Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 91: Sanitation surprise inspection


Without giving the ghosts time to resist, everyone drilled out of the cracks one after another, and soon entered the unknown dark space.

Several flashlights illuminated the surrounding environment at the same time, and it turned out to be a long and narrow corridor. It's just that the walls, floor and ceiling are covered with an unknown black liquid, which is sticky and cold when stepped on, making one very uncomfortable.

Zhang You collected part of it into a collection bottle: "These liquids may be left by the Academic Affairs Office."

Could it be that it affects the student ghosts, making them unable to leave the dormitory area even if they find the passage, so as to ensure the hiding and safety of school ghosts

Everyone was extremely vigilant and groped forward in the corridor carefully.

The boy ghost didn't care: "A group of cowards, what are you afraid of? I've walked back and forth a hundred times, and there's no hair here!"

Zheng Wanqing pressed it, not believing even a word: "Danger doesn't mean you don't have it."

"Cut," perhaps related to its experienced category, the male ghost's tone suddenly became stiff: "You go wherever you want, even if you encounter a hair, I will cut off your head and play it as a ball for you!"


A few clumps of black hair suddenly fell from the crowd and fell to the ground.

Male ghost: "..."

Several people raised their heads silently, and the flashlight shone on the place where the rustling sound was heard, reflecting a vent, and hair squeezed out of the narrow cracks, like rolling in a stationary shredder.

First the hair, then the bloody skin, and then the squeezed and deformed flesh, hanging down in strands like a drawing—

This is a person who was forced down from the vent!

The boy ghost was stunned for a few seconds and blurted out: "Xiaoqian??"

Even though the fallen flesh and blood could no longer see the original appearance of the body, it still recognized the identity of the companion from the perspective of ghosts.

"Is this your new attack method?" Ke Ke, who was sick and leaning on Jiang Lan, taunted coldly: "Can you get a less disgusting one?"

First the bug man and then the noodle man. They are not very aggressive, but they are very hot-eyed.

Unexpectedly, the boy ghost also looked confused: "No, this..."

It scratched its head and reached out to pull the hair in the air: "Hey brother, what are you doing?"

The moment the black hair was grabbed, the minced meat exploded with a bang, and the blood mist splashed down from the vent, drenching everyone!

The strong stench made some people retch physiologically, and they were quickly shunned to the back. Tang Xinjue and Jiang Lan took off their coats and waved away the blood mist in the air, leaving only blood dripping from the vents.

With two bangs, two eyeballs fell to the ground and rolled to their feet.

The male ghost was stunned by the accident, so he was about to pick up his eyeballs in a daze, but Tang Xinjue pushed them away, an ice pick pierced through them, and his eyeballs burst.

A trace of black air floated up from the broken foam, bypassed Tang Xinjue and rushed towards the rear—its target was the male ghost!

When Tang Xinjue realized this, Jiang Lan had already used props to extinguish the black air. Before the male ghost could react, he was dumbfounded and said, "Where is my brother?"

"Your brother is dead, the second time."

Tang Xinjue squatted down and picked up two objects that fell out of the eyeballs from the pool of blood: two red beetles.

The red beetle was completely dead, and she still caught the cold aura left on it—"This is the handwriting of ghosts."

There are about seven or eight ghosts from the male dormitory together with the male ghosts.

Less than half an hour has passed since four of them were caught by them at 919, and the rest ran away with oil on their feet.

During this half hour, the fleeing student ghost was killed by another wave of ghost power, and the corpse was squeezed into pieces of flesh and blood foam from the vent, falling in front of them.

Demonstration... or intimidation

Guo Guo bravely walked up, and when he saw the insect shell on Tang Xinjue's hand, his expression changed: "I'm determined to you, why are you holding two eyeballs in your hand?"

"Eyes?" Tang Xinjue frowned thoughtfully.

At this time, Guo Guo rubbed his eyes again, his expression relaxed: "It turned out to be a bug, I thought it was..."

Thought it was eyeballs.

"...wait a minute," Guo Guo realized something later, with a bitter voice: " wasn't because of my dizziness just now, was it?"

Ever since she had the yin and yang eye ability, her eyesight has been ridiculously good, and she has never been dazzled or mistaken.

Tang Xinjue gave an affirmative answer: "Take a look with your yin and yang eyes."

After two seconds of silence and taking a deep breath, Guo Guo opened his yin and yang eyes again, and gasped: "I still see two eyeballs, the red ones... are still moving! They saw me!"

Amidst the exclamation, Tang Xinjue crushed the insect corpses without hesitation, and then used the toilet to grind them into powder until Guo Guo couldn't see anything.

The onlookers were a little shocked: "What is this?"

"A tool that can kill ghosts and monitor at the same time."

Tang Xinjue dragged the stunned male ghost over, "Call everyone of the same kind you know, right now."

The male ghost struggled: "This request is too difficult, let me think about it..."

Tang Xinjue: "If you can't do it within a minute, your end will be exactly the same as these two bugs."

She threw the ashes onto the other person's face, and said with a more serious tone: "Immediately."

The other party tremblingly wiped his face, lay down on the ground without saying a word and began to call for someone.

The way they communicate is a bit like a mouse digging a hole in the ground. After knocking on the ground for an unknown amount of time, the boy turned pale and said, "All, all are gone."

Except for the few that were trapped in 919, there was no trace of any of the rest that were wandering outside.

Only then did it remember what Tang Xinjue said, and said frightenedly, "Could it be, is it really the Academic Affairs Office?"

It has been hiding its voice and never showing its face, so that the ghosts of the students almost let down their vigilance, but suddenly attack when the students are scattered... Even if it has become a ghost, it can't help but feel chills on the back.

Fortunately, they have been gathering and wandering together before and never separated, otherwise, I am afraid that I would be the one who is now wiped out!

The girls also looked at each other.

If it was done by the Academic Affairs Office, it means that the other party already knew about their actions.

They are being targeted.

Tang Xinjue said firmly: "At the same time, it also shows that our direction is correct. Only in this way will they feel a sense of crisis and obstruct them in every possible way."

And what they have to do is to break through all obstacles and go straight to Huanglong!

The crowd was encouraged and set off immediately, but the lonely male ghost seemed to be frightened, and took the initiative to show them the way: "A place more than 20 meters ahead, that's right. It looks like a dead end, but it's actually torn apart." There are two walls on both sides, and there are two doors inside."

"The door on the left leads to the boys' dormitory. The door on the right leads to the boys' dormitory. I don't know what's inside. It might be the house where the old trash picker used to live. It's full of second-hand electrical appliances and garbage. You don't need to look for it anyway. It's impossible for the Academic Affairs Office to hide there That kind of place. Anyway, when the time comes, you send me to the left... "

"Wait." Tang Xinjue interrupted its idea, and asked coldly, "Why do we send you to the boys' dormitory?"

The boy said ghostly: "... because it may be safer for me there?"

Ke Ke hit the nail on the head: "You want to run away and hide back to your hometown, and you want us to escort you for free."

The male ghost blushed immediately: "Escape, what are you escaping? Can going back to your dormitory be called escaping? You don't understand..."

Tang Xinjue and Jiang Lan had already supported it from left to right, and turned directly in a different direction: "Since, as you said, you can't find the Academic Affairs Office at the end of this aisle, let's explore in the opposite direction."

The ghost quickly howled: "Wait a minute! Wait a moment! You can't do this, you will die if you go to the Academic Affairs Office like this! The Academic Affairs Office is not afraid of you at all, they only fear that the students who have been killed before will unite..."

Seeing that no one listened to it, it didn't care to hide it anymore in a hurry, and shook out its cards: "Send me back to the boys' dormitory, I know how to break the seals on those ghosts in the girls' dormitory! Just let them all out, Make sure you pass the customs directly!"