Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 80: Sanitation surprise inspection


"One thing to say, since we are now experiencing the life of the original students in this dormitory, I think that the dangers experienced by the original students are likely to be faced by us."

Jiang Lan pondered for a moment before speaking out her thoughts.

Everyone else agrees.

Zhang Youdao: "I have a guess, is the space we are in now the [memory] of the students who originally lived here?"

In the memory of the original students, the ninth floor was blocked and they couldn't go out, and because of the long-term starvation and wear and tear, they even forgot the appearance of the stairs.

——At this moment, as far as everyone could see, there were only sealed walls in the corridor, and there were no stairs to go out at all.

No. 10 questioned: "But if it's a memory, why didn't these dangerous NPCs from the trainer and student union show up?"

Her roommate answered, "Could it be that the former students blurred these characters because they were too scared?"

"If you don't show up, it's not dangerous. Hey, isn't this contradicting Jiang's point of view?"

"Wait, do you think the original students are too good? If they are kind enough to block the trainer for us, why don't they just let us out? Instead, I think that everything may be a conspiracy of the original students..."

"That's right," the loner No. 7 said coldly, "I don't believe in NPCs with good intentions, even humans sometimes can't be easily trusted."

And the other Orofe who was also alone, but was shot by the knife: "... qwq"

The topic began to shift to whether the original owner of the memory was behind the scenes or on the background board, and each insisted on arguing endlessly.

People who are not good at analysis, such as Zheng Wanqing, sisters No. 5 and No. 6, have staring eyes and buzzing temples. Among those capable of analysis, only Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo did not participate in the discussion.

Guo Guo turned pale and tried to remind everyone: "Does no one remember the ghosts of 919 and 921? They are ghosts!"

The other dormitory students looked at her in surprise: "Don't you have yin and yang eyes, and you are afraid of ghosts?"

They remembered that besides Tang Xinjue, Guo Guo was the only person who could see the pictures in his memory, and he even recounted everything about the appearance of the ghost. In the end, she herself was afraid of ghosts

Guo Guo: "...can't you be afraid of ghosts if you have yin and yin and yang eyes!"

Powers are powers, emotions are emotions, she calls it separation of public and private!

But after Guo Guo's reminder, everyone did realize this.

What they need to beware of is far more than the trainer.

The previous inspection of the corridor did not continue after discovering that the other two bedroom doors were locked. Now that everyone came here again, seeing the dusty and motionless bedroom door, they panicked inexplicably.

Zheng Wanqing pushed it directly, and shook her head: "The lock is very tight, and I can't push it open."

If they couldn't open the door, they naturally couldn't check the situation inside.

"What if the door is smashed, or boiled?"

Number 5 is eager to try.

Ke Ke was very speechless: "Can you think a little bit more. Have you analyzed the pros, cons and consequences of destroying the copy? Which exam is cleared by violent demolition?"

Zheng Wanqing really thought about it: "We took the exam last time."

It's just that it's not a door that's being demolished, but a house.

Keke: "..."

After a few minutes of discussion, they still decided not to destroy violently. Because the ghosts haven't shown up yet, and they're not sure about their aggressiveness, it would be a bit embarrassing if the door opened and more than a dozen eerie ghost heads lined up inside. We can only record this matter first and strengthen our vigilance.

The corridor was measured again, but there was no other gain, and the group was a little frustrated. Coupled with the growling stomach, Zhang You suggested: "Why don't you go back and have a rest first, let's have lunch."

Hearing lunch, the atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and everyone's expressions were a little complicated.

Zhang You was stunned: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry is indeed hungry." Jiang Lan smiled wryly, "But another more serious question is, what do we eat?"

There were indeed two boxes of unopened unexpired instant noodles in 917, but these were local items, and they were somewhat afraid to eat them.

But in addition, they have no rations to fill their stomachs.

Dorm 606 looked at each other, and Zhang You was very surprised: "You didn't bring food and supplies into the exam?"

"... It is also the first time we know that you need to bring supplies to take the exam."

After explanation, it turned out that the examination room for other people was basically their own dormitory, with only a handful of location experience, and they also ignored the possibility of a long-term war of resistance.

"It doesn't matter."

Looking at his roommate, Zhang You took out two bags of biscuits from his pocket under the watchful eyes of everyone: "We have them."

Compressed biscuits are passed to everyone in turn with a small glass of water, serving as lunch after a busy morning.

The biscuits and water were provided by Zhang You. After the original big bag was divided into 16 parts, each person's hand became a small piece. Jiang Lan's dormitory contributed a pack of seasonings, which can be used as a brewing soup when placed in water.

The other dormitories did not prepare food in advance. As the object of help, I was very embarrassed, so I could only thank you repeatedly.

After several hours of cooperation, everyone's wariness towards each other has dropped a lot. Before the game came, everyone was just an ordinary college student, and their precautions and vigilance were forced out by the exam.

When the vigilance dissipated, the chatterbox opened.

"In fact, when I first opened my eyes and saw so many people on the bed, I thought they were all NPCs, and I almost died in place."

No. 11 is the talkative one among the four in their dormitory. While nibbling on a biscuit, she sighed with emotion: "I never thought that I would meet my classmates from other schools in this way in my lifetime."

All over the world, college students who were originally out of reach gathered in the same exam. Although they didn't know each other well, there was an inexplicable sense of intimacy between them.

"Actually, I almost cried with joy at first. If I hadn't calmed down, my reaction might have been even more intense than Student Ou's."

No. 5 sighed, and raised the small paper cup: "The game is dangerous, and the exam is not easy. When we meet, we are destined, and when we eat together, we are friends. I believe that we will work together and pass the exam safely!"

Ou Ruofei drank the soup with tears in her eyes, and then coughed for a long time: "Ahem, although I don't have the ability as everyone, but, heck, I will definitely do the task seriously and not hold you back."

After some chatting, everyone finally knew the reason why Orofei was alone.

The dormitory she was in was originally a four-person dormitory, and one of the roommates moved out for an internship, leaving only three people. On the day when the game came, Orofe happened to pick up the courier on the first floor. She didn't dare to move in the dark. She hid under the courier rack for two hours before mustering up her courage. But when she stepped on the final countdown and pushed open the bedroom door, she saw her roommate's terrified expression covered in black jelly, and After disappearing, only two puddles of black liquid remained on the ground.

"At that time, I seemed to faint from fright. I didn't know how the game judged. I only knew that when I opened my eyes again, I entered a test for no reason. It seemed that there was a male ghost whose face couldn't be seen clearly. When he entered the door, he shouted that he had gone wrong. This is the female dormitory. Then another female ghost came, but after walking around, she said to herself that the number of people was wrong, and left again."

O'Ruofei's face was full of melancholy: "Then the assessment is over, I just passed with 60 points."

"Then what?"

Everyone was curious.

"Then, and then it's now." O'Ruofei counseled: "I was alone, I didn't know anything and I didn't have a weapon, so I didn't dare to take the exam. Later, because I was too lonely and scared, I ordered the exam, and then into here."

Everyone: "..."

It turns out that this guy was basically salted fish

To say it was unlucky, I have to say that I am overwhelmed with European spirit after my life has been laid down until now.

But if you are lucky, all your teammates will go offline at the beginning, and you will be alone and helpless, which can be said to be very wrong.

Also because of his inexperience, no wonder he was so careless, and was almost beaten by the wolf at the beginning.

"I understand this. If I am alone in the dormitory, I will also want to escape."

Guo Guo felt the same way, and so did Anian. The timid people clinked glasses with each other, only to find that there was no soup in the glasses.

"Alas," Guo Guo lamented, "I feel like our life is worse than this deceitful university student."

Tang Xinjue smiled, and spoke for the first time after being silent for an unknown amount of time: "At least we are still alive."

"As long as you are alive, there is hope for change. Things that have already been done can't be changed."

She could feel the emotions in the memory, not just the fear, but the sadness that ran through the memory.

Especially when the black mist appeared, the strong reluctance and sorrow.

This is the deceased's nostalgia for the world, even if it is the memory of pain and torture, it is better than...

A stabbing pain burst out from his mind, Tang Xinjue wiped the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, and swallowed the fishy sweetness in his throat.

Being immersed in the perspective and emotions of ghosts took a toll on her more than she had imagined. But because of this, she got some additional unknown information. Not just this dungeon, but also the entire game.

[Xinjue, I feel that you have been extremely silent for these two hours. ]

Zhang You tapped her lightly in his mind.

Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes: [I'm observing. ]

Time passed quickly, we chatted a few words with each other, and communicated with each other about the situation, and the food was finished.

Everyone tidied up and left the dormitory to check again to see if there were any abnormal changes.

From the bathroom, corridor to the two closed bedroom doors, nothing changed as usual.

However, when they went back, something happened suddenly——


There was a sudden scream, and everyone was startled. Immediately, a phantom image of a fist appeared on Zheng Wanqing's severed arm, Zhang You took out the death book, and sister No. 5 held up a toy gun... Everyone sacrificed their weapons and jumped away as if they were facing a big enemy, facing the two doors,

But I saw a girl standing alone at the door of 919, her face pale and dripping with cold sweat.

It is number 13.

They don't have a deep impression of No. 13, or the entire dormitory composed of No. 11, 12, 13 and 15. I only know that the 13th and 15th don't talk much, they just listen quietly.

Numbers 11 and 12 were scared to death: "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

No. 13 came back to his senses, and hurriedly ran towards the crowd, but within two steps, his legs softened and he knelt down, crying in a deep voice: "I was caught by the door!"

"The ghost caught you?"

"I don't know if it's a ghost, I didn't see it, I just know that my back was facing the door, and then it seemed that a hand suddenly grabbed it..."

No. 13 turned around incoherently, and on the back of the coat, a white handprint came into everyone's eyes.

The size and shape of the handprints correspond to the palm of a slender girl.

No. 15 walked over to help her up, and No. 13 grabbed No. 15's hand like hugging driftwood, her lips trembling: "I, I won't die, will I?"