Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 81: Sanitation surprise inspection


"I did not see anything."

Guo Guo stared so hard that his eyes hurt, and he just shook his head: "In my eyes, these are two ordinary wooden doors."

There was neither the white hand holding number 13 nor ghosts.

Tang Xinjue put his hand against the door panel, the cold touch soaked into his palm, and there was a lingering coldness - but it was only that. Her mental power couldn't penetrate behind the door panel, as if there was some kind of barrier blocking her detection.

"So we can't find specific evidence now, and we can't confirm that there must be ghosts in the door, or it may be a prank by other forces, such as those [people] who pretended to be housekeepers before."

No. 7 stood at the other end of the corridor with his arms folded, his sharp gaze fixed on No. 13's back, and the latter shrank unconsciously.

A few seconds later, No. 7 looked away and added coldly: "Ghosts are born to treat us as prey, and they can do anything. If you are not strong enough to fight, then don't get close to any place that may hide them. It's all about experience." Those who have passed the exam are looking for death if they don’t know what to do.”

Number 13's face was as pale as paper.

Ke Ke tsk tsk: "I didn't expect that there are people who speak more than me. I thought I was already the pinnacle of annoying people."

Ah Nian gently tugged at her sleeve: "Don't do that...don't say that, you're fine."

The atmosphere was a bit dead silent for a moment, No. 13 hugged No. 15 and sobbed softly, the other two roommates were at a loss, their props and abilities were useless to the current situation, so they could only ask others for help.

Guo Guo comforted them: "It's okay, at least I didn't see a ghost on you. It may be that the other party wanted to attack you but failed. This is luck!"

Only then did No. 13's gloomy expression ease, and after thanking him, he staggered back to the dormitory with the help of his roommate.

The rest of the people couldn't find any clues and left one after another. Only Tang Xinjue and four were left in the corridor.

Zheng Wanqing scratched her head, "That... student No. 13, will she be okay? It seems that everyone is reluctant to talk about it."

Although she can't read the meaning behind other people's words, she also noticed that no one has shown a clear attitude towards this matter.

However, it is this unclear atmosphere that makes people more anxious.

Tang Xinjue was still supporting the door panel with one hand, her lowered eyes wondering what to think. Answered after a while: "Some people think she's fine, while others think she's hopeless. Everyone has different answers, but for the person involved, these are meaningless, and she can only judge from her own perspective."

"And what we have to think about is the meaning of everything that has happened, such as..."

Tang Xinjue and Zhang You Guoguo looked at each other, and they both saw the same problem in each other's eyes.

"Why, is it number 13?"

Until night fell, everyone went to the corridor to check every hour, or guarded different areas on the 9th floor in batches, but in the end they found nothing.

The dinner was still the biscuits provided by Zhang You, not full but better than nothing, which relieved the tension caused by hunger and fatigue to some extent.

After eating, No. 5 found a pack of toffee stuffed in his storage bag at some time, and excitedly distributed one to everyone.

"Toffee is a rare item now, and it costs a lot of money to buy it in the student mall. I don't think I can get it all. I didn't expect to earn one this time."

Zhang You made a joke, and everyone laughed lowly.

"That's settled. We'll meet again next time in the group exam. I'll bring two packs of toffee, one pack of golden monkeys and one pack of white rabbits. No one will be allowed to pass the test unless they get tooth decay!"

No. 5 patted his chest swearingly, but accidentally it hurt, and grinned with his chest in his mouth: "I'm sorry, I forgot that I have breasts."

Even No. 13 couldn't help laughing out loud, and the laughter quickly became one in the room.

"By the way, classmate, this is for you."

O'Ruofei suddenly took out a necklace and handed it to No. 13, "The mall introduced that it seems to be some kind of protective necklace, and I don't know if it's good or not. Anyway, you should take it first, just in case it's useful."

No. 13 took the necklace in a daze, and his eyes turned red: "Thank you...but we don't know each other, and I haven't helped you..."

In the morning, when Ou Ruofei called for love and peace and was ridiculed by the crowd, she kept watching with cold eyes, but she never thought that in times of crisis, Au Ruofei was willing to give her defensive props to her who met by chance.

The girl couldn't help wiping her tears: "...and if you give it to me, what will you do?"

Orofe: "It's okay, I still have a lot."

After finishing speaking, she unbuttoned her collar, revealing six or seven identical protective necklaces inside.

Number 13:"… "

Everyone: "..."

Their first thought was: "Where did you find the wholesale channel?"

Orofe explained: "Oh, I didn't buy this, but I picked it up at the balcony door during the crazy Wednesday event."

It turned out that she didn't dare to get out of bed to read because of fear that morning. Only when the time was about to end, a few gift boxes were found smashed on the balcony window, and there were a bunch of protective necklaces inside.


It's true that people are more dead than others and goods are thrown away. They were also drawn into the game on the same day. Some people could not afford to go shopping in the shopping mall with more money than the exam, while some people could drop items from the sky while lying down. The gap between them really made people feel complicated.

After getting the protective necklace and repeatedly confirming to Guo Guo that he is not "abnormal", No. 13 carefully went to bed and lay down, planning to use sleep to escape today.

Everyone can understand her approach. After all, everyone is very tired after a busy day today. But not everyone can sleep at the same time—finally, after distribution, it is decided that people with beds numbered 1 to 8 will watch the night in groups of four.

"That, I want to ask, why are only the students with the top eight bed numbers responsible for the night watch?" Ou Ruofei was a little confused: "Will this be a bit unfair to you?"

The thought of other people taking turns keeping vigil while she was sleeping soundly and doing nothing made her feel very guilty.

Keke snorted and laughed: "Honey, haven't you noticed the pattern of bed numbers?"

Ou Ruofei's pupils trembled: "Ah? Are the bed numbers regular???"

But she has never heard anyone talk about it. Did she have a holiday

"Okay, Ke Ke, don't tease classmate Ou." Jiang Lan rescued the girl from the confusion, and said in a hoarse voice: "The bed number of each of us is most likely our ranking in the dormitory."

The stronger the strength, the higher the serial number, and the weaker the strength, the lower the serial number.

It can be seen from the day-to-day relationship, especially the memory retelling process. Although Tang Xinjue didn't show his abilities, his strength was already recognized as the strongest in the dormitory. Followed by Jiang Lan, Ke Ke and others.

Orofe, Anian and others who have no supernatural powers are at the bottom.

Only then did Ou Ruofei suddenly realize, and took out her protective necklace: "Then each of you will share one... If it's not enough, I still have some in my pocket!"

Everyone: "..."

What's up with this inexplicable feeling of being pampered by a rich woman

It's a pity that Ou Ruofei couldn't send it out. Tang Xinjue's dormitory was not short of protective talismans, but Ke Ke refused her without hesitation.

"No, if you take your short hands and eat your soft mouth, if I take your stuff, I won't be able to complain anymore."

Ou Ruofei: "qwq, can't you not complain about me?"

Keke had a half-smile: "No way, I can't live without complaining."

Orofe: "..."

Tang Xinjue turned her head slightly, her gaze swept across Ke Ke's face wearing sunglasses, her gaze remained unchanged: "Then it's settled, I'll go and find a place to watch the night."

Jiang Lan nodded: "I'll go with you."

After finishing speaking, she took a step forward and took Tang Xinjue's hand.

Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes and felt a coolness in the intersection of her palms. It was a note.

The note was still in the palm of the hand, and the mental power had already "seen" the content inside:

[Some of us are not quite right. ]

into the night.

After a day of worry and fatigue, most people fall asleep as soon as they touch the bed. Even if the lights in the dormitory were turned on as bright as day, it didn't affect the drowsiness.

Orofe opened her eyes in a burst of thirst.

She fumbled to get up, and saw four empty beds opposite: 1, 3, 5, and 7. This is the team on duty for the first round of vigil.

It's... 1:00 am.

She rubbed her eyes and walked to the long table to pour herself a glass of water.

On the table are a thermos cup, a biscuit bag, and a danger sensor that Zhang You took out from a pocket that can never guess its capacity.

Ou Ruofei opened the lid of the thermos cup, and there was a sound of water when it shook, so she poured it into the paper cup, but no water flowed down.

What's the matter, there is obviously water in it

Orofe rubbed her eyes a few more times and woke up completely. She continued to fall, still not a drop. It was as if there was an invisible membrane that sealed the water in the cup, preventing her from drinking it.

Putting down the water glass in a daze, sleepiness flooded into his brain again. She could only suppress her thirst and prepare to go back to sleep.

There was silence in the house, the bedroom door was open, and the dim light from the corridor came through faintly. It was not known where the people outside were keeping watch. O'Ruofei just took a look and then shrank her neck, not thinking of going out to have a look at all.

The slightly cool air pressed against her neck, which made her feel a little scared after a while, and hurriedly turned and walked towards the bed, wanting to return to the blanket that made her feel safe.


A slight rubbing sound suddenly broke into the ears subtly.

Orofe, who had already walked to the bed, raised her head subconsciously, looking for the direction of the sound.

She looked around, and finally involuntarily landed on Ah Nian who was sleeping soundly on the bed No. 16 directly opposite.

No, Ah Nian is still sleeping, it wasn't the sound she made, it was...

His gaze slowly moved up and landed on Ah Nian's upper bunk.

Bed No. 15 was covered with a bed net that fit perfectly, so No. 15's appearance could not be seen, and there was no rubbing sound. It seemed that the sound just now was just tinnitus. But she had an inexplicable premonition that it was there.

Ou Ruofei couldn't help squinting her eyes, through the thin bed curtain, she seemed to see the figure inside, it was a silhouette clinging to the bed net...

Orofe's breathing stopped.

Her eyes widened slowly, but her pupils shrank rapidly, staring at the bed curtain.

If she read correctly, the person in the bed tent was standing.

The figure belonging to the girl stood on the bed, silently sticking to the bed curtain, her face seemed to be facing directly below.

"Are you asleep? Classmate No. 15?"

Orofe spoke softly.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wanted to swallow them: Who would sleep standing on the bed

The moment before the scream broke out, a hand patted O'Ruofei's shoulder and covered her mouth.

"No no no!!!"

Orofe struggled frantically, fear seemed to grab every nerve in her brain, making her ears buzz.

"It's me! Classmate Ou, Classmate Ou?"

The familiar voice brought Orofe back to her senses, she turned around trembling, and saw No. 13's anxious face.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"On the 15th, she is standing on the bed!" O'Ruofe struggled to make a sound.

The light was half covered, No. 13 raised her head, and then lowered her head: "She's lying down now, maybe she was sleepwalking just now. She's my roommate, she'll be fine, don't worry."

The girl pressed Ou Ruofei's shoulder: "Don't be too nervous, you will wake everyone up, and everyone will be very angry."

Listening to the other party's voice, Orofe took a few deep breaths and nodded.

That's right, she can't shout, if she wakes everyone up and makes a false alarm, her impression on others will definitely be worse.

She finally met many companions, she must be strong and smart...

No. 13 put her arms around her shoulders: "Do you want to drink water? We can go to the corner to drink, and talk to me for a while."

Sipping the water in the paper cup, Orofe leaned her head against the wall and looked at the pale face of No. 13. Thinking of what happened to the other party today, she couldn't help but feel guilty: "I'm sorry, did I wake you up? You hit a ghost during the day, I shouldn't have woken you up."

No. 13 hugged his knees, couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, only a soft voice came out: "It's okay, I feel much better now."

"Lying in bed makes me miserable, and it's only when I'm sitting here that I'm comfortable. It's a place where I feel safe."

Ou Ruofei nodded in a daze, she faintly felt that there was something wrong with the other party's words, but she couldn't remember what was wrong, so she could only drink water with her head sullen.

Until a girl's weeping sound faintly floated from below the ground.

Ou Ruofei's palms tightened, "Student, can you hear the crying?"

"No." No. 13 was half buried in the shadows, motionless: "I didn't hear anything."

"But I clearly—" Orofe almost bit her tongue.

Because she heard that the cry became clearer and louder, as if the source of the sound... was climbing up!