Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 93: Sanitation surprise inspection


The moment the door was closed, the girl who reacted the quickest rushed to pull the door, but the door seemed to be locked from the outside, no matter how hard she pulled it, she couldn't open it.

"Damn! If I knew it earlier, I would have held it up with something!"

Zheng Wanqing slapped her head hard, regretful.

"It's not your problem." Zhang You stepped back while protecting Guo Guo, while comforting Zheng Wanqing, "If some mechanism is really triggered, or something deliberately locks us here, even if the door is blocked, the result will be the same. "

Zhang You has a cautious personality. He had already thought of the worst outcome at the moment of the accident, and immediately retreated away from the door to a corner that seemed a little safer.

The members of No. 5 were agitated. Before the others could come up with a solution, sister No. 5 had already pulled out the flamethrower: "What's the matter with the door being closed, just tear it down!"

Tongues of fire spewed out, and the licked places burned, and the wooden door quickly ignited a raging flame, and collapsed little by little.

No. 10, who has water abilities, is not afraid of flames. She raised her props and rushed over to kick the door open. However, the door only opened a small crack when she kicked it with all her strength, and the flames spread to her legs instead!

The burning pain made No. 10 a little panicked, and she quickly began to use her powers. Transparent water appeared above her fingers and poured down on the flames on her legs.

The flame on the leg was finally extinguished, No. 10 dragged his limp leg, stood up again with the support of No. 5 sister, and reminded others with a pale face: "This is not right, don't go there, the door is not right!"

No. 5 immediately explained: "Our ability is immune among roommates, and it is logical that she cannot be hurt by our flames. But now..."

Before she finished speaking, the movement at the door attracted everyone's attention again.

"The fire is getting bigger!"

The flames burning on the door panel did not decrease and disappear as No. 5 and No. 6 revoked the ability, but instead grew bigger and even began to spread into the wall!

No. 5 said in an incredible voice: "This is impossible!"

For them, the supernatural flame is as familiar as their own body, and if they want to control it in a certain area, they will never spread out of control. But now-

On the 10th, she had already started chanting the formula to call for water. This time she made a real move, the water curtain poured down from the ceiling, pouring smoke at the door, and choking everyone to cough.

"No, it's not enough..." No. 10's face became paler and paler. The water she summoned was clearly enough to put out such a fire, and even the supernatural fire would not continue to burn. But now the flame has only lightened a little bit, and there is no tendency to be extinguished at all.

Tang Xinjue's voice sounded suddenly, "No need, this is not the fire you just set."

She stared at the door with serious eyes: "This fire comes from outside."

At this moment, the boy ghost finally stopped eating madly under the thicker and thicker smoke, sniffed his nose suspiciously and raised his head, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he raised his arms tremblingly: "The fire...they set the's the fire... They're back! They're going to burn me for revenge!"

The boy ghost screamed, as if he was scared out of his mind by the flames, and started scratching his body frantically, yelling things like don't burn me, get out of here.

You were so frightened before the fire burned inside

Tang Xinjue frowned, seeing the boy's crazy state, his heart sank, and a bad thought came to his mind.

"Jiang Lan, use props to control it!"

Almost at the same time, the boy ghost suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the red threads that he had just eaten crawled out in groups as if they had life. They scrambled to squeeze out from the esophagus, because the number was too large, and even took off the boy's jaw. The rest of the red thread couldn't find its way out, so it gushed out from the nostrils, ears, and even eyes...

Jiang Lan threw a new golden ball, and the ball popped up in the air with the same spider web as last time, covering the boy's body, firmly anchoring the twitching boy, and at the same time just blocking the movement of a part of the red thread from climbing outwards .


The boy ghost could only let out a few shrieks of altered pitch, his body swelled up like air, and there seemed to be countless balls of thread surging and stretching under the skin. In less than a few seconds, the whole body exploded at the peak of swelling!

Everyone expected to see a bloody scene of flying flesh and blood, but they didn't expect that what exploded was only a layer of withered skin, and under the skin there were only dense clusters of red threads, which fell to the ground as the male ghost exploded.

These red threads seemed to have drained the blood from the male ghost's body.

The moment this thought arose in their hearts, the fire spread into the house again, engulfing half of the room in the blink of an eye, forcing them to retreat again.

"No, we'll all be burned to death here!"

Jiang Lan gritted her teeth and frantically thought about countermeasures. Beads of sweat dripped from the top of her head, and her eyes were scorched scarlet by the flames in front of her.

Combined with the crazy and endless fire, and the male ghost talking to himself just before it exploded, a terrifying idea has appeared in their minds.

"Could it be that the current fire is actually a re-enactment of what happened in 916?"

It seemed to confirm everyone's thoughts. From the burning flames, there seemed to be faint screams and wailing sounds, and the figure of a boy struggling and rolling inside could be vaguely seen - separated by a layer of dancing flames, the two had already missed Time and space seemed to overlap again, right in front of them.

Seeing the miserable look of another group of candidates before they died, several of them gritted their teeth, unwilling to believe that this could be the scene that happened to them next.

"Look into the flames."

Tang Xinjue suddenly spoke out.

"We've seen it." There was a hint of despair in the voice of No. 10.

"No, not those shadows." Jiang Lan suddenly realized what Tang Xinjue was talking about, and immediately helped to add: "Look at the ground!"

Through the flames, they could vaguely see the gap in the ground and the red line above. However, at this moment, the red line is not burning in flames... There is not even fire around the red line, so that there are even vacancies in the field of vision.

— as if the flame had deliberately avoided these red lines!

Everyone reacted quickly. They took out the red threads they had stored before, tried to hold them in their hands, and then approached the flame.

In full view, Huo Huo avoided the fist holding the red thread, and even his entire arm... Just as the tongue of flame was about to engulf his shoulder, Tang Xinjue quickly pulled out and said in a clear voice: "Tie the red thread outside the body, we can do this go out!"

Everyone seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and immediately started to act.

The range that the red thread can avoid the fire is about one arm. They wrapped the red thread around their legs and hands respectively, and put the rest in their pockets. There is a gap for people to pass through.

The shadowy struggles and howls seemed to be around them, and the ghosts that had been buried in the flames were screaming in their ears. When a person of indeterminate mind is accidentally influenced, the flames follow.

Fortunately, Tang Xinjue, Jiang Lan and others with strong willpower were scattered in the front, back and middle of a team, and when they saw someone beside them starting to be in a trance, they pulled them forward. The diameter of a dormitory was quickly covered, Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet and slammed the door hard!

The door panel fell, and fresh air rushed into the lungs. Tang Xinjue, who ran out of 920, heard screams from behind before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

That was Fang Guoguo's cry at the end.

Jiang Lanke and others had already ran out, but Tang Xinjue went back to the house against the current, and saw several hideous ghosts had already caught Guo Guo and No. 10 next to her, while Zheng Wanqing and No. 5 And others are snatching people from the hands of the flames.

With the help of Tang Xinjue and Zhang You who came back later, Guo Guo and the others were quickly rescued. Amid the terrible creaking noises in the room, they ran out of the door, and the door frame collapsed behind them.

The collapse of the room did not stop the ghosts from moving, and they floated out of the bedroom door one by one. Some looked as if they had been burned to death, others as if they had been torn apart, while others seemed to be spliced together with many heads turning slowly, staring at the crowd with empty eyes.


The group of people who had just escaped from the flames ran away, and the ghost shadow chased after them. Fortunately, for some reason, they moved very slowly. By the time they chased to the end of the corridor, the figures of the girls had disappeared from what they could "see".

Unable to see the target, the ghost's movements became more sluggish. They wandered around the two rooms 916 and 918, and after finding that there were no traces of candidates in the two rooms, they found a crack leading to the outside in 918.

Hiss... hiss...

One after another, twisted and hideous shadows floated out of the cracks. The dark corridor did not affect their actions. They turned their heads left and right, making sure that there was no one nearby, and then floated to the other end of the corridor one by one.

Hearing the sound of ghosts rubbing against the wall getting farther and farther away, the girls panted lightly with extreme caution, separated by a wooden door.

They had just run to the other end of the corridor, and wanted to go back to the girls' dormitory along the original route, but they found that the hole they came from could no longer be found, and they couldn't break it even after hitting the wall for a while. Seeing that the time was running out and the ghost might come out at any time, they had no choice but to go back to the men's dormitory and knocked open another door facing the men's dormitory.

Fortunately, the male ghost once mentioned that there are two doors at the end of the corridor. One door leads to the boys' dormitory, while the other door is filled with second-hand waste electrical appliances, which seems to be the room where the old man who picked up garbage lived.

After tearing off the wall, they found another wooden door, broke through and hid in the room inside, and used props to disguise the outside.

It would be best if they could temporarily stop the ghost, but if it didn't work...they could only fight with their backs.

Fortunately, the ghosts didn't seem to notice that there was another door here, and soon all floated to the other side of the corridor, leaving them a short chance to breathe.

Zhang You said softly: "How long can we hide here? What if they find out?"

Tang Xinjue grasped the toilet bowl, and his mental power spread outside the door to "look" at the situation in the corridor: "...wait until they disappear."

There is a 60% certainty that these ghost images will not always exist.

Just when she ran out, she observed that the ghosts were not completely incorporeal, and there were more or less traces of red lines on their bodies.

These monsters just born from the flames seem to be closely related to the red thread.

"... And the boy ghost said that it will be strengthened after swallowing the red thread, but the time can only last for a while. After time, the effect will disappear."

Tang Xinjue's voice was almost inaudible in this space, but it was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"If what the boy ghost said is true, then the effect of the red thread is likely to be the same for these ghosts."

While powerful, it is short-lived.

When the effect of the red line disappears, the ghost image will probably also disappear, and then they can go out to find a way to return to the women's dormitory.

"I still feel that these things are the work of the Academic Affairs Office."

Jiang Lan whispered her guess.

"Before we came, everything was as usual. Since we left the women's dormitory and entered here, accidents have occurred one after another..."

Jiang Lan's voice froze suddenly. She turned on the flashlight and shone it on her wrist, which was already bleeding.

The red thread strangled into her skin and began to suck the blood inside!

Everyone suddenly remembered the danger of the red thread, and quickly untied the red thread wrapped around their bodies. The light of the flashlight swayed in the room, and it didn't know where it swayed, and suddenly there was a crisp click.

Then the second, the third...

Everyone stopped moving, and the light shot to the source of the sound, which was a radio.

"Zi la - zi la -"

The radio started to sound, and the hoarse voice fell into everyone's ears.

"Repaired, repaired, repaired second-hand appliances, second-hand furniture, second-hand refrigerators, color TVs, washing machines—"

Snapped. The lights in the room suddenly brightened.