Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 72: Sanitation surprise inspection


Before the game came, Tang Xinjue always thought that the nightmare was just a psychological hint after the brain was stimulated.

When the monster emerged from the darkness and the nightmare came into reality, she temporarily regarded the three-year nightmare as some kind of prophecy, like some kind of subtle spoiler, revealing the details of the dark creature in advance.

But it wasn't until last night, when she saw the black mist in the "cave", that she realized that she had overlooked another possibility—

Nightmares, why can't they be real

"...You mean, every day for the past three years, you didn't just have nightmares, but you actually came into contact with dark creatures, fighting and escaping in the form of nightmares?"

After listening to the statement, Zhang You finally concluded this point. Speaking of the last few words, her voice subconsciously became high.

How dangerous dark creatures are, she has personally experienced in the copy.

What's more, three years ago, Tang Xinjue had no abilities or props, and Tang Xinjue was just a student who had just graduated from high school! Once she lost her hand in a nightmare... She looked at him incredulously.

Tang Xinjue lightened her eyes: "If you regard the dream as another form of reality, dying in the dream may not damage my body in reality, but it will kill me in another way. "

Spiritual death is also death.

During the sleepless night, Tang Xinjue recalled a lot, and she didn't know whether to be grateful or shocked.

She never gave up or slackened for a second in all kinds of strange nightmares and pursuits. Even if the dreams in her perception were absurd, she tried her best as if it happened in real life, only to survive again and again.

How many times has she brushed shoulders with death

"Wait, I don't understand!"

Guo Guo raised his hand to intervene in the conversation: "Shen Jue Shen Jue Shen, let's not talk about why your dream appeared three years earlier than the game, what happened last night, and what does it have to do with it?"

The most important thing was that Tang Xinjue and the counselor were all talking about the dark atmosphere, wrong judgment, not being like a person, etc. Every word stepped on her sensitive and fearful nerves and danced wildly.

If he doesn't figure it out, Guo Guo will be scared to death by his own imagination before the next exam begins.

Under Guo Guo's earnest gaze, Tang Xinjue rolled out the draft paper again, on which the drawing had been horrific, and only the original cone-shaped outline could be vaguely seen.

She briefly described what she saw in the "cave", and finally attributed it to her brushstrokes: "The space inside the cave is a cone that shrinks infinitely at the top and expands infinitely at the bottom."

Human consciousness is often described as an iceberg, a small part of which emerges from the surface of the water, and most of it sinks into the bottom of the water. The counselor wanted to kill her, but accidentally let her enter the bottom of her consciousness and glimpsed what it looked like inside.

"And this cave is all of my spiritual power—my sea of consciousness."

The surface consciousness is like a hole illuminated by the dim light from the outside world, while the place where the light does not shine is the deep and vast space of deep consciousness.

The dark breath mentioned by the counselor lingered in the depths for a long time in the form of black mist. When Tang Xinjue felt the touch, some fragmentary memories began to come back—these memories were all the details of her mental power fleeing and fighting in countless dreams.

It turns out that from the very beginning, through these "nightmares", the ubiquitous darkness has eroded in.

So she can sense the breath of ghosts, use ghost items, and resist mental pollution... To some extent, her existence itself is already approaching the other side of the game, no wonder she encounters so many "special treatment" .

"To sum up, I'm sorry to bother everyone."

Tang Xinjue spread her hands, "These things that have taken root in my brain, although they don't appear to be aggressive or dangerous, they have become a climate. I have no way to get rid of them at present, they can only coexist temporarily."

[Counselor's encouragement] has limited effect, collectively referred to as treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

It was also the first time for her to face this situation directly, and she didn't know if any changes would happen in the future.

"Maybe, is it possible?" Guo Guo was still gnashing his teeth and hypothesized, "The dark breath erosion is not serious, and the counselor is just threatening you? Look, Wan Qing and Zhang You and I stay with you every day. feel it..."

Halfway through, Guo Guo couldn't make it up by himself.

Nine out of ten things that Tang Xinjue has confirmed have already been concluded.

The dormitory was silent for a long while, half of it was digesting the matter, and half of it was sweating for Tang Xinjue.

"No wonder that Li Xiaoyu, as soon as he saw you, he said that you are suitable for the same type." Zheng Wanqing realized after a while that she was so close to the spoiler, "Did it also see it?"

"That brings up another issue."

Tang Xinjue took out another piece of paper with dense handwriting and pasted it on the previous mind map.

Another problem is the hierarchical differentiation of ghosts.

Taking all the student ghosts that have appeared in the game so far as examples, Tang Xinjue succinctly talked about her speculation on the level of ghosts: they should be distinguished by three universities.

The three most common college ghosts should be Little Red and Little Green, and Jin Wen next door in the headless ghost movie. Human freshmen can also try to fight with the help of props and abilities, and the danger is not high.

The most dangerous is a college ghost. For example, Li Xiaoyu, who can break into their exams and take their rewards from the copy, even has the ability to violate the rules—even like the black mist, in Tang Xinjue. Leave a mark in the sea of consciousness.

The three roommates looked at the four strange patterns on the paper.

Zhang You's brows were twisted together: "You can count Wu Shi and Li Xiaoyu, there are only two book ghosts, and you have a total of four marks..."

Ghost painting talismans are incomprehensible. They looked at Tang Xinjue hesitantly, but Tang Xinjue nodded with satisfaction: "My drawing skills have improved a lot. These four things are clear at a glance. I don't tell you that you should be able to see it too." .”

Everyone: "???"

Under the strong request, Tang Xinjue, who wanted to skip it in a hurry, had to touch his nose and explain bitterly:

"The first mark is a glass bottle, which is a clue on Li Xiaoyu's seat in the movie copy, and there is exactly the same red sand in it..."

Glass bottle, silver ring, yellow eyes, white tape.

Tang Xinjue could only distinguish three attributes of the markers with their own characteristics.

The glass bottle and the ring probably belonged to Li Xiaoyu and Wu Shi respectively, and the yellow eyes were more like the split version of the huge yellow eyes that appeared outside the bedroom window on the night of the game. As for the white tape, Tang Xinjue couldn't find a suitable candidate, so he had to put it aside temporarily.

After a night of trying, she found that she could only rely on herself to return to the state of immersion in the cave of consciousness, and she could not exceed five minutes in a day, so the information she could get was very limited, so she had to hurry up and record it.

Then, looking at the 15 pages of note paper on the table, everyone fell silent.

Tang Xinjue's fanaticism finally subsided a little, and he said calmly: "Danger comes with opportunity. Since I have been marked, no matter it is a blessing or a disaster, I should be prepared to deal with it, and I am responsible to everyone."

... I don't know why, whenever the situation is dangerous, Tang Xinjue is usually as calm as a bell, but now that she is so excited, everyone feels a little dangerous for no reason.

In the next minute, they knew where this bad feeling came from.

Tang Xinjue divided the notes into three parts, and said lightly: "There is still an hour before today's exam, everyone take forty minutes to memorize the details of the classification of dark creatures on these fifteen sheets of paper. When today's exam is over, I will Work out the rest of the details."

Three people: "..."

Guo Guo swallowed his saliva: "Well, Jue Shen, in fact, you don't need to be too stressed. When you don't know about this, we will also take the normal exam. Otherwise, let's take it slowly..."

"Back it down."


The three of them, who hadn't slept much, began to frantically browse and recite the contents of the manuscript, but the more they looked down, the more frightened they became.

Low-level nightmares that can imitate voices, gluttons that imitate shapes, transparent wandering spirits that absorb souls, long-tongued ghosts that devour human heads, phantoms that travel through space... In addition to the types of monsters they have encountered, there are also some that they have not yet encountered , such as skinless monsters, umbral monsters, millipedes, air monsters...

"Wait, what is an air monster?"

Guo Guo opened his eyes wide.

Tang Xinjue: "As the name suggests, I haven't seen the specific image of this kind of monster, and I can't kill them. They seem to be able to survive and move with the help of air, and the attack method is to inhale you."

"Breathe on me?"

"Yes, and then you will find that the air within a radius of tens of meters is gone."

Tang Xinjue indicated that there were indeed relevant records in the notes:

[If there are only a few air monsters nearby, hold your breath and escape the range to survive immediately, if there are dozens or hundreds, wait for death. ]


Eight o'clock arrived in no time, and the three of them only had time to read the contents of the notes, and could only hastily stuff them into the storage tail rings, and read them after entering the exam.

"Ding dong dong, ding dong ding—"

"Happy Friday, class time is up, exam papers have been distributed, everyone is ready~"

The test interface will be refreshed accordingly:

Volume A: "Investment and Financial Management" (Level B)

Volume B: "Health Surprise Inspection" (Level C)

Volume C: "Virus and Parasitic Technology Research" (Level C)

In the original option interface, because of the addition of the [Counselor's Encouragement] buff, the difficulty level has also emerged.

"The B-level difficulty must be the first to be excluded. As for the B and C rolls..." Guo Guo scratched his head.

Zhang You: "Paper C is a professional question, which is more beneficial to medical students. Paper B does not seem to be targeted, but this kind of exam may be more difficult."

Experience tells them that the lower the threshold of the test questions, the more perverted the test content may be.

Tang Xinjue didn't think so: "Not necessarily. Cleaning also requires a threshold. Just cleaning perfectly is a technical job that is difficult for many people to achieve."

Having said that, all three pairs of eyes fell on Zhang You.

What's more, they also have a logistics god.

Zhang You, who had high hopes, said, "...Then choose the B roll. Is there anything I need to go to the mall to buy temporarily?"

Tang Xinjue used the last points exchanged for achievements to exchange for a few bottles of cleaning products for cleaning, and upgraded his identification skills. He nodded: "Let's go."

"By the way," she suddenly remembered before her consciousness entered darkness: "The spicy chicken feet mixed with yogurt that I owe you last time... definitely next time!"

Everyone: You don't have to.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Get up quickly! A bunch of slackers! Immediately check the sanitation! All those who fail will be given a major demerit and will be expelled from school!"

The door was slammed heavily, and Tang Xinjue opened his eyes suddenly, and found himself lying on a hard and painful bed.

Looking around, this is not the bed in the dormitory she is familiar with, but a room that is many times bigger.

Within a few seconds, the sound of gasping, whispering, and lifting the quilt spread rapidly in the room.

Tang Xinjue got up silently, and by virtue of the height of the second-floor bed, the faces of young girls who were either surprised or panicked or serious were brought into view.

This dusty room is a dormitory for 16 people!