Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 88: Sanitation surprise inspection


In front of the ashesy doors of 919 and 921, there were more than a dozen examinees waiting in full force.

Zheng Wanqing excitedly summoned [The Fist of the Big Iron Hammer], and the amputated right arm suddenly became whole again, "I have not liked them for a long time."

Now she can finally open the door openly!

Classmate Jiang stood aside with arms folded, and curled his lips not optimistically: "We have tried many times, and we can only enter the position two meters behind the door at most. No matter how deep it is, we cannot continue."

In its view, human candidates can't even get in the door, so it's not as good as them.

Tang Xinjue reminded: "Be careful in everything, and return it immediately if you feel something wrong."

"Do not worry."

Zheng Wanqing raised her fist and slammed it down on the dusty wooden door!


The dust was flying, and Zheng Wanqing came out coughing, with a look of doubt on life: " didn't break open."

Her iron fist can even smash through the wall of Grandma Mayas's house, but she can't break through such a thin wooden door

Number 5 and Number 6 stepped forward immediately, "Let's try."

Before the words were spoken, the two raised their arms, and flames roared out from the flamethrower, instantly flooding the gate of 919.

After more than ten seconds, the flame dissipated as the spray gun was retracted, leaving only two scorched black marks on the bedroom door. Neither the iron lock nor the door panel moved an inch.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: Not even the most destructive fire-breathing ability

Zheng Wanqing and Sister No. 5 ran to the gate of 921 and tried again, but the result was the same—there was no crack at all, as if they had attacked a loneliness.

Guo Guo rubbed his eyes to make sure he read it correctly: "This is a wooden door? Are you kidding me, an alloy steel armored bulletproof door! Did your school hide the weapon arsenal behind the door to make it so impenetrable?"

Classmate Jiang shrugged with the body of No. 13: "Look, we have already talked about it."

Facts have proved that not only their underworld method is ineffective for these two doors, but also the way of yangjian is ineffective.

Tang Xinjue brushed away the sparks and dust in the air, and checked in front of the door for a while: "They should have some kind of restriction imposed, not a physical defense, but more like nullifying our attack."

How can I do real damage to these two doors

In the silence, Keke suddenly stepped out of the team.

Jiang Lan called her in a low voice, but in the end she didn't stop her, she just said softly: " careful."

Keke waved her hand, and removed the bandage wrapped around her neck, revealing the dense black runes that criss-crossed and spread to her jaw, making everyone breathe lightly for a moment.

So, is this why No. 3 is wrapped in bandages

"Arsonist and boxer, get ready to attack immediately." She also took off her sunglasses.

Tang Xinjue raised her eyebrows slightly, vaguely anticipating what was about to happen.

Looking at Ke Ke walking this way, No. 5 is unclear, so: "You want to..."

"Shh." Keke pressed her index finger, "Don't ask if you don't want to be bullied, I don't care if you cry."

Suddenly, she stood still in front of the door, closed her eyes, and her voice, which was usually tied with a poisonous tongue, became low, as if she was talking in her sleep:

"Seeing is believing, words are telling. In the next ten seconds, the two doors in front of me will be the same as ordinary wooden doors, concretizing the destruction of all external forces..."

Keke opened her eyes: " the name of truth."

Something is different.

Tang Xinjue was keenly aware of this, and the toilet slammed into the door of 919 like a gust of wind. Zheng Wanqing's punching wind came first, and the two forces overlapped and landed on the door. With a loud bang, the wooden door burst into pieces! The splashed pieces of iron swept across and spread, and everyone within the affected area immediately blocked their heads and quickly retreated in the direction of their teammates' cover.

Jiang Lan broke into the center of the airflow and hugged Ke Ke, who was almost limp, but the latter tried to open his eyes and look to the other side, his brows were tightly knit like hemp rope: "There is not enough time."

The door on Tang Xinjue's side has been opened, but the 921 that No. 5 and No. 6 are in charge of has not been completely burned.

Ten seconds passed in an instant, and seeing that the attack on the door was about to fail again, Ke Ke gritted her teeth and continued:

"Piercing through the false fog, the effective time of the attack will be extended to 20 seconds!"

As the voice fell, the weakening fire instantly rose against the wind, completely engulfing the bedroom door.

This is... Everyone suddenly realized.

Ling Ling!

Keke's language skills obviously come at a price. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth like a broken thread, as if it couldn't be wiped clean. The whole person seemed to be drained dry, pale and withered at an obvious speed.

The gate of 921 was disintegrated in the burning, and the deformed door frame was like a dark hole.

At this point, the two long-sealed dormitories were finally fully opened, revealing the inside.

"You guys, did you really do it?"

Jiang was the first to break in. She muttered to herself in disbelief and walked around excitedly. By the time everyone found the power source and turned on the lights, she had already searched all the two rooms, her face crumpled into a ball:

"No, not a single one, they're all gone."

After questioning, everyone knew that she was referring to the ghosts of the students who were originally here. It is also the ghost images that remind the students of 917 to run quickly in the memory received by the candidates.

Guo Guo questioned: "Aren't you together?"

According to student Jiang's self-report, they are the source of the voice crying quietly on the eighth floor every night in the memory screen, and they are also the students who were killed by the school before the game started. In everyone's subconscious understanding, the student ghosts should be in the same camp.

But judging from the current reaction, they don't seem to understand the information on the ninth floor

"Wait, I seem a little confused, who can explain to me?"

No. 5 raised his hand blankly, "How many ghosts are there in this dungeon?"

Tang Xinjue gave Ke Ke a pill to heal her spiritual power, and after confirming it was safe with Jiang Lan, she nodded and turned to explain the situation to No. 5.

"In terms of race, there are two camps in this dormitory dungeon, one is the wandering ghosts, and the other is us candidates. From the perspective of ghosts, it can also be divided into two camps, one is the original school Managers and ghosts, including the student union, dormitory management, academic affairs office, etc. One side is the students who were persecuted during their lifetime."

"But judging from now, the students are further divided by the dormitory building, isn't it?"

Classmate Jiang broke his fingers to calculate, and nodded with a sullen face: "... that's right."

The dormitory building has 9 floors.

Long before the so-called "duplicate" was formed, the first to eighth floors were already inhabited by living people.

Even among the three dormitories on the 9th floor, only one of 917 lived in the newly recruited students—that is, the subject of the perspective of those memory pictures. In addition, the "walking dead" of 919 and 921 were also surrounded by the black mist along with them. engulf.

Jiang is a student on the 8th floor. To be precise, he was the victim who was recruited into this school last year. They were trapped below for an unknown period of time, and finally set foot on the 9th floor, only to find that the building was empty except for the school administrator who had just turned into a ghost. The two sides had a fight, and when the Academic Affairs Office found out that they were no match for the students, they ran away and hid like thieves until now.

Tang Xinjue concluded: "If the Academic Affairs Office has become a ghost, then the students of 917 should also become ghosts. Not to mention the other two dormitories... But now the fact is that they have all disappeared, leaving only the candidates a memory."

"Could it be that you were punished by the academic affairs?"

Guo Guo asked subconsciously, but after realizing it, he didn't want to believe it.

It's okay to be persecuted during life, but if you are persecuted a second time after death, that would be too miserable!

There was black air on Jiang's head: "They dare!!!"

"This possibility is unlikely. If there are at least forty or more student ghosts on the ninth floor, even if they confront and fight with the Academic Affairs Office on the spot, it is impossible for them to disappear completely in a short time."

Tang Xinjue pointed out the illogicality and concluded: "If you want to know what happened on the ninth floor, you still have to ask the person concerned."

And the only person who might have witnessed everything with his own eyes was the Academic Affairs Office.

No. 5 clapped his hands: "Okay, I understand. So I still have to find the Academic Affairs Office to find out the truth!"

Jiang also agreed: "That's right, we didn't understand the situation at the beginning, so we accidentally let them run away, and we will catch them again this time, ho ho..."

She snapped her fingers.

No. 11 and No. 12 said weakly: "Well, excuse me, what you are twisting is our roommate's hand, the force you are using is too strong, it seems to be fractured, can you be gentle?"

What if you really break your arm and break your leg, what should you do on the 13th

Classmate Jiang: "... Oh, I haven't been physically active for so long, I almost forgot about it."

The group stopped talking nonsense and concentrated on finding clues in the two rooms.

The layout of the rooms here and 917 are simply copied and pasted. There are also 16 beds and a simple and narrow activity space. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a women's prison. After searching for a while, everyone also found some items that seemed to be left by the students during their lifetime.

"Determination, you see."

Zhang You took out a few sheets of paper from the back of the cabinet, on which some crooked handwriting was left mottled with blood.

[Don't believe anything they say... get out of here...]

[Get out of school... run! ]

Tang Xinjue took the paper: "The bloody reminder we saw in the bathroom before should be left by these students."

The people they want to remind should be the girls who were still living in 917 at that time, but it is a pity that things have changed.

Others also found diaries, photo albums and other items, as well as some damaged mobile phones. These things recorded some of the school's evil deeds and criminal evidence, as well as the blood stains on the bedside in the corner as proof.

Jiang was also reminded of some painful memories. He gritted his teeth and said: "After they tricked the students in before, they used violent means to control them, and they often killed people. Later, they were accidentally approached by their parents and paid a lot of money to settle it. It was restrained and changed to confinement and other punishments."

But even so, very few people can walk out of this school alive, and eventually become innocent souls in the dormitory building who will never rest in peace.

After listening to the narration, everyone felt more or less incredible. Guo Guo asked the doubts that had been accumulated in his heart: "So many people have died, so no one cares? No one calls the police?"

The number of missing persons in an entire dormitory building involves not only hundreds of families who spend money to send their children to college, but also tens of thousands of relationship networks. How can it survive for so long

When asked about this, Jiang also showed a hint of confusion on his face: "I don't know... no one has ever taken care of them. Even being approached by their parents is only sporadically twice, and in the end they all died without a problem."

How did this deceitful, dilapidated school survive in the real world? They can't figure it out either.

Layer after layer of mystery, perhaps only by catching those people in the Academic Affairs Office can they understand.

Full of doubts, everyone began to rummage in the dormitory with all their might. People who are injured or have limited mobility rest on beds. No. 5 also took out a piece of candy and ran over to condolences to Keke, apologizing for her venomous tongue before.

"I'm sorry, Ke Ke, I didn't know that your ability is the spirit of speech, and you secretly said bad things about you behind your back."

No. 5 clasped his hands together: "You must have to speak harshly because of the price of the ability!"

Keke rolled her eyes under the sunglasses: "Can't you think of something better, like I'm born with such a bad mouth?"

Even so, she still accepted the candy from No. 5, broke it in half and shared it with Ah Nian who was also lying on the bed recovering from his injuries.

Really fragrant.

A few minutes later, Zheng Wanqing found a new location where she was searching.

She let out a loud yell from Dantian, lifted up a whole cabinet with all her strength, and moved it forward tens of centimeters, revealing the scene behind:

Where the wall should have been, there was a half-meter-high crack!

"This is… "

Everyone gathered around and found that there was still a dark space behind the crack.

"The light from the flashlight can't reach the end, which means that there is a lot of space."

Jiang Lan looked closely for a moment, then got up a bit hesitant: "I have to take care of Ke Ke and Anian, I'm afraid I can't go in and explore. Everyone..."

"You are stupid, just leave this kind of thing to us."

Classmate Jiang snorted and clapped her hands, and a cloudy wind suddenly blew up around her. After circling for tens of seconds, her face collapsed again: "What's the matter, can't you get in?"

The reflection of the female ghosts is that they cannot enter the space outside the cave, as if they were isolated by some invisible force.

This is the case again!

If ghosts can't get out, they can only rely on people.

Everyone looked at each other, and some of them were about to volunteer when they heard Tang Xinjue's voice: "I'll give it a try."

She approached the hole but didn't go in. Instead, she closed her eyes and mobilized her mental power to spread out like stretched silk threads. They were her other pair of "eyes" that could move.

The mental power smoothly entered the dark space, perceived the outline and boundary of the space, and spread outward step by step—

Suddenly, something appeared in the "vision", Tang Xinjue opened his eyes without thinking and reminded:

"Everyone back off!"

Sooner or later, a large group of buzzing and fluttering black flying insects surged up from the hole like a tide, and rushed towards everyone!

"Damn, are those fake and shoddy boy ghosts from before?"

Under the tense process, everyone almost forgot about this, but at this moment they suddenly remembered it.

"Could it be that they belong to the student union? What's going on with Jiang... You vomit such a stinky bug!"

No. 5 raised his hand to breathe fire, but saw a figure calling for help in the pile of black worms, and hurriedly stopped No. 6 to let go. In the next second, the figure turned into a skeleton made of worms, and rushed forward with a grinning smile.


A foot kicked on the skeleton, without any supernatural blessings, but the skeleton was forced to stop in place.

Jiang student manipulated the body of No. 13 to block in front of the skeleton, his expression was extremely pale.

"Don't talk, I need to confirm something first."

"—There are male ghosts in our women's dormitory?"