glance, it is somewhat credible to say that the works of kindergarten children.

The convertible car is ventilated in all directions. Looking through the window, this place is in the middle of a road, with the cliff on the left leaning against the top, and the fog on the right, with no end in sight. And behind...

Tang Xinjue opened the door and got out of the car to confirm, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Behind is a broken cliff.

The road seemed to be cut apart, and countless fog rose from the collapse, making it difficult to see what the other end looked like. There is a sign on the side of the road with a sign of going ahead.

Below the sign it reads: OUTSIDE CITY HIGHWAY.

Tang Xinjue closed her eyes and allowed the perception in the sea of consciousness to spread, but when she came into contact with the mist, the sharp tingling suddenly became stronger, forcing her to give up the perception.

Where did this tingling come from

She waited for a few seconds, Shen Mou turned on her phone and checked her physical condition.

The health value is full, the four-dimensional attributes and self-created skills are displayed normally, and there is no debuff.

[Mind Control (Level 1): The first step in control is self-control. ]

Even mental control can't contain the pain in the sea of consciousness. It's obviously not an attack from the outside world, but I can't find the source...

Tang Xinjue felt it quietly for a while, then rubbed her eyebrows and returned to the car.

The road ahead is fairly open. She estimated her driving skills and found that she could probably drive on.

Step on the accelerator, and the car starts slowly on the road.

I thought it would be a long distance, but I didn't expect that the fog on both sides suddenly dissipated, and lush trees appeared on the side of the road.


A red pole suddenly lay across the middle of the road, and a crisp bell sounded from the left.

Tang Xinjue stepped on the brakes, and turned his gaze to the direction where the bell sounded - a small green building stood beside the road, like an upright rectangular box, almost blending into the bushes without looking carefully.

Stretch out a hand from the "box" and wave it in the direction of the car a few times.

Tang Xinjue drove slowly while pressing the steering wheel, and stopped beside the building.

The arm is protruding from a small window. After it retracted, the window was pulled upwards, revealing the face of a middle-aged man wearing a chef's hat.

The middle-aged man quickly glanced at Tang Xinjue, an exaggerated commercial smile appeared on his face, the bright red gums were very eye-catching: "The weather is really nice today."

The face disappeared, and the hand reached out again from the small window, and this time there was an extra cup of coffee in the hand.

"Here's your chocolate coffee."

Moving up the field of vision, above the small window, a word is spelled out with twisted wire on the top of the hut: COFFEE.

It looks like it should be a small coffee shop on the side of the road for passing vehicles.

Tang Xinjue didn't reach out to take it, but put his finger on his temple: "I've never ordered your coffee before."

The man in the kitchen hat bent down again to show his face, his exaggerated smile remained unchanged: "No, it's okay, Grandma Mayas will reimburse you."

Seeing that Tang Xinjue didn't intend to take the coffee, the man in the kitchen hat kept his smirk: "This road is very long, and there are few rests and supplies on the road. If you don't drink a cup of hot coffee, you can't go on."

In the end, the man in the kitchen hat added reluctantly: "...Replenishment of physical strength in time is a requirement of the "Road Travel Instructions"."

This time, Tang Xinjue did not read deceit or malice from the other party's face. She took the coffee, "Thank you."

The man in the kitchen hat immediately withdrew his hand and muttered: "If those guys in the city find out, they will definitely make fun of me as the kindest businessman in the world. Oh, what can I do, I'm just a small notebook by the road It's just business."

Listening to the muttering in the small window, Tang Xinjue felt the tingling in his head become more and more obvious.

An inexplicable sense of uncertainty lingered in her heart, but she couldn't figure out why.

She lowered her head and took a sip of the coffee. It was so sweet that it tasted cloying, and the hot liquid instantly dispelled the coolness engulfed by the wind.

There is a line printed on the outside of the paper cup:

[Everything starts here]

Staring at this line for a while, Tang Xinjue raised his head and asked the man in the kitchen hat, "Excuse me, do you know where Grandma Mayas's house is?"

It didn't seem surprising that Tang Xinjue would ask this question, and the man with the kitchen hat quickly replied, "Follow this road to the end, and the end is Grandma Mayas's house."

"However, you have to hurry over there."

The small window was opened again, the man's lips moved, and he mumbled: "Grandma Mayas hates being late, before dark... you don't want to know the consequences, speed up!"

Tang Xinjue stared at the other party without fear: "So, what time will it get dark here?"

"I think it's probably after seven o'clock in the evening." The man in the kitchen hat calculated subconsciously, the smile froze on his face, and he became angry for no reason, "No, why did I tell you this, and you didn't pay me! You guys A college student with a stomach full of bad know how to bully me, an honest person who runs a small business...I wish you never go back to school!"

The window was closed angrily, and replaced with a menu with a snap, isolating the space inside.

Tang Xinjue's eyes moved to the menu. Only coffee is sold here, and the price of each cup of coffee is marked in a currency called "University Coin". For example, the price of this cup of chocolate coffee in hand is 5 university coins.

She noticed that on the back of the product "Chocolate Coffee", there were many traces with a pencil.

Seeing that the shopkeeper was not going to show up again, Tang Xinjue stepped on the accelerator and continued on the road.

The mobile phone shows that it is three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still four hours before the shopkeeper said that it will be dark at seven o'clock in the evening. According to the current task requirements, she needs to find Grandma Mayas's house within four hours.

The green buildings gradually disappeared in the rear-view mirror, and there were still identical bushes on both sides of the road. An ominous white mist spread among the bushes, and candidates were not allowed to explore.

As far as the senses can reach, there is no sound except the sound of the wind, and there are no living things, only the endless road.

Tang Xinjue maintained an even speed, while observing the surrounding scenery, while thinking about the information about this test.

This time it was not like in the past, the four of them woke up at the same time and at the same place in the dormitory—at least not from now on.

The last time they were disassembled and acted alone was in the copy of "Class of Three Years of Death". The four of them entered parallel spaces respectively. They were clearly in the same plot, but they couldn't perceive and contact each other.

If the situation is the same this time, maybe everyone has a task of "delivering special products to Grandma Mayas", and all four of them need to complete it before they can pass the exam...

Tang Xinjue vetoed this hypothesis the moment it appeared.

Because in the whole dormitory, she is the only one who can drive.

If the other three have the same task, they can directly declare failure from the first step. There will be no deadlocks for candidates in the exam.

Thoughts turned up and down, intuition and judgment told Tang Xinjue that the difficulty of this exam was not "parallel space".

The other three are probably here. It's just that she hasn't found it yet.

Everything has just begun, sink your heart. Tang Xinjue tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, admonishing himself in his heart, suppressing the irritability raised by Wuming, and focusing on driving.

The car continued to drive forward, and the shadows of the trees on both sides were whirling. After a long time, it seemed that the same distance was being copied and pasted continuously. There are no other dangers present.

Tang Xinjue still maintained a high concentration of attention, and did not take it lightly.

Suddenly, a short figure emerged from the bushes, and the convertible braked suddenly and stopped in front of it!

The short figure also fell to the ground due to the inertia of his body, and quickly got up unscathed: it was a short-cut boy about five or six years old, and he clapped his hands and was about to continue running forward.

Tang Xinjue watched this scene quietly in the car, and didn't intend to make any moves at first, but when she inadvertently caught a touch of color from the corner of her eye, her eyes froze, and she pressed the horn without thinking.

The loud noise made the child stop and turn his head. Only then did Tang Xinjue see clearly: his face was blank, without any facial features.

And just as she caught out of the corner of her eye, the little boy was wearing an out of place women's watch on his arm, which was exactly the same as what Guo Guojin was wearing before the exam.

How could Guo Guo's watch appear on other people