Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 68: Road trip tips


It turns out that the "further investigation and communication" mentioned by the customer service before refers to this

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Although I knew about the existence of counselors for a long time, but I was caught off guard by the "visit", and I was still a little confused—

They were totally unprepared!

And the email doesn't have any details like who the counselor is, when they will come, what is the specific process of the visit...

Guo Guo covered his head and tried to escape: "Help, this is scarier than a sudden home visit from my teacher when I was young!"

Zheng Wanqing's complexion was also not good: "It's even scarier than when my supervisor came to my door just after the first draft of my thesis was published, asking me to reselect the topic."

Most importantly, they still don't know anything about this "counselor". Is the other party malicious, kind, or neutral? As long as it is related to the game, everyone always has a bad feeling.

Zhang You was worried: "This time, let me contact the customer service and ask."

She opened the app and was about to jump to the customer service interface, but the screen suddenly reported an error:

[Exceeded service hours, customer service is off work. ]

... Hot Chicken Game! If you don't want to do it, don't do it!

Instead, Tang Xinjue enlightened several people: "Since it is something that cannot be changed, there is no need to worry too much. From this perspective, we are safe."

Roommate: "Really! Why?"

Tang Xinjue: "Because we are too weak."

Roommate: "..."

Looking at the three speechless little faces, Tang Xinjue smiled: "Did you find out? This game has distinct levels. According to logic, the level of the counselor should far exceed all the ghosts we have encountered. Those who just entered the game Compared with them, students can be said to be like flies shaking a big tree. If the other party really does something unfavorable to us, we can't resist."

"If the game is so purely trying to kill us, it's better to tie all the students to a tree and shoot them, and let the survivors return to reality."

Pfft, Zhang You couldn't help but laugh. Zheng Wanqing showed two rows of white teeth, and the anxious atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

After making a joke, Tang Xinjue returned to seriousness: "But we've lived till now, haven't we?"

Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with earth, even if they survive from a desperate situation, there is at least a glimmer of life.

After this remark, everyone also thought about it, they should eat and drink, and then draw a lottery as usual.

"Cookies, water, water, cookies..."

Counting the food that repeats forever, Guo Guo's expression is as dry as a biscuit.

"A bottle of Coke is fine!"

Before he finished speaking, a white light flashed in front of Tang Xinjue, and a large bottle of Coke appeared.

"Thank you, I forgive this world." Guo Guo was very satisfied.

Due to the low number of effective points this time, several people combined did not smoke the turntable a few times. Apart from food, there were some useless daily necessities, such as ceramic mouthwash cups with missing corners, flashlights without batteries, and cigarettes emitting an unknown rancid smell. chopsticks etc.

Zhang You stored them in an unknown corner, and then simply cleaned up the dormitory. It didn't take long for the whole room to look brand new.

"No matter when, you can't give up cleaning and organizing supplies."

Zhang You stretched out both hands: "All order in the world is the source of strength!"

A gust of imperceptible wind blew by, and there was a faint light that flickered in Zhang You's hands.

Skills, recycling old things!

In the next moment, a huge, cold white unknown object slammed onto the ground.

Several people opened their eyes wide.

Especially the three of Zhang Guozheng, they will not forget the psychological shadow at Grandma Mayas' house even when they turn into ashes, especially the icehouse full of "soup base".

If they read correctly, the white object in front of them was clearly the fragment of the freezer used to hold the soup base in the freezer. A few drops of green liquid remained on the edge of the fragment.

Guo Guo was very shocked: "This thing can be recycled... Ugh!"

The extremely unpleasant stench quickly filled the entire dormitory, and the four of them retched and covered their mouths.

In the corridor outside the door, the sound of heavy footsteps and scraping that never stopped came to the door, and the sound stopped for the first time.

Footsteps: "Ugh."

At this moment, 606 is so stinky that even unknown monsters can be certified.

Zhang You, who had just finished cleaning and sprayed the air freshener specially: "..."

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the debris of the freezer was finally cleaned.

The green soup base liquid is sealed layer by layer and stored in the mirror space. The cleaned fragments of the freezer were placed next to the bedroom door. It happened to be the broken corner of the freezer, which could be used as a storage box for the sewing kit that Tang Xinjue had brought along from Grandma Mayas.

The three people watching Zhang You's cleaning process could only express their admiration. It seems that what you are looking at is not cleaning, but a spellcasting.

After casting the spell, Zhang You was exhausted: "I'll take a shower first."

"Need to send you bath towels and shampoo?"

"This is my favorite luxury body wash!"

"You wash as much as you want, today's bathroom is yours alone!"

The three were flattering.

Zhang You: "... None of this is necessary. If possible, please pray that I will sleep and dream that I don't dream of the NPC's icehouse. I really—vomit."

Forget it, everything goes without saying.

After tossing around like this until one o'clock in the morning, during the news broadcast of No-Nosed Ghost on TV, several people packed up and went to bed, and gradually fell asleep.

"Today, Grandma Mayas, a resident living on the road outside the University City, petitioned overnight to apply for the opening of the elderly subsidy to the education center. After learning that the education center did not have a service department for the elderly, Grandma Mayas stood outside the center and cursed three times. Hours, and reported to the police instead, claiming that the sewing kit was stolen due to a thief at home, and then learned that there was no police department in the education center... "

The Noseless Ghost sighed sympathetically: "Oh, the university town is such a cold place. I thought the same way when I wanted to have a nose plastic surgery many times, but found that there is no plastic surgery hospital here."

Ding Ding sounded a warning, urging the Noseless Ghost not to digress.

The Noseless Ghost stuck out its meter-long tongue and continued to read the manuscript: "Recently, in order to welcome the arrival of the first weekend competition day in the university town, the three universities are intensively searching for courses that can help students adapt to the competition in advance. At the same time, the three universities The university refused to cooperate with the first and second universities on the grounds that [you have no new students]. After the conflict escalated, the newly repaired school gates of the three universities were damaged again…”

The Noseless Ghost's voice suddenly paused. It raised its head and looked out of the screen with terrified eyeballs, as if it had sensed something very terrifying.

Following the heavy footsteps patrolling the corridor, the Noseless Ghost began to tremble, and the corners of his mouth moved but he couldn't utter a word. Because it was too frightened, both of its eyeballs scrambled out of the eye sockets and fell into its hands. In the end, the whole ghost simply slid under the table and gave up continuing to broadcast.


TV black screen.

Tang Xinjue heard someone calling her.

She struggled to get up and found herself lying at the bottom of a damp and dark cave.

Looking around, there is no exit from the cave, only a small circular opening at the very top, and thin light shines in from inside, illuminating the extremely secluded and deep cave.

Looking carefully at the cave wall, Tang Xinjue found that the cave was similar to the shape of a triangular bottle. Measure the area.

The call sounded indistinctly in the distance, stronger and weaker for a while, not only couldn't tell who it was, but even couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. Tang Xinjue tentatively walked forward, and finally saw the source of the sound in the deeper part of the cave.

It turned out that the voice did not belong to anyone.

It is the calling of a group of people.

The group appeared to be male and female, tall and short. Half of their figures stood in the light, half of them were submerged in the darkness, and they couldn't see the specific clothes and appearance clearly.

Some of them are waving, some are shrinking, some are motionless, and some are shaking endlessly.

Tang Xinjue was convinced that he did not know these people.

But why should they call themselves

Tang Xinjue couldn't hear their voices clearly, but she could sense that they were indeed calling her.

This is where? who are they

Tang Xinjue unconsciously walked forward, as if taking a step closer, he could see everything clearly...

But as soon as he lifted his leg, a sharp pain shot up from his chest, Tang Xinjue spat out a mouthful of blood and covered his head.

The pain reappeared in her head, and the tinnitus was like thunder, which made her have a splitting headache.

Something is wrong!

Tang Xinjue pulled her legs back, but a force pulled her forward, which was contrary to her own wishes.

In the nick of time, she immediately concentrated her mental strength, trying to regain control of her body, and finally barely resisted the control of that force, clinging to the spot.

The mental power was consumed at an unimaginable speed, and it didn't take long for him to be emptied, and a huge sense of exhaustion surged up. Tang Xinjue could only clenched his teeth and persisted.

Intuition told her that she must not be controlled, and she must not continue to move forward!


The untimely scratching sound came from the top of the hole, which made Tang Xinjue excited, and looked up following the somewhat familiar voice.

"Boom, boom!"

This time it was heavy footsteps.

The voice became more familiar, and Tang Xinjue tried hard to find its identity in his mind, trying to catch something—

She remembered.

The abnormal noise came from unknown creatures patrolling day and night in the corridor outside the bedroom door.

And she should have been in the dormitory, not in this cave. This is not reality, but... a dream.

The moment she thought clearly, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her consciousness returned to reality!

She was no longer on the bed, but climbed down at some point and walked to the balcony window.

Outside the balcony window, a huge red eyeball that filled the front window was looking at her coldly.

There was no kindness in its eyes.

Thinking suddenly turned, Tang Xinjue was about to speak, but the voice of the eyeball pierced her mind one step further:

"Dark creature, why did you mix into the dormitory of human students?"