Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 84: Sanitation surprise inspection


Guo Guo used his last strength to push the pendant into Ou Ruofei's hand, and the other party's face was distorted as if burnt, and he had to withdraw his hand.

"Run out!" Guo Guo shouted to Anian, seizing the breathing space.

Ah Nian's voice was weak: "Student Guo... run away, I can't move anymore..."

Guo Guo turned her head and saw that Anian's lower abdomen had opened a big mouth at some point, staining the black bracelet she had just put on under the joint control of No. 15 and No. 13.

As the wound appeared, Ah Nian's face was covered with a layer of hoarfrost at a speed visible to the naked eye. She leaned feebly against the white tiled wall, but there was another completely different reflection of a girl.

Guo Guo's eyes are getting more and more painful, it seems that some force is preventing her from seeing all this. But the more so, she opened her eyes forcefully, and saw the long-haired girl reflected in the tile slowly turning around, the wound on her abdomen was exactly the same as that on Anian's body!

The long-haired girl stretched out her hands "outside the wall", and No. 15 and No. 13 went to help her immediately. So with the help, the long-haired girl abruptly got out of the wall, and the whole "person" hung upside down in front of Ah Nian. The moment they looked at each other, the different facial features of the two faces blurred at the same time, becoming more and more blurred. more blank...

With past experience, Guo Guo immediately realized what it was: during the dorm civility test, Xiaohong wanted to use her body to enter the dormitory to replace her identity, and she used this method too!

She immediately withdrew the pendant that was protecting Ou Ruofei, and rushed to Anian to force the long-haired girl back, but was instantly set up by No. 15 and No. 13, who were guarding the side, trying to force another "gift" into her.

"don't want!!"

Guo Guo struggled violently, and his physical fitness and protective shield, which had been strengthened several times, seemed to be useless at this moment. But she still accurately positioned the long-haired girl's movements with her yin and yang eyes, kicked her legs hard, and kicked the long-haired girl's head away.

The girl let out a cry of pain and fell back into the wall, and the two restraining Guo Guo immediately released her, and rushed over to check the situation of the long-haired girl.

I saw the long-haired girl, or should I say the long-haired female ghost, weeping and even shaking her head in a gesture of rejection. No. 15 and No. 13 immediately became anxious, babbling and cheering her up, as if trying to persuade her to regain her strength.

Guo Guo: "..." Playing unity and friendship in front of her, a victim who can't find a roommate

She helped Ah Nian up, took advantage of the distraction of the ghosts and led them to escape. He ran out of the bathroom door in one breath, and ran towards the bedroom.

The farther away from the bathroom, the less blood flowed from Anian's abdominal wound, and there was even a tendency to heal and improve. Guo Guo was overjoyed and speeded up.

However, as time passed by, she found that she was still running in the corridor, still unable to touch the door of the dormitory, which seemed so close at hand, no matter how she ran, the distance between them could not be shortened—

In other words... the length of the corridor has been extended infinitely!

Rusting, rustling, all kinds of sounds came from below the ground, from the surrounding walls and ceiling. Through the mirror-like reflective plane, Guo Guo saw one after another "girls" dragging their crippled bodies and crawling in another space. Their hair may be long or short, and their white school uniforms are in tatters hanging on their bodies. Most of the expressions are dull and stiff, and they don't seem to be sane, they just move mechanically with the group.

There were also a few with different expressions. They stared at Guo Guo and Guo Guo closely with salivating eyes.

Guo Guo raised the pendant and tried to drive them away. Not only were the sane ghosts not afraid, but they even opened the corners of their mouths and pointed, as if laughing loudly.


A crack quietly appeared from their position, and quickly spread and split into several. The female ghost was taken aback, and tentatively touched the crack with her withered fingers.

Boom! ! !

The crack burst instantly, blasting a black hole, and the scream that hit the soul gushed out from it, rampaging in the corridor, shaking the female ghosts to take off from the waist, and was swept away in a blink of an eye.

The magic sound pierced his ears, but Guo Guo showed a relieved smile, put Anian directly on his back, rushed towards the black hole, and jumped in—

A moment of nothingness and silence, then the air rushing into my lungs, and then…

"Jingle bell, jingle bell—"


Screaming mixed with the ringing of mobile phones rang in the house at the same time. Many people stood up from their beds and checked their surroundings in shock.

As soon as Tang Xinjue opened his eyes, he grabbed the toilet and jumped off the bed, and used [Ghost Scream] again, causing a deafening and terrifying sound to permeate the entire room.

More and more people woke up from their deep sleep, and some of them were woken abruptly by the terrifying screams. When No. 5 and No. 6 woke up, they almost fell off the bed, and they looked terrified: "Fuck? This is the horn of the ghost attack?!"

Tang Xinjue ruthlessly pulled the two of them off the bed, "This is the scream of the ghost before it is devoured. It is used by my weapon as an ability. By the way, it is also an alarm clock to wake you up from your nightmare."

She turned off the cell phone alarm that rang on time.

Jiang Lan also got out of bed and went straight to Anian's No. 16 bed: "Indeed, this [alarm] is much more useful than normal cell phone alarms...A Nian?"

Jiang Lan's voice suddenly choked up, and she lifted the quilt from Anian's body, and looked at the bleeding wound on the girl's abdomen, her voice was trembling: "Ke Ke! Bring the medicine here!"

No. 3, who was just about to put on the sunglasses, shook his hand, rushed forward without saying a word, poured out all the items in the storage bag, and searched for hemostatic agents and clean bandages inside.

On the other side, Tang Xinjue checked the situation of his roommates and confirmed that Zheng Wanqing, Zhang You and Guo Guo were not injured, so he let out a slight breath.

Guo Guo: "I just had a very terrible nightmare, and Anian was in it... By the way, Anian!"

She also immediately ran to the bedside of No. 16, and several people followed. Seeing that the blood in Ah Nian's abdomen had stopped, Jiang Lan stuffed a pill into Ah Nian's mouth. After feeding it, Ah Nian spit out a mouthful of black blood and breathed clearly. calm down.

Only then did Jiang Lan speak: "Fortunately, it's early, and there's still time for everything. With Ke Ke's health value auxiliary input, Ah Nian will wake up soon."

It is also rare for Keke to not have a poisonous tongue, but said in a shy voice: "I don't know when I fell asleep. The dream told me that I was on vigil, and I didn't realize something was wrong until I woke up, and then I was awakened by the howling. If If I can find out earlier, I can crack it directly... "

Jiang Lan interrupted her self-blame: "There is nothing to assume, and I didn't discover this in time, but what has happened cannot be reversed. What we can do now is to pass this exam as soon as possible, and then pass Anian Bringing safety back to reality...we can't afford to lose any more."

At the end, she covered the choking in her voice, and looked at Tang Xinjue, "This is the danger we have to face in the dungeon, isn't it?"

Tang Xinjue nodded: "Ghosts are very cunning. They pull everyone into the dream, but in the dreams of the stronger ones, we will delay our discovery. So far, three people have been killed by the attack in the weaker dreams." The attack was successful."

three people

Everyone was shocked, and followed her gaze, only to see Ou Ruofei sitting on the 15th bed, 13th bed, and 14th bed with a dazed look, and there was nothing abnormal at first glance.

Tang Xinjue raised the corners of her mouth without a smile, "Still acting?"

She threw an [appraisal] at Orofe. Compared with yesterday's answer, the result of this appraisal has changed:

[An ordinary female student, but seems to be a little afraid of the cold, and has an extraordinary desire for water. ]

"Fever and thirst?" Tang Xinjue nodded, "It seems that you died of thirst due to lack of water in the cold."

Before she finished speaking, she stretched her hand forward at a speed that everyone couldn't react, and an ice pick appeared in the air immediately, stabbing at Orofe's neck!

Orofe's expression changed drastically, she jumped up and was about to dodge, but the moment the ice pick fell on the bed, the extremely low temperature spread rapidly around it, freezing the whole bed!

Orofe, who was in the frozen area, seemed to be wearing a mask of pain. Under the mask, the whole face began to distort: the two eye sockets were sunken, the bridge of the nose protruded outward, the round chin turned into a pointed chin, and the cheekbones on both sides moved up... for a moment , Orofe completely changed into another strange appearance, and let out a shrill scream.

The screaming sound pierced everyone's eardrums, and for a moment it was somewhat similar to the ghost sound from Tang Xinjue's flushing of the toilet!

Seeing Orofe hugging herself in pain, trying to curl up to avoid the cold. No. 15 and No. 13, who were sitting on the two upper bunks, finally couldn't help it, and hurriedly said to her: "Are you stupid, jump off! Are you staying on the bed and waiting to be cold?"

As soon as the sound was made, everyone's eyes immediately shifted to the two of them.

Tang Xinjue stared at them silently, as if watching two werewolf jumping fiercely.

Two people: "..." The idiot was actually myself.

They immediately changed their expressions, and looked at No. 11 and No. 12 as if they were asking for help: "We really don't know what they are talking about, they are slandering! There is no evidence at all, who knows what they are thinking about such blatant exclusion. You must Trust us, we are roommates!"

The two on the 11th and 12th looked at each other in surprise as if struck by a bolt from the blue, and then looked at their "roommate": "Wait, we haven't figured it out yet..."

Guo Guo suddenly interrupted them, and said, "I saw your appearance in a dream. One arm was scratched by glass and the other was covered with blood, and the other mouth was sealed with tape."

"Forget about seeing blood." She turned her head to look at No. 13: "Since you are not ghosts, if you seal your mouth with tape, you won't have such a stress reaction like Student Ou Ruofei, right?"