Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 73: Sanitation surprise inspection


["Health Surprise Inspection": A good school spirit and discipline starts with the cleanliness of the dormitory. In order to cultivate students' clean habits and a sense of collective honor, the teacher of the Academic Affairs Office accepted an invitation from an unknown school and sent several freshmen to experience life... ]

[Note: This volume is the assessment of the "Campus Hygienic Standards" practice course set up by the Joint Academic Affairs Office of the University City. The assessment results will be included in the comprehensive evaluation and evaluation activities, and all interpretation rights belong to the Academic Affairs Office. ]

The exam introduction quickly faded away on the phone screen, Tang Xinjue seized the opportunity and threw an [Appraisal] on it.

According to the prompt of the mall, after the appraisal skill is upgraded, it can break away from the perfunctory literal meaning and advance to intelligent appraisal, which can even reveal some unknown information.

After half a second, the identification takes effect:

[A short introduction to the exam, filled with unreliable atmosphere between the lines. What, produced by the Academic Affairs Office? That's fine. ]

Tang Xinjue: "..."

Judging from the yin and yang tone, she believed that it was indeed an intelligent appraisal, but the direction of development was a bit incomprehensible, and there was a faint tendency to develop from popular science to complaints.

But regardless of the yin and yang tone, the appraisal result seems to have something to say—

From the title of "University City Joint Academic Affairs Office", we can see that there is only one academic affairs office in the three universities. According to normal logic, the authority should be very high. But in the complaints of [Appraisal], the Office of Academic Affairs seems to be unreliable

After writing down this information, Tang Xinjue put away the phone. She was on the upper bunk closest to the door, and there was a serial number on the side of the bed: bed No. 1.

From her point of view, she can see the whole room at a glance: at this moment, the students in the room have all woken up one after another, but no one dares to get out of bed rashly. They are all sitting on the bed and looking at this super large dormitory.

The basic layout of this dormitory is upper and lower bunks, which are divided into two rows, each row has eight upper and lower beds, and the serial numbers are from 1 to 16. There are extremely narrow single-open low cabinets on the left and right sides of the bed, and the narrow storage space is divided equally between the two people on and off the bed.

There is only one long wooden table in the whole bedroom, which is placed in the middle of the aisle between the two rows of beds. Tang Xinjue glanced at it, and visually estimated that it can only accommodate up to eight people sitting at the same time. Clothes, cosmetics, daily necessities, snack bags, leftover instant noodle boxes... Sundries pile up on and off the table, in the aisle and between the beds, like a small dump.

Taking advantage of the location advantage, Tang Xinjue quickly found three familiar faces in the same row of beds No. 4 and 8 and directly opposite No. 9—Zheng Wanqing, Zhang You and Guo Guo.

Zheng Wanqing and Zhang You, who were on the lower bunk, could not see each other because their line of sight was blocked, and they were still looking anxiously. Only Guo Guo, who was in the second row directly opposite and also on the upper bunk, discovered Tang Xinjue immediately, and his expression was overjoyed.

[God! ]

Guo Guo almost yelled out, but carefully swallowed the words that came to his lips, and only made a silent mouth.

Seeing from her field of vision, Tang Xinjue nodded slightly, but closed her eyes in an instant, as if she was thinking about something.

Guo Guo was taken aback for a moment, and in the next second, a new message suddenly appeared in his mind:

[I am in bed 1]

This message has no specific sound or words, it seems to appear in the mind out of thin air, but it can make people understand the meaning subconsciously.

Guo Guo was startled, and after calming down, he subconsciously looked at Tang Xinjue on bed No. 1. Guo Guo remembered the other party's newly upgraded spiritual skills.

Mind connection!

[Mind connection (primary): Using this skill, you can have a certain degree of "psychic communication" with three to five people]

In the personal status bar that only Tang Xinjue could see, a bold blue mental skill was flickering, slowly merging with the original [mind control].

After the complete fusion, the dormitory in front of me immediately appeared in my mind in a completely different way - all people, sounds and scenes disappeared, only a dozen clusters of burning fire clusters floating in the air, evenly distributed in the gray space .

Most of the fireballs are light yellow, and a few are other colors. For example, Tang Xinjue himself is a dark red to black fire, obviously much larger than other fire balls, which is very inconsistent in the space.

In the "vision", wisps of breath, like the tentacles of flames, cautiously emerged from each group, and disappeared only when they floated to a position of more than one meter at most. Tang Xinjue tried to control his aura to extend outwards, and accidentally extended more than half of the space, and his vision also teleported several meters away with the tentacles, moving without stagnation in the room.

She immediately realized: All the fire balls here are the embodiment of spiritual power.

Every time you approach a fireball, a wave of emotions is conveyed, which are basically dazed, nervous and worried. And when she wanted to touch it, the surface of these fire balls would immediately generate repulsive force, isolating her.

[Establish a mental connection with it? The stronger the other party's willingness to reject, the higher the connection failure rate. ]

The skill issued a prompt and warned her: once the connection fails, her own mental power will also be damaged.

Tang Xinjue quickly made a decision. After walking around, he could clearly feel three particularly friendly fireballs, and he could easily tell who they were.

[Selected successfully, connecting...]

The fireball disappeared, and the dormitory returned to its original appearance, with every detail clearly visible.

At the same time, three different consciousnesses appeared in my mind.

When Tang Xinjue opened his eyes again, it seemed that less than half a second had passed. She sent a sentence to the three consciousnesses that had just established a connection at the same time, and she received three feedbacks immediately.

Zhang You: [Heart formula? is it you? ]

Zheng Wanqing: [Damn it! Am I schizophrenic? ]

Guo Guo: [Ahh, I was scared to death—jue, Jue God? ]

Tang Xinjue: [This is my skill, which can connect the consciousness of the three of us to the same channel. I just upgraded it, and now it can be used for simple communication. ]

Three people: […]

They were more excited than Tang Xinjue when they just bought this skill, but it was a pity that they were still in the installation state and could not try it out. Unexpectedly, a big one came right after it was installed.

Guo Guo was very excited: [This is... our exclusive brain chat group? ! ]

More convenient than group chat, you don't even need to type, you can communicate with each other with just one thought!

With this skill, several people immediately felt relieved and began to concentrate on observing the environment.

In less than half a minute, some girls got out of bed first, but they rolled down screaming.

Under the eyes of everyone, a girl in a green shirt with a ball head on bed 16 fell to the ground in horror. She didn't even care about the pain and wanted to grab the girl next to bed 14: "Help, there is a ghost on my bed!!"

The girl on the 14th bed reacted very quickly, she picked up the bedside lamp in an instant, and attacked as soon as she got closer: "Don't come over!"

The ball-headed girl backed away quickly: "What I said is true. If you don't believe me, come and take a look. There is a lot of blood on the pillow!"

From nowhere, a voice came out coldly: "You pounce on someone else's bed, but how do we know if you are human?"

Those who have passed the test basically know that the bed is a protective barrier, and no one dares to go out easily or let others in.

Being questioned about her identity, the ball-headed girl was so anxious that she burst into tears but couldn't explain it. At this moment, a voice sounded from the No. 2 bed in Tang Xinjue's lower bunk:

"A Nian, come here."

Wanzi turned his head suddenly, overjoyed:

"Jiang Lan! So you're here, woo woo woo!!"

She was about to run there immediately, but she was only halfway there when she tripped over the skin care products that were scattered in the aisle, and she fell down heavily, and the sound of hitting the ground resounded through the bedroom.

"Now you can trust that she's not a ghost."

Jiang Lan on bed 2 turned over and got out of bed to help her up, and said in a calm voice, "This is my roommate, no ghosts can be so stupid, only humans can achieve it."

Buried in Jiang Lan's arms, the ball-headed girl cried loudly: "..."

At this moment, the violent knock on the door suddenly sounded again!

A ferocious male voice came from outside the door: "Are you up? We're here to check the sanitation! Open the door!"