Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 64: Road trip tips


Cold... Dangerous... Wake up!

The malicious sensor frantically warned in his pocket, Zhang You tried hard to lift his eyelids.

The senses of the body gradually recovered, it seemed that he was sitting on a hard chair, his whole body was almost numb from freezing, and the cold air was still drilling into his skin.

The light orange light pouring down from the top of the head illuminates the outline of the house, and with blurred vision, Zhang You sees the wooden table in front of him, and the shadowy stove ahead.

This is the kitchen of a family.

Soup was stewed on the stove, emitting a fishy and stinky smell, which got into the nose and made people sober up.

Zhang You's Adam's apple rolled twice, resisting the desire to vomit. She felt that the upper and lower eyelids seemed to be stuck with a layer of glue, and it took a lot of effort to open them.

Then, her heart skipped a beat.

She is not the only one sitting here!

On both sides of the dining table, at the position of her left and right hands, were Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing with their eyes closed. The posture of the two of them was stiff and motionless, and their faces were covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

They haven't woken up yet.

How could this be... Why are the three of them here

The brain is like a lump of frozen ice, and the memory becomes muddled. Zhang You subconsciously wanted to take out his mobile phone, but he held back a second before making the move.

Through the collar, she could feel the button-shaped malicious sensor continuously emitting heat. This is her upgraded silent version of the sensor. When it senses that the environment is malicious, it will not make a sound, but will only use the temperature to remind.

But now, the prop is like a hot iron, almost scalding his chest!

It was the heat from the sensor that pulled her out of her stupor... The environment was extremely dangerous and she could not act rashly.

Zhang You endured the urge to wake up Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing, slowed down his breathing, and sat still motionless, with only a pair of eyes rapidly observing the surroundings.

Judging from the decoration, it looks like an old-fashioned style decades ago. The dining table is covered with a dark floral tablecloth. In addition to the stench from the stove, there is also a decaying smell in the air, which lingers in the biting cold. .

Looking carefully, the beating faintly under the soup pot turned out to be green flames. It seemed that instead of bringing heat, it made the room even colder.

Within a few seconds, Zhang You's teeth were chattering: This is clearly a kitchen, but it's as cold as an ice cellar.

At this moment, she suddenly heard footsteps.

Da da da.

Someone came in slippers.

A more intense rancid smell poured into the nostrils, and Zhang You quickly drooped his eyelids, leaving only an imperceptible slit.

"Hey, why hasn't the soup been cooked yet. Didn't the book say that it only takes four hours for four people? Why is it so long today?"

Through the slits of her eyes, a short old lady walked into the kitchen ramblingly, stood in front of the stove, scooped up a spoonful of soup and sniffed it carefully.

"It smells good." The old lady let out a satisfied sigh in her hoarse voice. "It's a pity that the soup base is from two months ago. It's not fresh anymore. Fortunately, four more came in today..."

The old lady turned around, and Zhang You could feel a sticky gaze on him, which sent chills down the spine.

Snapped. The old lady opened a drawer, took out something from it, and walked slowly to the dining table.

"It's still alive, the vitality is so strong, it will definitely live for a long time if it is made into a soup base."

Guo Guo's face was pinched by a skinny hand, and a layer of hoarfrost immediately appeared, so cold that even his face was covered with blue.

"It's a pity that there is vitality all over the body, including the nose, the mouth, the ears, and the eyes. Once the breath is released, the material in the body will fall apart. It must be sewn up quickly."

While the old lady muttered, she skillfully picked up the cloth clip she had taken out, and when she opened it, there was a row of needles and threads, which seemed to be better than where to start sewing.

! ! !

Zhang You's heart beat violently!

She was almost exposed and rushed forward, but the old lady let go of Guo Guo the next moment.

"I'm getting old, I almost forgot that there is a fourth one, and I will sew together when all four are complete."

The old lady gave a weird laugh, and walked out of the kitchen wearing her slippers. It didn't take long for the phone to ring, and sharp and harsh words of complaint came from afar.

Zhang You breathed a sigh of relief, the temperature of the sensor dropped slightly, she turned her head quietly, and found that there was a short corridor between the kitchen and the living room, which happened to cause a poor viewing angle, and only a corner of the old lady's green apron could be seen.

Take this opportunity!

Zhang You immediately pulled out the sensor and pasted it on the foreheads of the other two, hoping that they would wake up quickly.

Since seeing the old lady just now, her sluggish memory has gradually started to work, and she has gradually remembered everything that happened.

There is no end to the circular road, and every time a roommate disappears, until the third cycle, the "disappeared" person becomes her.

When she stood in the mist, all the circulating memories came back, but it was too late. A small house with lights was on the side of the road. She was attracted and walked over involuntarily, and then the red wooden door opened, revealing a wrinkled old man's face.

"Dear child, have you brought the special product I want?"

Zhang You knew something was wrong, but she couldn't move any more, so she could only watch the old lady's smile deepen in a stiff silence: "It's really a bad boy who doesn't do his job well, but Grandma Mayas has always been very tolerant to the children. How can you stay outside cold and hungry? Come in quickly."

When Zhang You stepped into the door uncontrollably, he lost consciousness at the same time. It wasn't until just now that he woke up again and regained control of his body.

Perhaps the high temperature of the sensor was really effective, and with Zhang You shaking their heads, Zheng Wanqing woke up faintly, her mouth was covered when she opened her eyes wide and was about to speak.

Zhang You shook his head crazily, confirming that the other party understood before proceeding to wake Guo Guo up.

But after being touched by "Grandma Mayas", the frost on Guo Guo's body was heavier than that of Zheng Wanqing, and he didn't respond for a while, his body was lifeless, and he could barely hear his breathing.

It was the first time that Zhang You burst into tears in anxiety, it was Zheng Wanqing's reminder to calm her down.

On the [Dormitory Member Status] interface of the mobile phone, although there are many negative buffs under Guo Guo's status bar, the health value has not changed, and there should be no life-threatening for the time being.

Through the door, Grandma Mayas' voice became clearer.

"Oh, of course, of course I will give you a bowl of soup. I will ask those cunning and annoying students to bring it to you, after all, my dear cousin can't go out because of hunger. What, you want the newcomer Send it [stupid students]? It's a bit difficult, but I know a few course teachers who are struggling with the problem, there will always be a way... "

Grandma Mayas seems to be pacing in the direction of the kitchen:

"Speaking of which, why hasn't the fourth stupid student come? Gonglu should have sent her to me long ago. The same goes for the soup in the kitchen. It's never ready."

At the same time, Zhang You had left the chair. There was no place for them to hide in the small kitchen, but looking close to the corner, there was a small brown door halfway between the corridor between the kitchen and the living room.

The voice of Grandma Mayas continued: "Nonsense, of course I know. The color of the living death soup indicates the success or failure of the soup base... Wait, what do you mean?"

There was silence outside the door for two seconds, and when he spoke again, he was furious: "You mean my soup base will fail? That's impossible! Three stupid students have already entered the door, and they can't fly! You reminded me... I'm going to get that All three are sewn into living dead, lest the soup be impure."

Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing glanced at each other quickly, they had no time to wake Guo Guo up, so they could only support her and rush towards the corridor.

"I don't believe it..." Grandma Mayas's voice stopped abruptly as the floral curtain was lifted.

A second later, the hoarse and ugly Jie Jie screamed throughout the house.

The old lady dropped the phone, and her turbid but sharp gaze swept the room: "Stupid students, do you think you can pass the level by hiding? When I find you, I will drain your blood and flesh and make your life worse than death. My soup base has been boiled for a hundred years!"

Inside the small brown door.

Zhang You held the protective talisman tightly, stretching his mind into a bow.

On the opposite side, Zheng Wanqing supported Guo Guo with her movable left hand, and a phantom of an iron fist gradually formed in her right hand, with a serious expression on her face.

The room they were in appeared to be a cold storage room, filled with freezers. When I broke in, I took a quick glance. The freezer was full of green liquid, and I don't know how many "people".

They were frozen in the green liquid, their bodies were covered with tubes, and their faces could no longer be seen clearly. This should be the "soup base" in the mouth of the NPC.

Obviously, if they fail this exam, they will also become the soup base and be sealed here forever.

Zheng Wanqing gritted her teeth and even wanted to go out and fight to the death. But obviously she couldn't do that.

[Eccentric Suppression (Negative Buff): You are a guest who was kindly kept in this house by Grandma Mayas, how can you use dangerous props at the owner of the house? ]

[In house confines, you won't be able to resist Granny Mayas, a trick she devised to deal with students. ]

Could it be that they can only wait here to die

Grandma Mayas's heavy footsteps moved outside, accompanied by the sound of exasperated curses. Zhang You tried to calm himself down and kept thinking about various possibilities.

Soon she realized: "The NPC is not only angry now, but also a little panicked. This shows that the students who entered the house are not 100% unable to escape, and we still have a chance to survive!"

Zhang You's voice was extremely soft, and the NPC seemed to be unable to escape the fate of being old and deaf. Instead of walking towards the warehouse, he cursed and went in the opposite direction.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two woke up Guo Guo while observing the room, trying to find a way to escape.

It is unrealistic to run out of the living room, they will definitely be discovered immediately. Perhaps, is there any other exit from this house

At this time, Guo Guo coughed twice and finally woke up. The moment she opened her eyes in confusion, her eyes widened and she almost blurted out a cry, but fortunately Zheng Wanqing covered her in time.

"Cough, cough, cough," Guo Guo hadn't figured out the situation yet, trembling and hugging himself, he asked palely, "What's wrong with this room, why are there so many people?"

Zhang You: "You mean in the freezer, those are not..."

She stopped talking suddenly. Guo Guo couldn't see the inside of the freezer at all from this angle, so how could he see the "people" inside

Unless, what Guo Guo saw was—

Guo Guo also noticed it, and his face became even paler: "Can you see nothing?"

Swallowing her saliva, she pointed around the room and whispered what she saw: "Here, here, and here are all people floating with their eyes closed. They seem to have threads on them, and they are all connected, connected. In the freezer."

Guo Guo's face turned pale and green, and she didn't dare to poke her head to see what was in the freezer, her intuition told her that it would be better not to look at it.

Zhang You sighed: "What you see are the souls of people who died at the hands of ghost NPCs. We are also trapped here now, and we need to find a way to escape."

The house is not big, and Grandma Mayas will find it sooner or later. Besides, even if they were able to hide for a while, if Tang Xinjue failed in a loop and fell into the hands of NPCs, they would not even be able to save them.

Guo Guo held his water drop pendant, looking desperate: "I don't know why, I don't think Xinjue will necessarily fail, but we are more dangerous."

Before she finished speaking, her pupils shrank suddenly: "Wait, I saw a person, no, the soul raised its head... He seems to be able to talk to me?"

Zhang You also had a flash of inspiration: "Ask him if he has a way to escape from here!"

Several people raised their hearts, and within a few seconds, Guo Guo also showed ecstasy on his face: "He said yes! We just need us..."

The hurried footsteps made Guo Guo swallow the second half of his sentence.

That was the footsteps of Grandma Mayas. She had already searched the other rooms and was rushing towards this room!

"When I find you, you must be skinned and bled..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Just when the wrinkled arms were about to touch the small brown door, a clearer knock came from outside the living room.

"anyone there?"

Tang Xinjue's voice sounded outside.