Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 85: Sanitation surprise inspection


Hearing Guo Guo's words, No. 13's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Guo Guo continued: "I remember that you were forced to give us gifts. Once we accepted them, we would be in a state of various injuries, and then be replaced by your invasion. The injury to Anian's lower abdomen was caused by wearing the gloves you gave us. The ring just showed up, and the one who wanted to replace her was a long-haired female ghost... Did I go into enough detail? If you want to prove me wrong, put some tape on it and have a look.”

On the 13th, he almost gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence: "Is the content of the dream credible?"

In the tense atmosphere, No. 11 suddenly said in a trembling voice: "Gifts... I was given too."

Everyone turned their heads and saw No. 11 and No. 12 taking out two boxes with shaking hands. This was also a "gift" given to them by No. 15 yesterday, but they hadn't had time to open it yet.

No. 11 held back tears: "You told us yesterday that we are roommates, you won't harm us, let us avoid others at night and then take it apart..."

She twisted hard, gritted her teeth and opened the wooden box lid!

An indescribable sense of strangeness suddenly spread, and only Guo Guo and Tang Xinjue could see that a black mist was rising from the box and heading straight for No. 11's front door!


Amid Guo Guo's exclamation, Tang Xinjue directly pulled out the toilet and knocked down the wooden box, sucking the black air into the rubber.

The toilet seat was still for two seconds, and suddenly started to twitch as if choking, as if a person was coughing non-stop. After a while, the rubber head spit out suddenly, and then spit out the black air that turned into substance.

Zhang You was the closest, and before he had time to think about it, he quickly pulled out the weapon dictionary and slapped it hard, the black air scattered into several parts, and fled outwards.

"I come."

Jiang Lan separated from the crowd, her hands condensed into seals, and four white lights fell from the air to form a square frame, enveloping the black air and making it impossible to break free.

Jiang Lan opened her lips slightly and spit out the words: "Purification."

The frame of the white light tightened quickly, and the black air was drowned in the white light, making a scorching sound.

No. 15 couldn't stand it anymore, screamed no, jumped down and cut off Jiang Lan's skills, and covered the black air with his body.

Everyone restrained her immediately, but saw that the girl's eyes were tightly closed, as if she had passed out.

After two plops, No. 13 and Orofe also fainted one after another, and fell unconscious on the bed.

After confirming that the three of them were in a deep coma, Jiang Lan used a marking prop similar to a small golden ball to mark the three of them to monitor their situation at any time.

"These ghosts are very smart. When they see that they can't lie, they just faint and escape." Zheng Wanqing was a little depressed, and the more she gnawed on the biscuit, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

But this trick is indeed effective. After all, the three bodies occupied by the ghosts are candidates, and they can't do anything to the students' bodies, so they can only temporarily put them away.

Numbers 11 and 12 thought their two roommates were dead, and cried out of breath by the bedside. It wasn't until Tang Xinjue reminded them that No. 13 and No. 15 were only temporarily occupied in their bodies and consciousness, and they were not dead yet, that there was a light in their eyes.

"Really?" The two girls grabbed Tang Xinjue's hand immediately, and they must ask clearly.

Tang Xinjue nodded: "The spiritual flames of the two of them are still there, but a little darker. This cannot be faked. It means that their lives are not in danger, but their consciousness is temporarily replaced by dead ghosts in some way."

This kind of replacement is also different from the ghost possession of ghosts, otherwise Guo Guo would be able to see it. According to Guo Guo's dream scene, it seems to be very close to the method Xiaohong used when she wanted to replace Guo Guo.

I just don't know what the method is. If you have a chance to see Xiaohong again, you can ask.

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief, supported each other to cheer up, and vowed to pass the exam together to wake up their roommates.

They had only gone through one D-level exam with a very low difficulty, but they still paddled the whole way, and came here with just passing scores. This group test made them truly realize the difficulty of the game, and they couldn't help but think more while being frightened.

There are 16 people in the entire dungeon, and the strength of the four in their dormitory is at the bottom. There are no powerful abilities and props, and no analysis ability beyond ordinary people. Even in danger, he is the first "soft persimmon" to be attacked by ghosts.

If you encounter the same difficulty next time, or even more difficult exam. But they don't have the help of the tough candidates in other dormitories, can they survive to the end by themselves

Zhang You handed over the biscuits and water, and the two girls silently thanked them for accepting them, and cuddled together to swallow the food.

In the past, although they didn't say anything, they were actually not willing to eat this kind of biscuits. They always thought that after the exam, they could exchange points for delicious food... But now they realize that survival is more important than appetite. strength.

After simply replenishing their strength, the 13 people reunited.

"What next?"

"The exam information has been updated, saying that there will be a second sanitation inspection today. Do we still have to clean?"

Ke Ke shrugged: "Is it a bet? I don't think those bastards will pass us today. Cleaning is for nothing."

In just one day, Keke has already called more than a dozen insulting names to the teaching staff of this school, and each time she says it is not the same, the only thing that is the same is the tone full of disgust.

Tang Xinjue thought for a while: "According to the current information, the upper limit of the number of inspections we face is likely to be three rounds."

According to the level difference of the information prompt: the first round, the student union. The second round, dormitory management. The third round, academic staff.

"So, what happens if the three rounds of inspections fail?"

Jiang Lan's eyebrows tightened suddenly: "... In the worst case, we will lose the chance to pass the customs forever and will be trapped here."

When the ammunition and food are exhausted, even if there is no attack from outside forces, they will starve to death in this dungeon and become the real "students" of this pheasant school.

Tang Xinjue: "So if you want to clear the customs, the way to survive is within three rounds of inspections. We still have two chances to determine the specific method of customs clearance."

Zhang You understood what she meant: "Try and make a second trial?"

If they try their best to clean up and still fail the second inspection, it means that the so-called cleaning is a cover to deceive them, and they can only find another way to pass the customs.

There was no objection from everyone, and the plan was finalized quickly. The group of people carefully checked all the spaces again, and after confirming that there were no other clues or a speck of dust, they returned to the dormitory to wait for inspection.

Time passed, and 11:00 noon came soon.

Before arriving, Tang Xinjue's eyes paused suddenly, and while keeping his body still, he mobilized his mental strength, turned his head to look with another "vision", and saw "No. 13" who opened his eyes secretly.

No. 13 still wanted to break free from the bondage quietly, but when he found it was impossible, he collapsed again in frustration, his eyes accidentally lost control, and they turned to the sides, revealing large whites of the eyes.

Tang Xinjue: "..."

After a few seconds, No. 13 seemed to have noticed something again, raised his head suddenly, and looked towards the door with his nose moving.

Tang Xinjue thought that the other party had seen her spiritual power, but "No. 13" looked past her and the other students, and looked straight outside the door—

What's outside the door? What is number 13 looking at

Tang Xinjue frowned slightly, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Before she could think about it, a familiar sense of confusion suddenly appeared. This time, she had prepared in advance and successfully read the memories that came to her mind.

It's just that the memory this time is exactly the same as yesterday's. When the memory image dissipated, there were no extra figures in the dormitory and corridor in front of everyone, only a lonely whiteboard.

Inspector: dormitory supervisor

Inspection result: failed

Punishment result: Confinement for one day

It was unqualified again, and it was exactly as they had guessed.

After discussing in advance, the group picked up the second whiteboard and hung it on the wall without any surprises. Now they need to think about another thing: How can they pass the customs when the sanitary inspection is impossible to pass

Tang Xinjue didn't express his thoughts first, but turned around and walked to the corner of the room, where three girls who had been replaced by ghosts were tied up on three beds side by side.

Going straight to where No. 13 was, Tang Xinjue untied the restraint directly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why she did this.

No. 11 and No. 12 were even more frightened and their eyes widened: "She, she, she, she, she will not be replaced, right?"

Guo Guo really thought about it: "Although there is no such possibility, but if there is such a day, we can just pack up and wait to die."

While talking, I saw Tang Xinjue sitting next to No. 13, sweeping away the harshness of his hand when he was flushing the toilet, and said in a gentle voice, "Will it be uncomfortable to be tied up like this? Get up and move around."

No. 13's eyes were closed tightly, and he remained in a coma.

Tang Xinjue raised her eyebrows: "Even if you close your eyes, remember not to turn your eyeballs too far back, otherwise it will cause harm to their bodies."

She turned her head to look at the sleeping "Ou Ruofei" again: "They have no grievances with you, it's fine if they are scared to death and replaced. If people become blind as soon as they open their eyes, wouldn't it be too much? "

It is undoubtedly very weird to talk to ghosts in the same way as normal people.

The three sleeping bodies did not respond as expected. No... Zheng Wanqing suddenly pointed out sharply: "Two eyelids have moved! They are quietly turning their eyeballs back!"

The two ghosts who were pointed out for their petty actions: "..."

Just when they were wondering whether to directly open their eyes and line up, or continue to pretend to be dead, No. 13 felt a sudden chill on his face, and a cold object that made the ghost's soul shudder was pressed against him.

Tang Xinjue slapped the toilet on No. 13's face, her voice was still gentle: "You can choose not to answer, we can communicate in another way. Ghosts won't dissipate easily. It's okay to eat half of it and chat with the rest Right?"

The ghost lying in No. 13's body: ... Be human!