Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 90: Sanitation surprise inspection


The boy ghost tried to play dumb: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Tang Xinjue: "Then let me say more - the body rots quickly, but the clothes are new, and the black liquid should have rubbed against the space outside the crack. That space can accommodate many adult bodies walking back and forth, in terms of size and From the way of action, it should be a corridor."

"And in this corridor, there used to be students like us, and they were killed and replaced by you. Probably through this, you found a way to leave the original environment and successfully found us."

"It's a pity that you don't have the skills and courage. Even if you have some information in advance, you only dare to come here and pretend to be the dormitory manager to carry out a sneak attack. And after discovering that the ghost belonging to the female dormitory woke up, you immediately ran away and hid here—in this way, you guys Did the memory suddenly become clearer?"


Even if the ghosts didn't say anything, everyone, even the girls and the ghosts, would understand.

The amount of information revealed behind these situations far exceeded their initial imagination.

Jiang Lan frowned: "In this dungeon, there are not only our candidates?"

Jiang suddenly realized: "There are not only girls' dormitories in this dormitory building?"

The boy ghost who was squatting on the ground like a dead fish was also shocked. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Lan, and then moved his eyes to Tang Xinjue and his party: "What the hell... Candidates??"

It turned over a dead fish: "You are still alive? Wait, if you are alive, why are they here... Impossible, you didn't fight?"

All the ghosts flopping on the ground raised their heads in disbelief. They thought that these girls had long been occupied and dominated by the native ghosts of the female dormitory. They never thought that the two parties could coexist harmoniously.

The native ghosts of the female dormitory held their heads high: "Have you ever heard of what is called a temporary united front?"

You can't even do it with the vertical alliance, and you still laugh at them as earthbound spirits? Oh, wood turtle!

Ghosts have a way of communicating with ghosts, and humans have a way of communicating with humans.

After classmate Jiang euphemistically stated that the scene where they tortured their own kind might be a bit anti-human, they recalled the scene of boys spitting bugs, and everyone silently exited the gate of 919, leaving enough space for them to play. Only No. 11, who is worried about No. 13's body, guards inside.

After a few minutes, the screaming stopped, the door was reopened, and the ashen-faced No. 11 and No. 12 rushed out to the toilet, and the sound of vomiting could be heard from a distance.

Classmate Jiang stood in 919 and said hello, "I'm sorry, I used too much force just now. Both arms of this body are dislocated. Can anyone help me straighten it?"

Stepping forward, Tang Xinjue saw that the number of male ghosts had decreased by two, and there was a puddle of unidentified shape of meat paste and black liquid on the ground, and the remaining ghosts were also dying, and they no longer had the strength to lie.

This time, they said everything.

"So the back of the women's dormitory is the men's dormitory. The two dormitories are combined in the same dormitory building, separated by a corridor..."

According to the information given by the ghost, Tang Xinjue quickly drew a new layout.

They thought that the ninth floor was composed of a corridor and three bedrooms, but it turned out that there was another cave.

According to the boy ghost, this building was originally an office building. In order to make the internal structure look like a dormitory, the school built two walls in the middle to divide it into men's dormitory and women's dormitory, and separated a corridor like a secret passage in the middle. , You can also monitor students at any time.

"We were already dead in the men's dormitory, but one day we suddenly found that we could move, and we saw a living person living in the dormitory. Then we received a notice saying that this place has become a copy of the exam …”

The memory of the boy's ghost is similar to that of the girl's. They also wanted to seek revenge from the Academic Affairs Office at first, but found that they could not get out of the men's dormitory after being imprisoned, so they targeted the "candidates" who had just moved in.

The examinees in the men's dormitory naturally regarded the student ghost as the boss of the dungeon, and after a few days, both sides suffered losses. Although the ghost has successfully captured many bodies, there are still a few hard stubbles that cannot be gnawed down. until…

"Until the customs clearance time limit is over." Tang Xinjue's eyes moved slightly, "Then what happened?"

The boy was dejected: "Who knows why those candidates suddenly went crazy, saying that they were cheated and couldn't get out, and then started to destroy our dormitory. I didn't expect them to break out. But we came out If we don't come, we can only watch them leave... Later, after a long time, we gradually came out and found the secret base left by the Academic Affairs Office. Unfortunately, there were no ghosts in it. Where did Sun Zang go?"

"And then, we felt that there was a living person in the women's dormitory, so we wanted to be idle, but we were idle..."

Everyone knows what happened after that.

Student Jiang just felt so bad that he couldn't say anything, and he was so angry that he asked, "So you have been awake for so long, and you didn't even catch the shadow of the Academic Affairs Office?"

So many ghosts killed by the school are still wandering in the dormitory, but let the school hide safely in an unknown corner, using a few ghosts to instigate the students to fall apart, it is a great shame!

The boy ghost was very resigned to his fate: "Oh, if we were awesome, we wouldn't have been killed by this crappy school in our lifetime."

Besides, when they fought with the examinees, their vitality was exhausted. Even if he found the Office of Academic Affairs now, he would probably be a weak chicken rushing to deliver food on a plate, so he might as well stay here peacefully.

No. 5 understands it: "What kind of mentality do you guys have? You can't handle the school and don't want others to have a better time, so you come here to make trouble?"

Filled with righteous indignation, she pointed and pointed, and saw Tang Xinjue shaking the topographic map she had just completed and showing it to a few male ghosts: "Is there any discrepancy?"

The other party raised his eyelids: "It's okay... no, the corridor is too short."

It raised a finger and gestured: "This corridor is very, very long. No matter how long it is, we local ghosts will get lost. I'm not bragging. If you came here, you wouldn't be able to find where the Academic Affairs Office is hiding."

Tang Xinjue nodded: "It's okay, you have already found the way once, and we can get twice the result with half the effort by following the experience of our predecessors."

Male ghost: "..."

After confirming other information in detail, everyone started to prepare to enter the corridor behind the crack after a concise discussion.

They have checked that there is this crack near the corner of 919 and 921, and they are connected to the same space. These holes were not made by male ghosts, but most of them are the passages used by the Academic Affairs Office and ghost ghosts.

In all likelihood, they are hiding in this corridor!

The ghosts in the female dormitory cannot leave here because of the inexplicable restrictions. Jiang can only watch them prepare, "If you find those bastards in the Academic Affairs Office, you must unseal us as soon as possible! We are allies! "

Tang Xinjue: "Don't worry, you are an important combat force. Even if you don't want to do it, I will drag you over to fight."

Only then did Jiang breathe a sigh of relief, and waved his hand: "All the wounded who are inconvenient to move will be handed over to us. Anyway, they are our fault. Don't worry, we must ensure their safety."

Ah Nian, who was injured in a dream before, and No. 15 and Orofei, who are still in a weak state after being possessed, are all people with reduced mobility. Among the remaining people, No. 11 and No. 12 struggled for a moment and chose to stay. One is because they have two roommates here and they really don't feel at ease, and the other is because they really have no fighting power, and they probably can't even resist when encountering evil spirits.

In contrast, they would rather stay with the female bed ghost, and get a little sense of security.

"Then it's decided."

After counting the number of people, ten people are ready to go. The boy ghost was touching his bald head in the corner and snorting secretly, he was secretly cursing them in his heart, but he was picked up the next moment.

Male ghost: "??? Why are you arresting me?"

Zheng Wanqing squeezed him like a chicken with one hand: "We need a guide, I think you are suitable."

"Wait, wait, beauty, I see you are so good-looking, why are you so vicious, I'm a lonely ghost now, and you have the heart to catch me as cannon fodder?"

Ignoring the frantic struggle of the ghost, Zheng Wanqing threw him to the front of the team and twisted his wrist: "My fist looks better, and it can also cure your baldness. Would you like to see it?"

Male ghost: "...why, how to cure baldness?"

The girl said coolly: "It's very simple, just be decapitated."
