Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 63: Road trip tips


"Zi... Zi..."

The car was speeding on the road, and the wind passed by the window.

The radio sizzles.

At first, there were only FM noises in it, and then there began to be broken music, Tang Xinjue just let it play in it.

Countless fragments of information were spinning rapidly in her mind, colliding and splicing.

The expression of the faceless child, the strange behavior of the restaurant owner, the tingling pain and ominous premonition in the brain... All kinds of clues cleared the fog and revealed a vague outline.

Tang Xinjue finally found the source of all the strangeness—

From the very beginning, everything she saw and felt was wrong.

Recalling, when she opened her eyes in the convertible, her preconceived environment made her think that this was the beginning of the exam: the roommates were scattered somewhere, and she was the only one in the car.

But what if... this is not the real opening at all

Through the rearview mirror, Tang Xinjue looked at the interior of the convertible from a new perspective, the main co-pilot and the rear seat, and there were exactly four people sitting there.

Perhaps, the truth has been clear from the very beginning: this test is not started by a single person at all, but four people should sit together in a convertible car!

This is the normal configuration for ordinary college students to go on a "road trip" together.

And why did she know nothing about it, and why couldn't she find the other three... Tang Xinjue tapped the steering wheel, and a word came to mind.

Weekly cycle.

Stepping on the brakes and stopping at the side of the road, Tang Xinjue closed his eyes, feeling overflowing.

She has no relevant memories, but once the framework is determined, she can still gradually speculate on what happened through understanding herself and her roommates.

In the blank sea of consciousness, one picture after another is gradually outlined.

At the beginning and the first week, the crew on the car should be complete.

After seeing Grandma Mayas' mission, the four of them kept the gift box safe, and Tang Xinjue took the driver's seat and drove on the road.

A few steps away from the initial point, there is a small coffee shop. The NPC gave them coffee that could be reimbursed, and then roughly marked four lines on the menu.

Continuing to drive, there is a fast food restaurant on the highway. There is a boss with a strange smile and a little boy without facial features in the restaurant, and they are given meals that can also be reimbursed. The restaurant owner probably didn't make any aggressive moves, but his cold and sticky eyes kept lingering on the few people... unwilling to stay for a long time, the few people hurried on the road, and soon arrived at the gas station.

Did the accident happen at a gas station

Tang Xinjue opened his eyes, looked at the foggy road ahead, and crossed out this branch.

No, they probably managed to leave the gas station, and even drove all the way to the end of the road, trying to find Grandma Mayas' home.

Then something happened.

The task was not successfully completed, and the instance was restarted—or rather, they returned to the starting point of the road. Only this time, it changed from four to three.

I also woke up in a daze, thinking that the exam had just begun, hurried on the road, and encountered coffee shops, fast food restaurants, gas stations... No one knew where the roommate who disappeared had gone.

Tang Xinjue felt that Er Zhoumu should have realized something, so they gave Guo Guo's watch to the innocent faceless brat in the restaurant. Of course, the marks they left behind should be far more than these.

But when the third week came, the mark disappeared along with Guo Guo.

The fewer people there are, the more dangerous the road is for them. The restaurant owner who shoots them in the second or third week, the unknown gas station, and the inevitable failure in the end.

Just like the little ghost gestured with gestures, the four people in the dormitory were erased one by one silently... until the fourth week, which is now.

On this road trip, Tang Xinjue was the only one left.

The only traces of the roommate's existence are the ten messy pencil scratches on the coffee shop menu, the watch in the kid's pocket, and the tingling pain in Tang Xinjue's mind.

She finally realized where the pain came from—

Hazard caller.

Before the exam, she and Zhang You jointly bought the danger summoner. Once Zhang You is in a dangerous environment, the summoner will automatically send a signal to her. The greater the danger, the stronger the signal.

I didn't have a chance to experiment before entering the examination room. When the danger is high enough to a certain level, what will happen to the signal? I don't need to experiment again in the future.

Tang Xinjue spread out one hand and pressed down on his temple.

The signal would become a tingle in the head, warning her of danger every moment.

But at the same time, this signal also conveys a message...

Zhang You is still alive!


The time approached five o'clock, and the sky was gradually covered with a layer of inconspicuous darkness, indicating that dusk was coming.

After the long and hoarse and mocking music, the radio finally turned into a chaotic signal flow again, as if trying to condense into something again.

Now that Tang Xinjue felt that the contract was really effective, she might have judged that the "friendship" she gave to Wu Shi was not worth a few cents, so she repaired the radio into this half-dead appearance.

By far the greatest use is to destroy her ears.

[Identification: This is a car radio that is not very bright, but occasionally provides a little useful information, it may depend on your luck]

Listening to the intermittent noise of the radio, Tang Xinjue keenly noticed that there seemed to be less fog at the end of his vision than at the beginning.

The highway seems to have finally changed a little in the long, unchanging stretch.

It is not a good hunch that the mental power is jumping in the sea of consciousness.

Slowing down the speed of the car, Tang Xinjue held his breath and concentrated, all the information in his mind was spinning all the time, dismantling to find a way to break the situation.

The worst possibility, it still fails this time, she will be the last person to disappear, Zhoumu will never restart again.

They will forever lose the chance to pass customs directly from the road, and may even be trapped in this instance forever.

… However, there is too little information.

Even if you know the rules of Zhoumu reincarnation, if you want to break the game, you still lack an important information point: the reason for triggering the failure mechanism.

In the game, there are two possibilities for reaching the Be ending: one is not following the established path, and the other is completely following the established path.

The former is out of the game by making a mistake, and you only need to follow the steps step by step without triggering the error point, and you can pass the level safely.

The latter, however, is much more difficult.

Tang Xinjue stared at the front of the road from a distance. In the golden light of dusk, the road became narrower and narrower. The convertible can no longer change lanes and can only continue along the center of the road.

Even if she has not reached the end point, she already has a premonition in her heart.

The danger of this dungeon should be the latter.

Follow the established path, even if you walk on eggshells and do nothing, you will also go to death. Because of its existence itself, it executes the failure program, causing them to slip into an irreversible abyss without knowing it.

Only by finding a unique exit can we break the shackles of reincarnation and find the mission goal named "Grandma Mayas's house".

But this is a straight road with no turning back. There was no bifurcation point that slanted sideways, and she wasn't even given a chance to choose.


Tang Xinjue suddenly clenched his hands, and a logical line in his mind that he thought was a dead end suddenly opened, revealing an answer that he had never thought of.

No, she had a choice once.

That choice opportunity had even appeared in front of her so clearly, if it was really related to it, if there was only one last possibility left...

If this speculation is correct, then she still has a chance!

The road became narrower and narrower, and the convertible suddenly swayed. It seemed that the straight road had turned into a rough gravel road. The bushes on both sides were getting closer and closer, and finally they were almost struggling to move forward.

At this time, the radio finally buzzed, and the current converged into an intelligible broadcast sound.

"In order to promote the development of road travel outside the city... In order to increase students' interest in traveling outside the city and improve safety... We will give the following advice, which is hereby summarized as "Instructions for Road Travel", which is set as a compulsory course for each university and is set correspondingly by the university level Difficulty..."

"The next step is the detailed rules for road trips"

The sound of the radio is still flickering, and only some words can be successfully transmitted.

"Please make sure to bring enough food to ensure that your physical strength is stable during the trip..."

"Please prepare enough university coins, download maps, and confirm the location of road buildings... In order to protect students' eyesight, the buildings have been uniformly painted green. Please don't litter... "

This time the radio was turbulent for a long time, and finally the last sentence came out:

"... Please find the correct entrance and exit of the road in advance to ensure smooth entry and exit. If you find the wrong starting point, you may fall into an endless loop. Recently, the education center has discovered many cases of students getting lost on the road, and is investigating."

The turbulence disappeared, the radio blared softly, and it became silence again.

At the same time, the car finally drove out of the rough and narrow road, and as the road became smoother, the scene ahead came into view.

At the end of the line of sight, a small green coffee house is standing there quietly.

The familiar man in the kitchen hat seemed to be sticking to the window, showing an indistinct smile.

This road is a closed loop with no exit!

Tang Xinjue stepped on the brakes, but the car didn't stop and continued to drive forward at a constant speed. At this moment, everything seemed to be out of her control, and she would just mechanically follow the planned death path to the end.

Tang Xinjue took his hands off the steering wheel, and it was meaningless to control the convertible at this time. Glass rises from all sides and the hood becomes closed, blocking the possibility of students leaving.

This is the reason for repeated failures every week. When the people in the car finally realized the problem, it was too late.

Too late...

In the last few seconds, Tang Xinjue did not close his eyes, but took out a small white bottle from his pocket with a hand so fast that he couldn't see clearly, and poured the pills in it into his mouth in one go.

For her, there is no 100% "too late" possibility, because there are three times the probability variable.

Regret medicine!

[A bottle of regret medicine (low level): Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. After taking this bottle of regret medicine, you have a 10% chance to change the decision at a certain point in the past. ]

[Of course, it can only find nodes that match your memory]

There are three red pills in the regret medicine bottle.

They enter the esophagus successively, the first, second, third...

The moment the third pill was swallowed, before the convertible car rushed onto the familiar road, the surrounding scene changed suddenly—

A convertible car parked quietly under the sign that said [Highway outside the city].

Not far in front of it is a green coffee house that shows it is in business. Through the narrow business window, the man in the kitchen hat saw the girl in the car woke up, was subconsciously looking around, and got out of the car to confirm the broken cliff behind.

He showed a weird smile, put down the blocking rod, prepared a steaming cup of coffee, and shook his hand up and down.

However, the next second, the girl returned to the car, but the convertible did not move forward.

Tang Xinjue quietly looked at everything in front of him, the foggy road, the exaggerated smile on the face of the man in the kitchen hat, and the preordained journey.

She drove to the front, took the cup of coffee, and drank it down.

The man in the kitchen hat smiled and said, "I wish you a pleasant journey."

Tang Xinjue also nodded, then shifted the reverse gear, and the convertible began to back slowly.

The Man in the Kitchen Hat:? ?

In the line of sight, the face of the man in the kitchen hat changed from rigidity to astonishment, and finally his entire face was pressed against the window, extremely ferocious—

The cold mist surged from behind, and the writing on the paper coffee cup also changed in the mist:

[It all ends here]

From beginning to end, here is both the beginning and the end.

The exit they were looking for was here.

Tang Xinjue stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the whole car jumped into the cliff!

The author has something to say: Exam: Regret it, unfortunately there is no medicine for regret in the world~

Tang Xinjue: Thank you, I have.