Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 67: Road trip tips


[Hello, dear classmate, please tell us your question in the online service of customer service No. 006. ]

[Hello, I want to report. ]

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after Tang Xinjue typed this sentence, the screen seemed to pause for a second:

[Hello, dear classmate, there is a temporary program error in customer service number 006, and we are handing over to customer service number 001]

On the opposite side, six ellipses were sent, indicating that it was offline.

Tang Xinjue: "..."

After another two seconds, the opposite side slowly popped up a reply:

[Customer service 001 is at your service online. ]

If there was a person on the screen at this time, Tang Xinjue could almost imagine the desolate state of the other person who was caught off guard and forced to work, life without love.

But the idea of customer service has nothing to do with her.

After all, she was just an ordinary poor student who exercised her rights according to the rules.

Thirty minutes later, Tang Xinjue finished her report and presented the cause and effect as well as the evidence one by one. There is no doubt that if conditions permit, she can directly pull out an excel sheet with a 5,000-word text statement in the document, and then refer to it. Rules and regulations are filled in at the end like references.

——At the end, I will take the initiative to ask the customer service if I need to check the weight.

customer service:…

It mechanically asked: [Excuse me, is there anything else that needs to be added? ]

Tang Xinjue pondered: "Mmm..."

Before she could check and fill in the gaps, customer service No. 001, as if afraid of her speaking, hurriedly patched: [Your problem has been reported upwards. ]

"Forget it." Tang Xinjue nodded, "That's about all I want to reflect."

The customer service seemed relieved: [The result will be judged soon, please wait for the notification. ]

Tang Xinjue: "Okay, but I would like to ask, who will these problems be reported to, and who will notify them?"

She stopped the speed of the customer service termination dialog with fast hand speed.

Customer Service No. 001: [… Examination abnormalities and other related issues will be fed back to the education center. After the center makes a judgment, the judgment result will be issued through the dormitory survival app. ]

[In this regard, the system will temporarily block the test results in your dormitory, and will re-issue them after the judgment is completed. ]

Tang Xinjue kept the information in his heart before ending the conversation.

The three roommates were already dizzy, and Guo Guo wrapped his clothes tightly: "Heart, heart, was the last exam really that scary?"

It was obvious that she had just experienced the danger of being almost made into a "soup base", but after Tang Xinjue's atmosphere exaggerated and described, she suddenly became unfamiliar with this exam.

If she really encountered the "hell dungeon" Tang Xinjue just mentioned, she would choose to die directly.

Tang Xinjue: "It's just artistic processing."

The three breathed a sigh of relief.

After a day trip to Grandma Mayas's house, even though they had already left the instance, the three of Zhang You still seemed to be able to smell that terrible stench. They would rather go hungry and wait for the results than have any interest in dinner.

Tang Xinjue ate five pieces of compressed biscuits alone, and tested his abilities daily, and found that the problem of toilet flushing still existed.

And this time, she discovered a new problem:

The proficiency of the toilet sniper is already full, but it still stays at [Toilet sniper soldier (level 3)], and has not continued to break through.

At the same time, its basic characteristics also stay on "recover blood" and "break defense", without any change.

Obviously, the problem of the toilet flush has not only affected the usage status, but even affected the upgrade of the entire ability.

What is the problem

She had a vague premonition that she needed to find the answer to this question in the game or even in the dungeon.

In any case, the toilet bowl is her first awakened natal ability. If she cannot upgrade and evolve normally, it will undoubtedly have an impact on her strength. This will affect the customs clearance of the copy.

Life and death are at stake.

Therefore, no matter what method is used, she must restore the "health" of the toilet pan.

Tang Xinjue: "Hurp."

Toilet flush: "Hic."

At nine o'clock in the evening, the new test results were finally released.

[The difficulty of this exam is B-level (pseudo), the group score is 92 (+10), and the evaluation is "perfect"! ]

[According to the results of abnormal feedback processing, bug compensation will be carried out for this exam: points and attribute rewards*2]

In the blink of an eye, everyone got 6 credits on average, Tang Xinjue's total credits instantly rose to 14, and the others also became 13 at the same time.

As for the points, multiplied by 2 under the bonus of Perfect and B at the same time, even if there is no MVP double bonus, Zhang You and the three will directly earn 54 points.

Seeing that the wallet went from empty to golden, and the value doubled in a day, everyone suddenly felt that even the exam just now was not so disgusting.

"Help, I recall Grandma Mayas' horrible face now, it seems to be covered with a filter of money."

Guo Guo stared at his points balance with wide eyes, and after repeatedly confirming that it was true, he was moved to tears: "...that is not an ordinary ghost face, it is a face that can bring us huge wealth!"

In their score judgment, a very important score comes from the evaluation of Grandma Mayas' "collapsed house".

The system is still using familiar words: [You have caused a devastating blow to the NPC. ]

As a boss-level NPC of a dungeon, he sacrificed his own house and tools, reimbursed countless coffee fast food and gas expenses, and lost all his money in exchange for the examinees. What kind of dedication is this!

"Then you should be thankful for your heart formula, thank you for the buggy exam system, and thank you for your luck not to be killed in advance."

Zhang You adjusted his glasses with a cold expression.

This was the first time she spoke in such a serious tone.

Although from the outside, Tang Xinjue is the most gentle and harmless of the four, and his younger sister Guo Guo is also small, but Zheng Wanqing, who is beautiful and eye-catching, and Zhang You, who wears thick-bottomed glasses, are sharper. But in fact, Zhang You is the one with the best temper, often playing the role of peacemaker's parent.

As soon as she became serious, Guo Guo immediately kept silent and dared not speak, realizing that Zhang You was angry. However, she didn't know why, so she could only look at Tang Xinjue for help.

Tang Xinjue knew Zhang You best, so she was not surprised by her reaction.

Zhang You is a safe and cautious personality. She can withstand unexpected accidents and dangers, but prefers to plan carefully in advance. If the difficulty of the exam cannot be guaranteed, they will undoubtedly be roasted on the fire-this is not even a matter of suddenly doubling the danger. In this case, all preparations for the copy are meaningless. Who knows if the difficulty will suddenly soar, and the planning will kill me instead.

In her opinion, this is a much more serious issue than points, credits, and even all current benefits!

Compensation is made after the event every time. If a person dies in the dungeon, what is the use of compensation

"We can't just sit around like this forever."

Zhang You's brows were tightly furrowed, his eyes flickered anxiously.

Tang Xinjue nodded to comfort her: "That's right. So when I reported it, I emphasized this matter."

As a game system, there have been two low-level mistakes in which the rules were broken in a row. If it happens for the third time, it will directly eat up its own rules.

"That's probably why we got more compensation than last time. And..."

Tang Xinjue showed the APP interface. In her message prompt, there was one sentence more than others.

[Please remain in contact and cooperate with further investigation and communication. ]

Investigate communication further

"So, the processing of the game is not over yet." Zhang You pondered this sentence repeatedly and sighed: "I just don't know what else it will do."

"Whatever it wants to do, we're ready to do it."

Tang Xinjue opened the score review, and turned the notebook used for analysis and recording to a new page.

"Of course, even if it doesn't follow up for a long time, I don't mind spending another credit to remind it."

Using this point reward, the four seized the time to start a big purchase.

This time, the funds are relatively sufficient, and the direction of their purchases is also aimed at ability products.

Zhang You bought a prop with 50 points: the death ledger.

This ledger is not only used as a space prop, it can be loaded with materials, and it can also be used as a brick to attack people. Its hardness is comparable to that of a stone.

She used this to collide with Zheng Wanqing's iron pot fist, and she didn't lose the wind for a while, which shows the attack power of the ledger. Even Zhang You himself didn't expect it to be so easy to use.

Zheng Wanqing was shocked, and decisively upgraded her fist skills after shutting herself down for two minutes.

So far, she has also evolved from a "fist as big as an iron pot" to a "fist as big as a hammer".

Guo Guo was puzzled: "Is the hammer bigger than the iron pot?"

Zheng Wanqing didn't know either, so she used her skills, and a whirlwind blew in front of her broken arm in an instant, and a phantom that was almost half the size of a desk appeared, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether it was a black hammer or a fist.


This is the King Kong Meteor Hammer, right

The "iron pot" can smash through the wooden wall of Grandma Mayas's house. After evolving into a hammer, the attack power becomes stronger visible to the naked eye.

Zheng Wanqing's eyes sparkled with excitement, as if she wanted to find something to practice with, and finally fixed her gaze on the bedroom door.

Tang Xinjue: "If the dormitory door is not broken, it cannot prove the power of the skill. If the dormitory door is broken, we have to spend ten times the points to repair the door."

Zhang You: "Damage anything in the dormitory and clean the dormitory for a day."

Zheng Wanqing withdrew her hand resentfully, "I just wanted to see."

On the other hand, Guo Guo was still hesitating between the evolution of yin and yang eyes and self-defense weapons, and finally chose an "exorcism" buff, attached to the water drop pendant on his neck, which can affect most supernatural creatures.

"It's fun to spend money, but there is no money for a crematorium." Guo Guo muttered, "One day I will evolve from a law assistant to a mage."

Zheng Wanqing thought for a while: "Then it's all crispy skin?"

" hold back your words!!"

Tang Xinjue chose the item last.

She bought a set of four friendship tail rings. Although it can only store less than one-third of a cubic meter of space, it is already a leap in convenience for a few people who still need to use pockets.

The tail ring is an ability prop and can be hidden at any time. Even if he changed his body in the examination room, the ring was still there.

From now on, they finally no longer need to carry their mobile phones in their pockets, but can directly take them out from the different-dimensional space!

As for the rest, the three of Zhang You pooled up the points, plus 150 points from Tang Xinjue's selling achievements, and bought another spiritual skill.

[Spiritual connection (primary): Using this skill, you can have a certain degree of "psychic communication" with three to five people, and your spiritual power can be transmitted to other people through the connection, dispelling some negative effects. ]

[Conditions of use: Only spiritual students who have initially awakened their spiritual power and have an immunity of 30]

This is equivalent to an auxiliary skill, and Tang Xinjue exchanged it without blinking an eye.

Under the reminder of the partial subject support plan, she has further confirmed her own development direction - multi-directional development.

This also happens to meet the requirements of the Department of Psychiatry.

After finishing their respective purchases and upgrades, the time is approaching eleven o'clock. They are preparing to wash their hands for the final lottery draw, and then pray that Zhang You can use [Old Items Recycling] to summon useful dungeon items.

The four of them were about to wash up first, but Tang Xinjue suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I received an email."

On the APP interface, a very formal email pattern appeared, flashing like all message prompts.

Did the game think about the follow-up measures so quickly

Tang Xinjue opened it immediately, and a line of words popped up in the email:

[Dear students:

Your feedback has been received. For special circumstances, the counselor will visit the dormitory at an optional time. Please be prepared.

-Education Center]

In the silence, the four people's eyes widened a little bit.

