Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 66: Road trip tips


Grandma Mayas stared at the house that had been knocked into a big hole, and her chest heaved rapidly.

It is already an old and cunning ghost, it will not lose its mind easily, it will not easily...


The freezer slid down from the hole, causing countless sawdust to fall, and the incomplete wooden wall made a creaking sound, making the damage even more serious.

Will not lose, reason, wisdom...

Mayas screamed, his face distorted into a protruding ghost, his mouth was half the size of his head, his body was condensed with a stream of stinky hoarfrost, his fingernails were black and long.

"How dare you—"

Tang Xinjue interrupted the singing: "Your house is about to collapse."

Grandma Mayas: "..."

The wall where the big hole was knocked out was indeed crumbling, and the wooden brackets that had been around for an unknown number of years did not seem to be strong enough to support the accident. Larger pieces of wood fell one after another, and some smashed into the freezer, breaking a crack in the green liquid that had frozen into ice.

An indescribably stench spread rapidly in the air.

Only then did the ghost realize a more serious problem: "My soup base!!"

Behind the wooden wall drilled by the three of Zhang You is an icehouse dedicated to storing "soup base". It’s fine if the room collapses, but if you smash all the soup base…

Its expression changed drastically, and it didn't even care about the few people for a while, and flew towards the wooden wall as quickly as if oiling its soles, but was stopped by Tang Xinjue with a sharp eye and quick hand, "You don't want special products anymore?"

The old lady was trembling with anger, her appearance was very hideous and terrifying: "What the hell are you trying to do!"

If it wasn't for the rules, she would definitely have stitched these students one by one... The pinch suddenly moved away, and seeing the girl's expression was normal: "It's just a joke."

The three of Zhang You had already run behind Tang Xinjue. The four of them reunited, there was too much information to exchange, so they could only nod their heads heavily. Seeing that the NPCs were busy checking the damage to the house and had no time to take care of them, Zhang You immediately asked, "How do we clear the customs?"

Ever since Tang Xinjue was able to restrain the NPC outside the door for a long time, they knew that Tang Xinjue had probably broken the cycle in all likelihood. It's more certain now that we meet.

There are ghosts to guide the way before, and roommates come to the door later, there is nothing better than life in a desperate situation.

"Shen Jue, woo woo woo scared me to death, thank you for coming!" Guo Guo burst into tears, wanted to rush over but realized that there was a layer of frost on his body, so he could only hug himself and cry.

The existence of Tang Xinjue is a sense of security. At this moment, the confidence of the three of them skyrocketed, Zheng Wanqing raised her fist eager to try.

Tang Xinjue shook his head, picked up the special product gift box: "Since the main task is for NPC special products, then give it to it."

The sky is getting darker and darker, and she can also feel the danger that is getting stronger and stronger inside.

If the time is too long, it will be detrimental to candidates.

Throwing the gift box into the house, Grandma Mayas immediately felt it. She looked back with a sullen expression, but saw Tang Xinjue walk away from the threshold of the house with a gleaming thing.

Mayas:'s a sewing kit! !

Tang Xinjue took the sewing kit away at a speed that was too late to stop, and greeted with a backhand, "Thank you, Grandma Mayas, the exquisite gift you gave us is very satisfying."

The test prompt sounded from everyone's ears:

[You have successfully delivered the special products to Grandma Mayas, the wonderful road trip has come to an end, now you can drive away]

At the same time, a new task finally appeared on the test interface of the mobile phone:

[The good times are always short. Under the grateful eyes of Grandma Mayas, you decided to decline the request to stay overnight, leave here before the night completely falls, and return to the university town...]


Mayas stared dumbfounded at his sewing kit being "taken away", and subconsciously wanted to rush over to stop it, but this time he forgot about the wall behind him.

An ominous creaking sound emanated from the wall structure.

The moment the four of them got together in the car, Tang Xinjue stepped on the accelerator. In the view of the reversing mirror, the red hut with the icehouse as the center suddenly collapsed into a whole piece!

The beams and broken wood crushed the freezer to pieces, and the mixture of car exhaust and wood residues drowned out the screaming of the old lady.

Thick fog poured into the car from all directions, and in the ghostly shadows that gradually grew in the night, the convertible quickly crossed the small road and saw a larger road.

And in the fog at the end of the road, three unimaginably magnificent buildings stood far away, dimly lit...

"Loading personal comments of dormitory members..."

"Name: Tang Xin Jue"

"Level: What You Need to Know About Road Trips"

"Output: 47%"

"Injury resistance: 8%"

"Assist: 61%"

"Effective score: 4 points"

"Unlock Achievements: 9"

"Final Evaluation: Jungle Support Comprehensive MVP"

"Partial subject support plan is in progress, support points +10"

As usual, Tang Xinjue checked the results immediately to replay.

[Statistics of the total score of the test group... ]

[This time your exam is C-level difficulty, with a total score of 92... ]

The data has not been fully loaded, and the APP interface suddenly freezes and refreshes automatically.

[This time your exam is... Level A... Level C...]

While the screen was flickering, a paragraph of words kept beating and flashing back and forth.

[C-level, A-level, C-level, A-level...]

Tang Xinjue frowned deeply, but she was not surprised.

From the exam to the present, her doubts have been answered, and her guesses have been verified:

——For some reason, it may be the calculation of the closed-loop road of "Grandma Mayas", or it may be the indiscriminate entry of a book of ghosts and ghosts by students. In short, the difficulty of the exam has been raised again.

It's just that the difficulty has not been raised to the ridiculous level this time, and the test results finally compromised on the "B-level" difficulty.

[The total score is 92 (out of 100), and the evaluation level is: perfect! ]

[B-level exam reward: each dormitory member gets 3 credits, 12 student points, and the upper limit of health value increases by 10... ]

The score was generated, and Tang Xinjue's basic information column also changed from 9 points to 12 credits.

The three roommates woke up one after another, Zhang You also quickly noticed the problem, and rubbed his eyes: "Did I remember wrongly? Didn't we sign up for the C-level exam?"

Why has it now become...

At the same time, the three of them recalled a certain not-so-good memory of an exam, and their faces turned pale instantly.

Garbage game, they have been tricked again? !

"You remember correctly."

Tang Xinjue had already opened the customer service interface, and an unknown coldness flickered in her bright eyes.

The exam is wrong, the evidence is sufficient, and the opportunity is almost slapped in the face. If she can't catch it, she'll be sorry for the rumors from the ghosts.

Amidst the sound of fog and grass, Tang Xinjue not only didn't run away violently, but instead raised an inexplicable smile that made one's back chill.

"This time, I'm going to report them bankrupt."

The author has something to say: Tang Xinjue: Don’t do it if you don’t want to :)

Customer service: alarm bell masterpiece.jpg

Grandma Mayas: I saw someone’s house collapsed in front of me, so I ran over and saw that it was my house