Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 87: Sanitation surprise inspection


No one expected that within a few minutes of the second health inspection, things would turn out like this.

The ghost occupying the examinee's body instead became a breakthrough point for the exam information. Tang Xinjue and the others figured out the cause and effect in a few words, and found out the logical loopholes inside, but now they fell into self-doubt.

Number 13 opened her eyes in confusion, and was guided into memories by Tang Xinjue's voice.

In the first place, who said they could get past the examination rules? Seems to be…

In a place invisible to ordinary people, black air began to surge, as if looking for something.

Tens of seconds later, the expressions of the two ghosts controlling the bodies of No. 13 and Orofe changed at the same time: "No, why has our number decreased?"

Candidates look at each other: there are unexpected gains

Immediately afterwards, No. 13 and Ou Ruofei's bodies collapsed, and Tang Xinjue and the others immediately supported them, making them lie safely on the bed.

"What's going on now?"

The dormitory where No. 5 is located and No. 11 and No. 12 are a bit unclear, so I asked the person next to me in a low voice.

Guo Guo also replied in a low voice: "Have you ever heard of surrounding cities from the countryside? Now the suffering migrant workers are about to unite."

Zheng Wanqing disagreed: "Isn't this a split from the enemy? Whether it's a ghost student or a ghost teacher, they are all ghosts."

Guo Guo retorted: "Miss, this is clearly class struggle! The pheasant school that kills people is the root of all tragedies. We need to unite all living forces!"

Zheng Wanqing: "Then the civil war began."

Guo Guo: "..."

The two were arguing nonchalantly. At this time, No. 13 had woken up with his eyes wide open, his bloodshot eyeballs gurgling, and met Tang Xinjue's calm face.

Tang Xinjue: "My condolences."

No. 13 suddenly became excited, but found that her hands were tied to the head of the bed at some point, unable to grab Tang Xinjue, she could only say viciously: "Did you guys already know something? Did you already discuss it with the school stuff?" Are you with them?"

Ghosts are easy to lose their minds. They are irritable and irritable. When they are angry, they tend to give up thinking and act with aggressive instincts.

Tang Xinjue had expected this for a long time, so she threw down a frozen three-foot talisman, freezing the entire bed, making number 13 unable to move inside.

"Maybe you'll calm down a bit."

No. 13: ... she is very calm! She is the calmest among all the classmates!

She just, just couldn't accept it for a while...

Through the narration of No. 13's gnashing of teeth, everyone knew the reason why they just went crazy.

It turned out that when it recalled the "classmate" who made the suggestion and successfully convinced them, when it wanted to find it, it found that the other party had disappeared.

It wasn't just the ghost that disappeared, but also nearly a dozen classmates. In the past, there was no purposeful activity because of the large number. Didn't even count the number of people. It wasn't until this time that they couldn't be summoned no matter how they were summoned, that something was wrong.

"It's impossible for them to run by themselves. They are usually very quiet."

No. 13 gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "It must have been abducted!"

Quiet, it means that you have lost your sanity, and you can't do anything all day long, even if you are kidnapped, you can't call for help.

The ghost in Ou Ruofei's body also opened her eyes, hesitated to speak: "I just asked around, and Xiaorui said that she remembered that the ghost who gave us advice seemed to work in the student union before, and it was not easy to contact the Academic Affairs Office. Very often, so…”

On the 13th, he asked incredulously: "Why didn't you say such important news before?"

Ou Ruofei was wronged: "I've been in the dark for a long time, I'm not used to moving my head, it's normal to degenerate."

This time they are collectively awake and active, because the dungeon has opened and new people have come in.

No. 13 was speechless, his shoulders slumped for a long time, and he said dejectedly: "If that is really an inner ghost, the disappearing classmate is likely to be deliberately abducted to the Academic Affairs Office."

The Office of Academic Affairs can't beat the disgruntled and large number of students, but if the students are left alone, they have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Ou Ruofei" was very anxious: "Aren't they very dangerous? The Academic Affairs Office is so perverted! We have to find them quickly!"

"The group of people in the Academic Affairs Office can hide better than the thousand-year-old bastards, and we are trapped here and can't get out. How can we find them?"

"But… "

"We can help you find it."

Tang Xinjue's voice suddenly interjected, interrupting the ghost's conversation.

She pointed at herself, then pointed at the heavily armed candidates next to her, and said Qinglie: "You said that if we occupy all of our bodies, we can take revenge on the Academic Affairs Office. It means that we belong to the variables of this copy, which is more restricted than you Smaller and more freedom of movement."

No. 13 was taken aback, "You mean..."

She looked strange and suspicious, and she didn't quite believe the promises of the human candidates.

After all, when the group of people in the school made cakes, they talked more and more eloquently, but in the end they found out that they were all lies.

Tang Xinjue smiled: "Have you ever thought about what would happen if you didn't find out that there was a problem with the plan?"

"Two possibilities. First, you succeeded in replacing all of us within three days, and then you waited to leave the instance full of joy, but found that you couldn't leave at all. At the worst, you will be trapped here forever, or at worst, you will be punished by the exam rules. It's gone to ashes."

"Second, you failed to replace us within three days. Three days later, the sanitary inspection was over, we completely lost the chance to pass the customs, and soon weakened and died. You are still trapped here, and as time goes by, you become more and more confused, even One day, even the matter of revenge will be forgotten."

Listening to Tang Xinjue's words, they were obviously not human anymore, but the ghosts still had goose bumps all over their bodies.

All the hypothetical endings point to one ultimate beneficiary: the black-hearted school hidden in the dark.

The school doesn't even have to do anything, it just needs to deliberately fail the examination of the candidates and detain them here, and then they can wait for the candidates and the student ghosts to fight each other, and then enjoy the benefits of the fisherman!

An angry voice came out of the ghost's throat: "The rules favor them!"

"No, the rules are fair, so here we are."

Tang Xinjue looked straight into the ghost's eyes: "We didn't have to be opposites—did the exam rules tell you to kill us? Did the exam rules tell us to fight you?"

"—No, we only received one clear instruction from the beginning to the end, and that is the health inspection. The only obstacle to the health inspection is the school."

Number 13 opened his mouth, but didn't know how to refute.

They did actively lock the target, and then actively launched an attack... without knowing anything.

Tang Xinjue put away the toilet, and there was a turbulent undercurrent hidden in his peaceful eyes.

"On the contrary, if you are willing to help us, we can break the shackles of the dungeon and find the hiding place of the common enemy. If there is a grudge, there will be revenge. Until then, it may be the time for you to truly be free."

"The existence of this copy is based on the balance between the school and you. If there is no Academic Affairs Office, will it still maintain its current state? Can an incomplete copy still trap you?"

The inherent logic was disassembled one by one in reverse, and the final answer made the ghosts a little dazed.

So the freedom they wanted was never that complicated

Even... right in front of your eyes!

No. 13 said shakily, "We need to discuss it."

Tang Xinjue: "I hope it won't be too long."

Five minutes later, the two sides successfully reached an oral agreement.

Once they figured it out, the attitude of the student ghosts was almost impatient. They don't want to tear up the school with their own hands all the time. Now that they finally have hope, coupled with the new and old grudges being used, how can they not be excited

In order to show their sincerity for this temporary united front, the ghost side even directly removed the control of Orofe and girl No. 15, but the two were still in a coma and would not be able to wake up for a while.

The ghost occupying the body of No. 13, as the representative of the ghost party, changed his previous gloomy attitude and became polite when speaking. When asked about her name, she hesitated a bit:

"I only remember my surname Jiang, but I don't remember the exact name, so my classmates usually call me Jiang Bingshang, and sometimes Jiang Canlei."

Everyone: "..."

Guo Guo said quietly: "Now I know how Shang Yinghong got these names."

Why do all the ghosts in this game have a soft spot for the name Marysu

"Alright, classmate Jiang." Tang Xinjue nodded and turned back to the topic: "I have seen all the scope of action you gave, and it is limited to the underground space that belongs to ghosts and this corridor we are in."

"So you must have never been to the school's hiding place, and neither have we."

Everyone was silent for two seconds, and said in unison: "919 and 921!"