Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 86: Sanitation surprise inspection


Tang Xinjue knew that she could no longer eat in the toilet.

Due to some "illness" that is not yet clear, it can only attack but not swallow, and it will spit out things after swallowing.

But it doesn't matter, it is enough to deter the original ghosts who have never left this dormitory building.

The toilet holder seemed to know this too, exhaled two breaths in a very bravado, as if threatening to swallow the ghost's head in one gulp.

No. 13 opened his eyes without holding on for two seconds, and immediately stretched out his hand to push the toilet down: "It's scary!"

Tang Xinjue: "..."

You don't dislike flushing the toilet. You smell like ghosts and squint your eyes. Do you dislike flushing the toilet

On the 13th, he sat up and stared at Tang Xinjue warily: "What do you want to do?"

Tang Xinjue smiled gently: "I should ask you this, right? You set a trap for us at night, occupying the bodies of our classmates in dreams, and wanting to devour more people... If I'm not wrong, maybe you don't Willing to be only a ghost in the dark. Do you want to use our body to restore Yang and become a human again?"

No. 13's face twitched violently, the thick black eyes spread out, and he opened his mouth involuntarily: "Become a human..."

It was too late when it realized that it had lost its composure and quickly adjusted its expression, Tang Xinjue became more certain of his guess.

"So, this is your ultimate goal."

She thought of the memory that belonged to the original student, and the deep reluctance and nostalgia that emerged at the end of the memory.

From the very beginning, she noticed that it was the dead man's nostalgia for the human world.

They miss the moment of life, even if it is a painful life, it is better than being trapped here forever, better than the coldness of eternal darkness.

Because of this, some dungeon ghosts who were unwilling to accept their fate hit the candidates on the head.

No. 13 grinned and sneered: "Ho ho ho, we just want to eat you, human flesh is so delicious..."

Tang Xinjue stared at it: "I once met another ghost, and it operated in the same way. Do you know what its ending is?"

Number 13 shut up and didn't speak.

The rubbish goes together, and it is embarrassing to demolish them.

Tang Xinjue also turned back to the main topic: "If you want to completely become a human, it is not enough to just integrate into the body. As long as you are trapped in the dungeon, you will not be able to truly escape for a day. So your purpose is not just to be in the dungeon. To occupy our bodies, the most important thing is to successfully leave the dungeon as a candidate and enter our game system. Only in this way can we truly obtain the identity of a human being."

Number 13 opened his eyes wide in astonishment, not understanding why the humans in front of him could guess all their plans. If it hadn't confirmed that it was in this body, it would have wondered if another self was speaking in the other's body.

Tang Xinjue: "So that's why you didn't hurt these three students, because if they were judged dead by the rules, you wouldn't be able to go out, right?"

Number 13 almost wanted to nod directly, but the last rationality allowed her to keep her chin high, thinking in her heart that human beings are different from their camp, and she must not believe the nonsense of the other party.

Tang Xinjue chuckled, "Even you don't regard us as the same kind, but automatically divide us into the camp of heretics. How can you truly become human?"

Number 13 was startled, his eyes flickering.

At this time, "Ou Ruofei" who was pretending to be dead couldn't help but raised his head and replied: "When we are fully alive, you will disappear completely. Our life is based on your death." How can it be counted as the same camp?"

Tang Xinjue's expression remained unchanged, as if he was not surprised by this answer at all. Others are different. Some people suddenly realized, while others' eyes were tearing apart. The most common thing is that their hostility and vigilance towards the two ghosts has greatly increased.

Number 13: shut up and no one will treat you as a dumb ghost!

"Ou Ruofei" asked back in confusion: "Why are you staring at me? Isn't that what we discussed at the beginning?"

No. 13: "... It's because you are so stupid every time that we are always caught by those dogs from the Academic Affairs Office!"

"Ou Ruofei" was also furious: "Yes, it's all due to those perverted dogs in the Academic Affairs Office! When I become a human, the first thing I have to do is to find their lair and pull them out to skin and cramps!"

No. 13 is desperate to support his forehead, and doesn't want to communicate with pig teammates anymore.

Tang Xinjue's smile became clearer, and she sat on another bed and asked the ghost on Ou Ruofei, "So the people from the Academic Affairs Office are also here?"

Ou Ruofei looked at her like a fool: "Of course! Otherwise, who will do the daily health check for you?"

Tang Xinjue: "Could it be that you couldn't see the people from the Academic Affairs Office during the inspection?"

Ou Ruofei was indignant: "Those guys are very thieves, they don't know where to hide every day. When the dungeon was not opened, we wandered around the bottom in a daze, and we couldn't get up at all. We finally waited for you to come, and we were finally able to go up to the 9th floor. But they still couldn't find them."

Tang Xinjue nodded: "So you firmly believe that as long as you replace all our examinee identities, you will be able to find them. But replacing us will not be achieved overnight, it will take many days of hard work... In this way, you and the Academic Affairs Office Aren't people doing the same thing?"

O'Ruofei didn't react, but No. 13's eyes were shocked: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."


Number 13 suddenly became agitated, with veins popping out on his face, revealing the ferocity of a ghost beneath his face.

The staff of this school are the murderers who caused them to die here and never see the light of day again. They are at odds with these beasts, how could they act for the same goal

Tang Xinjue was not in a hurry: "The Academic Affairs Office doesn't allow us to pass the inspection every time. Isn't the purpose for us to stay here? The longer we stay here, the more convenient it is for you to take advantage of dreams to erode us every night. , isn't it in line with your purpose?"

The ghost fell silent.

After listening to this piece of logic, they can't refute it

"Ou Ruo Fei" opened his mouth, and finally he could only say firmly: "Impossible!"

The perverts who founded and managed this school are black from the inside out, how can they help them

Tang Xinjue nodded following its train of thought: "It is indeed impossible. So you have never thought about why your behavior logic coincides with the person you hate the most. You have never thought that a group of people avoid you every day , Why would the evil ghost who is so life-hating help you fulfill your wishes and speed up your own death."

"That's right," she imitated the tone of ghosts: "Why is that?"

Ghost: "..."

This piece of logic that they had never thought about was uncovered, disassembled and subdivided before them, and they could understand every word, but they couldn't figure it out when they connected it together... This is a problem beyond their cognition.

Jiang Lan's voice picked up Tang Xinjue's words, breaking the ghost's sluggishness:

"There is only one answer - because you have been deceived!"

She strode up, regardless of the discomfort in her voice, and said hoarsely to the two people on the bed, or should I say the two ghosts: "You were just girls who had just entered college, and you can't compete with the group of people who are already in society. You are old fritters that harm people. After you die, you are still used by them, so that they can enjoy the benefits without doing anything, and watch you kill the candidates who come in, and then kill yourself!"

The eyes of the two ghosts were so wide that they were almost out of frame, and they were so excited by the meaning of this passage that they almost showed their ghost shapes and rushed forward, roaring: "What did you say?"

"I understand." Ke Ke also walked up, dragged Jiang Lan back who was coughing, and patted her on the back hard: "What are you arguing with a bunch of stupid school girls? If they understand, they can fight After those old bastards, can they be plotted to die here?"

On the 13th, the whole ghost stood up, his face turned blue with anger: "Why can't I understand? Why can't I fight?"

For so long, among all the souls imprisoned here, she is one of the few who have not lost their minds and lived in a daze all day long. She is angry and plotting all the time... resentment fills her soul, and hatred dominates her thoughts. All her actions are for the ultimate goal - now that she suddenly knows that all of this is the result of being used, how can she bear it

Fierce ghosts howled, and a group of souls suddenly appeared. Although everyone couldn't see the specific shadow, they could feel the coldness of the sudden drop in the temperature in the room, which showed the anger of the ghost.

Tang Xinjue looked at the girl who could no longer see her original appearance, but her expression was calm.

She said softly: "It's very simple, you guys missed a link, but the other group of ghosts didn't think wrong."

"You think that if you occupy our body, you can pass the inspection of the rules and return to our world. But are the rules of the game that govern countless exams really so easy to deceive? How can you be sure that you will succeed?"

"Perhaps this conclusion is not something you can easily come to by just thinking about it, but someone hinted at you and planted this idea in your consciousness, prompting you to follow this direction."

"So, recall now, who is the person who suggested that you can easily deceive the rules, use the rules, and pass the screening of the rules?"

Every word of the girl is extremely clear in the room.

"That ghost is the ghost that the Academic Affairs Office took advantage of and used to deceive you."